Nibelungen Line 4, a black reality show theater.

"The White Emperor City cast by His Highness Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, has been sleeping under the Yangtze River in Kuimen for many years. During the long years when His Highness Norton was sleeping, the White Emperor City, which was the king's palace, has always had a loyal guard. Guardian, may I ask, what is the real name of this next-generation species with noble bloodline? Please answer!"

After hearing this question, most of the contestants in the spotlight were stunned for a moment, and then began to brainstorm crazily. A few of them looked a little weird, and their right hands were hanging on the four buttons, waiting for the answer options of the question. Appear.

Shao Nanyin also frowned after hearing this question. The real name of the guardian of the King of Bronze and Fire's palace. This kind of question is also super-class for a pure-blooded dragon like her. The main reason is that her rank is too low. The fourth generation is not yet qualified to get in touch with the affairs around those truly big people.

Morgan Freeman took a breath and continued to read out the four answers to the question, "A: Great-grandson B: Samson C: Abimelech D: Aaron."

Many people in the darkness had already clicked the button and made their own answers. Shao Nanyin was a little hesitant. Except for the first obviously wrong answer, she had all the characters mentioned in answers B, C, and D. Know and understand.

Samson in option B is a Nazarite mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible. He was born in Zorah and was a warrior and military leader with natural divine power. Samson was known for his superhuman strength.

Using option B, Shao Nanyin quickly determined that the dragon servant guarding Baidi City should have left his name in the Bible. The names of options C and D also confirmed this, because they can all be found in the Bible. The respective sources can be found in the Bible, so it is easy to rule out option A as the wrong answer.

Aaron in option D is very famous. He is the brother of Moses who parted the Red Sea in the Bible. He assisted Moses in leading the Israelites out of Egypt. After the congregation was established in the wilderness, Aaron was appointed priest.

As for Abimelech mentioned in option C, it is a bit confusing, because there are five people with the same name in the Bible, namely the Philistine king who lived in the city of Gerar, and the son of the former king who succeeded him, Philistine. Achish, king of Gath, the judge, and the son of Eli, the son of Gideon, the judge, these five men were all named Abimelech.

What identity did Beyond Bronze and Fire play when it was active in the era recorded in the Bible before falling into eternal sleep? Shao Nanyin began to work hard to recall. Dragons have amazing memories, but they often erase unnecessary memories. Things that were too long ago have long been blurred. It is still a bit difficult for her to recall those past events in BC. of.

"The answer is B, Samson." Shao Nanyin suddenly heard Lin Nian beside him whisper to her.

She turned to look at Lin Nian, only to find that Lin Nian had said the answer but did not press the button. He had his hands by his side with no intention of answering.

"How do you know?" Shao Nanyin asked. Even she, a pure-blood dragon, didn't know the answer to such an unpopular question. How could the other party know the answer?

Norton’s trusted gatekeeper is Samson? Was Norton playing Manoah or the Messenger of Jehovah during that period? It can’t be God, right? It is not impossible. After all, in Shao Nanyin's impression, in the unpredictable stories recorded in the Bible, the role of God was actually played by different great beings in different time periods. His Highness Norton once served as It is reasonable for God to walk in the world, and it makes sense for Samson to be born into the world as a noble second generation according to his promise.

"I conquered Baidi City, and that second-generation species named 'Samson' caused me a lot of trouble." Lin Nian whispered.

Shao Nanyin slowly turned around and came back. She almost forgot. It was said on the road that the King of Bronze and Fire was killed by Kassel Academy. The main force was the two "S"-class people who were in the ascendant. Lin Nian seemed to be one of them. She always thought that it was a god-making activity that humans exaggerated to promote their achievements. After all, many legends of famous generals and magic soldiers in history were blown out in this way. Achilles, with his invincible power and immortal body, completed twelve tasks. Hercules, who was tasked with a seemingly impossible task, was always very good at boasting.

But looking back now, everyone said that Lin Nian killed His Highness Norton, and she suddenly felt that it was a little bit true.

I've seen a ghost. There is a God-killer sitting next to me. He is the Four Great Monarchs!

".Why don't you answer quickly? No one can win against you in terms of speed." Shao Nanyin could not forget the speed with which Lin Nian picked her up with his bare hands in the Chicago harbor. The other party didn't even bother to open a duel.

"Don't worry, let's take a look." Lin Nian casually pressed a wrong answer and chose the most unlikely "A".

Shao Nanyin directly took a picture of the correct answer "B".

After the question-answering time ended, the entire dark theater began to flash, and circles of LED lights installed under the sofa seats continued to flash. Finally, all the spotlights were extinguished, except for one that was lowered to shine on the lucky person.

It was a woman wearing standard office clerical work clothes. From the spring and summer thin short-sleeved gray suit skirt she was wearing, it could be seen that she entered the Nibelungen very early. Her complexion was not healthy, and one of her earrings had fallen off. However, the makeup on his face has long been covered up by dust and haggard, and his lips are also a little white due to emotional tension.

Lin Nian stared at the woman for a while, and then nodded thoughtfully. Shao Nanyin on the side raised an eyebrow to see Lin Nian's reaction, not knowing what the other party wanted to understand.

"What a surprise. I should have thought that someone more qualified would answer this question correctly. However, things are unpredictable. This is the charm of quiz shows, isn't it?" Morgan Freeman said with a wise smile on his face. , holding the cue card with his left hand, raised his right hand as an invitation, "We invite our first challenger!"

The speaker in the darkness played "Raise Your Glass" by Fan Ma. Amidst the rhythmic and dynamic music, the LED lights on the ground lit up in rows, forming a road in the darkness leading directly to the female clerk under the spotlight.

She lowered her head slightly and tried to cheer herself up, then raised her head, stood up, and walked to the stage along the LED lights to the exciting music. The spotlight followed her along the way until she walked to the front of the stage and was greeted by Morgan Freeman. The guide sat on the right side of the V-shaped chair, and Morgan Freeman sat on the left side.

Morgan Freeman smiled and looked at the somewhat reserved and nervous female clerk. When he was about to speak, the background music gradually weakened and the place fell into silence. "Tell me about yourself?"

"My name is Wang Ruijie, an orthodox "Ling Luo Shou" clerical worker." The female clerk gently held her round-framed glasses with cracks on the left side and whispered.

"Wow! The orthodox elite employees of 'Ling Luo Shou' are not accessible to ordinary people. As far as I know, the attitude of the orthodox 'Ling Luo Shou' towards recruiting people has always been to be smart and capable, with the ability to judge the situation and Only those who are able to observe people's emotions can get along smoothly. This is not an easy job, isn't it? Ms. Wang." Morgan Freeman looked at the audience and sighed.

"I'm just a peripheral member. I usually deal with the working documents of some seniors. It's not my turn to assess the situation and observe what's going on." Wang Ruijie said with some embarrassment.

"Excellent! But I still have a little doubt that I need you to answer. Our background display is in the 'fastest finger' game. You press the correct answer B: Samson as soon as it is read out at a speed of 0.8 seconds. After pressing the button on the side of the sofa, how did you know the answer to this question?" Morgan Freeman tilted his head and asked Wang Ruijie.

"A year ago, when we were responsible for the salvage mission of Baidi City in Kuimen, we discovered a sunken corpse that was suspected to be a second-generation species at the inner gate of Baidi City. After checking the dragon blood genes and the characteristics of the corpse, , experts from the 'Bloody House' believe that it is the 'Samson', God's gifted son mentioned in the Bible, and some documents found in Baidi City can also be compared to prove it. This incident made a big fuss and was It is considered to be the second major discovery after the collection of Norton's body. Later, regarding the ownership of Samson's body, the European secret party emphasized that the eradication of the second generation species was claimed by other half-breeds, so they should own the body. , but after many rounds of coordination, the Orthodox finally let the Secret Party let go and only obtained half of the dragon corpse of Samson. The other half of the body was purchased by the Orthodox through a transaction of "stored gold" and "market value shares". This was part of the incident. I am responsible for handling the reports." Wang Ruijie said in a low voice.

"This is the first time I have heard of this." Lin Nian in the audience whispered, "No wonder the executive department gave me a lot of financial subsidies for no reason for a while, which made me feel a little guilty. Now it seems that I Still got too little, damn it.”

"Have you always cared about killing him or not burying him?" Shao Nanyin also whispered.

"You can't just carry it home in your pocket." Lin Nian replied in a low voice, "That's the orthodox territory after all. It's not easy for the Secret Party to get half of it back."

"The office is like a battlefield. Ms. Wang must have been through many battles. A large amount of document processing has cultivated Ms. Wang's amazing reading speed and text information reception efficiency. Many upper-class people have difficulty knowing the complete information about dragons and hybrids. Ms. Wang has seen and heard all the trivial things, maybe this can help her get a glimpse of our question bank, maybe?"

Morgan Freeman clapped his hands and expressed his praise, "Ms. Wang, you are also a familiar face in our reality show theater. I often see you in the audience, but you have never made up your mind to stand on our stage. Can I ask, What drives you to make up your mind to sit here today?"

Wang Ruijie hesitated for a moment and finally answered, "I just want to go home."

"That's the wrong answer." The smile on Morgan Freeman's face gradually disappeared, "You answered the first question wrong!"

The speakers on the stage made a "ding-dong-dong" sound, and red LED lights crazily circled the stage, illuminating everyone's face with blood!

"Ah?" Wang Ruijie's expression suddenly turned pale and she raised her head to look at the old man.

"Hahaha, just kidding." Morgan Freeman suddenly smiled. The red LED light turned into a reassuring blue, and the heavy background sound also became soothing. A large number of audiences in the audience were all excited. There was laughter.

Lin Nian and Shao Nanyin looked around. The faces of those who laughed were stiff, as if they were completing their work.

Wang Ruijie's frightened expression gradually returned to normal, and she asked rather frightened and entangled, "Can we start directly?"

"Can't wait to win the grand prize? But before that, the necessary rules must be read out." Morgan Freeman said with a smile,

“From now on, every word you say is crucial, and every question you answer correctly will bring you an unknown reward. If you answer 6 questions correctly in a row, you can get the final super mysterious prize! But! Please note that our game does not support giving up midway. Once you choose to give up, all rewards you have received will be cleared and you will be subject to mysterious penalties!"

Wang Ruijie's expression was a little ugly when she heard the mysterious punishment. Lin Nian and Shao Nanyin both noticed this and probably guessed that the so-called mysterious punishment would probably kill the loser.

"Six questions? It's much less than the 15 questions in the reality show." Shao Nanyin whispered to Lin Nian.

"With fewer questions, it might be more difficult and valuable." Lin Nian replied in a low voice.

"Remember, you only have three chances to ask for help. A: Live audience voting B: Remove two wrong answers C: Off-site phone call for help, do you hear me clearly?"

Wang Ruijie faced the dark-skinned old man's deep golden eyes, took a deep breath and nodded, "Listen clearly."

"Then, please listen to the question!"

Morgan Freeman pulled out a brand new question card from his prompter card. The back of the card was a black omniscient eye, and the texture was more platinum. He looked at the question card and said solemnly:

[As one of the well-known mixed-race forces in the East, Orthodoxy consists of three departments, two pavilions, one department, and one room. The seven departments are collectively called "Seven Stars". The division of powers and responsibilities within "Seven Stars" is clear, and the connections between various departments are intricate. But they often work together seamlessly. I would like to ask, which category of the "Seven Stars" should the "Breakhouse" be classified into?

A: Department B: Cabinet C: Department D: Room]

"Deng Deng!"

Heavy and booming music sounded on the stage. At the same time, the countdown time and the sound of heartbeats sounded deafeningly in the dark space. The extremely oppressive atmosphere began to urge the contestants under the spotlight to answer questions.

"Do you know the answer?" Shao Nanyin asked Lin Nian.

"I don't know. I only know about the 'Royal Kitchen Room' and 'Langjuxu', and oh, there is also a 'Tianji Pavilion'. I don't know about the others. But judging from what they were chatting on the stage just now, it seems that there are still There is a department called 'Ling Luo Shou'. There are three departments, two pavilions, one department, and one room. We can first exclude the 'room' in option D. The answers are A, B, and C." Lin Nian did not know in detail. The internal structure of orthodoxy, but I can still reason a little, "In the self-introduction session just now, the woman on the stage said that she is an orthodox person. This question should not be difficult for her. I will give you points."

On the stage, Morgan Freeman lowered his eyes slightly and added before Wang Ruijie answered the question, "Please note that the mysterious reward accompanying this question is——"

The spotlight swept randomly and finally stopped at the depth of the stage. Two puppet-like pacos holding a large box covered with black cloth came with the spotlight, stopped next to the V-shaped seat and put it down.

The black cloth was lifted, and what was revealed under the spotlight was...

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