"Welcome back to 'Who Wants to Be a Dragon Slayer'? I am your host Morgan Freeman." Under the spotlight, Morgan Freeman looked at the stage and said without warning, "After a long wait, let us Putting the spotlight back on our smart quizzes, but also letting us review our questions on the big screen.”

The large screen hanging on the stage lit up, with a blue template showing the first difficult question of the quiz show:

[As one of the well-known mixed-race forces in the East, Orthodoxy consists of three departments, two pavilions, one department, and one room. The seven departments are collectively called "Seven Stars". The division of powers and responsibilities within "Seven Stars" is clear, and the connections between various departments are intricate. But they often work together seamlessly. I would like to ask, which category of the "Seven Stars" should the "Breakhouse" be classified into?

A: Department B: Cabinet C: Department D: Room]

"What does welcome back mean? Who is he talking to?" Shao Nanyin in the audience was a little confused by the host's abrupt speech.

"Talk to the audience." Lin Nian said.

"What audience? Aren't we just the audience? We didn't go anywhere else." Shao Nanyin frowned.

Lin Nian shook his head. They were not the only audience for this reality show. If his guess was correct, according to the emperor's character, I'm afraid everything here would be broadcast live. He would like to know whether it would cause an uproar to the outside world. It's not clear. This is not something he should worry about. Naturally, the orthodox and secret parties will have a headache.

The background sound on the stage was still the dull heartbeat and countdown sound. Wang Ruijie sat on the V-shaped chair, adjusted her breathing, and re-examined the topic over and over again.

"This question is very difficult for people outside of Orthodoxy. But Ms. Wang Ruijie, when you introduced yourself, you mentioned that you have worked within Orthodoxy for several years. As long as you are someone who cares a little about the surrounding environment, "Of course you can answer this question very easily. In my opinion, this question is a bonus question for you." Morgan Freeman smiled and said, "Then let me introduce in advance the rewards for answering this question correctly. "

Morgan Freeman snapped his fingers, and the black cloth covering something like a box that was carried onto the stage by the two puppet-like pacos slowly opened.

With a "click" sound, a spotlight shined from the top, and what appeared in the light source was a book. However, the book was a bit exaggerated. It was visually estimated to be 2 meters long and about 3 meters wide. The weight should be decent, otherwise It won't take two pacos to lift it up.

The cover of the book is a board made of two pieces of cloth, covered with a layer of leather on the inside, and the four corners are inlaid with copper and mithril metal. Judging from the thickness and texture, it should be a parchment book, but it is a shame for the skinned black goat. . There is a metal-polished black goat head inlaid in the center of the cover. The page turning area of ​​the book is also locked with a heavy padlock, probably to prevent the content from leaking or to prevent the parchment pages inside from sliding due to transportation. .

"The Gigabit Code!? Why does this thing appear here?"

In the audience, Shao Nanyin suddenly leaned forward from the sofa chair and looked at the huge parchment book in disbelief. His expression was a little distorted due to the momentary confusion, as if he had seen something that could never happen and just calmly happened. .

""Gigabit Code"? What is that?" Lin Nian had never heard of this title. Although his occult science could get an "A" in the graduation exam, this was only if he memorized the question bank and textbook. The mysticism of the world is always hidden in the dust of history and the claustrophobic abyss. Even those who claim to be masters of mysticism in the mixed-race world are just apprentices to the entire grand mysticism system.

"Things that should never appear here. I remember that it was locked into the library by that adult a long time ago? How could it appear here?" Shao Nanyin stared at the huge book under the spotlight with a strange expression. " Could it be that the emperor found the Great Library?"

Big library.

Lin Nian suddenly turned his head and stared at Shao Nanyin. This was not the first time he heard this term. To be precise, this big library has always been the place that Elena urged him to look for. His understanding of the big library It is limited to the fact that it is a library of dangerous technologies blocked by the previous dragon civilization, and there are many things hidden in it that are several times or even dozens of times more dangerous than the library of the Dragon King of Baidi City.

"Twelve Gospel Spirits to Forgive the Weak" is something in the big library. Yelena's ability to master this technology was probably stolen from that big library - although when she was bragging to Lin Nian She said that this thing was a technology she created herself. Later, most of the dragons thought it was too awesome and banned it. Lin Nian never believed her lies because he asked Elena about it next time. Are you exposing yourself as a dragon? The other person immediately whistles and changes the subject, feeling extremely guilty.

"What's the use of this thing?" Lin Nian asked.

He did not discuss the suspicion that "the emperor found the Great Library" because he knew very well that even if the emperor really found the location, he would not be able to enter. The "key" to the Great Library was in the library of His Highness Norton in White Emperor City. The brass ball he found is still in his hand, hidden in a completely safe place.

"Have you ever heard of the 'Devil's Bible'?" Shao Nanyin stared at the huge parchment book with an unsightly look on his face. "It is a manuscript left over from the pre-dragon era. It contains the complete dragon script, alchemical formulas and forbidden words. , each page depicts a large image of the creator of taboo knowledge, and those creators cut off a part of their souls to live on that page. If you want to get the corresponding taboo knowledge on a certain page, you must get the corresponding taboo knowledge. The Living Trial that inhabits its pages is a book that should be avoided at all costs. Its dark content and rumored curse make it a book that even the bravest and toughest dragons dare not read. The Book of Curses.”

"Is there any relevant knowledge on "Twelve Gospel Spiritual Structures to Forgive the Weak and the Weak"?" Lin Nian suddenly asked.

If it was really what Shao Nanyin said, if he found the corresponding chapter of the "Twelve Gospels" in that book, wouldn't he be able to see the portrait of the creator of this technology? He always thought that the appearance of Yelena in front of him now was not her original appearance. If the Twelve Gospels were really created by her, wouldn't he have the opportunity to see if this delicious and lazy phantom tank had been a lie all along? Himself (Lin Nian once joked that the blonde girl was a phantom tank, and the other party was rarely angry for three days).

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as the words "Twelve Gospel Spirits Forgive the Weak" came out of his mouth, Lin Nian found Shao Nanyin looking at him as if he saw a ghost, "Where did you know this name?"

Lin Nian wanted to say that I not only knew it, but also that it had beaten you, but after thinking about it he still couldn't say it, "The emperor said it before."

Just leave the pot to the emperor.

"That's not something of the same magnitude. The "Gigabit Code" is not qualified to include that technology. I remember that that technology is also ranked high in dangers and taboos in the big library." Shao Nanyin said, "Don't be right. If you are interested in that kind of thing, it is something that the Presbyterian Church once regarded as a crooked way. It is called the path of the abyss in the negative direction of 'force'. Only those with sick minds will try to touch the taboo among the taboos! "

Lin Nian raised his hand to touch his head. Shao Nanyin turned his head and looked over. He touched his nose with his raised hand and then put it down, his face expressionless.

On the stage, Morgan Freeman raised his wrist and glanced at the non-existent watch, then looked at Wang Ruijie, who was looking at the huge "Gigabit Code" silently across from the V-shaped seat, and tapped the back of his hand with his fingers, " Tick ​​Tock.”

Each question had a 60-second time limit to answer, but now there was less than 10 seconds left. Wang Ruijie still did not answer, but stared blankly at the huge parchment under the spotlight.

Morgan Freeman sat on the other side and looked at Wang Ruijie with a smile, "The prize is certainly tempting, but you have to answer the questions correctly to get it! There are still 10 seconds to answer."

The countdown words 10, 9, and 8 appeared on the floor of the huge stage. The dark-skinned old man’s golden eyes looked deeply at Wang Ruijie, who was in a state of confusion. The stage was filled with the loud sounds of heartbeats and countdowns, and the other party seemed to be in trouble. The consciousness of being possessed was completely stripped away from this huge scene.

At this moment, something suddenly flew out of the dark auditorium stage, and hit Wang Ruijie in a daze on the V-shaped seat with a strong wind accurately and hard on the head - it was a woman's flat shoe. , brown, slightly worn, off-brand goods not worth much.

Wang Ruijie, who was hit hard on the forehead by the shoe, leaned back. The weightless feeling that she almost fell off the chair made her come back from her daze in an instant. At the same time, she lowered her head and saw the stage counting down to "3". On the floor, after the brain circuit connected to the truth, he immediately told his answer in a way that was almost screaming and shouting, "I choose 'A'! The answer is 'A'! The Corpse Discovery Center is one of the 'Three Parts'!"

The countdown stopped at "1". Morgan Freeman did not announce whether the answer was correct, but looked back at the dark auditorium where the shoes were flying.

"What are you doing?" Shao Nanyin turned to look at Lin Nian on the sofa chair and asked doubtfully.

"That book is home to multiple living beings. If my guess is correct, those living beings may have already been activated. This is a trap. When the black cloth is unveiled, the person who answered the question has already been activated by the book. She was seduced by her liveliness, and people who are not strong-willed or weak in blood will be in the same state of confusion as her. This is a little trick of the organizer. If there is no answer before the countdown ends, it means giving up." Lin Nian said calmly.

"I know, I'm asking you what are you doing?" Shao Nanyin looked down at his bare right foot, then looked at Lin Nian with a very dissatisfied expression. The pair of women's flat shoes on her feet was now missing one, and her toes, whose black nail polish was almost worn away, looked a little cold when she lightly scratched them in mid-air.

"I didn't think much about it and just threw it away." Lin Nian said.

Usually Lin Nian would do whatever he wanted to do, and then he would be yelled at why he did that. It was not because those people were an afterthought, but because they had no time to stop him.

You fart your mother.

Shao Nanyin turned back indifferently and did not argue with Lin Nian about the matter. He silently took off his other shoe and stepped on the ground with his bare feet.

Lin Nian turned to look at Morgan Freeman on the stage, and his eyes happened to meet the dark-skinned host. He still had a gentle and wise smile on his face, and nodded slightly after meeting Lin Nian's eyes. He bent down and made a welcoming gesture. I guess he didn't mind the rudeness of throwing his shoes at the stage.

"Did I answer the right answer?" Wang Ruijie still had a red mark on her forehead. The flat shoe sole hit her hard. If it had been lighter, it wouldn't have been able to bring her back from her dazed state - mainly because of the flat shoe sole. There was a smell left on the shoes (it wasn't the smell anyway), which made her feel quite palpitated. In that moment of palpitations and the weightless feeling of falling from the chair, the interference of those living things on her was broken.

"Congratulations, you answered correctly!" Morgan Freeman clenched his right fist and waved violently, streamers sprayed out from the edge of the circular stage, and festive music filled the entire dark space. "The reward for the first question is from the old The taboo book of the era, the "Giga Code", measures 2.74 meters long, 3.07 meters wide, weighs 252.6 kilograms, and has 300 pages in total. It records a wealth of alchemy, spiritual language, and dragon script knowledge. Anyone who gets it is equal to getting it. You have obtained most of the cursed wisdom of the old era! 300 living beings cheer for your success, and the Cursed Book is about to reappear!"

"Take her away! Stay away from me." Wang Ruijie's expression changed when she learned the origin of the huge parchment beside her. A forbidden book where 300 living beings were lodged? Or from the old times? This was not something she was lucky enough to endure!

"The Giga Codex has been accumulated into your prize pool. After you successfully challenge six questions, you can take it out of the Nibelungen together with other rewards!" Morgan Freeman clapped his hands, and the two pacos were quiet. He came to cover the huge book with black cloth again and carried it away. He looked at Wang Ruijie and asked with a smile, "It seems that our contestant today likes the effect of the show very much. He doesn't answer questions until the last second. This kind of thing is inconsistent with time." The idea of ​​racing is quite dangerous! I hope the contestants will not challenge my heart and the hearts of the audience next time!"

Wang Ruijie's expression was quite ugly. How could she not know that her lack of concentration just now was a little trick by the other party? If it hadn't been for the help of some nosy good Samaritan on the stage, she might have been defeated inexplicably.

"The next question follows!" Morgan Freeman did not give Wang Ruijie a chance to breathe. "Please listen to the question! The second question!"

[The Secret Party is one of the well-known hybrids in Europe. Its military fortress named "Kassel Academy" cultivates new hybrids to be active on the dragon-slaying battlefield. Kassel College, which is known to be managed by a meritocracy, uses letters such as ‘S’, ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ to classify students into grades, and each grade has its relative meaning at the beginning of its establishment. Excuse me, what does the ‘S’ in ‘S’ level students, which symbolizes the elite of the elites of Kassel Academy and the ace of aces, mean:

A: Super (Super) B: Slave (Slave) C: Sanction (Sanction) D: Saint (Saint)]

ps: I suggest you give it a try and see if you can answer it correctly.

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