"What the hell is this problem?"

As soon as the question was asked, Shao Nanyin couldn't help but complain in a low voice, "Are your secret parties so particular about formalism? What's the specific meaning of 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'? Don't show off." Death, right?"

"Europeans are like this. They are very persistent in the pursuit of a sense of ritual. A straightly ironed suit and an exquisite evening dress will not repeatedly make the steak on the plate more fragrant, but it can satisfy their psychology to a large extent." Lin Nian did not hesitate to draw a clear line with those "Europeans", "You know, I'm just an international student."

"It has to be orthodox. The grading of mixed-bloods is just the 'do' position and other things. There are not so many bells and whistles." Shao Nan Yinrui commented that the Secret Party was not as good as orthodox.

"You think the orthodox one is better because you dragons can better tell when to turn around and run away, and when to have time to shake a little, right?" Lin Nian mercilessly exposed Shao Nanyin's bias. reason.

She was probably still thinking about the last encounter in Chicago. That time with Lin Nian and their group, she was afraid of whoever she chose as her opponent. She knew from the beginning that Lin Nian was a ruthless character, and the 'S' level sounded awesome, so I even booked a plane ticket overnight and prepared to run away, but then I was chased and intercepted. I wanted to pick a soft persimmon and pinch it.

At first, I wanted to pick Chu Zihang, but I kept hearing that pretty girl (Xia Mi) who talked a lot and boasted that his senior brother seemed to be an 'A' level, the leader of a violent organization in the school, and he was very good at wielding the Yama Sword. This lifelike humanoid self-propelled barbecue machine has been specialized in roasting dragon meat for more than 20 years.

She was a little frightened.

It's a bit embarrassing to say that the fourth generation can't defeat mixed-race species, but in recent years, mixed-race species have become more and more abnormal as if they were on hormones. Didn't you see that Chu Zihang, the 'A' class, looks as bad as cold-blooded embryonic killing? Fuck, but that beautiful girl (Xia Mi) is also an 'A' grade, and Su Xiaoqiang is also an 'A' grade. The two girls are as delicious and sweet as Chinese cabbage. This means that the rating of Kassel College is very high, so she Decide to be conservative.

So she finally picked Lu Mingfei, who looked like a soft persimmon. Although everyone boasted that Lu Mingfei was also an 'S' class, compared with Lin Nian, Lu Mingfei's 'S' was nothing. Quite innocent - and then she got a good beating.

True and false, false and true, can't your fucking secret party be the same as the orthodox, and have some gold in your ratings?

Dragons living in human society, especially dragons living in China, all know one truth. When meeting an orthodox hybrid, if the other party is a "Kun" hybrid (which is the case in most cases), it means that you Wave as much as you want. If you say to the other person: "Hold on for a while, the 'fuck' position is about to arrive!" This means that you can waste a few minutes at most. If you see a woman wearing a T-shirt flying towards you with a sword, it means you can consider whether the dragon bones and dragon meat in your body are spicy enough for salt and pepper or spicy enough.

"I think spicy food is good." Lin Nian said coldly.

"You are showing regional discrimination." Shao Nanyin replied subconsciously, and then suddenly looked at Lin Nian with a puzzled look on his face, "Do you know what I am thinking?"

Lin Nian turned his head indifferently. The blond girl sitting on the back of the chair above him, with her feet on his shoulders, held her chin in her right hand and looked at the reality show that continued to be performed on the stage with a smirk.

"You still have 45 seconds to answer." Morgan Freeman looked at the ugly Wang Ruijie in front of him and smiled sincerely. "By the way, if you answer this question correctly, you will receive a Swiss gift worth 5 million pounds." Cashier’s check! So this question is a cash prize question!”

This is no longer a question of whether to reward or not. Now everyone can see that Wang Ruijie on the side of the V-shaped seat is completely stunned. She is not thinking at all, and her brain is short-circuited, because this question is beyond the scope. , does not exist in her knowledge base at all.

Although the secret party and the orthodox officials announced their cooperation, and the two sides exchanged a lot of information and information, and the orthodox even sent exchange students to Kassel College to study and further their studies, the specific meaning of the letters of the class symbolized when they were first created. This kind of extremely unpopular knowledge is definitely something that an orthodox person like her would never have access to.

"I choose to ask for help."

When there were 30 seconds left in the countdown, Wang Ruijie made the only move she could do now.

Morgan Freeman snapped his fingers, and the heartbeat of the countdown on the stage fell silent, which meant that the countdown stopped. When the contestants choose to ask for help, they will enter a separately calculated time, and the original one-minute countdown will no longer take effect.

"You now have three ways to ask for help, A: Live audience voting B: Remove two wrong answers C: Off-site phone call for help."

Wang Ruijie turned to look at the three ways to ask for help on the big screen, stared straight at C, and then said decisively, "I choose C, call for help outside the venue."

Morgan Freeman waved to the puppet Paco, who came over and held an old-fashioned rotary dial phone in his hands and placed it in front of Wang Ruijie, "Can you use it?"

Wang Ruijie nodded, put her fingers into the dial and started dialing. Since modern mobile phone numbers are longer, the dialing process was also a bit lengthy. Morgan Freeman just smiled patiently and waited.

"Interesting." Lin Nian said suddenly while looking at the old-fashioned dial-up phone.

"What's interesting again?" Shao Nanyin felt that he was a compliment, but he still couldn't resist his curiosity and asked one more question.

"The principle of this old-fashioned dial telephone is to send out a pulse current through the mechanical structure to control the on-off circuit. One pulse represents the number 1, two pulses represent the number 2, and so on, 10 pulses represent 0. These pulse currents will transmit Go to the automatic exchange, and then use the number you dialed as a transfer station to connect to the other side." Lin Nian stared at Wang Ruijie who was dialing.

"All electromagnetic signals in the Nibelungs are shielded. I always thought it was due to the natural magnetic field, but now it seems that there is a certain node deliberately disrupting the signal. If this reality show can really make calls. , then it means that the principle here may be that they are transmitting to a node through pulse current as an information carrier. After the node receives the signal, it opens a separate 'backdoor', allowing the person who sends the pulse signal to make interference-free radio contact with the outside world. .”

"What you mean is that if you can find the node where the pulse current is sent, you can find a way to disguise the signal and let the other party open a 'back door' for you to contact people outside the Nibelungen." Shao Nanyin's mind turned quickly and he was quite relaxed. He understood Lin Nian's meaning clearly.

The phone call on the stage was dialed. Wang Ruijie picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. The "beep" sound of the phone connection was heard throughout the stage. It was obvious that the content of the call was not mentioned in everyone's ears.

"A small reminder, this call is only for answering questions. If any information about the Nibelungs is disclosed to the outside world, or information is exchanged in any coded form, or talks have nothing to do with answering questions, then the program team will It will be deemed that the person who answered the question has given up the opportunity to ask for help and will hang up the call directly." Morgan Freeman said suddenly, his deep golden eyes looked at this woman with a rather teasing and playful look, completely seeing through the other person. What's on my mind.

Wang Ruijie suddenly looked at him with an ugly expression, but soon, the next second, the call was connected.

A 60-second countdown pops up on the big screen. This is the time limit for calling for help. After the time is up, the person who answered the question must give their answer immediately.

"This is the 'Jiuzhou' hotline. Please check the password to verify your identity information." A plain female voice sounded on the other end of the phone. It was nice and sweet, but without any emotion.

In the stands, Lin Nian made a "go" sound. He seemed a little surprised that Wang Ruijie was so courageous and directly called the orthodox supercomputer. I have to say that this choice was quite correct. If it weren't for Morgan Free With the rule added by Mann, she was very likely to inform the orthodox Nibelungen intelligence within one minute, and she could get the absolutely correct answer to the question through this supercomputer.

Wang Ruijie was about to open her mouth to check her identity information, but she suddenly saw Morgan Freeman put a finger in front of his lips and shook his head gently, and his expression immediately froze.

Checking identity information is also included in the "talking about things unrelated to answering the question" rule.

"Trouble." Lin Nian said.

For example, in "Norma" or "EVA", the identity of the specialist who makes the call must be verified through a secret word before all functions can be officially activated. This is the underlying logic problem of the supercomputer. Your secret word symbolizes your status in the supercomputer. Permissions, if you don't answer the correct secret phrase, then you are just an ordinary "tourist" in front of the supercomputer.

"In Kassel Academy under the rule of the European Secret Party, what does the 'S' stand for in the 'S'-class hybrids? A: Super (super) B: Slave (slave) C: Sanction (sanction) D: Saint (Saints)" Wang Ruijie could only bite the bullet and ask her question directly.


There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Wang Ruijie's expression was quite ugly.

Lin Nian watched this scene in silence in the audience. If he guessed correctly, the other party would hang up the phone immediately. Super computers all act according to the logic that has already been written, and there will be no "It seems interesting, by the way." Answer your question!" Such strange behavior.

But to Lin Nian's surprise, the supercomputer called 'Jiuzhou' answered on the other end of the phone, "I can't trace your location through this call, but judging from the voiceprint database search results, your The voice line is 99.2% consistent with a current member of Ling Luo Shou, a mixed-race internal affairs officer named Kun who was listed as missing on January 31, six months ago."

Wang Ruijie's eyes showed hope, but she could not respond to Jiuzhou's words.

"You have neither denied nor admitted it. There is a 20% possibility that it is a prank, a 10% possibility is something else, and a 70% possibility is that you are in a restricted state and cannot answer me on your own initiative. Make this call. The main purpose is to ask for help, and the key to asking for help lies in the question you asked." Jiuzhou said, "Based on the current special situation, there is a 20% chance that you will be controlled by the secret party, and a 10% chance of falling into the hands of hunters. , the 10% possibility is something else, and the 60% possibility is that it was trapped in the Nibelungen in the subway, which can also explain why I can't trace the source of your phone call."

Wang Ruijie couldn't confirm Jiuzhou's inference, but the other party's tone was quite calm. She didn't need to confirm it. She just gave the answer to give the operator in trouble a signal: I already know your situation. There is no need to panic. I will never give you up.

"What's the answer to that question?" Wang Ruijie asked quickly when she saw the countdown on the phone on the big screen was running out.

"The possibility of being in a restricted state has been increased to 90%. At the same time, this call has a time limit, which is probably 60 seconds, so we still have 15 seconds of call time." Jiuzhou said, "The answer is A: Super. The Chinese translation is Super. The 'S'-class hybrids were agreed to be 'super hybrids' in the context of the European Secret Party, and the name was named by a member of the Secret Party Elder Council. At the beginning of the founding of Cassell Academy, the American DC Comics (Detective Comics)'s superhero, Clark Kent (Superman), is popular all over the world. Influenced by comic elements, the 'S' of the 'S'-class hybrid agreed to be the 'S' of 'Superman'. In the comics, Superman's 'S' symbolizes 'hope.' So to be precise, the 'S' class symbolizes the 'hope' of hybrids."

"'Huoyue' has led the orthodox advance troops to break into the Nibelungen. The Dragon King's crusade has officially begun. Operators in distress must ensure their own safety and stay where they are to wait for rescue. Orthodox will not give up any of our compatriots and keep hope. , we will be by your side soon." Jiuzhou read out these words smoothly at the last second of the countdown on the big screen.

The phone hangs up.

The stage fell into silence. Morgan Freeman looked at Wang Ruijie and said, "The 60-second countdown is over. So, what is your answer?"

"A, I choose A." Wang Ruijie said without hesitation, her face vaguely glowing with a fighting spirit she had never seen before, which was the hope of living.

"Congratulations, you answered correctly! You will get a Swiss bank cashier's check worth 5 million US dollars!" Morgan Freeman waved his fist, and ribbons sprayed out from the edge of the stage again, and passionate music and sweeping spotlights swept the audience. .

In the passionate dance of noise and light, Shao Nanyin lowered his head and complained to Lin Nian, "Does it really mean 'Super'? It has no cultural connotation."

"Superman was an outstanding cultural symbol in his most glorious days. At that time, American society was in an era of economic downturn and soaring crime rate. The emergence of the virtual character Superman was a shot in the arm for that country. As a cultural connotation, Superman is quite qualified and even outstanding." Lin Nian refuted Shao Nanyin's view, "The blind pursuit of gorgeous words and unnecessary appearance is a performance without connotation."

Shao Nanyin neither refuted nor agreed, his attitude was ambiguous.

"Then there is the third question." Morgan Freeman said, "The top ten villains refer to some negative characters described in the Bible. In real history, which of the following characters' true identity is a dragon? Not hybrid or human?

A: Cain B: Judah C: Jephthah D: Abimelech. "

"That's it, the history questions are still questions about real history." Shao Nanyin said, "I'm afraid you mixed-bloods can't answer this kind of forgotten history."

Just as Shao Nanyin said, Wang Ruijie, who had only been encouraged by Jiuzhou to be full of fighting spirit and hope, now turned pale again.

"By the way, as the third question, the reward for this question will be extremely generous. If you answer it correctly, the program team will offer 'Pride' from the 'Seven Deadly Sins' as a reward!" Morgan Freeman clapped his hands, Two pacos raised a majestic and simple eight-sided Han sword under the spotlight!

ps: Regarding the repetition of the question at the beginning of the last chapter, I saw someone saying that I was too short on word count. In fact, I seriously considered whether to repeat it because I knew I would be criticized for being too short on word count.

But in order to lay a deep foreshadowing, I repeated it in conjunction with the host's lines.

This foreshadowing will only be revealed by Long San.

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