Shao Nanyin remembered asking Shao Nanqin the simplest question before when he didn't know much about the so-called "complex emotions" in human society, "What is jealousy and what is envy?"

This question seems quite idiotic, but it actually troubled Shao Nanyin for a while, because in the Dragon Clan's world view, there is only one similar emotion - "greed". If you have something that I don't have, then I can just kill you and grab it. If I suddenly find that I can't beat you, then OK, I'll just beat you to death and wait for the resurrection CD.

Human emotions such as envy and jealousy seemed strange to her. Humans also divided these two words with similar meanings into "good" and "bad".

The explanation given by Shao Nanqin is, "Jealousy means that others don't have what you have, so you don't want others to have it. Envy is different. Envy is when you see that others have it and you want to have it yourself, but you don't want others to have it. For example, Nanyin, you You are smarter and can talk better than me, so I envy you, but I am not jealous of you, and I don’t want you to become a fool like me.”

At that time, Shao Nanyin suddenly felt that human beings seemed to be more fragile and pitiful than he thought. Those delicate emotions were like carvings on carrots. They were born to be eaten, but they still looked so beautiful and touching, destroying them. Doesn't it seem a pity? So she touched her nominal sister's head to comfort her and said, "Don't be jealous of me. You are so stupid. If I am as stupid as you, who will take care of you?"

Shaonan Qinlei is in full bloom. If I give you a metaphor, you are really out of breath. Haven’t you ever envied what others have and what you don’t have?

Shao Nanyin said arrogantly, "How is it possible? I have everything that others have. Even if I don't have it now, I can get it whenever I want!"


The sound of thugs.

Shao Nanyin retracted her hand and looked angrily at Lin Nian, who showed no signs of having done anything. However, there was indeed a red mark on the back of her hand. There were not many people who could make the red mark out of her.

"What are you doing?" Shao Nanyin asked him in a low voice, "Can you finish eating so much food? Give me some."

If it were normal, she would definitely not care about these crappy snacks from the last century. If she wants to eat Quanjude, she can eat Quanjude, and if she wants to spend time in Xinrongji, she can go to Xinrongji. Some people rush to pay for her and even beg her to take a seat. ——But this time was different from the past. She was really hungry and was tied up in the maze by the emperor like a dog.

Although she was on the edge of the maze and was not affected by the fast hunger rule, the self-healing of the dragon blood factor after being beaten would always consume energy. She could not produce this energy out of thin air. When she met Lin Nian, she was already He was so exhausted that he had no extra energy to heal himself from some insignificant flesh wounds.

"Spare some, you won't be able to finish it!" Shao Nanyin's few corn candies have long been finished, and they are not enough for her to chew. Supplementing sugar can be regarded as a more efficient way to restore energy, followed by the intake of fat and carbohydrates. It comes in, but the supplement is still meat with dragon genes. It's a pity that she hasn't eaten humans for many years.

"It might be poisonous inside." Lin Nian stopped Shao Nanyin's thieving hand and threw a large handful of Mai Lisu into his mouth. He bit it so neatly that Shao Nanyin even suspected that he swallowed it without biting it into pieces. Greedily, she stretched out her hand again.


"Poisonous." Lin Nian opened the other party's hand.

"You're so happy eating it when it's poisonous?" Shao Nanyin thought this guy was really a stingy guy.

Lin Nian ignored him and swept away these high-sugar foods at an extremely fast speed. Shao Nanyin was angry to find that this guy actually used "moment" to speed up stuffing things into his mouth in order not to share them with him. speed! That's called a wind and the residual cloud, almost eating up the residual image!

The other eyes in the audience quietly gathered here, all jealous and confused by this different treatment. Many people's eyes were red, and the idea of ​​robbery came up countless times. Under the golden eyes of the pacos in the dark, they looked at each other. extinguished.

All of them are poor people trapped here receiving subsistence allowances. Why did this guy eat at the buffet as soon as he arrived? Do you dare to be more crazy?

Lin Nian drank up the Arctic soda in his hand, raised his hand and threw the bottle to the ground. The sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the quiet reality show stage.

He told them with practical actions, and it was really okay.

A paco suddenly appeared next to Lin Nian, "Are you dissatisfied with our service?"

"Take five more bottles, shake them well, open the caps, and let out all the air." Lin Nian said.

Crazy? Everyone suddenly came up with this idea.

Anyone who has been around this reality show for a while knows that things like paco, which look like disposable consumables, are actually not easy to bully. On the contrary, they have very high authority in this place. Some people try to use paco Take advantage of yourself or vent your emotions, but before you do it, your head will explode.

Yes, literally, the head exploded, like a watermelon that was stretched to the limit by a rubber band, and the juices overflowed.

"Five bottles of Arctic Ocean? What flavor do you want?" Almost everyone's attention was shocked. In front of Lin Nian, the mysterious and dangerous Paco, although still expressionless, behaved like a loyal dogleg, "Other than that Do you want anything else to eat?"

"Send them all as they are," Lin Nian said. "I want two barrels of Malice, but no bubble gum. It will be troublesome to eat."

"Do you need anything else besides this?"

"Is there any meat?" Lin Nian asked.

"We're really sorry, but we only have nostalgic snacks in our food storage warehouse, not deli food or meat."

"Forget it, get some more sugar."

"Ok, no problem."

"Besides." Lin Nian noticed from the corner of his eye that Shao Nanyin kept pointing at her own, with a very vivid expression, "Give my friend an identical one."

"No problem." Paco agreed without even looking at Shao Nanyin. After agreeing, he slowly retreated. Shao Nanyin stared at her and said, "Run faster, or your legs will be broken."

I guess she was quite dissatisfied with Paco's scornful treatment of her before, but now she finally took advantage of others.

As soon as Paco walked away, Shao Nanyin reached out and grabbed Lin Nian's collar and stared at him and said, "Honestly, what does the emperor have to do with you?"

That is to say, Shao Nanyin had no ill intentions, and she had a reason to do so. Lin Nian did not put her down on the ground and gently wiped her hand away, "It doesn't matter."

"The privilege can only come to you. You are not the emperor's illegitimate son, are you? Have you run away from home?" Shao Nanyin looked at this guy suspiciously.

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin Nian said, "Especially if it involves a blood relationship between me and Him, it will make me very uncomfortable."

"Then let me put it another way." Shao Nanyin took a deep breath, "For your 'face', can you ask Him not to touch Nanqin? This is my only request. If you can do it?"

Lin Nian waved his hand, indicating that she didn't need to say any more, and Shao Nanyin fell silent immediately, because Lin Nian's wave of his hand was not a rejection, but a signal for her to recognize the reality.

She didn't continue talking, sat back in her chair, and waited quietly until the pacos came one after another with boxes full of snacks. A large pile of food was placed in front of her and Lin Nian, and the two of them said nothing. They began to eat happily, and downed five bottles of deflated Arctic Ocean soda. A large amount of sugar was converted into energy and filled the two people's bodies.

Under the envious gazes of the large circle, Lin Nian and Shao Nanyin finished eating. At this moment, the blue quiet light source was lit again on the stage. The spotlight was turned on with a "click" sound, and Morgan Freeman stood on the stage. Center stage.

The blood stains left by Paco's body around the stage have been cleaned up, and there is no trace of the body. He opened his hands and bowed slightly, "The intermission is always short, so let's go back to the exciting question and answer session. As usual, we will There will be a 'fastest finger' to decide who will be the next challenger!"

The spotlight was turned on again, illuminating more than twenty potential challengers. Among them, Lin Nian and Shao Nanyin were still finishing the last snacks quite unhurriedly. Their cheeks were a little bulging after eating. This kind of discord The host should have scolded him for his polite behavior, but the other party nodded in Lin Nian's direction with a smile on his face, which probably meant that he should eat slowly and be careful not to choke.

"Please listen to the question!"

It wasn't until Lin Nian chewed up the diamond candy and swallowed it that Morgan Freeman glanced at the prompt card in his hand and slowly announced the topic,

"The school song of Shilan High School has always been a traditional program at the opening of the school anniversary performance. The elite students wear uniforms and sing the beautiful school song under the blue sky and white clouds. However, there are always students who are lazy and even forget the correct lyrics of the school song. , for example, which of the following lyrics is the correct third sentence of the second section of Shilan High School!

A: Cheer me Shilan, Shilan will win. Keep up the good work, don’t retreat but make progress.

B: Drink my Shilan, Shilan will win. Keep up the good work, never retreat but make progress.

C: Cheers to me, Shilan, Shilan will win. Keep up the good work and make progress without retreating.

D: Enjoy my Shilan, Shilan will win. Keep up the good work and make progress without retreating. "

The entire audience was stunned, and the expressions of the twenty or so people who answered the question were froze when the spotlight shone on them. Even though most of them were just going through the motions and did not expect to actually go on stage to answer questions, they were still fascinated by this rather abstract question. The question caused my brain to short-circuit.

The school song of Shilan High School? What kind of high school is Shilan High School? Is it an institution at the same level as Tsinghua University and Peking University? Is there any high school in China that is so famous that his school song should be known to everyone?

Shao Nanyin looked at Lin Nian aside with a ghostly look on her face. She had stayed in that coastal city for a while and naturally knew about the existence of Shilan High School. She was now 100% certain that Shilan High School must be someone's alma mater!

Damn it, no more acting, right? Just open the back door!

While everyone was in a daze, Lin Nian had already gently tapped the button on the armrest of the sofa when the host finished reading answer C, and then continued to eat the remaining snacks.

When everyone finished answering and the answers were tallied, not surprisingly, all the spotlights were turned off, leaving only the light on Lin Nian's head. Morgan Freeman applauded vigorously, "How can he answer such a tricky and unpopular question correctly?" ! It seems that this time our answerers have strong power! We have invited our new challenger to appear!"

Lin Nian stood up, pushed a lot of leftover garbage to the ground, and walked to the center of the stage under the spotlight.

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