"Welcome back to 'Who Wants to be a Dragonslayer?', I am your old friend Morgan Freeman. After sending off the last challenger, our stage once again welcomed a new qualifier! This time we The challenger is full of confidence, and it can be seen from his temperament and eyes that he is very likely to become the first contestant on our stage to answer six questions correctly!"

Cheers, applause, and the passionate music on the stage sounded together. Morgan Freeman was quite qualified as the instigator of the atmosphere, but everyone could feel that Lin Nianyi’s spare no effort in cheering and advocating after he came on stage was simply overwhelming. A completely different person than before. Wang Ruijie, who has become a thing of the past, looked like he was raised by his stepmother. Those who didn't know better thought Lin Nian was Morgan Freeman's illegitimate son, but obviously their skin colors didn't match.

"Introduce yourself!" Morgan Freeman asked Lin Nian to take a seat, and they sat on the V-shaped chair together. The expression on his face was quite vivid and full of enthusiasm.

"Is this a necessary process?" Lin Nian asked instead of following Morgan Freeman's words.

"It's not a necessary process, but I think a reality show should always have some rules. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't want to abide by these rules. After all, our theme is answering questions, and hard power is the most important."

As soon as Morgan Freeman opened his mouth, Shao Nanyin in the audience wanted to "boo". What kind of top-notch rhetoric is this? It can't be used to smooth things over, right? The thoughts of protecting are about to overflow!

"What do you call it?"

"Lin Nian."

Morgan Freeman smiled and said, "Okay, challenger Lin Nian, can you tell me your age? Can you reveal this? You look very young. You may be the youngest challenger on our stage. The winner!"

Lin Nian thought for a moment, then approached the microphone propped up in front of the V-shaped seat and said calmly, "19 years old."

"You're 19 years old. Are you working part-time?"

"It's a student."

"Student, do you have a girlfriend?"


"When did you date?"

"last year."

"My girlfriend I dated last year, what a pity! I'm afraid the female audience members at the scene felt sad for a moment!" Morgan Freeman crossed his legs, put his hands on his knees and bowed slightly, saying a quite He faced the stage and Lin Nian in a casual chatting manner, "Is this your first love?"

"So what?" Lin Nian asked.

"First love is good, the most pure and flawless love. Acting impulsively only for the most primitive feelings. There is no impure purpose, only the most sincere and passionate feelings! In this complicated world, this purest love There is very little love anymore." Morgan Freeman spoke in a cadence, which was quite consistent with his voice for dubbing various science and education films. "You must cherish this relationship! If you can keep it until the end, it will benefit you throughout your life. wealth!"

Lin Nian did not answer the question, but looked at the dark-skinned old man who often appeared on the big screen calmly.

"Okay, Lin Nian, the rules of this challenge are the same as the previous ones. It will be divided into six questions. After each question is answered correctly, your prize pool will be accumulated accordingly. If you answer the question incorrectly, you will get nothing. Likewise, you You have three chances to ask for help, are you ready?" Morgan Freeman raised his voice, straightened up and asked.

"Ask." Lin Nian glanced at Paco standing in the four dark corners of the reality show hall and said.

"Okay, since we have talked about first love and love before, our first question must be about love-related issues." The dark-skinned old man adjusted the microphone in front of him, leaned forward and stared at Lin. Year, "Our conversation continues with a topic. As we all know, Shilan High School has passed down a mysterious list called 'The Killing List' for generations. The people on the list are regarded as heroes by all the boys in the high school. The number one rival in the competition, and the person who always ranks at the top of the list is an outstanding student named 'Chu Zihang'!"

When Lin Nian heard Chu Zihang's name, he sat upright and his expression became a little subtle. He probably didn't expect that the title of this crappy reality show would come to this.

"Chu Zihang has a good character, is a moral model, and has no bad habits. At the same time, he has a character that most boys find difficult to achieve - he will never fall in love prematurely! This character is like the Buzhou Mountain that supports him to become an immortal The myth also prompted countless girls to imitate Gonggong and hit Buzhou Mountain angrily, but in the end they only got a bloody head."

Lin Nian's eyes slowly narrowed, feeling that this problem seemed to be getting more and more wrong.

"But as we all know, as time goes by, stones will always bloom, Easter statues will also be attached to the petals for a moment, and Buzhou Mountain will fall one day." Morgan Freeman raised his voice, "First question! Please listen to the question. Excuse me. , among the following four options, which one is the object of 'Chu Zihang''s first love affair?

A: Su Qian B: Xia Mi C: Chen Wenwen D: Liu Miaomiao"

The sixty-second countdown began, and the question appeared on the big screen. Lin Nian looked up at the question on the big screen and the four answer options below, feeling a little stunned.

Not to mention that he was stunned, the entire audience of the reality show fell into dementia. Even they who had experienced countless question and answer sessions had never seen such a weird question. They had seen geography questions, history questions, and so on. I have seen math questions, and even political questions, asking the answerers who was the most outstanding politician in the dragon era in real history. But this is the first time they have seen this fucking gossip question. Is this really a question in the question bank? ?

Shao Nanyin's expression looked like a black question mark. If she remembered correctly, Chu Zihang was the boy who walked with Lin Nian in the Chicago Harbor incident. Why did he appear in the question bank? He's not so handsome that it makes people cry. Is he worthy of a special question to attract attention?

"Tell the truth, did you make up this question?" Lin Nian finally couldn't help but ask.

"This is the biggest question for me as a host." Morgan Freeman shook his head, turned over the teleprompter card in his hand, blocked the answer at the bottom with his finger, and showed it to Lin Nian and the entire audience in a circle. , the questions above are indeed already printed, from the question stem to the answers, they are exactly the same as what he just described. There is even the number of the question in the question bank in the upper right corner: 5-D-321.

"What does that number mean?" Lin Nian also noticed the number.

"5 means the fifth category of questions, D is the abbreviation of 'Drama', and 321 is the 321st question in this category. Together they are 'Fifth Category, Drama Department, Question No. 321.'" Morgan· Freeman shrugged and said, "Are you still struggling with this? There are only 40 seconds left to answer the question!"

Lin Nian raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose. He turned to look at the audience and found that the blond girl was sitting on his sofa and spreading her hands. It probably meant that she couldn't help with this kind of problem.

"I, I need to call for help." Lin Nian said in a low voice.

"What a surprise! I didn't expect that our highly-anticipated contestant Lin Nian would ask for help on the phone at the first question!" Morgan Freeman raised his hand and snapped his fingers to pause the countdown. A paco picked up the familiar black dial The telephone was placed in front of Lin Nian.

Lin Nian picked up the phone and dialed the phone number in his memory. In the pleasant "buzz" sound, the long number was successfully dialed, and then there was a long wait. While waiting, Morgan Freeman stood in front of Qing asked, "Before the call is connected, can you reveal who you made this important call to?"

Lin Nian didn't answer him, but waited patiently for the call to be connected. Finally, when it was almost more than a minute, the phone made a "click" sound, which meant that the other party picked up his call, and the sixty-digit number on the screen The second countdown also started.

"Huh? Why is this number so weird? What's wrong with all the garbled characters? Hello? Moses Moses? Who's that on the other side?" A rather pleasant and lively girl's voice sounded on the reality show stage.

"Xia Mi, I'm Lin Nian. Is Chu Zihang next to you now?" Lin Nian asked.

"Ah? Senior Brother Lin Nian? Didn't you go to the Nibelungen? Did you not find the entrance or something?" Xia Mi on the other end of the phone was quite surprised, "Senior Brother is next to me and we are having breakfast. Didn't you say Let us wander around to avoid the spies of orthodox and other interested people? After breakfast, I plan to take my senior brother to Deyun Club to watch cross talk, and then go to the zoo to see lions in the afternoon. We will go where there are many people. "

He vaguely heard Chu Zihang's voice on the other end of the phone, asking Xia Mi who was calling.

"Give the phone to Chu Zihang." Lin Nian said.

A few seconds later, the voice on the other side of the phone changed, calm and calm, "Lin Nian?"

"I am." Lin Nian said, "Since you answered the phone, I will keep the story short. I encountered some strange troubles in the Nibelungs, and now I need your help."

"." There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Lin Nian was silent for a few seconds and said, "I know this statement is a bit like a phone scam. I won't let you transfer money to my card or anything. I'm just asking you a question that only you know. I need it very much now." The answer to that question.”

"Just ask." Chu Zihang on the opposite side did not worry about whether the Lin Nian on the other end of the phone was real, because the other party knew that he could only contact Xia Mi by dialing his number now, which proved that the other party must be the real one - —Chu Zihang’s mobile phone was destroyed in the battle with Jingguan, but Xia Mi’s mobile phone accompanying him was in normal use.

"Then let me ask." Lin Nian nodded and said, "Su Qian, Xia Mi, Chen Wenwen, Liu Miaomiao, do you know these people?"

"Except for the last one, I know them all." Chu Zihang said.

"Liu Miaomiao, Lu Mingfei's classmate, performed the piano piece "Winter Wind Etude" before you during the school anniversary performance. That time you performed the cello piece "Schindler's List". After the performance, she I asked you to take a photo and ask for an autograph, but you refused on the grounds that you are not a well-known performer and playing cello is just a common hobby," Lin Nian said.

"I have an impression. What's wrong with these people?" Chu Zihang, who was standing in front of the mirror with his mobile phone in the bathroom, nodded and asked.

"." Lin Nian narrowed his eyes.

Morgan Freeman folded his hands and looked at Lin Nian happily. At the same time, the countdown on the phone on the big screen may be an illusion. Why does it feel like it is getting slower and slower? It has only been less than 15 seconds until now. , there is still a full 45 seconds of call time left.

"What's wrong, don't you want to ask me a question?" Chu Zihang asked.

"Is it convenient for you to be around now?" Lin Nian reminded rather tactfully.

On the other end of the phone, Chu Zihang paused and looked at Xia Mi, who was struggling with the burnt circles of bean juice across the table. The sunlight outside the breakfast shop shone on the table, painting the girl's cheeks like a cat's whiskers. Shadow, because of his improper eating habits, has a slight ring of white bean juice on his lips, like a stupid cat stealing milk.

"I can find another quieter place." Chu Zihang stood up.

Lin Nian wanted to say no, but after a moment he heard Xia Mi's faint voice asking Chu Zihang what was wrong on the other end of the phone, and immediately changed his mind, "You should find a quieter place and hurry up."

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, and after a moment Chu Zihang's voice came again, "Okay, I'm in the bathroom of the breakfast shop, there is no one else."

"Xia Mi isn't here either?"

"No, I'm alone." Chu Zihang let go of the faucet on the sink in front of him, and the sound of water filled the entire bathroom.

"Okay, let me ask." Lin Nian cleared his throat and said flatly, "Who do you like among the four people I mentioned just now?"

His voice was very plain and very fast, maybe because it was a little too plain. As a result, when he read this sentence, it was like an AI voice reading. It was similar to being slapped by the class teacher when he read the text in the morning class. The damn tone that criticizes for being "emotionless" and will be imitated and repeated again and again.


There was silence on the other end of the phone, probably because his mind had not turned around.

I don’t blame Chu Zihang, even if Chu Zihang’s brain has eight cores, it should not respond for a while when encountering this kind of problem.

"I know this question sounds ridiculous, but I really need this answer now." Lin Nian glanced at the countdown on the phone. He still had less than twenty seconds left, and Morgan Freeman, who was sitting opposite him, didn't want to remind him at all. The length of his phone call meant that his expression was almost full of freckles and wrinkles.

He explained patiently, "I'm not asking you to figure out who you like right away. As long as you are slightly more interested in one of them, just give me a name."

Shao Nanyin and Elena in the audience slapped their faces neatly. Do you want to listen to what you are saying? What does "which one of them is more interesting to me" mean? This is human talk!

"I" Chu Zihang really hesitated. He realized that Lin Nian seemed to have encountered a rather strange situation. The fact that the other party wanted the answer to this question was not a joke, but this was different from the fact that he was burned in front of this question. The CPU has nothing to do with it.

"I have ten seconds before the call will be hung up." Lin Nian reminded him, "This is a four-choice question, and the answer is only these four or two. Are you willing to talk to them? Which of the two will give it a try?”

The blond girl in the audience laughed loudly and loudly.

There was still silence on the phone.

It's not that Chu Zihang is embarrassed to tell Lin Nian these personal secrets, but that Chu Zihang is hesitant about which of the four names he should give because he realizes that this may be very important to Lin Nian, and the other party needs it. A correct answer. But he himself doesn't know which one is the correct answer!

There was a 10-second countdown. Lin Nian did not rush, but waited patiently for 10 seconds.

In the absolute silence on both ends of the phone, Lin Nian heard in the background on the phone the vague voice of Xia Mi yelling outside the bathroom where Chu Zihang was staying, asking the boss to serve two more bowls of bean juice and jiaohuan.

During the last three seconds of reading, Chu Zihang on the other end of the phone gave an answer, and then the call was hung up.

"Give me your answer!" Morgan Freeman said leisurely, and the spotlight flicked down, illuminating Lin Nian.

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