"Welcome back to the scene of 'Who Wants to be a Dragonslayer?'. After a long wait, we will receive the answer to the first question of our challenger. If the problem is successfully answered, the program team will send the first A mysterious gift.”

Here we go again, here we go again.

Shao Nanyin in the audience frowned and looked at the enthusiastic Morgan Freeman on the stage. For countless times, he repeated these lines without warning, making it seem as if he was actually doing a live broadcast. But who are he speaking these lines to? First of all, is there anyone else watching this reality show besides them? Where does the "long wait" come from?

"Now, give me your answer!" Morgan Freeman on the stage looked at Lin Nian, who was sitting opposite him.

Lin Nian, who was sitting on the V-shaped seat, did not speak. He still held the phone receiver in his hand. Under the gaze of Morgan Freeman, he gradually recovered from the answer of the other party on the phone just now and put down the busy signal. The handset was placed on the telephone landline in Paco's hand.

He looked at Morgan Freeman, paused, and said, "I choose B."

This was his answer, and it was also the answer Chu Zihang gave him at the end.

Xia Mi, this is the name Chu Zihang said.

"B? Your answer is B for Beauty: Xia Mi? Do you think the answer to this question is B?" Morgan Freeman asked, "Why? Can I ask one more question before announcing the correct answer? Why did you choose B? Why is the answer B?"

"Is there any other reason?" Lin Nian said lightly, "The real owner gave me my name, so I chose B. Isn't this reason enough?"

Morgan Freeman suddenly spread his hands and looked at the audience, then turned back to stare at Lin Nian after a moment, "Don't you see that even 'Chu Zihang' on the other end of the phone is not sure of the real answer? He is hesitating! Can the words of a man who cannot confirm his own feelings really be trusted? This is an important program involving six difficult questions and six mysterious awards. Do you really want to give your answer so easily? "

Lin Nian frowned slightly. He didn't understand whether the host was sincerely persuading him to change his answer, or whether he was just like those reality shows who liked to create some program effects to make the respondent waver about his choice. In the end, he chose the right one and forcefully changed it. The wrong answer made everyone laugh and cry.

"Since we all know that the two answers 'Chen Wenwen' and 'Liu Miaomiao' are obvious wrong answers, then we simply throw away these two redundant guys to make our questions more intuitive." Morgan Freeman said to With a wave of the hand on the big screen on the stage, C and D among the four options gradually faded away, leaving only A and B, Susie and Xia Mi.

He folded his hands on his knees and bowed to look at Lin Nian, "Let's read the question carefully. We can notice that this question actually has an obvious text trap. At the end of the question, 'The object of the first love affair' "For the first time," this point is very important. From what I saw from the conversation you had with Chu Zihang when you called him just now, the question you asked the other party was, 'Which of the two of them are you willing to give it a try?'"

Lin Nian looked up at Morgan Freeman.

"Have you discovered the key to the problem?" Morgan Freeman looked at him and reminded him, "When you ask this question, the person on the other end of the phone will definitely treat you with subjective emotions in the present tense. The two girls mentioned are compared in terms of psychological weight, but regardless of whether the choice he made in the end was true to his heart, it has nothing to do with the question we are facing now - because what we get is that he is now sprouting It's not his 'first heartbeat'. Maybe he has been attracted to another person before, but with the passage of time and the development of the situation, he has found that what he really likes is actually another person. This is the answer. Is it really correct and in line with the question?”

Shao Nanyin in the audience was stunned for a moment. It was obvious that he did not realize this text trap at all. She was confused by this gossip question for the first time. How could she pay attention to the "object of the first love affair"? "Such a little trap.

Shao Nanyin remembered that Xia Mi was a new student, and that Susie was probably an old acquaintance of Chu Zihang. So it was indeed the same problem as Morgan Freeman pointed out. If Chu Zihang had been attracted to Susie, but now he was attracted by Gu The eccentric Xia Mi was captured, so he gave Lin Nian's answer, that is, he is now more willing to "have a try" with Xia Mi than Su Qian. Although it is in line with his original intention, for this question But it's the wrong answer - who can guarantee that he has not been attracted to Susie before?

Shao Nanyin instantly felt that humans are such a good mother-in-law. Fortunately, she is a dragon, otherwise she would have declined.

"Review the question carefully, review the question carefully, and don't be distracted by off-site factors. This has always been your old problem, Lin Nian!" Morgan Freeman warned him in a tone that was very familiar to Lin Nian, "I Given another chance, would you like to change your final answer?"

Lin Nian didn't make a choice for a while, and Morgan Freeman didn't urge him. The so-called 60-second countdown, or the rule that you must answer immediately after calling for help, seemed to have disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Shao Nanyin in the audience smacked his lips at this. Opening the back door was already blatant, right? How about we just go through the motions and directly judge Lin Nian for his correct answer?

But on the stage, Lin Nian still fell into silence. Just like what Morgan Freeman said, he remembered that Chu Zihang met Su Qian first and then met Xia Mi as a freshman. So the current solution to this problem is There is only one - what has been Chu Zihang's attitude towards Su Qian?

As a bystander, it is estimated that even a blind person can see Su Qian's pursuit of Chu Zihang, that implicit and dignified courtship. Contrary to Su Xiaoqiang and Lin Nian's high-pressure water cannons, Su Qian chose to express her love for Chu Zihang through companionship. She was like water droplets hitting Chu Zihang's Easter Island stone statue, quiet and Persistence, I believe that one day it will all come true.

"I choose B, I won't change my answer."

Surprisingly, Lin Nian still chose to stick to his answer.

Morgan Freeman fell silent this time, and he asked, "Can I ask you your reason?"

Lin Nian didn't answer.

In fact, he had asked Chu Zihang about Susie before, and he also had the seeds of gossip in his heart like everyone else. You must know that [ # Chu Zihang The classic after-dinner conversation is no less popular than [ # Lin Nian’s KDA] and [ # Lu Mingfei’s performance prediction], two perennial hot topics.

As the Haohoumi closest to Chu Zihang, Lin Nian deserved to be given a hand in gossip and become a gossip classist who controlled the means of production, so he actually found a time to pretend to ask this question casually.

Most people might just brush it off casually at that time, but Chu Zihang was different. This guy could handle it. If he had any gossip, he would really tell you. He told Lin Nian quite clearly that he had never looked at Su Qian like a lover. , it’s not that Susie is bad, but that he still has big things to do that should be completed first, and he must do big things first before talking about the relationship between his children.

There is no need to say more about what the big deal is. I think it was going to the elevated road to do something like fucking Odin.

Replace Chu Zihang with Sasuke Uchiha from "Naruto", and some things become immediately clear. Sasuke, who killed his entire clan in "Naruto", also thinks about doing big things every day, and gets better and better on the road to chasing power. The further he walked, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Kaoru were not even looked at. A second look would be an insult to the serious matter in his heart. Nothing could stop him from picking his brother's eyeballs.

Uchiha Sasuke wanted to kill his brother to prove his truth, then Chu Zihang wanted to kill the god to save his father.

Fortunately, Chu Zihang has not yet reached the level of being as crazy as Er Zhuzi. Mainly because he still has his mother and friends like Lin Nian and Lancelot who care about him, so he is still a normal person. Regarding relationships, Lin Nian felt that this guy was actually just like him. He was born in the year of walnut and had to find a girl who was born in the year of hammer to have a happy ending. A gentle, considerate and silent companion could only become a loser in the end.

——On the other hand, Xia Mi, a new girl, is very good. She knows the weight of hammered walnuts perfectly. Su Xiaoqiang gave a thumbs up when she saw this girl. She felt that this girl is a good talent. She did a lot of sneaking while shopping in the Supermarket. He wanted to teach her the experience of hammering walnuts.

So the answer Chu Zihang gave to this question was Xia Mi, which is understandable and not surprising.

Lin Nian has always trusted his buddies. When Lu Mingfei told him that he was seriously disabled, 99, he dared to go to the emperor to fight. Chu Zihang said that he had no feelings for Su Qian, and he believed it.

Some things would be outrageous for others, but if it were for Chu Zihang, everything seemed to be excusable. Even if Chu Zihang said that he had never rewarded him until today, Lin Nian dared to believe it.

"Final answer! Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Lin Nian nodded.

"Congratulations! The answer is correct!" Morgan Freeman slapped his thigh hard, music blared from the stage, ribbons burst out, and the spotlights flashed dizzyingly.

Shao Nanyin in the audience breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Lin Nian was right. When the noise on the stage quieted down, Morgan Freeman spoke first, "Lin Nian, I'm glad to see you held on. My own choice, option B is indeed the correct answer! The first sign of Chu Zihang's heartbeat appeared in the girl Xia Mi! Although it was just a thought that accidentally flashed in his mind on a certain summer day, in a certain scene, but it was indeed This is the first time Chu Zihang has tasted 'love' in his history!"

Does a thought count? Lin Nian was silent.

So from the beginning to the end, Chu Zihang never even had a thought about Su Qian?

She remembered what Caesar Gattuso said about the girl Susie: She is a very interesting girl, she is very independent, and a woman with truly independent thoughts. But the irony is that for Chu Zihang, she Willing to do anything.

Although he chose the right question, for a moment, he wished he was wrong, otherwise it would be too cruel to the girl.

"It seems that your reaction is not too happy. I wonder if you have misunderstood something?" Morgan Freeman looked at Lin Nian and smiled and said, "Actually, Chu Zihang must have had a few moments with Susie. For those who have had feelings for her, after all, stones can bloom, and Susie is still the most peaceful and sweet hosta flower. But let's review the question again, "The object of Chu Zihang's first love affair" ', since it's the first time, then naturally it can't be Su Qian, after all, the girl Chu Zihang met earlier than Su Qian was Xia Mi!"

The girl Chu Zihang met earlier was Xia Mi.

Lin Nian raised his head and looked at Morgan Freeman with a subtle look, as if the other person had said something stupid.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" There was an undercurrent lurking in Morgan Freeman's golden eyes, "Do you still think that the person Chu Zihang met first was Susie instead of Xia Mi?"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Nian realized that the other party was not deliberately being stupid.

Xia Mi only entered Kassel College in recent months, and it was during this time that this girl gradually came into their sight. For some unknown reason, Chu Zihang and her gradually developed a relationship, and Susie But I knew Chu Zihang when I was in school, and it was Su Qian who got to know him first, both emotionally and rationally.

"Is that so? Think about it again?" Morgan Freeman seemed to have seen through Lin Nian's current psychological activities and said calmly, "Not only Chu Zihang, but also you, did you get to know Susie first, or... Did you meet Xia Mi first? That girl who is as lively and lively as summer?"

Lin Nian and Morgan Freeman looked at each other, or in other words, he and this mysterious guy in black skin met each other's eyes. The molten red golden eyes and the clear and wise golden eyes intertwined and reflected each other. In the light of the golden iris twining around the blooming flowers.

"By the way, did I forget to say that?" The host chuckled, "Congratulations on answering the first question correctly. You deserve to get your first mysterious reward - a lost memory."

In Lin Nian's eyes, a paco walked out from the depths of the stage. She walked up to Lin Nian with an envelope in her hands and handed it over with both hands.

Lin Nian took the envelope, opened it at the host's signal, and took out a photo from inside.

He held a corner of the photo in his hand and his eyes fell on it.

The photo showed a high school girl wearing a basketball uniform and a single ponytail sitting in the auditorium of the basketball court. She was shouting something with her hands in front of her mouth, her expression cheerful. The sun shone on her sweaty forehead, her fluffy bangs were like clouds, her eyes were clear and shiny, as bright as summer flowers, and she cheered for the boys running on the basketball court against the scorching heat of the sun.

Lin Nian recognized who the girl was and where the basketball court was, but everything he recognized was inconsistent with certain fragments deep in his memory.

"Lin Nian, you know her, and you should also remember her." The mysterious host said, "How could you forget this? You and Chu Zihang know Xia Mi better than anyone else. It was earlier, she appeared in your lives several years ago!"

For the first time, that sense of disharmony was torn apart in his consciousness. The power brought about by the wrong puzzle pieces being forced into the puzzle board was constantly being passed between the pieces, looking for the critical point of collapse.


A loud knock on the door sounded in the darkness of the reality show theater, and the rustle of a loose door lock crawled in the dark place.

"Lin Nian, is your memory really reliable? Are you really as everyone knows you and never misses or forgets? Human memory is sometimes very fragile - it is very It’s easy to steal and modify, just like an undefended disk, but there will always be a tiny trace left in the deepest corner.”

Lin Nian slowly raised his head and looked at the boundless darkness surrounding the theater. The people in the audience were as dead as puppets. The bright golden eyes of the pacos were quietly suspended in the deepest darkness. Something was surging in the darkness, like clouds. , like fog, wrapping the entire space, coming slowly like a sea of ​​clouds.

"Who are you?" Lin Nian asked the host in front of him in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am, don't watch, just listen, Lin Nian." The host's voice was low and slow, like God, "Listen carefully."




Lin Nian gradually heard the sound of the basketball hitting the ground. It was very far away, as if shrouded in mist, white mist, early morning fog. The players seemed to like the tranquility of the morning. A person was walking around on the court, bathing in the surroundings of the court. That deep, malicious look hidden by innocence.




It was like the sound of snakes rubbing their scales together in a cave, and red letters hissing.

He heard someone talking in the fog, very vaguely.

Listen as much as possible, restore those broken sound fragments, and reconstruct their original appearance.

"If you want to listen, just listen clearly." The host pointed to his ear and said softly, "This is the reward you deserve."

On the basketball court shrouded in white mist, Lin Nian walked out of the white mist and came to the center of the empty basketball court. He slowly squatted down in front of the puzzle board on the ground and reached out to pick up a piece.

The floor was littered with puzzle pieces, and in the center of the puzzle board, a huge black void slowly rotated.

[I have wanted to meet your sister for a long time, and now I finally have this opportunity, but I am still a little worried. Did you say bad things about me to your sister? Will she scold me when I come into your house for a while?

No, my sister never curses people, she only talks to people.

I said, what should you siblings do if you meet someone who is unreasonable and can't be beaten or scolded?

My sister has never lost with reason

elder sister?

Lin Nian, let's get some sleep.

It's a rare sight, Your Excellency.

Yes, it is a rare sight. Jormungandr. Let me guess...you came to me to talk about the covenant, right?]

Those forgotten memories were gurgling in the darkness. They gathered around him, greeting him after a long absence as he opened his molten red golden eyes under the spotlight.

ps: So, to guide this kind of thing, the image of Morgan Freeman has to be more suitable - this is in line with the emperor's bad taste.

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