What did the first contract between the emperor and Su Xiaoqiang take away from her?

A: Wealth B: Health C: Beauty D: Memory

Lin Nian knew the correct answer. As long as he was not stupid, when the question and answer were placed in front of him, the question was no longer a four-choice question, but a simple connection question.

Is the hand that drew this line a little trembling? Is this trembling because of fear or self-blame?

"The answer is B." He replied.

"Congratulations on your correct answer." The host announced calmly, without the loud music or the exaggerated ribbons.

The reality show stage has never been so quiet. Perhaps after eliminating the so-called program effects and the spirit of entertaining to death, a real question and answer show should be like this. One person asks, another person answers, and the real meaning is found in the questions. Value, meaningful inspiration.

"Do you still remember the night when Constantine invaded?" The host motioned Lin Nian to sit down. The simple movements and simple eyes made Lin Nian's original exposure and murderous intention gradually fade away, and the other party gave him no reason to take action.

Just like the host said, if you make trouble again, it will be a child losing his temper.

He was silent for a long time, then walked back to the other side of the V-shaped seat and sat down.

The host paused for a moment, then slowly said, "On the night of Constantine's invasion, there was a dance held in Cassel College. It was at that dance that Su Xiaoqiang and you kissed for the first time. That This is the moment when the emperor and you form a contract."

"Kissing has always been the most contractual ritual in this world. He came to that girl, making that girl officially become a character with both a bright child and a dark child, and became a solid wedge nailed between you and me. Between Him and Him, let Him, who was originally unable to interfere with you, rely on the qualifications gained from that contract to officially touch your soul and essence."

Lin Nian was very silent, and his expression was also quite silent, constantly recalling and analyzing the huge information the other party told.

"Su Xiaoqiang is very important, but this key often has advantages and disadvantages." The host said, "Lin Nian, in fact, you should have always known that she can stay by your side because of the emperor's various means. She can By chance, the golden eyes lit up in front of the secret party commissioner. She was able to pass the questions of the 3A exam. She was able to obtain the mysterious power of prophecy and pass the exam of the executive department. All of these are signs. You must take them one by one. I saw it, but in the end I chose to ignore it.”

The host sighed softly, "Yes, you chose to ignore it. Your love for her and your reluctance to let go of your first love still let your desires take over. Your luck made you ignore the signs. You know The emperor's role in these things, but in order for her to stay with you, you chose to acquiesce to the emperor's methods and compromised on his methods. This is extremely outrageous but reasonable. We should have done it long ago Expected it.”

She looked sideways at Lin Nian, the light in her golden eyes showed neither sadness nor joy, "Why can the emperor always count everything? Why does he always win and never lose? Why does he seem insurmountable in your heart?" Just as terrible as any other god - it's all your own fault."

"You admitted your cowardice, and you put your weakness in His hands. How could you possibly defeat Him? Fall asleep in the trap of maple syrup and candied fruits He gave you, and then do something The sweet dream of a rebellious minister? Stop joking."

"But we don't blame you, no one will blame you." The host's sharp criticism gradually softened, and his voice became softer and calmer, "No one can make mistakes, and emotions will always be important to you. It is an unavoidable hurdle. It is normal for young people to make mistakes. It is not terrible to make mistakes. Just recognize them and find a solution. You are smart and can always find the right solution."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lin Nian and fell into silence, her eyes flat.

Silence, silence.

After a long time.

"What is the nature of the contract you mentioned?" Lin Nian's voice was low and even.

He forced his tone to be calm, and at the same time he also knew that he seemed to have made a huge mistake. In silence and with the acquiescence of countless people, this mistake continued to worsen and spread until it became suppurative and cancerous.

Before all this could be undone, the mysterious host in front of him pulled him out of the darkness and covered his ears, and criticized and ridiculed all his previous smugness and despicable cowardice.

What's interesting is that no one has ever done this to Lin Nian. Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, Caesar, and everyone around him are blessing him and encouraging him, so he can hide his luck and cowardice so naturally, Until now, the truths he had been avoiding were put in front of him, forcing him to face them and start to truly resist.

Compared to Morgan Freeman, this mysterious man occupying Paco's skin seems more suitable to guide him as his mentor.

Even if he has no idea who the person under the skin is.

It is really inexplicable, inexplicable developments, inexplicable teachings, inexplicable people.

But in this inexplicable situation, he encountered a kind of kindness, a kind of kindness that he had not seen again for an unknown period of time.

He instinctively grasped for that glimmer of kindness.

"The nature of the contract is not complicated. You don't need to know its nature, or what kind of nature it exists. You only need to know that it's not too late. This contract is only a quarter completed. Su Xiaoqiang Although her 'health' has been deprived forever, it does not affect her entire life. But if the contract is completed halfway, it will be too late for some things." The host said, "Find Su Xiaoqiang and use the earthworm's shell. Cut off the contract with your blade, and she can still stay by your side, but be aware that once the contract expires, the 'protection' on her will disappear forever. On the battlefield between hybrids and dragons, you will easily lose it. she."

Lin Nian wanted to ask a few more related questions, but the host did not give him a chance to pursue the question further and said, "Now that we have completed the second question, hurry up and continue with our third question."

"Continuing with the expansion of the second question, the Emperor has gone to great lengths to make a contract with you, and has spared no effort to train you, opening all kinds of backdoors for you. He has paved an unprecedented road to heaven for you, whether you want it or not. If you are willing, you will always walk on this Yangkang Road. He let one of the four noble monarchs in history die in your hands, and he made those great things become the corpses of the bone ladder under your feet, and the economic system of the entire world You can even pause for a moment for your growth. The power system keeps giving you the green light on the way forward - but why? What is the purpose of the emperor doing this? Maybe you have already made a guess in your mind, so let us See if your guess is correct.

Which of the following options is correct.

A: The emperor is careless and altruistic B: The emperor loves you deeply, and all malice is a manifestation of love C: The emperor wants to cultivate you first and then take away your fruit D: All of the above are wrong answers.

After the host read the answer sheet, he raised his eyes and looked at Lin Nian, "Lin Nian, what do you think determines the emperor's attitude towards you all the time? You must know that there is no love for no reason in this world, and all goodwill is It has its own reasons. Why does such a despicable and ruthless emperor like the emperor show that he loves you so much and do everything he can to cultivate you?"

ps: The Q\u0026A session is not about improving word count.

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