The emperor's true purpose has always been in doubt, but if the emperor's purpose can be inferred from Lin Nian's behavior and attitude, then the listed options do have some possibilities.

The big screen on the stage no longer displays the questions. Obviously, from now on, the questions asked by the host are no longer in the question bank of this Nibelungen game. She has her own purpose and puts forward these extremely guiding questions. Outstanding topics induced Lin Nian to think about the direction.

"How about it, Lin Nian, it's been so long, and you haven't dealt with the emperor once or twice. You should have gradually understood and gotten used to that person's way of doing things, everything he did to you, everything he did. , every detail should paint a relatively specific image in your mind, whether it is ugly, majestic or despicable, there should always be such a specific image, so I am curious, what will that image look like?"

Lin Nian lowered his head and imagined the specific image of the emperor in his mind - obviously, he had never met the emperor, but it would be better if you had never really met a person and didn't know what he looked like, but understood everything he did. One thing, then when you think of this person, a fictional character portrait should appear in your mind.

If Lin Nian had always thought that the emperor was just a claptrap joke, then his image should be that of a clown with a red nose; if the emperor was a love brain and a fool who believed in love at first sight, then he should be female He looked like this, with his hands clasped by his side, one leg raised, and pink heart-shaped bubbles popping out of his head and eyes; if the emperor had always been fishing for big fish with a long-term goal, then he should look like a conspirator, Wearing a black cloak and hiding in a dark corner, only his cunning eyes were exposed, staring greedily at himself in the sun.


Lin Nian closed his eyes and examined the portrait of the emperor in his mind. He originally thought that the portrait would appear in any of the three forms, but what he didn't expect was that the portrait that appeared in front of him was more beautiful than he thought. It should be more specific, maybe a little too specific, but it looks so vivid and lively, every trace of color, every bit of color is vivid on the paper. A person he seemed familiar with stood in the darkness, looking back at him, The dazzling golden eyes were calm.

Lin Nian opened his eyes and looked towards the audience.

In the dark auditorium, Elena sat in a sofa chair with a smile on her face, looking at the crazy question and answer scene indifferently.

He turned to look back at the host, who was also waiting for his answer leisurely, without any rush, and with great patience.

"Do you have your own ideas?" the host asked, "It is true that a person's mental portrait cannot accurately determine his purpose, because it lacks a chain of evidence to support it, but more or less this can give you a way to think. direction - this is what you should gain from this question. Similarly, this question also has corresponding rewards."

The host waved, and the donkey-like Paco was driven to carry the reward for the third question. It was the same mysterious reward for the third question as Wang Ruijie just now.

Seven Deadly Sins: Arrogance, that simple yet majestic Han Bafang straight sword, the deep golden sword spine shows a dangerous dark light under the spotlight. Although it is unsheathed, it still looks simple and unpretentious, because its The living spirit is still in a sleeping state, and when it is awakened by the dragon blood factor, the sword will reveal its true cold light.

"Neither you nor I can come up with an accurate answer to the emperor's true purpose now, so this is the reason for the existence of option D, isn't it?" Lin Nian slowly raised his head to analyze, "Just like you said, the lack of In the case of the chain of evidence, the correct answer cannot be locked, and we can only get a general direction that can be guessed. This is the meaning of this question and the meaning of option D.”

"More than the emperor's purpose, I want to know how you hid it from him and took control of this place." Lin Nian looked at the doll-like Paco from the corner of his eye. This petite woman has always been involved in countless conspiracies as the emperor's confidant. In the battlefield, her loyalty to the emperor was almost unquestionable, but now she has become the plaything of this mysterious host.

"We just need to figure out how and how the paco assembly line works. This is not difficult for us." The host looked up at the venue. "The emperor is indeed elusive, but he is not everywhere - he is just in theory. He can be everywhere."

"You must also know that because of the existence of the terrifying power of 'Cocoon', relying on this power, He can instantly appear in any place in the world where He has buried a 'Cocoon' - but you only need to understand one truth, you Then you will know how to avoid the emperor's eyes and ears." The host looked at Lin Nian's red eyes and said with a smile, "There can only be one king on a throne."

Lin Nian paused for a few seconds, and then understood the host's words. He was about to say what he was thinking, but found that the host raised his finger and made a shushing gesture, "Now that I understand, then let's Keep this secret in your stomach, this secret may play a winning role at the most critical moment."

After Lin Nian finished digesting the information, the host clapped his hands and said, "Skip this sensitive topic and tell me your final answer."

"I choose D." Lin Nian glanced at her, "Do we still need to take this form?"

"Believe me, if possible, I would like to make it simpler, but the form must be followed. This will also facilitate a lot of things." The host said, "Congratulations on your correct answer. The Seven Deadly Sins and Arrogance will enter the list you have accumulated. Prize pool.”

"Then the fourth question follows." The host didn't pause for a moment. This time she stopped acting, and didn't even take out the better-than-nothing answer sheet. She folded her hands on her knees and looked at Lin Nian, "You should You know, Lin Nian, everything you are going through now and all the pressure you are experiencing are not only from the emperor. If you blame all the misfortunes you have encountered on the emperor, it would be too extreme. People with bad intentions There are many more, among which the secret party, this behemoth that looks like you are relying on your back, may be the one that really stabs you in the back the most."

Lin Nian did not comment on the host's sarcasm.

The host observed Lin Nian's attitude and said flatly, "I know that the disgusting faces on the high table should appear in your mind now. The well-dressed and powerful school board is indeed disgusting and uncomfortable. , but are they really the instigators of everything? Are the misfortunes you have encountered, the sorrow and betrayal you have endured, really caused by the school board?"

"Please listen to the question. Among the senior members of the secret party, who is the real villain, the real careerist, and the real original sin who has caused you to suffer most of the suffering so far?

A: Frost Gattuso B: Elisabeth Laurent C: Nicolas Flamel D: Hilbert Jean Angers"

Two surprising names appeared in the question options.

Lin Nian looked at the two names in silence until the host spoke again, "If you are unwilling to accept the reality, you can choose the two remaining methods of help you have. I recommend removing the two wrong answers."

"No need." Lin Nian said lightly, "I choose D."

"It seems that you still think about certain things very clearly." The host nodded slowly.

"He has never disguised his intentions." Lin Nian said, "He even made it clear to me that he knows everything. He is a very simple and easy-to-understand person."

"It is true that Hilbert Jean Angers has never concealed that he is an unscrupulous careerist, but his ambition is not beneficial to himself. Compared with the former, his ambition is more grand and terrifying. He wants to destroy the entire world. He wouldn't mind at all if the history of the dragon clan turns dragons into words and leaves them in the books of future history, or on stone walls." The host said calmly, "You know very well the relationship between you and Angers. What kind of delicate balance is maintained? It's not a fake thing like the so-called 'teacher-student relationship', but you have no idea why he is willing to indulge you, protect you, and put so much emphasis on you - —”

"In the days between the end of December 1991 and the beginning of 1992, Hilbert Jean Angers, who received a secret telegram from the Secret Party Elders to ambush the former Soviet Union, secretly crossed the entire Bering Strait alone on an illegal cargo ship. , came to Verkhoyansk, an unknown city in northeastern Siberia, the cold pole of the northern hemisphere. He spent a whole week walking in the extreme cold of minus 20 degrees through the devastated desert plowed by a rare super blizzard. What are people exploring in the suburbs?

According to the intelligence description from the former Soviet spies, there is a secret military base called 'Black Swan Port' hidden in the North Pole. As one of the deepest and darkest secrets buried in the Red Empire, a numbered 'δ' is enough to influence The whole world plan has turned into a cocoon, and it was left in the white snowfield, which is the closest masterpiece to those great beings that mankind has mastered in the entire history.

He worked tirelessly to visit every corner of Verkhoyansk, and finally found the dragon skeleton sleeping with the knight in a forest buried in heavy snow, as well as a tenacious man who was wounded by a gunshot for some unknown reason. An old man who lives under a destroyed wooden house. He is so old and has suffered such serious injuries. He should have died in the cold and freezing Arctic. But there is a magical power that forces all the bad things about him. The integration and order allowed him to survive in the extremely harsh environment until he was found. "

The host chuckled, his golden eyes glowing with a cold light like Siberian wind and snow,

"Although Hilbert Jean Angers did not get the final product of the 'delta' project during this trip, he unexpectedly got a wonderful story. The remaining 'word spirit' in the old man who miraculously survived supported him. After telling the story until the end, Hilbert Jean Angers sent the old man off for the last journey in the manner of a Cambridge gentleman, secretly burying the story in his heart.

Until one sunny day in 2009, a recruitment list for Cassel College freshman class 2009 from Norma was delivered to the tree house office. Holding a bone china cup, he opened the recruitment list and saw what was inside. When he took the first photo on the list of prospective freshmen, he put down his favorite Darjeeling black tea and said sincerely, "Long time no see." "

A yellowed document bound by hand stitching was delivered to Lin Nian. Lin Nian took the document, opened the first page, and closed the document.

This was what Li Hueyue had promised him to give him after completing the operation at Longfeng Garden. After everything was disrupted by the death of the clan leader and the conspiracy of revenge, there was naturally no need to comment on the handing over of this document. But I never thought that it would actually appear here, and finally fell into Lin Nian's hands in this form.

"It's not unreasonable for Hilbert Jean Angers to send you to Japan immediately after you show your due value. He doesn't know much about the past events of Black Swan Port, so he needs to use you. Test some ghosts who have long since died in history to see if they are still alive in this world, and how much of the heritage of that red empire has been unearthed." The host touched the fingers of his hands on his knees, "In the end, you have never Let him down."

The document is full of information collected as keywords about "Black Swan Port" and the "δ" project. Several words are repeated with high frequency:

【Japan】【Herzog】【White King】【Butterfly Project】【Gulong Embryo】

"This information comes from the Zhou family in Xiangyang. After the major incident of foreign mixed-race species smuggling into our country occurred in that coastal city in 1999, the Zhou family's 'Lord Wa' ordered people to keep digging for traces of enemies who invaded the territory. In the end, the shocking information was collected in Japan, but the price was that the Zhou family lost many capable officers. 'Wa Zhu' was very angry about this, but he was concerned about the current situation in Japan that was closely related to the secret party, and finally gave up. held accountable.

In the end, this information was buried in the deepest part of the Zhou family's database. At the right time, the orthodox 'Yue' alone negotiated with Zhou Zhen, the Zhou family who met during the battle against the King of Bronze and Fire, and negotiated with some expensive He obtained this information at a price, in exchange for the secret party's 'S'-level hybrids to serve as thugs, and began to plan revenge against the orthodox eldest sons. "

"In my opinion, Hilbert Jean Angers deserved to die no less than anyone else. He found you, found you, and let you go to that battlefield, although this is a fate that you cannot escape. , but as the pusher of fate, the sin he bears is no lighter than anyone else. If you must kill the emperor to sacrifice your pain, then please remember that Hilbert Jean Angers will definitely be the next one. A sinner who deserves to die in your hands." The host looked at Lin Nian and said calmly.

Lin Nian remained silent.

"Don't be so naive, Lin Nian." The host lowered his eyes and looked directly at the boy, "There are no innocent careerists. Instead of believing that they will have feelings for the butcher knives under their hands, it is better to believe that wild cats will be crushed for crossing the street. The mice in the guts are mourning. Ridiculous. The Secret Party is not your home, and neither is Kassel Academy. Any group that wants to give you a sense of belonging has a purpose. You don't belong to anyone, you only belong to yourself."

"Do you ever feel like you are being clearly arranged? Everyone who comes into contact with you comes with their own purpose. They never care about how much pressure, how much danger their purpose will bring to you, and how... The pain. The emperor is trying to make you lose trust and confidence in everyone around you. In my opinion, there is no need for him to do anything. He only needs to let those blood-sucking mosquitoes and flies surround you. One day, he will naturally Get the results He wants.”

"Don't be so absolute when you speak." Lin Nian whispered.

"Do you want to refute me and say that there is always someone around you who cares about you and is a partner who is willing to help you and fight with you until the end?" The host's eyes almost fell into Lin Nian's eyes, and the cold light shook, "Then why don't we just use your idea to have an in-depth discussion? Where will the like-minded brothers you think of and the friends you think of as the two sides go together with you in the end?"

".I think for the fifth question, I might as well just ask it like this."

"Question five." She said.

"As Lin Nian's most trusted comrade, his most recognized best friend, and his most damaged friend, Lu Mingfei. What is the path he has really followed? As Lin Nian has always regarded him as his half-brother, he finally embarked on the path he has taken What will the road be like?

A: Looking for a vigorous love B: A life of eating and waiting for death C: Fighting side by side with my best friend Lin Nian to the end to protect the fire of mankind."


The host raised his head, his golden eyes filled with an indifferent glow, and said in a low voice:

"Or D: The blood of all kings must end with the sword! No matter how the wheel of fate rolls, which way the wheel goes, at the end of the endless spinning thread, a man named Lu Mingfei will kill the four kings and merge Ultimate power and power!”

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