Sima Xuxu still remembers the first time he met "Moon".

It was in a fire scene, with flames everywhere, burning forests, fallen trees, sparks and ashes flying in the scorching air. In the absence of oxygen, he leaned against the tree trunk and saw those tiny elves dancing in the flames, spiraling up to the sky with the airflow.

That night, the official report of the danger was a wildfire, but only the orthodox Langjuxu operators who were deep in the buffer zone at the forefront of the fire knew that the wildfire was not the real crisis. The crisis was the cause of the wildfire. A fourth-generation species woke up without any signs in the forest.

The smart fourth-generation species knew its situation very well as soon as it woke up. As soon as it woke up, it released the mantra called "Karma Fire" without hesitation. The greater the fire swept by the fire of "Karma Fire", the stronger the effect of this mantra. The continuous wildfire became his natural barrier, making him instantly a more difficult target than the second-generation species.

That night, the public and the rescue team spontaneously organized a large number of rescue teams to dig fire isolation belts in the face of the fire. From the sky at night, the brightly lit flashlights formed a majestic winding dragon of light, beautiful and spectacular.

But the commander-in-chief of the Orthodox Wolf Juxu at that time determined according to the calculations of "Jiuzhou" that as long as the fourth generation species hid in the wildfire and did not show up, then this wildfire, which had already taken shape, would not end no matter what. According to the supercomputer deduction, the flames would cross the isolation belt, burn the rescue team composed of thousands of people, and continue to ignite the forest behind until the modern city outside the forest was turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Only by killing the fourth generation species can the spread of the "infernal fire" be stopped, which has become a consensus among the people. They cannot let the efforts of the rescue team of more than a thousand people behind them go to waste. The fire isolation belt must play its due role after the death of the fourth generation species.

But in front of a forest that had already formed a huge wildfire, even a hybrid was as powerless as an ordinary person. Under the influence of the ‘infernal fire’, the high temperature and oxygen-deficient environment in the burning forest were already deadly enough. The fourth-generation species turned the entire battlefield into a forbidden zone for humans. Not to mention fighting him, even stepping into the battlefield itself was a way to die.

Sima Xuxu himself was just a student in Langjuxu at the time, and he was not even a reserve, but the situation at that time needed help too much. Almost all the nearby manpower in Langjuxu came out, and even he rushed to the front line to take on the responsibility of rescuing trapped campers on the edge of the wildfire.

The expedition team sent by Langjuxu needed to shuttle through the complex fire scene while dealing with the deadpools hidden in the burning forest - those things could survive in extreme environments, and they were also another barrier set by the fourth-generation species for themselves.

Sima Xuxu couldn't remember how many teams were sent out that night. He only remembered that the temporary commander of Langjuxu was roaring at the intercom in the camp illuminated by the fire. After a period of time, each team that entered would send a call for help through the intercom, and then another rescue team would rush into the fire scene. After a period of time, the call for help signal sounded again.

The wildfire was like a bottomless pit, constantly devouring the lives of their companions. The wailing and cries for help in the cave once again tempted them to jump deeper inside.

Everyone looked at the night sky illuminated by the fire, and every cell in their body was burning, with anger, pain, helplessness, and fear of dragons and the power of nature.

Sima Xuxu really wanted to do something to turn the situation around at that time, but his mantra was "Jade Leak", and he couldn't do anything in the face of such a huge fire. The fire scene was also a burning hell for him. Those seniors who were more powerful than him and the seniors who took care of him in the past rushed into the fire scene one by one and lost contact, just like a piece of firewood igniting the wildfire while also igniting the anger in his heart.

The wildfires expanded again and again, and those who stayed in the buffer zone between the isolation zone and the wildfire soon faced a choice - because of the sudden incident, the reinforcements still had some time to arrive, which means that the real backbone of the orthodox could not arrive when the wildfire and the fire isolation zone came into contact. They had two choices at the moment.

Either evacuate before the fire isolation zone behind them ignites, and urgently evacuate the people behind the isolation zone, so as to prevent the "infernal fire" from swallowing thousands of lives that cannot be evacuated at a terrible speed after jumping over the isolation zone; or organize the remaining Langjuxu operators in the buffer zone, whether they are reserve, students or commanders, to launch a general attack on the fire scene.

Both options have advantages and disadvantages.

The choice of retreat seems to be a retreat to advance to preserve the overall situation and wait for support, but there is also a huge hidden danger, that is, they cannot guarantee that they can convince those thousands of people to evacuate.

When the fire isolation zone is about to be dug, everyone has confidence in the scientific way of fire control - this is indeed one of the ways to prevent wildfires. After killing the fourth generation, the wildfire will not stop immediately, and this isolation zone is still needed to extinguish the fire.

But the problem is that the fourth generation must be killed and the release of the word spirit of "Infernal Fire" must be stopped before this isolation zone can work. This is a necessary prerequisite. Failure to explain the existence of dragons to the public will inevitably lead to difficulties in information transmission and effectiveness. Those people will most likely not be willing to give up the construction of the isolation zone and retreat to a safe area.

In addition, they were also facing a difficult problem at that time, which was also the reason why everyone strongly opposed this choice - the last rescue team was still sending them a signal for help, and the sound of calling for help and coughing came from the walkie-talkie from time to time. The weak panting made everyone want to rush into the fire and bring out all the people who had been trapped before.

So at that time, almost everyone in the buffer zone insisted on not retreating, but instead launched a general attack on the fire.

The choice of a general attack is indeed a once-and-for-all solution, but everyone knows that this is a suicide operation. Not to mention that those experienced elite operators have almost all rushed into the fire and have not returned. Most of the remaining people in the buffer zone camp are reservists and students who have moved in temporarily as rescuers. It is precisely because of the students that the temporary commander on the scene dared not issue this order.

Finally, after looking back at the fire for a long time, the temporary commander indifferently issued an order to retreat, rejected all the requests of the young people who were angry, and called the helicopter with a cold face to take everyone away.

Although the young people in Langjuxu were all hot-blooded, their first lesson was to obey the orders of the clan, so even if they were unwilling, they still boarded the helicopter one by one to prepare for evacuation.

The temporary commander counted the number of people one by one, and made sure that everyone was on the helicopter before commanding it to take off. But no one noticed that in the helicopter cabin, which had been counted, there was one person missing inexplicably after it took off, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

The missing person was naturally Sima Xuxu, who was the most hot-blooded among the hot-blooded young people. His stronger bloodline than others did not allow him to give up those rescue signals. He escaped with the "Jade Leak" when the helicopter took off, and rushed into the fire scene without anyone noticing.

With the help of the "Jade Leak", even if lack of oxygen and high temperature were still a problem, his bloodline was enough for him to survive in this extreme environment for a period of time. With high mobility, he ignored the dangers brought by complex terrain, such as those burning trees that suddenly collapsed, and Deadpool hiding in the flames could not hurt him, allowing him to rush to the rescue signal at a very fast speed.

His plan was the same, to find his companions in the fire at a very fast speed and rescue them, then find the fourth generation and kill him.

But Sima Xuxu was too young at that time, overestimating his immature bloodline and underestimating the cunning of the fourth generation. In the hands of the dragons, the "infernal fire" became a maze that could change positions at will. In a normal maze, the "Jade Leak" could use exhaustive methods to explore the end of every road, but once the maze came alive, then the "Jade Leak" would be nothing more than an ant played by that big hand.

After falling into the fire, Sima Xuxu soon encountered a terrible situation, that is, the rescue signal he received was sometimes far and sometimes near. He didn't know why this happened, but he could only bite the bullet and follow the rescue signal to circle in the fire. Until the end, when his physical strength was almost consumed, those deadpools who had not appeared gradually revealed their encirclement and began to besiege Sima Xuxu in the fire, beating him to the ground with bruises all over his body.

At this time, Sima Xuxu realized that the rescue signal he had been looking for actually began to actively approach him in the center of the encirclement. At the same time, he also saw the dragon that appeared in the form of a burning man slowly walking into the encirclement behind those solemn black shadows.

The fourth-generation dragon threw the intercom of the Langjuxu rescue team in front of Sima Xuxu, and smugly mocked him, saying that you humans are really interesting, always falling into such stupid traps! Just like a stupid perch in the water, no matter how many times it is fished ashore, as long as the bait is thrown in front of it and teased a little, it will always bite without hesitation!

Sima Xuxu only then understood why the battlefield commander who had always been tough ordered to give up the rescue and retreat. It was because the commander gradually saw the weirdness of the rescue signal in the fire scene, so he gave up the possibility of rescue and chose to reorganize the troops and plan the counterattack in the long run.

This dragon was very smart. Although he was a dragon, he thought like a human. He grasped the psychology of these humans and used the rescue signal as bait to constantly lure the dragon-slaying team into the fire scene. He used the rescue signal to lead them in circles, constantly consuming their physical strength and oxygen, until he killed them with his last breath, and then set up traps again to repeat the process.

The dragon imitated the cries for help and coughs in the previous rescue signal vividly. He is really a master of imitation! All the sounds he has heard can come out of his throat!

Until the end, he used Sima Xuxu's voice to ask for help on the walkie-talkie on the ground, mocking the boy's stupidity, intending to repeat the same trick.

Sima Xuxu, who was bleeding in the encirclement, sneered at him and said, everyone has evacuated, I am the last rescue team, and no one knows that I have entered the fire scene, so no one will come to save me, and the next person you will see will only be my face reflected in the glass of the showroom.

The dragon shook his head and said, how dare you conclude that you must be the last batch to die? In the team that was destroyed before you, someone also said the same thing to me. Before they died, they said that they were the last group of people. If they failed, the humans outside would give up on the rescue and reorganize more terrible forces to launch a general attack on me! Hey, but look! Isn't there a new fool kneeling in front of me and talking nonsense now?

Sima Xuxu said, I admit that I was stupid, but I feel that as long as there is hope for someone to be saved, as long as there is someone who reaches out to me in despair, I must save him, and I don't regret it.

Long Lei didn't say anything, but just sneered and spread his hands. Behind him, the bodies burning with flames came out of the forest. They were all Langjuxu's operators, colleagues who died in the forest fire.

Long Lei looked at the angry boy and laughed, saying that no one can save you, you are already at the bottom of despair.

Sima Xuxu looked at his former colleagues who had been transformed into flame puppets with bloodshot eyes, roaring to fight with Long Lei, but he was ignited by the flames while charging forward. He rolled on the ground and tried to extinguish the flames, but nothing worked.

When he thought he was going to die, he was suddenly wrapped in the white mist of the fire extinguisher, extinguishing all the fire.

He lay on the ground and could only see the red fire extinguisher thrown beside him. A pair of white sneakers stepped over the burning branches in front of him and stood in front of him, with dragon scales like armor and pupils like light.

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