"You humans are so interesting. You know there is little hope, but you always come one after another to die."

In the fire scene, he heard the dragon calmly saying to the arriving reinforcements, "Your bloodline is considered outstanding among humans, right? Are those humans willing to send you to die?"

"Not necessarily death," he heard another man say. It should be a girl, with an indifferent and quiet voice, unaffected by the hot air and flames.

"Look, boy, this is the stupidity of you humans. People in despair reach out and long for salvation, which will only drag more people into the same situation as you." The dragons roared and called loudly. Surrounded by endless flames, deadpools, and burning puppets.

Sima Xuxu looked up at the white figure and screamed with his burned throat to let her go quickly.

She didn't look back, she just put her hand on the bronze scabbard hanging at her waist and said,

"Don't be afraid. Keep your head down."

After finishing those words, Sima Xuxu felt a dazzling light flash before his eyes, which was the light refracted by the flame on the metal.

Then he heard the screams and roars of dragons in his ears, and then the howling of the passing wind. The pressure, wind current and scorching temperature pressed him to the ground and temporarily passed out.

When he barely regained consciousness and struggled to get up, the battle was over.

He saw the arrogant dragon in the distance, half of its body kneeling on the ground, and the other half of its body lying in the soil.

Behind the remains of the dragon, the fire field with a radius of 100 meters was "broken", like an invisible blade that instantly cut off the burning forest, sweeping out a huge vacuum circle in one breath!

In the center of the vacuum zone, the heart of the dragon on the ground was pierced by a long sword that reflected the firelight. The girl in white who cut through the flames grasped the hilt of the sword and crushed the dragon's heart bit by bit. The red gold eyes reflected Seeing the tragic situation of the dying dragon, there was no mercy, the body was torn apart, and the blood and flames surged into the fire field and burned into flying ashes.

After everything was done, the girl put away her weapon and walked quietly to Xuxu, checked his injuries, and bandaged him.

Due to the severe wildfire, the helicopter could no longer approach the center of the fire. Sima Xuxu asked the girl to leave by herself, but she just peeled off the skin scales of the dead dragon and draped them on him as a fire barrier. The meaning is self-evident.

When the girl in white was carrying Sima Xuxu away from the fire scene, he lay on the not-so-wide but particularly reassuring back and asked the other party in a low voice, why do you know he is here? It was someone from the family who sent you to save me. Of?

The girl in white was silent for a long time and replied, "I don't know who you are, but I heard you asking for help on the radio. You sounded desperate, so I came to save you."

Sima Xuxu suddenly remembered that the dragon had indeed used his voice to ask for help through the walkie-talkie in order to ridicule him, but now, the rescue had actually come.

Sima Xuxu asked her name.

She said that there is no need for a thank you letter or a banner, as long as you can help me write the report afterwards.

Later, Xuxu realized that the girl who saved him insisted on entering the fire scene first, which was a decision made against the order of Commander-in-Chief Lang Juxu.

Everyone said that the personnel had been evacuated and no one was left at the fire scene. If the rescue signal was heard, it would be a conspiracy of the dragons. But after receiving the rescue signal, this girl hijacked a helicopter and flew straight in without thinking much. After entering the fire scene, he found the place where the signal was sent and jumped down.

After being safely transported to the rescue plane, Sima Xuxu, who was lying on the stretcher, pointed to the white shadow on the ground and asked who the person next to him was. The person next to him took a look and said, "Don't you recognize it? That's the new one." The 'Yue' who took office is the most powerful among you."

"Can I be like her?" he asked.

Commander-in-Chief Li Qiuluo, who was sitting next to Sima Xuxu, glanced back at the boy on the stretcher and said nothing. He just waved his hand and directed the helicopter to accelerate away from the line of fire, jump over the brilliant chain of lights and head into the dark night in the distance.

"I want to be the next 'Moon'."

In front of the clan chief's door, Sima Xuxu said to the rickety figure illuminated by the candlelight inside.

"The price of becoming a 'moon' is very high."

The old figure told him with a low smile.

"I do not care."

Sima Xuxu said.

"Let me ask, why do you want to become 'Moon'?"

the old man asked him.

"Become the same person as Huayue."

Sima Xuxu said.

"That's really true."

The old man let out an intriguing chuckle. At that time, he couldn't understand what those laughter meant.

"I'm sure about this," the old man said, "but try not to be her. If you want to become the next 'Yue', you have to surpass her. Only by surpassing 'Huoyue', Xuxu, can you possibly become the next one." A term of ‘month’.”


He was still very young at that time and did not understand the conditions that seemed encouraging but were actually meaningful.

"Sister Huoyue, can you tell me what you usually do?"

"Sister Huoyue, how can I become as powerful as you?"

"Sister Huoyue, is Yue's work hard? How do you persevere?"

"Sister Huoyue, sister Huoyue, is it true that they said you started a war with the Dragon King alone?"

"Sister Huoyue, what gave you the opportunity to become 'Yue'? Are you too great?"

"Sister Huoyue, when you came to rescue me, they didn't stop you?"

Li Huanyue, who was walking in front, stopped and looked back at the boy who was following her in the courtyard alley, wearing the same T-shirt and sneakers and holding a bronze scabbard. He didn't speak for a long time. He just shook his head slightly, turned around and walked forward.

"Hey, Sister Huoyue, wait for me!"


"Li Huoyue, are you crazy? Everyone in the frontline reserves has boarded the plane and evacuated! Where are the people trapped in the fire? That's the dragon's trap! Can't you see it? Give it to me quickly return!"

There was silence on the radio. After a long time, the girl's voice came from inside:

"If I were the one trapped in the fire, I would be happy to have a madman come to save me."

The field of ‘Yulu’ is expanding rapidly! Thirty-nine times faster!

Sima Xuxu stepped on the brakes, raised his head suddenly, and stared at Li Xueyue, who was still looking straight ahead at the position where he was standing before. In the sense of the slow flow of time, every expression, look, and The details all appear so clear and vivid.

He made the first move.

Whether it's 'Instant' or 'Time Zero', in a 1v1 duel at a certain distance, speed-type Power Word users will always have an absolute advantage.

The hilt of the long sword named "Qingwu" in his hand was trembling, but in the end he still lifted it hard. The sword edge swept towards Li Hueyue's right arm holding the sword, avoiding the main arteries and joints, only slicing. Cutting off the rotator cuff tendons under the black clothes will seriously weaken the shoulder, making it impossible to lift the entire arm!

No matter what, he had to take action in this situation. He didn't want to kill Li Hueyue, and he didn't want anyone to die here because of Li Hueyue, so he had to stop Li Hueyue and make her completely "harmless" !

At the moment when the bronze sword edge was about to hit the black cloth, in the area of ​​the 'Yu Lu', Li Hueyue's right shoulder tilted back in an arc, just in time to avoid Sima Xuxu's sword.

Sima Xuxu's eyes widened instantly. He couldn't understand why Li Huoyue could keep up with his speed. After cutting the air with his sword, he raised his right hand on the sword and wanted to retract his posture and attack again, but at this moment He suddenly felt that his right hand was as heavy as iron, as if his entire arm had lost control.

When his movements were slow and paused, Li Huoyue in front of him had already experienced a terrifying change all over his body. The dark dragon scales climbed up from under the collar of the black clothes to his neck, and the red golden pupils moved slowly with a slow movement. He quickly stared at Sima Xuxu in front of him!

Alarm bells rang all over Sima Xuxu's body. He wanted to retreat, but suddenly found that his movements had become sluggish, as if he was stuck in a quagmire. Every movement required a huge amount of effort to complete.

Li Huanyue, who was supposed to move slowly in the "Yu Leo", suddenly moved quickly. Her left hand grabbed Sima Xuxu's immobile right arm at a speed that was not fast but not slow, and pulled hard. , twisting backhand amidst the harsh sound of dislocation!

Sima Xuxu screamed, his right hand was directly broken by the huge force, and the pale bones spun out of the flesh from the shoulder.

Have your movements slowed down?

No, not only that, while you are slowing down, the other party is also getting faster!

When Li Huoyue was once again preparing to pull out the arm completely, Sima Xuxu let go of Qingwu held in his right hand, dropped the long sword into his left hand, and slashed hard across Li Hueyue's throat. Before he was about to cut, When the opponent's throat was pressed, Sima Xuxu's eyes twitched in severe pain, and the sword tip swung down to avoid the fatal point of contact.

But his concern was unnecessary. As soon as the tip of the bronze sword approached Li Hueyue's body, she immediately let go of Sima Xuxu's arm and launched a move that was incredibly fast even in the 'Yulu'. The blow - the bronze scabbard she held in her right hand struck heavily on Sima Xuxu's left knee. Amidst the sound of bone cracking, the two of them separated backwards!

Sima Xuxu flew backwards, fell to the ground and rolled several times. He held down his twisted right arm with his left hand, and his left leg lying on the ground at the knee was broken at a terrible 15°, and he let out a sound like a wounded beast. roared.

‘Jade Leakage’ is temporarily lifted.

Li Huoyue stepped back and stood firm, silently looking at the injured Sima Xuxu on the ground in the distance.

Everything was as she calculated.

She reached out and touched the skin along her unscathed collarbone, then calmly took out the bronze sword in her hand and walked towards the boy on the ground.

She thought the outcome was decided.

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