After leaving Male Airport, Lin Nian and the other three got into a black nanny car. Kaka drove the car, and Olga sat in the passenger seat and introduced them to some information about the Maldives branch. Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei listened all the way. After analyzing all the way, I finally concluded in one sentence.

The Maldives branch is very busy and there is nothing to do most of the time.

"Within 10 years, the rough crime rate of hybrids or dragons in the Maldives is 0.1%." As soon as he opened his mouth, Kaka gave Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian a little shock in the Maldives.

"0.1%? Where did this data come from?" Lu Mingfei questioned the data.

"Norma's statistics show that for every 1,000 mixed races coming to the Maldives, only 1 of them will engage in criminal activities." Olga explained,

"What you don't know is that the Maldives is positioned as a purely tourist country. It does not produce anything here. The three main economic pillars are tourism, shipping and fishery. In recent years, tourism has far exceeded fishery. Well, more than 99% of the people who come here come for vacation, so the crime rate is very low. After all, tourism is now basically the main industry of the Maldives. If the external image collapses, it will cause a huge blow to the basic national economy. ”

Kaka, who was driving, turned his head and said to Lin Nian and the others in the back seat, "So, our branch can handle very few things throughout the year. We rarely encounter cases related to mixed-race incidents, let alone dragon incidents. Well, for us, those exciting things basically only exist on the forum. Do you know what the most mixed-race incidents we have dealt with in the past few years are?”

"What?" Lin Nian asked.

"They are mixed-race people who came here specially to travel. After getting drunk on the island, they got into disputes with other tourists. We will be responsible for mediating in the past. Basically, after seeing our IDs and knowing that we are from the college, some minor conflicts were resolved on the spot. "We don't need to conflict with them, and they don't need to mess up an otherwise good trip," Kaka said with a shrug.

"So, the work in the Maldives branch is very busy? So what are you busy with all day long? Are you just sitting in the office and playing minesweeper?" Lu Mingfei asked curiously.

"A small number of people stay on several residential islands in the Maldives to help the local police mediate some conflicts, and some choose to go to sea. The weather at sea in the Maldives is changeable, and water and air failures may occur and stranded on the sea, as well as tourism There are ships and yachts in distress at sea. If local rescue cannot be done at this time, we will take action,” Kaka said easily.

Olga, the co-pilot, looked back at Lin Nian with a smile and added, "Strong winds and waves that are risky for ordinary people are nothing to us. People in our entire branch are basically very good at water, and the big waves are very dangerous." Some people’s spirits are related to ‘water’, which is quite conducive to working on the water.”

"Guesting as a policeman and rescue team, it seems like you guys are quite idle here. Haven't you encountered any major cases in the past few years?" Lu Mingfei asked curiously.

"The biggest case, the human trafficking case involving the gray industry chain a year ago, right?" Kaka mentioned casually, seeing the searching eyes of Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian in the rearview mirror, "It's nothing. In particular, a group of people in the sex service industry have made contact with a group of overseas human traffickers, regularly smuggling people from the sea to the Maldives and imprisoning them, and providing illegal sex services to tourists in the Maldives.”

"We sent people to investigate the whole matter and found out by following the clues that the superior of the trafficker was a local gang in Mexico. The leader of the gang was an unregistered mixed race who used 'speech and hypnosis' to traffic innocent girls. After we contacted the headquarters and conveyed the details of the incident, the headquarters sent a helicopter to fly to Mexico that day. The gang was immediately slaughtered. From human to dog control, they were killed and buried, and the yolks of the eggs in the refrigerator were shaken. , all the abducted girls were also sent home.”

"Why are brothers so fierce?" Lu Mingfei said with his tongue.

"Who knows? There are many fierce men in this department. I heard that the entire gang was slaughtered. The scene was bloody, with broken hands and broken heads. I heard from the brothers in the execution department. , I was alone at that time, rushing towards the gathering point of the gang. The next ten minutes were as lively as a beach landing battle. The leader of the gang was so frightened that he drove to the Gobi Desert but was still overtaken by the brother. The man and the off-road Hummer were split in half with one knife! Only half of the body was left to the logistics department for identification. "

"First of all, he was driving an off-road motorcycle. Secondly, I punctured his tires first, and then I solved him after his resistance and persuasion failed." Lin Nian suddenly explained, "If he hadn't tried to use 'hypnosis' to attack me, I wouldn't have left his body intact. I originally aimed the knife at his neck."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, and noticed that the corners of Kaka's mouth in the rearview mirror couldn't help but turn up. Olga, the co-pilot, also looked out the window and couldn't help laughing, "It's you who did the co-writing!"

Damn it, how much hard work did Lin Nian do behind his back? He had really done things like murdering a whole family!

"You still have a lot to learn. When you don't show mercy when you kill the whole family, you can be on your own." Mandy reached out her hand and patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder, and said sincerely.

Lu Mingfei's face twitched. Although everyone called Lin Nian the tiger of the execution department and he was the wolf of the execution department, he was a wolf who had never done anything like eating flesh and blood. His best record was only bronze. Playing as a support with the King of Fire, in the battle between the King of Earth and the Mountain, although he was very fierce, his fierceness was in the wrong direction, and he almost killed Lin Nian, which is embarrassing to mention.

And Lin Nian is really a tiger of the execution department. He has not only done the job of killing the whole family, but also done a lot. You must know that during that time, the execution department finally caught a user of "Snap" and "Time Zero". I don't know how excited he was (Schneider knew about Lin Nian's bloodline refining technology and the secret of Time Zero), and he caught Lin Nian's powerful penis and achieved many glorious achievements.

"It seems we have known each other a long time ago." Lin Nian looked at Olga and Kaka and nodded.

"We got to know you, Commissioner Lin Nian, probably unilaterally." Kaka said with a smile, "But you are really famous here for your case against the King of Bronze and Fire. That incident was too sensational. Who hasn't heard of the two 'S'-level reputations of Kassel College? Many people in the branch just hate graduating early. Maybe they can be in the same class as you if they repeat their studies in a few years and witness this kind of loading. It’s a big event in history. Ollie! Don’t forget that!”

The girl in the co-pilot knew everything. She opened the storage box and took out a waterproof oil-based pen and a small drawing board. She handed it to Lin Nian and said, "Can you sign your name for us, please?"

Lin Nian took the drawing board and pen without saying anything, and casually left his artistic signature. Lu Mingfei took the board and learned from the experience that he must practice his signature trick next time. He could have thought of it before. Lu Mingfei also has a day where people ask him for his autograph wherever he goes?

"Are you going to take us to visit your branch now?" In her free time, Mandy finally interjected and looked at the rainbow on the passing sea outside the window. Rainbows seemed to be a very common phenomenon here. Only tourists passing by would take pictures, while locals basically ignored this rare and beautiful sight.

"No, there's nothing to visit in our branch. It's just a few desks, computers, and a file library in a small building on the first floor. It's not as good as our headquarters or branches in other big cities. It's ridiculous to let you go and visit." Kaka smiled and shook his head, "The main reason is that while the crime rate of mixed races here is low, the demand and allocation of personnel are naturally low. The total number of people in our entire branch is only eight people, and there is not even any division of labor. "

"There are so few people in a branch of eight people?" Lin Nian was still a little surprised.

Regarding the Kassel Academy branch, he was most impressed by the Japanese branch. The scale of the Sheqi Bajia was not much smaller than that of the main branch, and even far exceeded the main branch in terms of geographical control. The underworld culture and the force tentacles that have taken root in the local area have really taught him a lesson. The mixed race can fully integrate into human society and coexist with it.

Even the smallest Cuban branch he had ever come into contact with, there were about a hundred or so people in the entire cigar factory. Although not all of them were mixed race, most of them were external members, but in general it was still a branch that could be transferred. The manpower, like here, is only eight people.

"There is no way. The crime rate of mixed-race people here is really too low. There is no local mixed-race force at all. We did apply to the headquarters for more manpower, but it was rejected. The reason is that we are far away from here. India is not too far away. If something happens, you can always apply for reinforcements from the Indian branch. The scale of the Indian branch ranks among the top three in the entire Kassel College branch around the world, and its manpower is high. What's more, we can airdrop support within two hours."

"I've never been to India." Lin Nian shook his head.

"I've been there," Mandy said, "but it gives me a good meal."

"So in general, the Maldives is very safe and there are basically no emergencies." Lin Nian concluded.

"Yes, you can rest assured to enjoy this trip. If anything happens, call us as soon as possible. We will do our best to help as long as we can." Kaka gave a very strong answer ensure.

"But since there are no mixed-race incidents in the Maldives all year round, even if there is, it is a trivial matter. The Indian branch can get here in time. Why does the college set up a Maldivian branch?" Mandy, who had been silent until now, suddenly asked a question Quite an interesting question.

"I don't know about this, and we often complain in our branch. The purpose of establishing our branch is to select a group of lucky people to take endless vacations." Kaka said humorously, "But in any case, we are indeed carrying One of the branches that has been added to the roster of the headquarters has to submit reports to Norma regularly every month. If it is delayed, people from the headquarters will call them from thousands of miles away to inquire. "

"Senior brother, if I want to apply to join your branch after graduation, what are the requirements? Or should I just apply directly?" Lu Mingfei seemed a little ready to make a move for no reason.

Apart from being a bit hot, the Maldives was simply the paradise of his dreams. There were bikinis everywhere and beautiful sea views everywhere. He could already imagine Commissioner Kaka driving a speedboat while wearing a shirt and showing off his eight-pack abs. There is a scene of Olga in the co-pilot going out to sea in a dashing way (this scene indeed happens often).

We can’t let that bastard Fingel know that there is a paradise like the Maldives branch in this world. If he knew, he would definitely give up the Cuban branch and come to compete with him for the position here.

“If you want to join us, to be honest, it may be a bit difficult.” Kaka scratched his eyebrows and looked at Lu Mingfei in the rearview mirror with regret. “First of all, our department is basically in the stage of not recruiting people. Only when a specialist takes the initiative to apply for transfer from the branch, the headquarters will consider sending additional personnel to fill the gap. The number of people in our branch has remained constant for so many years.”

Kaka smiled bitterly and said, “Besides, if I were the head of the headquarters, I would not transfer any of my ‘S’-level subordinates to such a place to work. After graduation, you will probably carry out dragon-slaying activities all over the world, right? You will not settle in a fixed branch at all.”

“Really.” Lin Nian suddenly lowered his head and agreed with this statement.

Mainly, he thought of Cheng Shuangfan. After the incident at Chicago Harbor, he found time to have a meal with Cheng Shuangfan as a way of reconciliation. They talked about Cheng Shuangfan's past, which was similar to Lin Nian's. At that time, he was also very popular in Kassel College, but he didn't encounter the big event of the Dragon King's revival. But after all, he was a ruthless person who did the second generation of seeding during his study and won.

After graduation, the Executive Department established a global dragon-slaying team with Cheng Shuangfan as the core, which was the UII team that Lin Nian and his friends met on the super yacht. I'm afraid that if Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei can graduate safely, they will enjoy the same treatment.

"Damn, running around the world? I'm a brick, I can be moved wherever I'm needed? What kind of future prospects are these?" But it can be seen that Lu Mingfei is a little painful and desperate about such a future, lying in a daze on the seat of the nanny car.

"Those who are capable should do more work. We are here." Kaka stepped on the brakes, and the nanny car slowly stopped by the roadside.

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