Oliga got out of the car and opened the door for Lin Nian and the others. The three of them filed out and were greeted by a very comfortable warm sea breeze.

Down the road was a white and soft high-quality beach with fine and comfortable sand. When Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei stood by the road and stared at the distant sea in a daze, Mandy had already jumped off the beach to step on the sand and play. She lowered her head to let the soft sand flow between her toes, feeling the wonderful comfort of their feet sliding slowly on the skin.

"Commissioner Lin Nian, look over there." Olga walked to Lin Nian with her hands behind her back, gently raised her hand and pointed to a group of people on the beach in the distance.

With Lin Nian's eyesight, he scanned in the direction she pointed and saw a line of large English words at a glance.

"Welcome to Maldives!!!"

It was a colorful banner hanging on the beach. From a distance, you could see a group of people wearing beach pants and cool summer clothes standing on the beach, waving and dancing in the direction of the nanny car on the roadside. The sea breeze rushed towards this side with their calls and laughter, full of a lively and joyful atmosphere.

"That's it."

"Commissioner of the Maldives branch, I heard that you and Commissioner Lu Mingfei arrived in Male on a flight this morning. The minister has granted everyone a day off to hold a welcome party for you." Kaka said with a smile, putting his arm around Lu Mingfei's shoulder.

"We are so big?" Lu Mingfei pointed at himself and was a little flattered.

"This is just the most basic etiquette. We are still worried that you will dislike our reception ceremony being too simple!"

"No, no, I already feel very proud to have a welcome ceremony." Lu Mingfei waved his hand quickly.

"I'm glad you like it. The minister and others can't wait. Let's go." Kaka patted Lu Mingfei on the back, and Olga beside him also politely took Lin Nian's hand and walked towards the beach in the distance on the fine sand.

When Kaka and Olga brought Lin Nian and others closer, the crisp "wave" sound of champagne opening and the eruption of ribbons rushed into the sky in one breath, accompanied by various cheers and welcomes.


Two mixed-race beauties full of beach style came over and put wreaths of Maldivian style on Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei, and handed each of them an empty champagne glass. A bald middle-aged black man with a champagne glass in his hand came over with a smile on his face and filled a glass for the two of them, "Welcome to the Maldives! In front of you is the entire Kassel Academy Maldives branch!"

"Although there are only 8 people in total." Kaka stood aside with his arms folded and shook his head with a smile.

"But this is our entire class."

Kaka and Olga noticed that Mandy didn't have a glass in her hand, so they gave her one more. Originally, this welcome ceremony was prepared for Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei, and there were only two wreaths.

"This is our minister, and also your number one fan. The welcome party was held under the leadership of the minister." Olga stood beside Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei and said with a smile, "The welcome party was hastily held. Basically, we just randomly chose a beach and applied for an outdoor barbecue. We brought a few boxes of good wine with us. I hope you don't mind."

"Will Blake, it's nice to meet you two! Commissioner Lin Nian, Commissioner Lu Mingfei."

The black minister was shirtless, with a short black and white beard on his smiling face. His middle-aged figure was still vigorous, and his dark abdominal and chest muscles were as strong as iron. He was a charming black man (Idris Elba type) who could attract a large number of bikini beauties by wearing sunglasses on the beach.

The black minister crossed his left and right hands and shook hands with Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian at the same time, with sufficient strength and full of enthusiasm, "I have heard about the great things you have done in the headquarters a long time ago! Kassel College needs young people like you, and we mixed-bloods have a better future!"

"You are too kind, too kind." Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei also responded modestly immediately.

"Oh and, who is this?" The black minister noticed Mandy, who was playing with sand with champagne in her hand and asked.

"I am just a bystander, just ignore me." Mandy looked up and said with a smile.

The black minister stared at Mandy for a while, then smiled, "Everyone here is a friend!"

"By the way, although this is the first time we meet, I want to ask you two a favor." The black minister turned his head to look at Lin Nian and suddenly said seriously.

"You go first." Lin Nian did not agree immediately. Although he did not hit a smiling person, he still had to consider the situation when helping people, especially when he had just landed and was unfamiliar with the place.

"Please sign my surfboard." The black minister picked up a surfboard from the ground and smiled with black lips and white teeth.

Lu Mingfei regretted not taking the signature seriously again, and still used the most sloppy Chinese font to pretend to be an artistic signature.

"Come, introduce my smart and capable members to the two commissioners." The black minister waved his hand and asked everyone on the beach to come over and gather together. He raised the champagne glass, glanced at everyone, and then looked at Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei, "First of all, there is no need to introduce these two, right? The protagonists of this welcome party, the two 'S'-level students of the headquarters, are also heroes of the executive department, mixed-blood heroes, Dragon King killers, Commissioner Lin Nian and Commissioner Lu Mingfei!"

Everyone cheered and applauded, and some people leaned over to shake hands with Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian with both hands, looking excited and excited.

Lu Mingfei blushed after bragging about his awesomeness. Lin Nian was used to it. He had become immune to others bragging about his awesomeness.

"Similarly, you two, these people you see now are all my members. Regardless of the small number of people in our Maldives branch, every one of them is a good man and good daughter at sea. In terms of professional quality and determination, they are completely different." The outstanding talents of this department!" The black minister raised his hand and took a large group of people to his side, and proudly introduced Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei like an old father, "Each of them is my pride and allows me to introduce them to him. Show it off!"

Lin Nian looked at the Maldai branch that looked like a small family and didn't know what to say. He could only smile sincerely and shake hands with the alumni and colleagues one by one, exchanging names. Everyone was surprised by how approachable Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei were, which made the atmosphere of this small welcome party more harmonious.

It was said to be a welcome party, so let's do the welcome party. After the brief introduction, Lin Nian, Lu Mingfei and Mandy were led to the seats on the beach. There was a barbecue grill next to it. The grill was full of seafood and steaks, which had been grilled for a while before they came. The sea breeze brought the delicious aroma of oil to the table and made Lu Mingfei drool.

Lin Nian took this small branch with only 8 people in his eyes. As the core black minister, he did not have the same coldness and airs as the headquarters or the Japanese branch. He had the image of a big brother or a patriarch, taking care of everyone. This group of young people. This group of young people were also very familiar with each other. They stood or sat arm-in-arm with each other in a particularly relaxed manner. They came over to toast Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian one after another.

The seafood dinner and steaks in the oven were served one after another. The specialists who had been in the Maldives for at least two or three years had no say in this cooking skill. At least Lu Mingfei, who was not full on the plane, just started cooking. While eating, I gave a thumbs up to the Palestinian commissioner in charge of the barbecue.

The young commissioners from the Maldives took the opportunity to get closer at the dinner table and immediately started the customary "One Hundred Thousand Whys" stage, asking Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei their curious questions.

"Lin Nian, Commissioner Lu Mingfei, hello, what are you saying? Although it's a bit presumptuous, I still want to confirm, did you two really join forces to kill the Dragon King twice? Those four monarchs in the textbook?" A strong American man with blond hair and tanned skin stretched his head across the table in front of Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei.

As soon as this question came out, most of the people at the table booed him, and he could only rub the back of his head and look at Lin Nian and the two of them in embarrassment.

"Yes, the King of Bronze and Fire, the King of Earth and Mountains." Lin Nian still answered the question head-on, "It's normal to have questions, don't be embarrassed."

"This is called pattern!" The blond man gave a thumbs up.

"Selvi, Dragon Genealogy in 1999. I have always had a question, that is, what does the Dragon King look like? Is it any different from ordinary dragons?" An Indian-looking woman wearing glasses asked curiously.

"There is not much difference in appearance. The only difference is the power and authority they represent. If you have the opportunity to meet a monarch, you will probably understand what I mean."

This sentence caused the entire table to laugh happily, and the reason for the laughter was simple. Their entire division had never encountered a Deadpool in the Maldives, let alone a dragon.

"Yalusto, who has been studying linguistics for 10 years, some of them said that Commissioner Lin Nian, your 'moment' is faster than the principal's 'time zero'. Is this true?"

"Perhaps at the next Kassel College sports meeting, if Principal Angers can show up and speak out, this question will have a result." Lin Nian couldn't help answering the question humorously, which caused a group of people to laugh.

"By the way, I heard that Commissioner Lu Mingfei is Commissioner Lin Nian's half-brother. Is this true?"

"Pfft——" Lu Mingfei spit out his wine.

"You might as well say that they are half-brothers. Brothers also share the property. The two of them will probably have to kneel down to each other in the end." Mandy couldn't help but interjected and joked, still attracting a group of people to take pictures. The table laughed wildly.

They asked Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei many interesting questions. Among them, Lu Mingfei couldn't answer the questions, but Lin Nian answered them on his behalf.

After all, he was very familiar with this scene. After he became famous after killing the King of Bronze and Fire, every time he went to a new place, the branch there would give him such a combination of punches. He was used to dealing with this scene. , acting like a fish in water.

The black minister sat at the end of the table, watching this scene with a kind and gentle smile, and gave all the opportunities to ask questions to the juniors. He only occasionally raised his glass from afar when his eyes met Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei's.

More than half of the two hours passed in the blink of an eye at the dining table. Originally, this was just a small welcome meeting. The commissioners from the headquarters and the Maldai branch met to exchange information. Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei I also remembered the names of these new friends and new faces, and even a few female commissioners specially left their contact information.

"Okay, it's almost done. It's time for our dragon-slaying heroes to enjoy their trip to the Maldives. If we have time, we can find time to get together later!" Seeing that it was almost done, the black minister stood up and knocked lightly. Champagne glass.

Kaka stood up and prepared to start the car to take Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei to the seaplane airport. After all, the theme of Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei's visit to the Maldives this time was still a vacation. The welcome party was just a statement from the Maldives branch. Everyone met, shook hands, and left a memory. The meaning was enough.

Before leaving in the laughter, Lin Nian suddenly saw the black minister sitting under a coconut tree in the distance. He waved to him lightly and motioned him to come over.

"Minister Will, is there anything else?" Lin Nian walked up and asked.

"You are going to Andward Island this time, right?" Minister Will looked up and looked at Lin Nian with a faint smile.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Andward is indeed a good island with a wide view, but it is relatively remote." Minister Will looked leisurely in the direction of the beach and the sea.

"Is there any problem?" Lin Nian keenly noticed that the minister had something to say.

Then, Minister Will turned to look at Lin Nian and said something intriguing, "Commissioner Lin Nian, I hope that if you and Commissioner Lu Mingfei encounter anything strange on the island during the seven days of rest after arriving on the island, don't hesitate to call us as soon as possible."

ps: I really want to bring out the invincible Elden's leave request, but I thought about it and gave up.

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