"What did Heimdall tell you?"

As soon as Lin Nian got into the nanny car, Mandy patted his arm and asked, and it is worth mentioning that she spoke in Spanish.

"Why do you speak Spanish?" Lin Nian looked at him sideways and asked.

"Because men who speak Spanish are sexy." Mandy teased Lin Nian with her side face.

"Heimdall, do you mean Minister Will?" Lin Nian glanced at Kaka who was concentrating on driving, and roughly understood what Mandy meant.

"Yep." Mandy shrugged, "My intuition tells me that this Maldives branch is hiding something."

"What are you whispering about?" Lu Mingfei found that the two people were not speaking human language, and looked at them suspiciously.

At most, he learned a few words of English when he went to Kassel College, and Spanish was no different from talking in a circle to him.

"It must be a whisper." Kaka said jokingly when he started the nanny car. He didn't understand Spanish, but it didn't prevent him from understanding the style.

Lin Nian knows some Spanish, mostly learned in Mexico. It is difficult to deal with local drug dealers and gangs without Spanish. The main thing is that when you step on their heads to force them to confess, you must always understand where the drug warehouse is.

For a period of time, Lin Nian often cracked down on drug manufacturing crimes because this thing is the most profitable. Most of the mixed-bloods in Mexico who made mistakes have entered this line of work. Ordinary deoxyephedrine or morphine cannot satisfy those mixed-bloods with extremely high physiological resistance. In the mixed-blood circle, they habitually adjust chemical ingredients and add dragon "bone, blood, and horn" ingredients to it. The harm is so great that it is unimaginable. Once it spreads, the consequences are unimaginable.

However, the new drug manufacturing product was discovered and eliminated by the execution department before it spread. At that time, the order Lin Nian received was a scorched earth strategy. No wonder his methods of handling incidents in Mexico are always so violent. The same was true in the Maldives human smuggling case. Not to mention living people, earthworms had to be split vertically and egg yolks had to be shaken evenly.

"So what secrets did Heimdall hide? Tell me about it." Mandy was still the curious baby.

"Who doesn't have some secrets? But that's none of our business." Lin Nian shook his head.

"Mysterious, do you remember the last time we went to the Japanese branch? The first time you and I went on a business trip, you looked like you were doing something behind my back." Mandy was still asking.

Lin Nian looked at this woman with a thirst for knowledge helplessly, and after thinking about it, he repeated Minister Will's words to Mandy.

Mandy pondered for a while, but didn't figure out too much, "Interesting, but not too interesting. It's always good to be more careful, but it's not like you can brush out a dragon king in these seven days."

"The dragon king is not a street product, you can bump into it when you go out for travel." Lin Nian rejected this guess.

"As of now, the two dragon kings we met, one is Lu Mingfei's game partner, and the other is pretending to be a schoolmate. You two may have a dragon-attracting physique that no one has discovered. The purer the dragon, the more likely it is to be attracted to you. It is not impossible for you two to come to the Maldives together and attract a king of the sea and water." Mandy pouted and spread her hands.

Lin Nian made a further inference, "If they really have any secrets, then they should not have taken the initiative to contact us from the beginning. If their secrets conflict with ours, then they should stay as far away from us as possible, instead of squeezing out time to hold such a welcome party."

"That's the truth, but who knows if this is a game of playing hard to get?" Mandy spread her hands.

"Are you hoping that the Maldives will sink?" Lin Nian couldn't help but complain.

"There are more than 200 developed islands in the Maldives. It doesn't matter if a few of them sink. Don't worry about it. Think positively. In a dozen years, the sea level will rise and the Maldives will disappear from this world. You fought a hundred rounds with the King of Ocean and Water in advance. The sinking of the Maldives just accelerated the process." Mandy shrugged.

"I will pay more attention after I get on the island. Tell me if you find anything as soon as possible. Don't hide it." Lin Nian looked at Mandy and reminded her.

"Fuck, where is the vacation we agreed to? How come you two have already started discussing the sinking of the Maldives!" Lu Mingfei suddenly cursed in fluent Spanish, and his spoken language was more authentic than Lin Nian's.

"Huh?" Mandy turned her head to look at Lu Mingfei, and then saw a flash of light gold under his wide eyes, and realized that this guy cheated.

"Lunar Eclipse" is really bad. If you can copy the word spirit, you can naturally copy her Spanish expertise. I envy her no matter how I look at it.

"It's just a casual chat, don't take it seriously." Lin Nian explained to Lu Mingfei, whose forehead was ready to sweat, and then relayed to Lu Mingfei what Minister Will told him when he left. He originally planned to talk to Lu Mingfei about this matter after getting off the car, but now it is much more convenient.

"No, buddy, can we talk about the sinking of the Maldives just now? I seem to have heard something about the ocean and the king of water!" Lu Mingfei felt that he needed a vomit bag to simulate an asthma attack again.

"It's really nothing. By the way, I forgot to tell you something." Lin Nian said to Lu Mingfei, "We have made three rules."

"What three rules?" Lu Mingfei was stunned.

"It's best not to use it during vacation." Lin Nian stopped talking halfway and looked at Lu Mingfei and fell into deep thought.

Do you really want Lu Mingfei to abide by this three-part agreement? If the minimum is not to light up the Golden Eyes, then it means that Lu Mingfei had better stop using the word spirit "Lunar Eclipse", but to be honest, the detection and counter-reconnaissance capabilities of "Lunar Eclipse" are too strong. Lu Mingfei, who drives the "Eclipse", is almost like a humanoid malicious detector. No bad guy with evil intentions or hiding his identity can escape his eyes.

"How about giving him a backdoor and granting him permission to use the 'Speech Spirit', but not to go further, such as manifesting violent blood." Mandy threw a piece of chewing gum in her mouth and chewed it, and also threw one to Lin Nian raised his hand to catch him.

"What are you talking about?" Lu Mingfei was a little confused.

"Three rules of thumb. During the vacation, don't cause trouble or stir up trouble. Just travel quietly as an ordinary tourist. Treat yourself as an ordinary person. It's best not to expose your golden eyes." Lin Nian glanced at the bag in his hand. The chewing gum was pink and should be very sweet. He hesitated before throwing it into his mouth and started chewing it.

Strawberry flavor.

"So restrained?" Lu Mingfei was deeply surprised and glanced at Mandy and Lin Nian suspiciously, "You really didn't do anything secretly behind my back?"

"No." Lin Nian sighed.

"More trust, more love." Mandy threw a piece of chewing gum to Lu Mingfei. Lu Mingfei hesitated for a while after taking it, then sighed and chewed it.

The nanny car drove back to the airport and parked on the side of the road. Kakala put on the handbrake and opened the door for the three of them. She smiled and raised her hand to take them out of the car. "We're here, I'll take them here. There are many counters at the airport to exchange foreign currency." There, find the receptionist on your island and he will take you to check in your luggage and go to the island.”

Kaka took out the luggage of the three people from the trunk of the nanny car and handed it to them, "Commissioner Lu Mingfei, Commissioner Lin Nian, you must have fun on the island. Andward Island is considered the best in the Maldives." One of several islands, I hope you enjoy this trip.”

"Thank you." Lin Nian shook hands with Kaka and nodded with sincere gratitude, "Let's meet again if we have the chance."

"Definitely." Kaka raised his hand and squeezed the back of Lin Nian's hand, took a step back and saluted the executive department, and Lin Nian and the other three also returned the salute slowly.

After watching the nanny car leave, Lu Mingfei breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally relaxed from his tense posture. Mandy looked at him with a happy expression and patted him on the shoulder, "Do you have the burden of being an idol? "

"What kind of idol baggage, don't talk nonsense, I just have a little bit"

"Admit it?" Mandy tilted her head and looked at him.

"Then it's still the baggage of being an idol."

"What are you afraid of!" Mandy grabbed Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian's necks and brought them together, saying with a playful smile, "What you are going through now, Lin Nian has experienced before, when he first went to the Japanese branch He is even shyer than you, and he tries his best to express himself in front of the people in the Japanese branch. He looks like a peacock with his tail spread out, and he is as crazy as he wants. People in the world call him crazy. "

"Really or not." Lu Mingfei's spirit of gossip was aroused. Lin Nian is so skillful in pretending now, so how ridiculous would his immature appearance be in the past? This guy always pretends to be perfect in front of his brothers and the people he cares about. I really want to see what he looked like before.

"I'll answer the call. You guys go check in your luggage first, including mine." Lin Nian slipped away from Mandy's restraints quite naturally, looked down at the phone screen and walked aside.

"What, is your girlfriend going to check the post?" Lu Mingfei looked up at his mysterious look and said.

"Not necessarily a girlfriend." Mandy said intriguingly, raising her hand to pat Lu Mingfei on the back, "Let's go check in your luggage! Then get some Burger King, I'll treat you."

"That's a good relationship." Lu Mingfei immediately beamed when he heard the key word "treat". At the welcome party of the Ma Dai branch on the beach just now, he only had time to sign autographs and answer questions. He didn't even eat much barbecue. How could he be on the island? The whole burger has never been better.

The image of this little golden-haired pony suddenly became less hateful in Lu Mingfei's eyes. He could treat guests, tell Lin Nian's embarrassing stories, and tell jokes to amuse the boring man. Apart from being a scheming bitch who likes to make arrangements, Simply the perfect playset.

If Lu Mingfei could have met Mandy Gonzalez in high school, maybe they could have become friends who talked about everything very early. After all, he found that his and Mandy's personalities were actually quite close. The type that spreads bad words.

A guy like Lin Nian, who pokes and shakes and squeezes out a little toothpaste, should have a partner like this. He likes this type of person, right?

Mandy suddenly noticed that the way Lu Mingfei looked at her was a little scary, and subconsciously asked, "Why are you staring at me like this?"

"Nothing, nothing." Lu Mingfei said stiffly, and at the same time, he thanked the fucking Buddha in his heart that he was a man. If he were a woman, it wouldn't be a problem (you might as well bring in the fact that your best brother is a A beautiful girl with long black hair and a straight 8-point score. She has the same interest in gaming. She is always available and can talk about any topic. It is not awkward but very comfortable to be together without talking).

After understanding this truth, Lu Mingfei's eyes changed when he looked at Mandy Gonzalez. No wonder this guy could confuse Lin Nian and tolerate her and forgive her every time. Co-author Compared to Su Xiaoqiang, this woman is the one who really thrives on Lin Nian's XP! Blonde, naughty, powerful, rich, and very playful!

Lu Mingfei swore that he would no longer complain about Lin Nian being a playboy. He could resist the temptation of such a crush and never cross the line. Lin Nian was a natural saint. Is this his loyalty to Su Xiaoqiang? Love it.

After Lin Nian finished the call, Mandy also found the receptionist of Andward Island. A local black man, dressed very decently, took the luggage of the three people to check in the island.

"Please follow me this way, thank you." After the black receptionist came back after checking in, he carried the three people along the corridor on the right side of the airport. Lu Mingfei held a Coke in one hand and a triple beef burger in the other, eating heartily, while Mandy took an ice cream and licked it in small bites. They walked through the winding corridor and came to the door of the private seaplane waiting room.

"Please wait here for a few minutes."

Islands like Andward all have private seaplanes, which usually take off on time, and there is basically no delay or queue. After all, there are only a small number of tourists who go to the island. When everyone is gathered at a take-off time, they will fly to the island together. If it is a public seaplane, it is often the case that you will sit in the waiting room for two or three hours, which is quite a waste of time.

Lin Nian opened the door of the seaplane waiting room, paused for a moment, and then walked in. Lu Mingfei behind him did not realize what this pause meant, but immediately went in to find a seat and sit down after feeling the air conditioning blowing out from inside.

The seats in the private seaplane waiting room are all electronically controllable sofa seats. Lin Nian and his three companions came relatively slowly. The other tourists who came to the island in the same batch had already been waiting for the take-off time here. The ones Lu Mingfei knew were the Russian family of three, and Carlisle Capet and her suspected agent were sitting together.

In the Maldives, the big star finally didn't have to wrap himself in a scarf. He generously revealed his true face and chatted happily with a Russian family of three next to him, as if they were also fans of the big star.

Then there were other people who landed on the island. When Lu Mingfei only caught a glimpse of the two beautiful figures sitting on the sofa in the corner, his beauty radar was already beeping, but when he really looked over, he was almost scared to death.

"Damn! Why are you guys here!" Lu Mingfei almost jumped up, pointed at Shao Nanyin and Shao Nanqin in the corner and screamed, the hamburger was spilled all over the floor, and the Coke fell down. Fortunately, Lin Nian reacted quickly and caught it, otherwise the staff would have to mop the floor again.

He remembered Shao Nanyin and Shao Nanqin too much. Damn it, the first time he was forced to burst blood and burst into a human form, it was this pair of sisters who did it, Shao Nanyin! Isn't this guy a fourth-generation species! Pure-blooded dragon! She she.

Mandy raised her hand and covered his fingers, slowly pressed his arm, took the Coke from Lin Nian and put it back into his hand, patted his shoulder and said with a sigh, "Life is so coincidental."

What a coincidence! Lu Mingfei was about to have a brain seizure. Meeting Mandy Gonzalez could explain that this girl was deliberately sticking to Lin Nian to eat Tang Monk's flesh and test the saint's heart for the third time. But it doesn't make sense for Shao Nanyin and Shao Nanqin to appear here, right?

Shao Nanyin and Shao Nanqin pretended not to hear Lu Mingfei's scream, let alone Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian's group coming in, and chatted by themselves. The main point was that as long as I can't see you, you don't exist. Irrelevant, unfamiliar, don't get involved.

"Sit down." Lin Nian put his arm around Lu Mingfei's shoulders and sat down.

"Sit down, Junior Brother Mingfei, if you can't accept this, how will you react to the one who comes in later?" Mandy also sat on the other side of Lu Mingfei, and together with Lin Nian, she held him down.

Then, the door of Shuifei opened, and the receptionist Xiao Hei brought the last tourist to the island into the house, reminding everyone that Shuifei was ready to board the plane to the resort island. As a result, Lu Mingfei turned around and saw a person he never dreamed of standing there.

The orthodox "Yue" of the previous generation, Li Huoyue, stood by the door in a cool sling dress that exposed her collarbone, holding a bottle of mineral water in her hand, looking at them, and nodded slightly to Lin Nian.

ps: Xiaohuan for a while

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