"Dear passengers, we have arrived at the destination and are about to land."

If it were normal, the pilots of the seaplane would not make such a report, but today they themselves may feel that this landing is a relief and luck. The voices of turning to the cabin and talking loudly are full of special joy and excitement after escaping death.

The seaplane began to land in the bright sunshine. Through the porthole, you can see the floating island that is already clearly visible not far away. The whole island is oval in shape, with both ends facing the direction of sunset and sunrise respectively. At the same time, a wooden bridge is derived towards the sea and the lagoon. At the end of the bridge is an independent water villa. The whole floating island is surrounded by green plants. Looking down, you can see many buildings hidden in the green island. The end of the veins extending in all directions.

This is Andward Island. It is not big. It takes no more than ten minutes to ride a bicycle from the left to the right to cross the entire oval island, and it takes no more than half an hour to walk. These resort islands in the Maldives are generally not large in size, but they are small but complete, and all the facilities on them are available.

Andward Island is the ceiling of floating island resorts, so it is naturally different from other ordinary islands. For example, you can see several small floating islands drifting alone near the main island, like a meteorite ring surrounded by stars around the main island.

Lin Nian's eyesight is probably the best on the seaplane. On those small floating islands, he has seen several separate tennis courts and horse farms, as well as the luxurious presidential suite on the island and the SPA with only one building on the island. These small floating islands usually need to be taken by boat from the main island, but Lin Nian has already started thinking, if you don't want to wait for the boat, can you swim directly from the main island to these floating islands.

Lu Mingfei squeezed in front of Lin Nian and looked out of the porthole. All he saw was a clear sky and a beautiful ocean. Andward Island is a rare resort island with both corals and lagoons. The dark lagoon and the coral reefs hidden under the water are so beautiful that it makes people feel that this is more like a beautification filter that only exists in photography than a natural landscape.

"This weather is really weird." He couldn't help but mutter, looking suspiciously at the endless blue sky. The dry season in Maldives is different from the rainy season. It is often cloudless, and ultraviolet rays and sunlight shine directly on the sea surface. There is no rain at all. But if this is true, what is the thrilling ten minutes they just experienced?

(The dry season and rainy season in Maldives were quite distinct earlier, but now there are often heavy rains for several days in the dry season, which is also caused by global climate change)

Lin Nian leaned against the seat and let Lu Mingfei jump over him to keep looking at the scenery outside the plane. He just turned his head to look at Li Huoyue, who was sitting alone in the seat next to him and resting with his eyes closed, and asked, "Are you okay?"

He spoke softly, and the noise of the water plane was quite loud. Basically, as soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was covered.

But Li Huoyue opened his eyes slightly after he opened his mouth, looking at the seat in front of him, without shifting his sight, and his head lightly swept with an arc that he might ignore even if he looked carefully, and then closed his eyes again.

At least it was an answer. Lin Nian made sure that she was fine before he withdrew his gaze.

Li Huoyue was not suitable for high-intensity bloodline activation now. The improved and repaired "Moon" system was not even a semi-finished product. In addition, the second heart could not perfectly match this system and had an immune response. If the dragon blood factor content was increased for a long time, then the enemy might not be killed by her, and her own body's immune response would kill her.

But this does not mean that Li Huoyue has no ability to protect herself from some stronger enemies. On the contrary, after Yelena improved her "Moon" system many times, she has made some progress in the aspect of Word Spirit. Rather than progress, it is better to say that it is a mutation. Even Lin Nian can't describe this change as evolution.

This mutation caused Li Huoyue's "Sword Control" to be in an extremely unstable state, and the consumption was dozens of times that of the past. You know, she had a record of forcing a Boeing plane to stop and land on the airport runway. Now she seems a little exhausted just to stabilize a water plane flying out of the rainstorm area. It is hard to say whether this is progress or regression.

But Lin Nian clearly felt that the nature of the "field" released by Li Huoyue had quietly changed. He couldn't tell what the specific changes were, but in practice, it was nothing more than stronger stability and maneuverability.

If the previous "Sword Control" gave him the feeling that countless invisible threads were pulling metal objects for manipulation, then now Li Huoyue's manipulation of this water plane was more like releasing a semi-solid "field". The objects wrapped in the "field" can be controlled at will, and the precision and sense of power have been improved like flying, but the poor endurance has covered up all the advantages.

While Lin Nian was thinking about things, the water plane had already landed on the sea and touched the water surface. There was a huge vibration, but at least it did not fall apart. A lot of water splashed on the porthole. Until it slowly landed and began to glide for a long distance on the water, most of the people on the plane finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The pilot took off his headphones, got out and walked through the aisle of the cabin, all the while looking around to see if there were any cracks in the structure of the seaplane. This seaplane belonged to Andward Island's private seaplane, and was different from those public seaplanes that were purchased second-hand in large quantities. If it were one of those second-hand ones, it would probably have fallen apart when it flew into the rainstorm, and a successful emergency landing would have been a luxury.

Shui Fei came to a complete stop at the docking position on the shore. Before the hatch was opened, a rhythmic drumming sound came from outside. Through the porthole, Lin Nian saw several butlers dressed as stewards on the platform connected by the wooden bridge on the water. Men and women of various nationalities stood there, holding simple wooden drums and string instruments in their hands and playing rhythm.

The cabin door of Shuifei was opened, and the people in the cabin got off the plane one by one as if they were receiving amnesty. Not wanting to stay in this transportation vehicle for another second, the manager of the Floating Island Hotel stepped forward with a smile on his face, ready to welcome these distinguished guests.

The father of the three Russians who got off the plane first immediately hugged the manager with a bear hug and patted him on the shoulder as enthusiastically as possible. The manager was a little confused. In fact, he didn't know that this was a close call. Later emotional compensation.

Lin Nian got off the plane, and the ground on the wooden platform turned white under the strong sunlight. Everything in his sight was shrouded in a warm and blurry golden halo. It's no wonder that the beautiful girls in the Maldives branch have bronze skin. , exposed to this kind of ultraviolet rays, no matter how strong the self-healing ability of hybrids is, they will be forced to tan after a long time.

The butler on the wooden platform smiled and put on each guest a small peace charm woven with something similar to bamboo leaves. It was probably some kind of hospitality etiquette in Madai. It can only be said that the service industry in Madai It is indeed in place, they rely on this to make a living. The butlers on the platform wearing uniforms with short-sleeved uniforms are of all nationalities. It is obvious that personal butlers will be assigned according to the guests' language.

These are 24-hour personal butlers. If you are hungry and want to eat skewers at four o'clock in the morning, he will have to get up and bring you a barbecue grill if you call him. Of course, few guests will really go to such trouble. Of course, as long as you pay enough When it comes to tips, the housekeeper will not complain a word and will always greet you with a smile.

"Mr. Lin Nian and Mr. Lu Mingfei, right?"

A petite woman wearing a housekeeper's uniform walked up to Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei with a smile and a hotel order form.

It was easy to recognize the two of them. They were the only Asian men on the plane.

"I am Yu Tian, ​​the 24-hour housekeeper who will be on the island for seven days and six nights this time. Just call me Xiaotian." The housekeeper pointed to the name tag on his chest and introduced himself with a smile.

"Sorry to trouble you in the next few days." Lin Nian shook hands with the young housekeeper.

"No." Xiaotian's Mandarin clearly has a Wanwan accent. She is about thirty years old, and her reception and attitude are very sophisticated. It is obvious that she has seniority.

Lin Nian turned around and glanced at Mandy and Li Hueyue. The bookings they posted at the hotel were all for women traveling alone. Considering this, the housekeepers arranged by the Floating Island Hotel were all women, one with brown hair. Spanish eldest sister, a girl from Sichuan and Chongqing whose hometown is Chongqing.

"What should we do next?" Lu Mingfei asked, probing his head.

"Everyone must be tired after taking such a long water flight, right? Let's go to the public reception room on the main island to sit for a while and have a drink. During this period, I will introduce you to our Andward Resort Island. After that, we will drive a shuttle bus to take you around the island to familiarize yourself with the restaurants, bars and some of the main facilities on the island. Finally, take the two of you to the water villa where you are staying to rest. Your luggage will also be taken there. Send it to the room, is this arrangement okay?”

Xiaotian has obviously laid out the schedule and arranged it in an orderly manner.

Lin Nian conveniently put the bag next to Lu Mingfei's suitcase that Xiao Hei had brought down. He glanced at the clear ocean outside the platform. The seawater on the entire island was very light in color, almost jelly-like in texture, and accompanied by the sun. The halo that shines on the water makes people want to jump.

But his focus was not here. He raised his head and glanced at the wooden platform not far away. Anna, who was on a mission, flew into the water without even paying attention to the housekeeper, and rushed directly to the island with a clear purpose, racing against time. He plunged into the rich green path and disappeared.

It was obvious that she knew what she was going to do and where her goal was, but it was none of Lin Nian's business. After arriving on the island, they were all at peace. Everyone had their own things to do and didn't interfere with each other.

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