"How has the weather been on the island in the past few days?"

Walking on the edge of the beach with green paths leading to the island in all directions, Lin Nian stepped on the white soft warm sand and glanced at the cloudless sea level and asked casually.

"The weather on the island has been very good recently. There are basically no rain clouds, so you don't have to worry about it raining. Of course, it doesn't matter if it rains. The weather here changes very quickly. Even if the rain clouds come for a while, it will be gone after a while. It will clear up." Xiaotian led Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei across the long wooden platform with his hands behind his back, and walked towards the shuttle bus parked under the shade of the trees on the beach in front.

"Isn't there any rain here? When we came here, we were almost thrown into the water by the heavy rain. God, please don't let the rain clouds drift here." Lu Mingfei thought that they might be unlucky.

The weather here is indeed very sunny, and he feels hot just after getting off the plane. The island is different from Male. The sun and ultraviolet rays here are a level stronger than Male. It hurts the skin all over the body. I guess this trip back will be like Lu Anfei.

"Eh? Really? Is it so scary?" Xiaotian covered her mouth in surprise and glanced back at the two of them, "We didn't see any rain clouds at all on the island. Recently, there have been many rain clouds on Andward's side. The weather is fine.”

"It's okay. How can you see a rainbow without wind and rain? Everything is difficult at the beginning. You have to endure the hardship first and then enjoy it." Lu Mingfei forcibly cheered himself up, as if he was wildly hinting that nothing unexpected would happen to him, but what is the purpose of this kind of hypnosis? It doesn’t work, time will tell.

"Are there any other resort islands near Underward?" Lin Nian asked after watching Xiaotian drive up the shuttle bus and get on it with Lu Mingfei.

"It's not nearby. The nearest resort island should be Park Hyatt Hadaha Island to the southwest, right?" Xiaotian skillfully started the shuttle bus, stepped on the accelerator and led the two of them through the forest paths, occasionally When you encounter cars coming from the opposite direction, there will be shuttle buses like this running back and forth on this island anytime and anywhere, just like buses for tourists on vacation on the island.

"What about natural islands? I heard that there are still many undeveloped natural islands in Madai." Lin Nian asked further.

"Are there natural islands? There are quite a few of them, but they are basically not included on the map. If guests are interested in natural islands, they can also book island exploration activities with the hotel on their mobile phones. We provide landing by yacht or water flight. Natural island adventure activities, but these activities have to be paid separately,” Xiaotian explained.

"Do you want to survive in the wilderness? I don't want to be your Friday." Lu Mingfei looked at Lin Nian warily, fearing that this guy would do something big.

"Just asking casually." Lin Nian shook his head.

"Actually, if you don't go to explore the natural island, there are many other activities, such as jet skiing, large-scale fishing, scuba diving, etc. Guests who can come to this island for vacation will not be short of money, right? Everyone is just trying. Have fun, if you are interested, you can also make an appointment with me for horse riding activities at the racecourse." Xiaotian spared no effort to promote the services on the island, probably for a commission or something.

Neither Lin Nian nor Lu Mingfei took this issue. Although they were not very poor, they did have some savings, but they were not yet at the point of financial freedom. This trip to the Maldives was funded by public funds, but only for hotel bookings. Other additional items had to be paid out of their own pockets, and both of them were, without exception, big stingers.

"Should eating on the island be free?" Lu Mingfei was not sure, but was still prepared to ask more.

"You have booked an all-inclusive service on the island. Meals at the five restaurants on the island, including the main restaurant, are free. Of course, there are also some special dishes in the restaurants. If you want to order them, you may need to order them separately. Charges." Xiaotian explained.

"That's a good relationship." Lu Mingfei felt relieved, "When will dinner be served? We will be at the restaurant soon. I'm starving."

"There's no rush. After I take you back to your room, get your room card, and go through the necessary introduction process, you can arrange your time freely." Xiaotian smiled while driving and introducing Lin Nian and the others to the restaurants they passed on the island. And the bar, seafood teppanyaki, Japanese omakase, French cuisine, Indian food and Chinese food are all available. The bar is divided into a normal water bar and a noisier high bar. The opening hours are based on the different needs of the guests. Admission.

I have to say that the scenery and greening on this island are perfect. You can see staff cleaning fallen leaves and branches along the way to ensure that the white sand on every path is smooth and there will be no depressions or potholes. It seemed that when the shuttle bus passed by, any staff member who made eye contact with Lin Nian and the others would nod and greet them with a smile.

Finally, we drove along the sandy road in the forest to the island sunset villa complex, and stopped in front of the entrance of a long wooden platform on the edge of the beach.

The entire wooden platform is maintained by driving stone piles into the bottom of the water, extending from the beach to the sea like branches. Those independent water villas are the fruits produced at the ends of the branches.

Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei were taken to a villa at the far end of the wooden platform. The housekeeper Xiaotian took out the room card from the envelope in the mailbox at the door. He swiped the card to open the room and took the two of them with him. Check in.

"Wow." Just after entering, Lu Mingfei in front raised his head and exclaimed in surprise.

When entering the villa, Lin Nian's first impression was that the space was very large, at least 300 square meters, and the second was the height. The villas on this island all have high-ceiling designs. This is generally seen in luxury villas, with roofs close to seven meters. , and a deep architectural structure, with an independent beautifully decorated lounge and interior. The light provided by the huge floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides fully reflects the luxury of the modern design inside.

Lu Mingfei was still looking up and getting familiar with the various facilities of this tall water villa under the guidance of housekeeper Xiaotian. Lin Nian walked to the floor-to-ceiling window on the side and looked at the huge outdoor area outside.

The most conspicuous thing on the spacious outdoor platform is the huge 12.5-meter-long private swimming pool. The edge of the swimming pool is entirely made of jet black marble. Lying on the edge of the swimming pool, you can see the blue sea and sunny sky.

There are also various leisure and dining areas on both sides, as well as a slide that can directly enter the sea. There is even a small pavilion at the edge with tables and chairs, which is probably provided for guests to enjoy dinner while watching the sunset over the sea. The place.

Lin Nian opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and walked to the outside platform. He raised his hands to block the sun and sat on a white chair beside the huge swimming pool. Taking a step forward, he saw the blue to green jelly sea below, with ripples constantly appearing on the surface. , you can see the dock on the water where Shuifei takes off and lands in the distance, and several speedboats speed past on the sea leaving white water waves.

Basking in the sun, Lin Nian took out his mobile phone and checked that the signal was smooth. He took a few photos and sent them to several contacts. He updated the social software, then put the mobile phone on the table next to him and sat down. Squinting in a daze while looking at this beautiful scenery in the white chair.

The sun shone on his body, soaking his whole body in that warmth. His skin was basically not afraid of sunburn. Lu Mingfei could tan, but it was impossible for him to tan. After constructing Smid Revitalizing Skin, , his skin has always maintained high activity, so he basically said goodbye to tanning and bronzed skin in this life.

Just sitting by the water, doing nothing or thinking about anything, the special smell of sea water that is neither salty nor light comes to my nose. The sea salt content in the Maldives is low, so the sea breeze will basically not bring it. Instead of the salty smell, there is a special light smell, coupled with the special incense in the room, which makes people's spirits particularly relaxed.

For a moment, Lin Nian felt that the money was well spent. Even if he didn't pay for it, he felt that just sitting here watching the sea, blowing in the wind, and being able to let go of all the distracting thoughts in his head was already worth it.

Perhaps it is just like what Minister Schneider said, sometimes taking a trip without thinking about anything or doing anything may be of great help to your physical and mental health.

He didn't know who had brought up the idea of ​​a vacation, but he was now sincerely grateful to that person.

There were footsteps approaching on the platform behind. It should be Lu Mingfei. Lin Nian squinted his eyes and asked, "What are you doing——"

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked into the sea along with his chair. He took a big sip of salt water in the sea and looked up at the platform. Lu Mingfei was squatting there and looking at him with a smirk on his face, " There’s always a time to relax, right?”

Lin Nian stepped on the water, raised his hand to wipe his face, squinted at Lu Mingfei, and said in his heart that he had the guts.

It's just like what Lu Mingfei said, even he always relaxes sometimes, right?

If it was a knife that had been stabbed from behind, he would have been stabbed straight through. This was a state of being truly defenseless and emptying his body and mind.

It was really rare, and he didn't expect that he would have such a relaxing time.

However, it was precisely because of this kind of relaxation that he floated in the warm ocean, rising and falling with the steady wind and waves, turning his head to look at the beautiful sparkling sea, feeling as if he was in another world.

Lu Mingfei squatted there on the shore and looked at Lin Nian with a playful smile. There were two cans of beer beside him. He just took them out of the freezer in the room and threw one to Lin Nian. Lin Nian in the water Nian caught it, opened it, tilted his head and drank it in one gulp, and then hit the empty can accurately on Lu Mingfei's head on the shore, but the other party cleverly lowered his head and dodged it.

On the shore, Mingfei brought a white chair and sat comfortably where Lin Nian had been, drinking beer and squinting in the sun.

Lin Nian carried a chair from the sea and climbed up the ladder into the water. He heard him next to him paralyzed on the chair like a lazy dog ​​and asked, "Is this really a vacation?"

Lin Nian walked to his side, put down the chair and rearranged it side by side, sat on it, flipped up his hair that was wet by the sea water, and looked at the beautiful jelly sea and the intoxicating blue patch of blue under the sun, "If you If you want to do something else, no one will stop you.”

Lu Mingfei looked at the beautiful seascape, saw the whole world shrouded in the thin golden halo, felt the slowly crawling temperature of the sun on his body, blew the sea breeze with a suitable temperature, and then put it down quite simply. .

He really wanted to have a serious topic with Lin Nian, talk about the previous inexplicable storm at sea, and then relate it to the intriguing words of the Maldives branch director, so as to further contact the Atlanta mentioned by Anna A. Campbell. The matter of Tis and the strange island that appeared on the sea.

But now, basking in the sun and looking at the sea, suddenly, he didn't want to say anything.

Just like what Lin Nian said, if he wants to do something else, then these troubles are waiting for him there. As long as he asks, the troubles will catch up with him and he can't get rid of them. kind.

"Don't care about anything?" Lu Mingfei looked at Lin Nian and asked.

"Don't care about anything." Lin Nian nodded.

He really made up his mind, don't care about anything, even if there is a dragon on the sea suddenly flipped to the surface to breathe and spit out a water column, he will only appreciate the rainbow hung by the water column expressionlessly.

"Really don't care?" Lu Mingfei asked with certainty, looking at Lin Nian with a serious face.

"Yeah." Lin Nian closed his eyes and basked in the sun.

He has been thinking about a truth, is it that as long as he lies down enough, no one can use him. Even if someone wants to target him, he has to move in the game, right?

Maybe lying down and playing badly can also become a secret weapon against the emperor?

"Then what do we do next?" Lu Mingfei looked up at the sky a little confused. In the past, he always followed the steps of Lin Nian, who was very subjective and proactive. Now that Lin Nian has moved, he doesn't want to care about anything serious, and he suddenly lost his goal.

According to the normal rhythm, Lin Nian should have taken him to investigate the Atlantis mentioned by Anna A. Campbell, but now, they are lying here and doing nothing.

"Do whatever you want. For these seven days, you can stay in the hotel and lie down for seven days."

"Why don't I lie down in school for seven days?" Lu Mingfei took a sip of beer, feeling the refreshing feeling passing through his throat, raised his head and opened his mouth to make an "ah" sound.

"Sometimes, many troubles are caused by ourselves." Lin Nian suddenly said while looking at the waves on the sea.

Lu Mingfei paused after hearing this, then nodded sincerely, raised his hand to take the beer beside him and raised it to Lin Nian, which probably meant that listening to your words is like listening to your words.

As soon as he raised his hand, Lin Nian grabbed his wrist and pulled him up from the chair as if it was nothing. In the spinning world, Lin Nian threw him out like a stone skipping stone. The whole person flew dozens of meters on the sea surface, and finally fell into the sea in a twisted posture.

Lu Mingfei drank three mouthfuls of sea water in a row, and floated out of the sea with his teeth and claws bared. He saw Lin Nian sitting on a chair, squinting at the sun, drinking his beer, and throwing the empty beer can into the sea.

From a distance, Lu Mingfei yelled at Lin Nian, "You are taking revenge! You must be!"

Lin Nian turned and walked into the villa, "Let's go to the restaurant for dinner. Remember to pick up the garbage before coming up."

Dragons? Atlantis? The secret of the Maldives branch?

Unfamiliar, irrelevant.

Don't talk about those conspiracies and tricks. He doesn't even want to look at them now. He said he was here for vacation, so he must only do vacation things.

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