A drop of water fell from a height, changing its shape with the pull of gravity, and finally fell on Anna's forehead. In the darkness, the cool touch spread in her dark perception, like a ripple spreading on the invisible water surface, bringing back her consciousness.

Anna reluctantly opened her eyes, and the first thing she smelled was the stench of rot, earth and feces mixed with the stench of feces lingering at the tip of her nose. She tried to look up to find the place where the coolness had just fallen.

Light sprinkled in from the outside of the pit fence above her head. Following the light source, Anna could see two or three children's faces covered with red and black color marks, curiously looking at her sitting on the edge of the pit.

One of the children was holding a bamboo tube in his hand, tilting the edge of the bamboo tube mouth, and a little bit of silver chain-like water flowed down and hit her head.

Anna, who was all dirty, leaned against the corner of the earth pit, raised her head slightly and opened her mouth, letting the silver-like water droplets fall into her mouth, wetting her dry and flaking lips, moistening her mouth and throat that was about to crack and smoke. The hard-earned water replenishment finally restored a little clarity to her, who was already on the verge of losing consciousness.

However, this clarity did not last long. When Anna wanted to drink more water to relieve the symptoms of water loss in her body, a huge force suddenly hit her shoulder, knocking the weak her out and falling into the dirty and smelly mud.

Anna was stunned for a long time before she realized what happened from the dizziness. She struggled to get up from the mud and looked at the place where she had just been.

Perhaps it was the refraction of light, the reflection of the silver-chain-like falling water droplets attracted other people in the earth pit. Like her, the "cellmates" who had been deprived of water and hungry for a long time would naturally not give up this opportunity of a heavenly rain. Seeing someone dispensing water outside the earth pit, they swarmed over.

Anna struggled to climb out of the stinking muddy water, turned around and walked to the other corner to sit down, without participating in the meaningless scramble.

After sitting down again, she lowered her eyes and looked around. This disastrous "cage" was probably her temporary home for a long time to come.

This was a pit dug vertically from the ground, with an oval shape and a depth of about seven or eight meters. As a cell, it was naturally deposited with all kinds of filth, human feces, bones, rotten food residues, and a shallow layer of stinking muddy water that covered the feet. Under the direct sunlight on the top of the pit's thorn fence, this pit almost became a petri dish, and all the disgusting things in it were hybridized and baked into a dish called hell.

There are at least a dozen people in this pit now. Judging from their outer clothes, although they all look very embarrassed, they are basically "outsiders" like Anna. As "outsiders", the ones who caught them and imprisoned them in this pit are naturally the "natives" here.

Anna almost didn't remember how she fell into the hands of these natives. Her only memory was that she rushed to the mountains with Nakhimov and Barbarossa, preparing to take the risk of climbing and finding a place like a cave to become a cave dweller temporarily.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountains, they suddenly met a savage, a real savage, wearing a straw raincoat, with colorful paint on his face, standing in the jungle and looking at them from a distance, not speaking or approaching, just staring at them straight.

Barbarossa and Nakhimov were both shocked when they found the savage. Their male instincts made them hostile to him, and they were proven right. Anna, on the other hand, first thought of trying to communicate with him. But after a few steps, she heard the sound of falling behind her. She turned around and found that Barbarossa and Nakhimov had inexplicably fallen unconscious in the woods.

When she turned around, the face of the savage, who was originally dozens of meters away, instantly filled her sight. She fainted before she could scream.

When she woke up again, she was already in this mud pit. No one came to explain why they were locked up. No one paid attention to her screams. Anna felt that the most teasing thing about fate was that she actually found her old friend among the other people locked up in this mud pit.

Bob Barry, the thug from the Wittelsbach family who liked to wear silver suits, was also locked in the mud pit with his men. However, he looked completely different from the calmness and arrogance he had when he was chasing Anna. He was dressed in rags, his body was shriveled due to dehydration and fasting in a short period of time, his eyes were dull, his whole body was smelly, and he was full of chaotic signs before going crazy.

Barbarossa and Nakhimov were also here, in the same bad condition as Anna. In addition, there were some people in the pit that Anna didn't know. They were all in bad condition. Some of them were even starving to the point of skin and bones. They sat in the shadow of the pit with their knees hugged like some kind of statue, making it hard to tell whether they were dead or alive.

After Anna was thrown into the pit, Bob Barry obviously recognized the girl, but he was no longer interested in her.

He had been hunting down Anna in order to get the secret of the island of Atlantis, but who knew that fate always liked to play tricks on them. During the pursuit, he and his men inexplicably arrived at this mysterious island before Anna.

It was that sudden sea storm. Bob Barry and his team had almost no reaction time and were directly swept into it. After finally breaking through the storm, a thing that looked like a deep-sea dragon jumped out from the bottom of the sea and smashed their yacht with its tail, trapping them on the island.

When they first saw the Gold Coast, Bob Barry and his team went crazy. They even knelt on the beach to kiss the sand and thanked God for bringing them to this dream place. It was not until they found that no matter how much gold there was, they had to take it back to be real. Then the real nightmare and despair came.

Almost the same as Anna and her experience, these prehistoric creatures on the island taught them a hard lesson. Then, in the process of fleeing to the mountains, they attracted the attention of these natives because of their large number. A simple jungle ambush easily captured this group of elites who called themselves Wittelsbach hounds.

But it is worth praising that Bob Barry was indeed the last person to be caught by the natives. He relied on his wild survival posture to deal with the natives in the dense forest for a long time, and finally accidentally stepped on a trap and was hung upside down. A poison needle was blown into his neck and he lost the ability to resist.

As a wanderer, Anna originally saw Bob Barry as if he had seen a ghost, but now she felt a little familiar when she saw this big guy.

Not far away, Bob Barry's group was shouting at several children outside the pit, as if trying to get them to pour more water in. There was basically no supply in this big pit, and the people thrown in were locked up like waiting to die. Coupled with the direct exposure to the sun, it would take less than a day for a normal person to collapse.

But after Anna was knocked away by them, the children outside were unwilling to pour water into the cage. It was not that they favored Anna or something. The logic of this behavior was more like a child feeding a rabbit in the cage that he liked vegetables, and other rabbits suddenly squeezed in to compete for it. This behavior would make the children instinctively feel disgusted and refuse to continue feeding.

"This is a watch, made of gold, gold, you can tell time."

Bob Barry, who was in a mess, raised his wrist and shouted loudly in English at some children surrounding the cage, constantly trying to trick the children to continue pouring water.

He took off the Rolex black rock candy on his wrist and tried to exchange for some food, but the native children didn't buy it at all, and didn't know how much food the big gold watch could be exchanged for if it was cashed outside. They lay outside the pit and laughed at the unlucky people below.

But there were still children who were interested in the glittering and well-made watch. They brought a vine tied to a wooden barrel and hung it down, signaling him to put the things in. The men beside Bob Barry also quickly threw everything that might interest the children in, just to exchange for some water and food.

Barbarossa and Nasimov saw the actions of Bob Barry and others, and seemed to be tempted to follow suit, but soon they heard Anna's slight voice, "It's useless, they won't throw anything down."

Sure enough, after getting Bob's big gold watch and some jewelry, the children did not throw down water and food like those who were waiting expectantly below, but left immediately.

When Bob Barry was so angry that he wanted to curse, suddenly several water columns fell from an angle that could not be seen outside. The group of people instantly rushed over and raised their heads to catch it as if they had received a rain from heaven. After tasting it, they inexplicably found that the water was warm and had a taste.

Then, at the edge of the pit, several children who had taken off their pants and urinated in it moved closer to the edge, allowing the people below to see clearly what the sweet rain they were drinking was.

"Fuck! You're fucking finished! I'll kill you all when I get out! You! And your parents! And your shitty savage tribe! Kill them all and feed them to the pigs!" Bob Barry broke down and cursed at the children who were laughing outside.

He stared at the bastard children, and at the same time, his right hand pulled a collar-like iron ring on his neck. Not only him, but everyone in the mud pit had an iron ring on their necks, which was engraved with vine-like patterns.

The children were not annoyed, but gathered together and recited a word loudly, repeating it and singing.

It seemed that the noise was too loud, and the noise of these children attracted the adults among the savages. After approaching the mud pit, they drove the children away, and then mocked the people in the pit with a few words, and the words that the children just repeated also appeared in those words.

Bob Barry looked very gloomy and stopped wasting his energy. Continuing to fight with these savages would only waste his energy. He walked to the corner, raised his hand and pulled the iron collar on his neck and pulled it twice, but it was useless. A trace of incomprehension and frustration flashed in his eyes.

There was a creaking sound above his head, and the door on the thorn fence of the mud pit was opened. Then a platform tied with a rope was lowered. On the platform lay an unconscious ragged woman who looked like a Belarusian.

When the platform was lowered to the bottom, the rope was pulled, and the woman on it was thrown into the mud and water, lying there, and it was unknown whether she was dead or alive. She also had an iron collar on her neck.

Everyone else was used to seeing this scene. Every time this platform was lowered, it meant that there was a new person here, and no one knew which unlucky person was caught again.

Anna looked at the woman lying motionless in the filthy muddy water, sighed slightly, tried her best to support her weak body and walked over, turning her over with great effort to avoid being directly hit by this shallow body in her fainting state. drowned in shallow muddy water.

The other people in the pit looked at her behavior with cold eyes. It was definitely a waste of energy. If you had this energy, you might as well close your eyes and rest.

After dragging the woman from the sun-exposed area to a corner, Anna sat down against the wall again and breathed hard to rest. Both Barbarossa and Nasimov remained silent about her behavior.

The savages on the pothole left with peace of mind after seeing Anna move the newly thrown woman in. The whole pothole returned to deathly silence again. Everyone found their own corner to avoid the direct sunlight, squatting and staring. Waiting for death in a daze.

"What do those kids keep repeating just now?" Nasimov asked looking at the weak Anna next to him. He knew that Anna could understand some Dhivehi language.

"Fighter," Anna whispered with her eyes closed.

"Fighter? What do you mean? Is he talking about us?" Barbarossa also approached Nasimov and joined in the conversation.

To tell an interesting thing, under the threat of dinosaurs on the island, Barbarossa was about to go crazy for a time. However, after being captured by savages, he was imprisoned and tortured by hunger, thirst, and torture. Instead, he became much better. It seemed that the torture of his fellow tribesmen would never be as severe as those of the giants. The coming of dinosaurs is scary.

"Maybe I misunderstood. Dhivehi has many ambiguous meanings. Fighter also means sacrifice in Dhivehi." Even though Anna was very tired and thirsty, her throat was about to smoke. , but still carry out science popularization in a very academic way.

"Sacrifice. Damn it." Barbarossa was a little confused. It seemed that it would not be good to fall into the hands of his own race. If those children really meant sacrifices when they shouted, does this mean that their final outcome will be different? Was his head chopped off and placed in front of the altar as a spectator?

"Are they cannibals? Why do they need sacrifices?" Barbarossa asked quickly.

"I don't know." Anna shook her head.

"Aren't you an archaeologist? Don't you know what they are going to do?"

Ana just shook her head now, not wasting any energy saying meaningless words.

As for the behavioral motivations and thoughts of these natives, perhaps she, the archaeologist, is the one among the group who wants to know the answer the most, but she feels that she may not be able to survive that time.

She even felt pessimistically that her mother might have been besieged by these natives after landing on the island. All kinds of messy thoughts kept emerging in her current state of hunger and dehydration, and she could not contain them.

"What they want is a battle, a blood sacrifice. This group of natives of the Promised Land believe that as long as they please the Bone Throne on the highest peak through battle and blood sacrifice, they can gain mercy, relief, and freedom from the island owner."

But at this time, someone answered Barbarossa's question and gave an explanation for the behavior of these natives in imprisoning them.

Anna opened her eyes in astonishment and looked at the woman sitting next to her leaning against the wall. She was also the Belarusian woman she had moved here. She woke up at some point. Or maybe she had actually been there from the beginning to now. He hadn't even fainted yet, so he sat next to her and looked at the surrounding environment in the mud puddle.

"The environment is worse than I thought. I began to doubt that it was a good idea to take risks." The Belarusian woman sighed, and then without looking back, she reached out to Anna aside and said something that made her adrenaline surge. , the eyes that were so weak that they could barely open widened instantly.

"As your mother said, you are indeed a kind child. Although you are acting, I am still very grateful to you for moving me from there."

"You-" Anna immediately grabbed the other person's hand, trembling with excitement.

"Stop talking, you're not in a good state right now. Come, have something to eat." The Belarusian woman raised her hand to twist her hair, and magically took out a few thumb-sized red fruits. She looked at Anna apologetically, "They searched me very carefully, so I couldn't bring in more food. Please feel sorry for me."

Anna was stunned when she saw the red fruit in the woman's hand. Barbarossa and Nassimov on the side were even more stunned. When Anna opened her mouth and was hesitating to say something, they grabbed the part of her open mouth. In an instant, the woman stuffed the red fruits into her mouth. She raised her chin, and the sweet juice and pulp immediately exploded in the dry mouth.

Anna's mouth started chewing consciously, and after absorbing the rich water, she swallowed. Her whole body became much more energetic all of a sudden, and she looked at this mysterious woman with quite grateful and inexplicable eyes.

"I know you want to ask a lot of things. First of all, your mother is not dead. Flora Campbell, is this your mother's name, right?" The woman looked at Anna to confirm.

"Yes. You are?" Anna really didn't expect such a turn of events when she was almost desperate.

"Am I your mother's friend, or a new friend? Your mother is my savior." The woman shook hands with him, "You can call me wonderpus."

It sounds like it's not his real name, it sounds like a codename or something, but no one cares about that now.

"Where is my mother now?" Anna braced herself and asked.

"Your mother is safe now, so there is no need to worry. Instead of worrying about her, you should pay more attention to yourself." Wonderpus looked at Anna's dirty appearance and smiled helplessly.

"You said my mother saved you..."

"I was unlucky when I got to the island. I was chased by a powerful Tyrannosaurus Rex and jumped off a cliff. I accidentally hit the bottom of the reef underwater and fainted. If it wasn't for your mother who happened to fish her out at the bottom of the canyon, I guess I would have been in big trouble."

"Then my mother..."

"Excuse me for a moment. I think you should pay more attention to yourself in the current situation, not your mother... I mean, please, you have to survive first before you can see your mother, right?" Barbarossa poked his head over and interrupted.

"Although the starting point of this pirate is to be greedy for life and afraid of death, I have to say that what he said is still reasonable. You have to survive first before you can talk about what happens next." Wonderpus nodded in agreement.

"Excuse me, Miss Octopus." Barbarossa could see Wonderpus's calmness and tried to talk to her carefully.

Wonderpus couldn't help but sigh, "You pirate are quite cultured."

As we all know, Wonderpus's name is a code name, which is related to the mimic octopus. I didn't expect that this Red Beard Pirate has a wealth of marine knowledge.

"What do you mean by the blood sacrifice you mentioned before? Are these barbarians cannibals? Do they eat people?" Barbarossa grasped the key points in Wonderpus's words before, and it seemed that he had listened carefully to the corner just now.

"Literally." Wonderpus said, "These natives are not cannibals strictly speaking because there is no human flesh in their diet. They prefer animal husbandry and hunting to support their survival and development needs. It's just that falling into their hands may be a little worse than eating people?"

"Is there anything worse than being eaten?" Nakhimov whispered.

"There are always things you can't think of, and nothing they can't do." Wonderpus looked at him and showed a sinister smile, which made the latter feel a little cold.

"From your appearance, you should have been on the island not long ago. How do you know so much about these natives?" Nasimov questioned in a low voice.

"Ms. Flora studied these natives for a while, secretly observed their habits, learned to decipher their language and culture, and then told me." Wonderpus looked at Anna and said seriously, "I have to admit that your mother is a very wise and brave woman. Although she is not a mixed-blood, she has done many things that mixed-bloods can't do, proving that humans can be better than mixed-bloods in extreme environments."

Anna didn't know what to say and seemed a little at a loss. She really didn't expect that her mother was still alive and well.

"How did my mother know I was here?"

"In her words, you've been a worry to her since she was a child, and with the notebook she left for you, she firmly believed that you would find this island to find out everything. Now that you've caused such a big mess on the island, she immediately guessed that you're likely to be on the island." Wonderpus said.

Anna thought it sounded reasonable, but there was only one problem, "What mess did we... cause?"

"Didn't you set the big fire in the south of the island?" Wonderpus glanced at the three people, "Even I admire you a little bit, setting fire to the forest as soon as you got on the island. But it seems that this is also the best way for normal people to survive, directly escalating personal crises to overall crises, playing a trick of heaven and earth living together - but this also has a price. These natives are now so angry that they are about to explode. They think you have destroyed their homes. After a fierce discussion, they decided to use you for a blood sacrifice ceremony in advance."

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