"Big fire?" Anna was a little stunned, "What fire?"

"The forest fire on the other side of the mountain has almost ignited the ecology of half of the island. Isn't that your fault?" Wonderpus pointed in a direction outside the mud pit, "Don't you smell the burning smell? So? A big share.”

Anna and Nassimov looked at each other in confusion. Barbarossa sniffed in disbelief, but all he could smell was the rotting smell of mud in the mud pit, and he almost choked and vomited.

"We didn't set the fire. We were caught without knowing anything." Anna said honestly.

"Then you are really unlucky. Those group of natives have been offended. The burning of mountains and forests seems to have touched their bottom line. They are looking for the murderer all over the island. Anyone who is an outsider will be caught. They would rather kill the wrong person. Don’t let it go.”

"Which goddamn guy did this shit and implicated us!" Barbarossa gritted his teeth.

"But this is also an opportunity." wonderpus said.

"What chance?" Anna asked in a low voice.

"Blood sacrifice."

"Why is blood sacrifice an opportunity?"

Wonderpus looked around at the unlucky ones imprisoned in the mud pit, and focused his attention on Bob Barry's group. "The blood sacrifice is not purely an execution. Among these indigenous people, they seem to believe in a god." ', not God, nor Odin, but an indigenous god. They call this god 'Tuotian', thinking that he is the incarnation of the island and the controller of the storm outside the island, living on the highest peak of the mountain range. At the top, sitting on a throne made of white bones, overlooking the entire territory. "

"The indigenous people believed that Tuotian was warlike by nature, so they created the dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures in the forest. This island is the playground of Tuotian, just like the Roman Coliseum. On the island Creatures must fight for years, dye every inch of land red with blood, measure every inch of beach with the soles of their feet, and finally give birth to the strongest warrior before they are qualified to go to the top of the mountain to challenge the god on the bone throne. ', and all the suffering on this island is just a test of 'God'."

"By the way, this knowledge about the beliefs of the indigenous people was gained little by little by your mother over the years. She discovered many relics on this island, and even came into contact with some kind-hearted and friendly tribes among the indigenous people. The information I got after the exchange. That’s why I said your mother is an incredible person." Wonderpus raised an eyebrow at Anna and said with a smile.

"Isn't this too ridiculous? The strongest warrior? What is the strongest? Can I be considered the strongest if I carry two AK-47s?" Barbarossa felt that everyone on the island was crazy.

"The strongest. What is the strongest? If we can become the strongest in their mouths, can we gain their respect and let them let us leave the island?" Nasimov was able to grasp the key point and asked in a low voice. .

"If you can become the strongest warrior, maybe you can directly become the spiritual leader of these indigenous people? Ask them to send the youngest and most beautiful girl in the entire tribe to your tent, and they will do it. Sure, I will probably be very happy, because the strongest warrior will personally leave seeds to bless the women of the tribe to give birth to stronger offspring." Wonderpus said jokingly, but no one thinks this joke is funny now, and they are almost hungry. If you die, don't mention the matter of the third route.

"But according to the standards of this tribe, if you want to be a warrior, you must first become a warrior, which is the level that can independently hunt a carnivorous dinosaur, right?" Wonderpus said,

"Ms. Flora often observes that people from this tribe will try to hunt dinosaurs on the island without the purpose of preying - they will send out a blessed tribesman, who in most cases is a powerful male. , to find ways to defeat a dinosaur alone. If they are not strong enough and are eaten, they will remember this tribesman and go back home. If this tribesman successfully defeats the dinosaur, then he will receive a grand ceremony in the tribe to celebrate him. Officially became a warrior of the tribe."

"Hunting those dinosaurs alone? Are you kidding me?" Barbarossa felt that he was dizzy from hunger and had auditory hallucinations, or that Wonderpus was dizzy and had some kind of delusion.

Even if Barbarossa were given two AK-47s and an RPG launcher as a gift, he wouldn't be able to deal with those dinosaurs. At the very least, he would have to bring tanks over to have a chance to knock these things down, right? Are you telling him that these barbarians can actually fight that thing alone?

"Do the people of this tribe--" Instead, Anna realized something and looked at wonderpus.

"Well, you guessed it right. There are a group of quite powerful hybrids in this tribe."

Wonderpus was not surprised that Anna knew about the mixed race. Although she was an ordinary person, she had been involved with Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian for a while.

As we all know, those two guys basically can't control their mouths. For other mixed-race species, leaking secrets is equal to the iron law of liquidation. For those two people, it is completely fart. Even if they cause some trouble by talking nonsense, There is always someone following behind them to deal with the aftermath.

"This tribe calls itself the 'Chosen People of God'. There must be something unique about their ability to survive and reproduce on this island. One of the reasons is that the proportion of hybrids among the tribe exceeds 60%. Excellent bloodline As well as the savage growth environment, the average level of the hybrids of this tribe is far higher than that of their spoiled compatriots in the outside world. It feels like the gap between long-distance runners from African tribes and modern athletes.”

Wonderpus itself also finds this phenomenon very interesting. After all, in the world of hybrids, many people have discussed how the older generation of hybrids fought against dragons before technology was underdeveloped. After all, there were no storms in that era. Use torpedoes or Tomahawk missile swarms to attack the dragons.

The actual answer is very simple, but today's hybrids are not very willing to accept and admit it - that is, the older generation of hybrids are generally stronger and more ruthless than the current hybrids, and their overall quality in individual combat is almost not the same level. of.

These divinely chosen people on the island of Atlantis have verified this fact. Without the assistance of technology, they can only rely on their personal bravery to compete with beasts dozens of times larger than themselves. In the harsh environment In the living environment, and in the process of fighting where they are forced to lick their blood with the tip of a knife, the weak will be eliminated, and only the strong can stay, and the strong will breed stronger offspring among themselves, and the cycle repeats, which is in line with the Darwinian theory of evolution. As long as it does not become extinct, those who remain and reproduce can only be the best among the best.

This also explains why, before the emergence of isolated monsters like Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei, the world-famous and intimidating strong men in the mixed-race world were still a few old guys, Hilbert Jean... Angers, Pompeii Gattuso, Beowulf, Henkel. The new generation of young people will almost never get ahead.

"Only by hunting a carnivorous dinosaur alone can this tribe be called a 'warrior', and being called a 'warrior' is far from the end. The hope of this tribe is to give birth to a 'warrior', and the 'warrior' must be able to do It’s much more demanding than a ‘warrior’, for example, hunting an overlord-level creature alone that can occupy a territory on an island.”

Wonderpus scratched his eyebrows, "I was pushed down the cliff by a dominant Tyrannosaurus rex. I have to admit that it was not an easy task. Of course, it may also be because the sniper rifle I brought was not very caliber. , after all, it was originally intended to be used to kill a few people at sea as a warning."

"You brought thermal weapons to the island?" Anna was stunned for a moment.

"Leave it at your mother's place. After all, it's not convenient to take her with you when you infiltrate." Wonderpus said with a faint smile, "We can't let Ms. Flora do such a high-risk job, if our savior has to put himself in danger. , then how can we call it repaying a favor?”

Just like what Wonderpus said, the island accidentally suffered a loss due to the sudden arrival. Coupled with the poor condition, she, the emperor's ace sniper, was not accustomed to the climate and almost suffered a big blow. In this situation, Anna's mother was able to lend a helping hand, save her and take care of her until she woke up, and even gave her the scarce food and water until she recovered. It was impossible for her not to repay this kindness.

The first important thing when working under the emperor is to have no extra personal feelings. Flora Campbell saved Wonderpus, so Wonderpus must repay this great kindness immediately, otherwise if Flora is in the mission in the future, A spoiler appears, affecting the emperor's plan. As a sniper-wielding wonderpus, if there is still a trace of kindness, wouldn't there be uncertainty based on "choice"?

The emperor would not see this happening, and Wonderpus's loyalty to the emperor meant that she would not allow this to happen, so it was better to repay the favor in person.

Coincidentally, after learning Flora's full name, she immediately contacted the girl Anna A. Campbell, and after confirming the mother-daughter relationship between the two, she knew what she should do.

"Actually, you don't have to." Anna hesitated and wanted to say something, but she saw Wonderpus shaking his head slightly at her.

"I have a way to take you out of here, as long as you obey. Although the natives of this tribe are good in strength, they have almost zero experience in lurking and sabotage operations. I am more than 80% sure that I will choose to join the game myself. I came to see you, so you don’t have to worry too much. All you need to do next is what I say and what you do, then you can wait to see your mother.”

The eyes in which Wonderpus stared at Anna made Anna feel inexplicably at ease.

Even in a dangerous situation, this Belarusian woman still shows a natural and leisurely feeling. It is a natural feeling cultivated after experiencing many battles and encountering various extreme situations. She can remain calm at all times and be able to remain calm under any circumstances. All have her own plans.

A veteran who has experienced many battles, this is obviously the impression, but Wonderpus's appearance does not match this appearance. Could it be that her age does not match her appearance?

Anna had this idea in her mind, but she wisely didn't ask.

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