This was a conversation that no one knew about a few minutes ago.

"Yanling is a surreal power caused by the communication rules of dragon. In this world, there are four original elements of 'earth', 'fire', 'wind' and 'water', which correspond to the hands of the four monarchs. If you want to steal the power of the four powers, you need to resonate with the power in the hands of the four monarchs. The way of resonance is usually to use your own blood as a medium to chant dragon inscriptions to communicate with the symbols of the four powers. element of character.”

Memory palace.

In the classroom of Class 1 of Shilan Middle School, Lin Nian and the blond girl were sitting at the desk opposite each other. After listening to the blond girl's explanation of Yanling, he couldn't help but frown and was a little confused about the meaning: "So, everyone's speech spirit is actually fixed, like a born recessive gene, just waiting to be discovered later in a way similar to the 3E exam?"

The blond girl raised her finger and shook her head: "No, you can't say that. Speaking of this knowledge, did you know that things like the spirit of speech are not completely innate? In the former Soviet Union, a German scientist conducted a special project on the spirit of speech. Research, based on the experimental results of multi-sample comparisons, shows that the spirit of speech is acquired."


"Word Spirits are acquired." The blonde girl repeated this conclusion, "Have you ever thought about why your Word Spirit is 'Setsuna'?"

Lin Nian shook his head. In his opinion, wasn't this kind of spirit spirit similar to a "gift package for mixed-race beginners"? As long as you are a mixed race, you can go to the 3E exam to draw a prize. If you are lucky, you will almost draw a non-lethal auxiliary spirit like 'Scheming' and 'Ghost'. The former can be reported to the Ministry of Finance, and the latter is haunted. Complete some covert work at the junction of mixed races and ordinary people.

But if you had better luck and had taken a bath and burned incense to worship the gods the night before the 3E exam, wouldn’t you have become awesome if Black King Nidhogg gave you a ‘Rhine’ and ‘Candle Dragon’? From now on, you will be the ultimate secret weapon hidden in the hands of the secret party. They will arrange it for you on an uninhabited island in a tropical area. You will be served delicious food and drinks. If you want to play PC games or buy a PS3, just buy a PS3. When one day a blind dragon king resurrects in the corner of the corner, the secret party will pack you up in a helicopter, drop you from the sky like a nuclear bomb, and then count down ten seconds. Three, two, one, with a loud bang, your mission is completed. The world is peaceful, which is gratifying. It's just a pity that the figures on your island and "Demon's Soul" and "Dark Soul" in the PS game console No one will inherit the platinum trophy for completing all levels.

"That's a good idea." The blonde girl bit into the chocolate bar she found from a student's drawer and commented on the fantasy in Lin Nian's mind, "But would you believe it if there really was a mixed race that had awakened to the level of 'Rhine'? With his words, the secret party will secretly execute him as soon as possible instead of hiding him like a treasure?"


The blond girl paused for a moment (she must have been choked) and said quietly: "Because according to the German scientist, things like speech spirits are born selectively and on demand based on each person's acquired personality. .”

Lin Nian was stunned: "You mean that the speech spirit of the mixed race depends on the mixed race itself? It is not destined by nature?"

"If you pay a little closer attention to the students in Kassel College where you study, and understand their speech spirits, you will find that the speech spirits of each mixed race are actually closely related to their growth experience." The blonde girl Said, "Most people whose speech spirit is a 'ghost' are withdrawn and do not like to talk to others, and they are most likely to be socially anxious. People whose speech spirit is a 'hypnotic' spirit are mostly talkative, gentle and sociable, and they are engaged in the industry It's also about psychology. People whose words and spirits are in the "Princessless Land" are mostly cold and serious, and have a sense of distance from others, but they always have something they want to protect that they don't want others to touch. This thing can be a person. It can also be an object, or even a past event that cannot be looked back on."

"Isn't it because of the awakening of these speech spirits that the hybrid itself is caused?" Lin Nian wanted to refute this example from a different angle, but stopped mid-sentence because he inevitably thought of himself, and then thought of More things to do.

"The word spirit is acquired, so it is unique to itself. Even if you are extremely bloody, you can only evolve your own word spirit along the periodic table of word spirits, instead of giving birth to a brand new word spirit. But this argument has never been proven by anyone. Even if the genius German scientist once conducted a similar experiment, it would not be recognized by others. After all, those inhumane experimental data had long been destroyed in a fire."

"A mixed-race uses one type of speaking spirit. The birth of the speaking spirit is related to the hybrid's own personality and experience." The blonde girl said, "What is certain is that if the speaking spirit is 'Lhine', 'Candle Dragon' or even For a super-standard speaking spirit like 'Guixu', the hybrid species itself must have huge hidden dangers. Either he is a pure-blooded dragon hidden among humans that has not yet awakened, a second-generation species or even a first-generation species. Or it is the product of genetic mutation. The natural mental state of this kind of mutated hybrid species is not even normal. After the bloodline awakens, it will only go further and further towards the other end of the critical blood limit, and even run wildly. The best way to deal with these people is-"

"Clean." Lin Nian nodded to express his understanding. People always erase things they don't understand and cannot control, and the same goes for mixed-race species.

"That's why the credits of Kassel College's 'Speech and Spirituality' course are worth so much. Every student must take the 'Speech and Spirituality' course. After all, this is the most powerful thing that the mixed race inherited from the Dragon Clan. Power is also the sharpest blade that can backfire on its owner." The blonde girl said lightly, "What do you think of your 'Setsuna'?"

"It's not bad." Lin Nian said casually.

Even Lin Nian didn't jump out of the topic mentioned by the blond girl. His word spirit is 'moment', and after a bloodbath, it is also 'time zero'. He can only use one word spirit at the same time.

The blond girl tilted her head: "What about the time zero when the bloodline was refined and the speech spirit evolved after the violent bloodshed?"

"There is no 'moment' acceleration on a single body, which is two points stronger than that of 'Time Zero', but the diffusive field of 'Time Zero' can change the sense of time of objects and people other than itself is particularly powerful. In a strategic sense, 'time' "Zero" exceeds "moment" by too many times." Lin Nian said bluntly.

"How is the spirit of speech released? What is the nature of the spirit of speech?" The blond girl randomly checked the quality of classmate Lin Nian's lectures like a classroom teacher.

"Chanting the dragon text, using one's own dragon bloodline to resonate with the dragon text and the four original elements, thereby producing supernatural phenomena that distort the rules." Lin Nian is a good student in all aspects, and is recognized by students as the most prone to dozing off. , the most boring 'Dragon Genealogy', he can memorize every sentence in Principal Angers' class intact.

"So we can understand that at the same time, a hybrid can release a word spirit by using blood and dragon resonance elements." The blonde girl said with a smile.

Lin Nian was silent for a few seconds and then nodded: "I understand what you mean. The success of my attempt that day was actually your credit, right?"

"Are you referring to the two word spirits of 'Time Zero' and 'Settlement' being released at the same time to enhance each other, or are you breaking through the wooden wall and peeking at your senior sister's beautiful figure that has a little belly but does not affect the overall appearance?" The blonde girl revealed an ancient figure. The smile of the manhole cover (no mistake).

"It's all there, but my senior sister insists that she gained weight because she wanted to become what mothers call the 'safe childbirth type.'" Lin Nian sighed and made some feeble excuses for his senior sister.

"Tell you, senior sister, the safe delivery type refers to the buttocks, not the belly. However, it seems that her little belly has been reduced due to your hard work recently." The blond girl shrugged.

"So it is indeed because of your existence that I can release Setsuna in the realm of time zero." Lin Nian sighed, "One individual releases two spirit spirits at the same time. Is there any precedent for this kind of thing in the history of hybrids? Although I have never seen the warning that 'a hybrid can only release one word spirit' in the textbooks on the science of speech, but I don't want this kind of behavior to be exposed by the school board and the secret parties above. After the interrogation, I probably have to cooperate with them in various physiological studies and so on."

"There is a precedent." Surprisingly, the blond girl nodded, "There is only one precedent for one individual to release multiple spirit spirits, and that is a noble animal that awakened in the Vidaubon Forest on the Mediterranean coast of France in 2003. of the next generation.”

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