"Next generation?"

"The servant of the Lord of Bronze and Fire has no way of knowing exactly how many years he has been sleeping. He was discovered by a farmer in the Weiduobang Forest. Since April 2003, this farmer has been aware of his own breeding. The egg production on the farm began to drop sharply, from 5,000 eggs per day to more than 3,000. At first, he thought it was the season that affected the production of his own chickens. But gradually, as time went by, the number of eggs he could pick up every day dropped. Less and less, 2000, 1500, 1000, sometimes even fell below three digits, until finally it was unacceptable double digits." The blonde girl opened another chocolate bar and continued.

"He first thought someone was systematically stealing his eggs, so he prepared a shotgun and traps, spent money to install more surveillance cameras, and stayed up for several nights just waiting for the criminal to show up again - and then passed He really had to wait for a few days, but he didn't find the young man who stole the eggs in the surveillance, he only saw a giant black snake that was several times bigger than an anaconda getting into his breeding farm!"

Lin Nian lowered his head, as if he had imagined the French man in the monitoring room holding a shotgun and trembling all over as he stared at the horrific scene on the screen.

"The giant black snake jumped over the fence of the farm every day and got into it. He triggered the trap, but the steel clamp that was enough to tear the beast's leg bones only bounced a few sparks on him. He swam in Every chicken in the farm was silent, looking down at the cafeteria like an emperor. He could swallow hundreds of hot eggs with just one mouth opening, and inhaled thousands of eggs into his body like a storm. He only attacks the eggs but does not exhaust the chickens that lay the eggs, so he has fresh and hot eggs to eat every night. After eating and drinking, he quietly disappears into the darkness with his bloated body covered by the moonlight."

"The next day after the incident, the breeder tried to find the giant black snake's nest in the forest, but only found a huge twisted chestnut tree. It can be imagined that the giant black snake found a big tree after leaving the breeding farm and entangled itself with it. It slowly and forcefully squeezes the thousands of eggs in the body, absorbing the nutrients and accelerating its own growth." The blonde girl bit into pieces of the chocolate bar with a crunch, "This was a huge impact on the farmer. If it was too big, we could only ask the local forestry bureau for help. The forestry bureau reported it to the fire bureau. The fire bureau said they had never seen a black snake as big as they described. The black and white surveillance video could not identify the species of the black snake, so they called for another one. The famous French zoologist finally attracted the attention of the European secret party, and completely defined this black snake as a pure-blood dragon in the awakening stage. It temporarily moved in the shape of a giant python. Once he passed through and plundered the breeding farm, After devouring tens of thousands of eggs to replenish nutrients and complete the 'memory inheritance' of the dragon clan's resurrection, France will usher in the plunder of a flourishing second-generation species."

"So in 2003, when no one knew about it, France actually started a dragon-slaying battle?" Lin Nian recalled what he was doing in 2003 and what news he heard. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember any rumors related to this incident. and news.

"The news was blocked in the most complete way at the first time. The French mixed-race world gave full command to the European secret parties. At that time, the European secret parties sent a team of nearly a hundred elite mixed-bloods to contain the next generation. Awakened, but suffered a huge blow when it first came into contact with the war. The second-generation species stopped its 'memory inheritance' when it was attacked, and began to evolve very decisively, using the 'Jun Yan' and sequence number 89. On the blazing sun numbered 28, it was then that they realized that this second generation species was closely related to the King of Bronze and Fire among the four great monarchs."

"'Blazing Sun' and 'Junyan'? I remember that the effect of the former is a strong light, and the latter is a high-temperature flame explosion. Just these two word spirits wiped out more than a hundred hybrids?" Lin Nian was a little surprised.

"Sometimes the accidents that happen in battle are so unprepared. The moment the pure-blood next-generation 'Blazing Sun' erupts, the light of extreme daylight envelopes the entire sky of Victoria State, and the night turns into clear day. All ambushes The hybrid's eyes were instantly blinded, and all defensive measures failed to be effectively triggered. Then in the bright light of the 'blazing sun', the largest 'Jun Yan' in history erupted, and no one could react to the 'Jun Yan' flames. Already approaching, in the strong light, nearly half of the team of more than a hundred elite hybrids were burned to charcoal by the flames. At the same time, the Vitauban forest was ignited by wildfires, and the French political circles had to declare that a meteorite had landed in the city, which caused the night Due to the daytime phenomenon and sudden wildfires, more than 9,000 residents and tourists in Victoria State evacuated urgently, and then a fierce dragon-slaying battle broke out in the local area."

"In the end we won."

"Of course we won." The blond girl smiled, "Because the secret party dispatched the president of Cassel College, Hilbert Jean Angers."

"." Lin Nian raised his head slightly.

"Anyway, the second-generation bird died, and a wildfire broke out in France that lasted for several months. Countless helicopters were dispatched to drop dry ice, and the wildfire was extinguished in November at the end of the year. At that time, all traces of the scene were also After processing, the people who tried to look for the 'meteorite' couldn't find anything. Maybe they can also find one or two alchemical warhead shells?" In the classroom shrouded in the sunset, the blond girl smiled lightly and told the unknown secret Xin finished his story.

Lin Nian didn't know how she knew about this matter that would be marked as a blood-red 'S' level secret anywhere, and she was able to tell the process and details so clearly, as if she was watching the Dragon Slaying Battle at the scene. More than average.

But what is certain is that there is only one most important concern in this secret - in the known history of hybrids, only pure-blood dragons can release multiple word spirits at the same time, and the cooperation of multiple word spirits is enough to cause one plus One is greater than two, or even far more terrible than two!

"It's a pity that the second-generation species was not fully evolved when it was discovered, and the two speech spirits released at the same time were still a little lower. If 'Blazing Sun' was replaced by 'Bronze Age', then Wei Duobang's level that night A storm of ignited molten bronze will fall in the forest, and none of the hundreds of mixed-race species will survive." The blonde girl said, "Things like words and spirits can complement each other. 'Jun Yan' and The combination of 'Blazing Sun' will turn people into coke in the bright light like the dawn of heaven and earth, with no way to escape. If that next-generation species happens to know the 'Eye of the Wind King', another event in history will be born that night. The biggest fire tornado, but unfortunately, the next generation seems to be a bit biased, and only knows the speech spirit of the bronze and fire king lineage."

"A hybrid who can use two kinds of speech spirits at the same time." The blonde girl twirled her fingers around the ends of her hair and chuckled, "Unprecedented and unprecedented."

"The more you say that, the less I dare to use this technique." Lin Nian said, "It is not an easy thing to be misunderstood as a pure-blood dragon who has not yet awakened. The decision is made according to the character of the Secret Party. A lot of people could die."

"But your technique of using multiple word spirits at the same time has nothing to do with the pure bloodline of the pure-blood dragon clan, but has something to do with me. Do you think I look like the Dragon King?" The blond girl raised her hands and gestured on her head. Two horns.

"I don't have the final say on this kind of thing. Only the high-ranking school board and secret parties have the final say."

"That's a shame, you are the only one who can see me." The blonde girl said regretfully.

"Although the principle of releasing multiple speech spirits is very simple, it is not easy to explain clearly. The speech spirits communicate with the four original elements through individual chanting to release supernatural power, so a hybrid can only release one speech spirit at the same time. But when a When there are two different individuals in the human body." Lin Nian looked at the blond girl with a faint smile on her face and pointed her horns in front of him and said, "This individual can release two speech spirits at the same time."

"You release Setsuna." The blonde girl smiled lightly and put down her hand to caress her chest, "Let me release it; time zero, it's a lot like cheating, isn't it?"

Time Zero and Moment are released at the same time.

Composite field.

"Then what's the price?" Lin Nian said.

"Whatever the price is, you'll accept it, won't you?" the blonde girl said.

What answered her was the wordless silence in the sunset in the classroom.

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