On the high platform of the church, Lin Nian was holding a shovel. Wan Boqian and Chu Zihang stood at attention under the high platform. They stood upright, giving the impression of being on the playground during military training.

Lin Nian was waving the shovel vigorously in his hand. It didn't mean that he wanted to blow off the head of the embarrassing senior sister with the shovel in his hand. He was just recreating the battle scene that happened here yesterday.

Kassel College's special criminal investigation course has a course on scene restoration simulation, which is designed to enable every student to mentally simulate the process of committing a crime as soon as they step into any crime scene. This plays a huge role in all subsequent actions and planning.

Wan Boqian was a personal participant in yesterday's incident, but Lin Nian didn't ask her, so she didn't take the initiative to speak. It was scary. Although she was a senior, in front of a real 'S' class, it didn't matter what you were. Senior, senior or senior, teacher or professor, no one has ever trembled in front of him. Didn't you see that there is a seventh-grade senior in dormitory 303, who has to kneel down under Lin Nian's jeans and beg for PSN Power-on password.

The shovel was gently placed on the shoulder of the stone statue of the severed head of Jesus. There was a tiny gap there. A slight comparison of the concave and convex surfaces of the shovel confirmed that it was left by the shit shoveling thing in his hand. The size of the gap proved that The man who left the mark was also very weak. If it had been Lin Nian, Jesus would have been knocked out from the waist up with the shovel.

"Looks like an ordinary person." Lin Nian put down the shovel and fell into deep thought. He turned to look at Wan Boqian and Chu Zihang who were standing at attention. Seeing Wan Boqian standing at attention, Chu Zihang also stood at attention. Maybe he felt that what happened yesterday had He also has responsibilities. He and Wan Boqian are temporary comrades-in-arms, and now everyone takes the blame together.

"Four, oh no, five ordinary people, without thermal weapons, used steel bars and shovels to beat you away." Lin Nian looked at Wan Boqian and couldn't help but asked curiously, "How did you do that? of.?"

"I'm not a combat specialist." Wan Boqian held back her words for a while, and her whole face turned red after she finished speaking.

"But you are a mixed race, right?" Lin Nian leaned the shovel next to the statue, jumped off the platform, and wanted to reach out and squeeze Wan Boqian's arm, but because of the difference between men and women, he resisted this desire.

"I am" Wan Boqian really thought for a moment that she was not.

"C-level? Or D-level?" Lin Nian asked.

".BB level."

In fact, Lin Nian didn't need to ask any more questions, because the middle-aged man in the logistics department had already told him part of Wan Boqian's information when he got off the plane, but now he couldn't help but want to confirm it again...

Lin Nian's expression was very complicated, similar to that of an old man looking at his mobile phone on the subway. Although he wanted to save face for the senior senior sister in front of him, because this matter was too outrageous, after hearing the two people talk about the details of yesterday, After the incident, he couldn't even control his facial expression for a while, showing the shock in his heart.

An elite hybrid cultivated through four years of education at Kassel College raided a crooked organization built by a grassroots team, and was actually beaten away by a few big men wearing cheap tights bought from the Alphabet website (actually, they were not beaten away) , but the current situation is very similar to this)? Lin Nian turned to look at the window next to the high platform that Chu Zihang had kicked open. The broken wooden boards on the ground that were damp and showed signs of mold showed that all of this had really happened. This made him feel even more outrageous. .

"But you always have a gun, right? The execution department will issue a special pistol to each commissioner. I remember the girls' models are mostly Glock and Wesson? Didn't you carry a gun with you on your mission?"

"The gun is gone," Wan Boqian said hesitantly.

"What do you mean it's gone?"


Lin Nian took two steps back and rubbed his eyes and temples vigorously. When he thought that this was a commissioner sent directly by the school board to assist him, his blood pressure jumped a little. Sure enough, the school board wanted to kill him through this mission. Bar?

"Actually yesterday." Chu Zihang wanted to explain a few words to Wan Boqian. Although he didn't know the current situation, at least Wan Boqian's head was shrinking to the ground and her face was bleeding. It was very sympathetic. She was so ashamed that she burst into tears.

But before he could finish his words, Lin Nian raised his hand to signal for silence. This was an internal conversation in the execution department. Even if there was an accident yesterday, it would not be the turn of Chu Zihang, who is not even a rookie in the execution department. To clarify for Wan Boqian, everyone in the execution department understands the rules of the executive department. If you have anything to say, ask your own questions, and solve any troubles yourself. Those who fail to do these three things deserve to be scolded.

"Have you passed the training test of the execution department?" Lin Nian took a deep breath, intending to feel out his partner's background.


"What grades did you get?"



"I mean C" Wan Boqian changed her grade against her will and in frustration. Although she really got an A, she didn't want to be embarrassed anymore, so she had no choice but to compromise and lower her standards.

"Oh, no wonder." Lin Nian paused and nodded, which shocked Wan Boqian even more.

"It's not bad. It's much better than my other senior sister. On the way to the training and examination of the Executive Department, she diverted to Starbucks and ordered a calorie bomb." Lin Nian patted Wan Boqian on the shoulder and decided not to question him. This senior, as a commissioner, must be tolerant towards his subordinates.

"Let's exchange information. In the city you arrived first, did you find any clues about the target's whereabouts?"


"Then how many kilograms did you deadlift during the physical test?"

"130 kilograms."

"Yeah." Lin Nian patted Wan Boqian again, thinking that she was not useless, at least she could still carry her bag.

After noticing that Lin Nian's eyes were getting weird, Wan Boqian finally couldn't help it anymore: "Although I'm useless, my speaking spirit is very useful!"

Wan Boqian regretted it as soon as she said it. She really didn't expect that the idiom "worthless" would actually come out of her mouth, and it was used to describe herself. Although she was not among the top students in school, she was still a good person at least. Top student, with a B-level pedigree, he is considered to be at the forefront of the students. He never fails the exam. There are no less than one boy in the class who puts on light makeup and chases after him. But now, why does he look so humble standing in front of the 'S'? ?

In fact, it's not Wan Boqian's fault. If she knew that the 'A' level specialists in Lin's previous missions were only assigned to 'S' level, she would probably have a more balanced mind. It's not that she is too good, but that The standard of S' class is too high. Thinking about it, it is quite full of Ah Q's spirit.

"Speech spirit? I heard from senior brother, high school senior brother." When Lin Nian saw the word "senior brother" coming out of his mouth, Wan Boqian's eyes were a little strange, so she explained a little more before continuing, "I heard from senior brother that your speech spirit seems to have some intelligence." Measure the effect.”

"Blood-tie knot." Wan Boqian didn't expect that Lin Nian had guessed quite a lot about her speech spirit before even seeing her. This guy couldn't have memorized the periodic table of speech spirits, right? That thing is not as easy to memorize as the periodic table of elements. After her senior year, she almost forgot it all. She only remembered one winter, two souls and three keys, and then there seemed to be four orders, five spells and six or something?

"Bloodline knot." Lin Nian confirmed that the information on Wan Boqian obtained from the middle-aged man was correct, and glanced at Chu Zihang, "No wonder you found out that you were being followed yesterday. Your speech spirit can scan the area. All living creatures with blood in it.”

Chu Zihang finally understood why he was following Wan Boqian so well before, and was suddenly discovered by Wan Boqian, who took advantage of him without hesitation. For users of the blood-based Jieluo, it is a very scary thing to suddenly find that an unknown hybrid is following behind them in the field. The distance of tens to hundreds of meters is a matter of life and death for the hybrid. Red line, if Chu Zihang were the enemy on the road, he would probably have more than dozens of opportunities to sneak attack and kill the opponent.

This is why when Wan Boqian shot Chu Zihang, she specifically replaced it with a mercury-core alchemy magazine instead of a Frigga bullet. This caused the brainwashed civilians to dare not shoot for fear of casualties when they seized the gun.

If there were Frigga bullets in the magazine at that time, she would have probably suppressed the scene. One wrong step leads to the next wrong step. This is how a vicious cycle sometimes happens.

"I hope you won't alert the snake. If what you said is true, these people who performed the ceremony are just unskilled laymen. They have not even stepped into our world, but some details of their ceremony can still be used for reference. ." Lin Nian turned around and climbed up the high platform and entered the investigation mode, his tone was calm and his attitude became serious.

"What do you think about eternal life?" Lin Nian looked back at the two people under the high platform and asked.

Wan Boqian and Chu Zihang were both stunned for a moment, not understanding why the topic of being shot came up.

"According to the ritual process you retell, the biggest gimmick of the entire ritual is 'immortality', and the medium of 'immortality' is the 'Holy Child'. This process may seem absurd, but in fact, it is quite sophisticated if you really need to quote scriptures." Lin Nian, who just started the topic with a casual question, didn't pay attention to the two people's daze. He stood alone where the blood-red wooden box where the money was raised during yesterday's ceremony was placed. He squatted down and lightly swept the rectangular dust marks on the ground.

"According to the records of the "Old Bloodline Reproduction Guide", in a very ancient period, hybrids who longed for the power of dragons would devour babies whose bloodline exceeded the critical blood limit to make the bloodline go berserk, and at the same time, when they were forced to release With the heart of the Dragon King, you can stabilize your mind and control yourself, so as to achieve the effect of refining your own bloodline. This is probably the most primitive and crude form of 'bloodline refining'."

This statement sounded a little unintelligible to Chu Zihang, but to Wan Boqian's ears it was the secret of Tan Zhi's change of color. If she remembered correctly, ancient books with the word "old" in front of them were all classified. , hidden in the restricted area of ​​the library, and only those with very high authority can borrow the contents. Even most non-tenured professors are not qualified to read the books that record ancient times in the restricted area.

But Lin Nian's authority is 'S' level. There are very few places in the school that he cannot reach. His black student card represents absolute power. Even if he suddenly wants to travel to the ice cellar one day, Any access control encountered on the road can be opened with the student card. There are no restrictions. Now it is completely normal to just borrow some banned books.

"The process of praying for eternal life is roughly like this. A group of people long for the Holy Child, the mother gives birth to a deformed child with excessive bloodline, and then the ceremony begins. Although the process is the same, in many details of the ceremony, the farce here yesterday is different from the orthodox bloodline There is no overlap between the refining rituals. It's just that the word 'eternal life' is mentioned on the box, which makes me very concerned. After all, the desire of hybrids in ancient times to pursue power was very pure. It was for infinite life that their original intention was Yes, devouring the Holy Infant and obtaining the immortal Deadpool is also a different kind of immortality, isn't it?" Lin Nian said lightly.

"Commissioner Lin means that there is really the shadow of the 'Jew' we are looking for behind this ceremony?" Wan Boqian asked in a low voice.

"I don't know." Lin Nian shook his head. "It's just a guess. The specific situation will only be known after arresting the relevant people and interrogating them. But if you let them go, there is probably no chance of finding these people again."

Wan Boqian's face showed embarrassment again, but before she could apologize, the door of the church behind her was suddenly pushed open forcefully, and there was a sound of coughing as dust rustled down.

Lin Nian on the high platform and the two people below the stage looked over subconsciously. At the door, two guys with red goat heads and black goat heads were struggling to push open the door. It is worth mentioning that the red goat heads were still stuck. With crutches and a cast on his right knee, he looks very dedicated.

Behind them, a few strong men in revealing tights with bandages and ointments on their bodies carried a red wooden box and squeezed into the church. On the wooden box were written two familiar large characters - eternal life.

Therefore, in the church, the eyes of the two groups of people collided naturally.


There was a strange color on everyone's faces.

ps①: I’m not in a good condition, my hips are stretched a bit (physics), I want to do the fourth update, but I feel like I can’t keep up.

ps②: Please try harder to update, I’m not sure how much better it will be, my belly has its own opinion.

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