"How dare you come!"

Before Wan Boqian opened her mouth, her lines were snatched away by a man with a red goat head who walked into the church with a cane. He pointed at her and Chu Zihang beside her with his trembling fingers in anger and said sternly, "You guys You are really looking for death. I didn’t catch you two adulterers and sluts yesterday, but you dare to come and die today!”

What an adulterer and adulterer, this idiom is used with great subtlety. At least Lin Nian’s expression on the high platform, dusting off his hands, was very interesting.

"You still dare to steal my lines, and how dare you come here?" Wan Boqian was furious when she saw those two goat heads. What the hell kind of professionalism is this? One is holding a cane, and the other is hanging his arm. Do you have to grit your teeth and endure the pain and pretend to be a ghost?

"Little girl, you are so loud even though your hair is not even long! I won't give up your surname until you start filming today. I will take your surname!" Red Goat Head was so angry that he was really hit in the knee. Wan Boqian took a shot. Special injuries like gunshot wounds cannot be sent to the hospital. Most doctors will refuse treatment and call the police. So after being shot, he could only go to a black market veterinary shop to treat the wound. The most damning thing is that he hasn’t been injured yet. anesthetic.

"Fuck me!" the black goat-headed woman on the side screamed. Several strong men behind him put down the wooden box, rubbed their fists together and walked into the church with gloomy faces. The lesson they received yesterday was not light. Both Wan Boqian and Chu Zihang were aiming for death. One of the strong men was unlucky and almost had one of his kidneys broken. The dagger scraped against the edge. The doctors said that if they were more accurate, it would probably be better. I had to lie in bed for several months.

Different from the last time, this time the strong men brought enough weapons and took out machetes and watermelon knives one after another from the wooden box. Even if they don't have a murder weapon, you will still feel scared when these tough men are walking towards you.

"Is it them?" On the high platform, Lin Nian clapped his hands clean and looked down at Wan Boqian.

"Yes, it's them." Wan Boqian subconsciously wanted to touch the guy on her waist, but after touching the space, she realized that her Glock had been lost a long time ago. A large number of her weapons were stored in the hotel. Today she is here to follow The 'S' level commissioners met, so naturally they didn't come with any hard feelings.

At this time, Chu Zihang had silently observed all the enemies and the weapons in their hands, without much panic on his face. Yesterday, he beat these guys until they were bruised and swollen and escaped, so he can escape again today, but The risk has relatively increased a lot.

Lin Nian looked at the five strong men in tights approaching menacingly. He thought for a moment, shook his sleeves, and landed a Colt revolver in his hand. He raised his hand and pulled the trigger without even looking. The huge The gunshots shook the church like bells, and everyone's ears and heads were buzzing. The black goat's head and the red goat's head sat down on the ground with a slap, and their crutches flew to the rows in the distance. In the seat.

The leader, a restrained strong man, was shot. His knees were shattered and he fell to the ground. After a few seconds, he let out a miserable howl. The bullet entered at a very precise angle. It only broke half of the kneecap and did not hit the leg. It's cut off, so the scene doesn't look too disgusting. Even if it's a movie, it can be played directly without being edited.

The four strong men in straitjackets holding weapons froze as if they had been hit by a restraining spell. The hands holding the weapons were so tense that they turned white with excessive force. One of them was shaking and was about to turn around and run away when his left knee swelled. There was a spray of blood, followed closely by the sound of gunshots that resounded through the church.

Wan Boqian swallowed and said nothing. Chu Zihang on the side was also a little dazed. Although he had seen Wan Boqian shoot yesterday, it was obvious that automatic pistols and revolvers had completely different performance capabilities in such a spacious space. Yes, the gunshots that resounded so close at hand were as shocking as if they were about to tear out the eardrums. A person would have to tremble and crouch and beg for forgiveness in front of such a real murderous weapon.

Facts have proved that the goat-headed men and women also behaved in this way. Even though they were sitting at the door of the church, they did not have the idea of ​​​​turning around and running away. People cannot escape bullets. When you are really threatened by a gun, you can only take your eyes away from the gun. In just a moment, the feeling of fear that is like a ray of light on your back can destroy you, and then all you can do is kneel down and beg for mercy.

"One of the rules of the Executive Department is that anyone who raises a murderous weapon towards the commissioner, regardless of status, gender, age or child, is qualified to kill without mercy." Lin Nian jumped down from the high platform with his gun hanging down.

The scene that Wan Boqian and Chu Zihang failed to resolve yesterday, he solved with two shots today. Although the situation was not completely the same, Wan Boqian was inexplicably sure that even if the church was full of believers, whoever had eaten the leopard would dare to pounce on it. If you grab this boy's gun, you will inevitably get a bloody hole in his body, break his legs when he should, break his hands when he should, and kill the chicken to scare other monkeys.

"Isn't it too much?" Chu Zihang said.

"No." Lin Nian said, "Next time when you ask a question, use interrogative sentences instead of declarative sentences. Otherwise, your 'questioning' will appear too weak, and it will make people think that you are just asking perfunctorily."

Chu Zihang stopped talking. From the beginning to the end, he never showed the slightest look of intolerance. He probably just asked Lin Nian such a simple question out of ethical common sense. Obviously, his sympathy for these scum was very limited. At the same time, he looked towards Lin Nian, who walked forward, had a look of renewed recognition in his eyes.

"Have you ever learned the execution department's torture techniques?" Lin Nian turned to look at Wan Boqian.

"I have learned it, but I have never used it." Wan Boqian said truthfully, lowering her head and following Lin Nian. She was an assistant in this mission, and she was obliged to assist the commissioner in everything he did.

"Just watch and remember what they said." Lin Nian walked up to the first strong man who was shot and lying on the ground. The strong man on the ground had bulging veins on his forehead and kept breathing quickly to relieve the pain. This ruthless man who had always been domineering and boasted that he had people's lives in his hands had all his courage drained away by this shot, and his eyes were filled with only the desire to survive and almost overflowed.

"What will you do if they don't tell you?" Chu Zihang further understood the true face of the 'execution department' that Lin Nian had been talking about.

"Actually, I asked the director of our executive department the same question about you, but our director only told me a Soviet joke." Lin Nian said, "He said that a student who was employed by the KGB went back to his alma mater to visit his teacher, and the teacher complained Said: Today's students are not as good as the previous ones. I asked them who wrote "The Old Man and the Sea", and they all said they didn't write it! After hearing this, the KGB students said angrily: These little bastards are too shameless. Now, teacher, you can just leave this matter to me! The next day, the teacher got up and received a call, and found that it was from a KGB student. As soon as the call was answered, the person on the other end happily said to her: Hey, teacher, ya But that guy finally did it, and he said that he wrote "The Old Man and the Sea"!"

After the joke was told, the strong man in straight clothes with a broken knee on the ground let out an earth-shattering howl, and his knee was lightly stepped on by a foot.

"The execution department is the department that lets people speak. If they don't speak, you have to let them sing." Amid the screams, Lin Nian calmly swept his eyes across everyone in the church.

Wan Boqian didn't dare to say anything because she knew that the execution department was such a cold-blooded and ruthless violent organization that did everything possible.

Before Kassel College really became a college, it was a mysterious military fortress, and the execution department was a terrorist department that was even more KGB than the KGB. The aces who came out of it naturally had a very ruthless side.

The Execution Department is simply built for the 'S' class. Only the regulations and ideas inside can truly sharpen the monster's claws.

With two bullets and a joke, the Caotai team, which calls itself a 'cult', knows everything it wants to say. As expected, these thugs in straight clothes know very little information. They are only hired to intimidate believers. After receiving the bonus after each fraud ceremony, the only ones who really knew the information were the man and woman with red and black goat heads who had already collapsed under the sound of gunfire at the door of the church.

They were a couple. From their mouths, Lin Nian had a comprehensive understanding of the number of times, places and amounts involved in their deceptions under the guise of rituals. The believers they defrauded on the pretext of 'eternal life' were widely distributed, and people from all walks of life were Yes, Ling Ling finally figured it out. In less than half a year, these two people actually defrauded more than 10 million yuan in traps. It's no wonder that after tasting the sweetness, they had to go into battle even if they were seriously injured to continue the deception.

Regarding the gimmick of 'eternal life' and the idea of ​​'Holy Infant', the man with the red goat head bluntly said that he was "inspired" by the rumors. As for what the rumors were, he answered in detail after Lin Nian's simple inquiry.

What Lin Nian didn't expect was that the grassroots team that Wan Boqian tracked down by coincidence was actually inextricably related to the target they were tracking.

ps: There is also

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