"Did you tell your friend and he didn't believe it?"

"He didn't believe it. My friend at the time thought it was incredible. I told him that the girls I hung out with in the bar were really from poor families. They were from petty bourgeoisie or even middle-class families. They had no financial pressure and they came out to be princesses voluntarily. Yes, he doesn’t believe anything he says.”

"Is this difficult to understand?"

"How can it be so difficult to understand that those girls who are from a good family and have no worries about food and clothing are willing to become princesses, but they just want to find more opportunities to meet people in our circle. Nowadays, many such girls are called Phoenix Girls? There are some things My friend also failed to understand some of the subtle points in it. At first, he thought their parents had acquiesced, but what parent wants their girls to come out to play like this? Little did they know that it was their own desire to climb out of the circle that affected them. The next generation, resulting in a subtle change in the outlook of these girls.”

"Master Shao has learned well abroad in the past few years, and his words are so profound."

"Hey, I'm kidding, do you think I haven't learned anything in the past few years? But to be honest, these words were actually taught to me by my senior sister here. Please come over here."

At the red wine tower table on the ground floor of the villa, Shao Yifeng, who had oiled black hair and was wearing a silver-gray casual suit, was standing next to his friends chatting. He suddenly waved to the passing waiter and couldn't help but say "senior sister". Taking a sip of red wine, the red wine in his glass was all gone.

However, this amount of wine is worthy of the fat figure of Mr. Shao, whose diameter is comparable to the length of a red wine tower. The two plates with wine on the table next to him contain cold meat, ham and olives. Everything except the olives is The red wine went down his stomach.

The waiter holding the red wine came with a polite smile and filled his glass with half a glass of red wine. After nodding lightly, he was about to leave but was pulled back by Shao Yifeng. He looked back in confusion and found that He rolled his eyes: "You are raising fish, that's all."

"Mr. Shao, pour a third of it to maximize the contact surface between the red wine and the air, so that it can wake up quickly."

"I know, I know. You don't need to educate me. The banquets I attended from abroad were much more advanced than this. I drank and vomited every time and no one had any opinions. Why do people everywhere have to teach me when I return to China? How can I drink?" Shao Yifeng sighed and reached out to take the excellent vintage red wine from the waiter's hand. He filled his glass to the brim, which was as refreshing as pouring rye beer into a fish tank in a bar.

It's a pity that there is no whiskey and coke here, otherwise he can have a glass of modified version of "Bull's Wrath" (vodka, beef broth, lemon, tomato juice), which is very British style. If the tomato juice is replaced by the 1983 Petrus wine in hand, It's more British.

——He did learn a lot abroad, but what he likes most is the various high-end consumption methods. The rich second generation who prides himself on not spending money is the most failed rich second generation. I give him If he can't lose even if he wants to build a kingdom, it would seem like the years of studying have been wasted.

"If your dad were here, he would probably take off his belt and whip you, but no one would dare to stop him now." A friend next to Shao Yifeng said jokingly.

"He went abroad to discuss business and has no time to talk to me." Shao Yifeng returned the bottle to the waiter, took a big sip and told him, "If my boss asks you to question me, just give me my name. No one will tell me." You whatever, go ahead.”

"Thank you, Mr. Shao, for your understanding." With Shao Yifeng's words, the waiter breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but change his name. Now he nodded gratefully and left.

According to the rules of the wine tasting party, half of his bottle of wine should be left by the end of the party. Now that Shao Yifeng has messed with him like this, he probably won't reach the target. But with what he said just now, his job will be saved, and no one will come to him. Trouble.

At least in this three-acre area of ​​​​the coastal city, no matter where you go, those who know the rules and know the world will give some face to the Black Prince Group behind Shao Yifeng.

"Corporal Lixian, be polite. That's okay, my Mr. Shao. Don't the girls in China like you so much when they see you like this?" The friend patted Shao Yifeng's broad shoulder and smiled.

"Who do you think trained it?" Shao Yifeng drank and shrugged.

After the wine was poured, the waiters flowed into the crowd, and the piano music on the second floor of the villa began to become melancholy from the soothing tune at the beginning, but the performance technology was obviously improved to a higher level. No one in the villa paid much attention. Many people had not had much in-depth contact with music, so naturally they didn't care much about what the performers were playing. Anyway, as long as they thought it sounded good, classy, ​​and high-end, it would be fine.

"To be honest, I am actually following the template of my senior sister's ideal boyfriend." Shao Yifeng drank the wine in a very ungraceful manner and smacked his mouth.

"Your senior sister's boyfriend template?"

"My senior sister is very selective in choosing a spouse." Shao Yifeng raised his eyebrows and said, "First of all, I have to be rich. I don't need to talk about it. I understand everything. Secondly, I must be a gentleman with a big heart and an informal mind. If I had been in the UK for so long, If I have a gentleman's certificate, I can probably get it. But I recently read Shelley's collection of poems, which really touched me. I read a little bit every night, and I can make a little progress every night!"

"How can you be a senior sister? You are the lover of my dreams!" My friend also raised his eyebrows, "A high school senior sister? You went to high school in the UK. Is your senior sister also a British-style girl? Do you have any photos? Send them to Brother, open your eyes?"

"My senior sister is Chinese, do you want a photo? I'm afraid you will be disrespectful to my senior sister at night." Mr. Shao snorted, "Do you believe me when I say that your senior sister is my senior sister from kindergarten?"

"Why don't you believe it? He is a gentleman and reads Shelley's poems. Mr. Shao is a man of long-term love." The friend opened his eyes and told lies. It seemed that the two of them had no experience of visiting ten nightclubs in a row. have to.

"I met my senior sister in kindergarten. At that time, I almost worshiped her as a goddess. I said that if Jesus' wife came to earth, she would probably look like my senior sister. So later on, I followed her to whichever school my senior sister attended. It's a pity that When I was in high school, my senior sister went back to my hometown to study, and my dad wouldn’t let me leave the UK, so I gave up and randomly chose a private high school to hang out.” Mr. Shao sighed, “Fortunately, I’m thick-skinned enough. Contact information. Recently, I have been pestering her to ask her which university she is going to study in. She was so annoyed by me that she almost blocked me. At least she told me that she seemed to be going to Kasai Kassel College. ?”

"Kassel? How can a university have such a down-to-earth name?" My friend thought about it for a moment, but he couldn't remember anyone he knew who had been to this university.

"That's nonsense. When I return to China this time, I will discuss with my father not to go to Eton College, but to go to that Cassel College. Even if I force money, I will be stuck in Cassel College." Mr. Shao was obviously unconscious. When he misremembered the name of the college, he probably would have kept calling it wrong if he didn't go back and look at the browser search history.

"What conditions make you so determined? Is it really a British princess or the daughter of the UAE chief?"

"Didn't I mention that my senior sister is from China?" Mr. Shao rolled his eyes at him.

"Where exactly is it? Could it be Phoenix Wutongqi in Kyoto?" The friend twitched his eyebrows.

"I don't know if my senior sister comes from aristocratic families. The aristocratic families that have survived these years are quite impressive no matter where they are and belong to the real upper class." Mr. Shao also pondered this matter that he had never figured out, " I only know that our family is really nothing in front of my senior sister, at most a second-rate entry?"

"Tsk, tsk, the background is so big? Mr. Shao has far-sighted vision. He really caught up with your senior sister. Isn't your father so happy that he had a cerebral hemorrhage and directly passed on the family property to you as a betrothal gift?" A friend clinked glasses with Mr. Shao and praised.

"The old man is still strong. I hope he can stay strong for another few decades. I haven't had enough fun yet, and my senior sister isn't chasing him either. If I really chase him, it will take me a few years no matter what." Mr. Shao hummed. He groaned and took another long sip of wine.

"Have you ever considered giving something as a gift? Giving a girl something is always the most useful and direct way to pursue her." asked a friend.

"Does it count as sending a ship?" Mr. Shao rolled his eyes, "But I didn't like it. I prefer a high-quality and cheap sailboat to a ship. Unfortunately, I can't play with that thing and can only watch my senior sister drive the sailboat." When I go out to sea with others, the bigger the waves, the happier I am. Maybe when I get high, I will take out my surfboard and jump off. Can I go surfing with her at my weight?"

"Tsk tsk tsk." My friend didn't know what to say, so he could only tsk tsk. Perhaps he was also shocked by the courage of this unknown "senior sister".

There was a melodious piano sound in the villa. Shao Yifeng, who had been drinking and listening for a while, raised his head inexplicably and looked at the second floor of the villa and asked curiously: "Why has the piano player been playing piano all the time since just now? This piano player is really messed up. Ah, after playing for half an hour, shouldn’t it be time to go back to the first movement and start playing again?”

"Young Master Shao still knows how to play the piano?" My friend asked, "Let me guess, did you learn it from your senior sister?"

"That's for sure." Mr. Shao nodded, "My senior sister is very good at playing the piano. For this reason, I went to many more piano concerts so that I can have more things in common with her when she returns to China this year."

"Your senior sister is going back to China?" My friend was a little surprised, "Then I can't see a real person? I really want to see which kind of goblin charmed our Mr. Shao to the point of losing his soul."

"I don't know, but it's possible. She seems to be coming back to our place to attend a charity dinner? I don't know why she suddenly became interested in this thing, but I also received an invitation letter before. If she is interested, I will I'm interested." Mr. Shao said brightly, "Since it's a charity dinner, of course it's my turn to perform. I just want to show my senior sister that I'm a very caring person."

"As long as you are happy." The friend smiled bitterly and shook his head, then looked at the second floor of the villa where there was obviously a lot of people gathered. "Why are everyone going up? They can't all go to listen to the piano, right?"

"Someone said that I played the piano really well. This piano player is at least starting from the performance level, which is not much different from the concerts I attended. Didn't it mean that the piano player tonight was temporarily found? Why did his technique suddenly improve so much? How many?" Mr. Shao also looked up curiously at the second floor, but from the angle of the hall, he couldn't see the grand piano in the back. He could only see a group of men crowding back to the guardrail and holding up red wine glasses to watch the people inside. scene.

A friend on the side casually asked a waiter about the situation, then turned to look at Mr. Shao and said, "I heard from the waiter that there was a young girl who came to the wine tasting party and was playing the piano. She was very pretty. There are two bodyguards standing beside him. Is there someone like this? Did we miss it when we came here?"

"Who knows?" Mr. Shao shrugged, "Anyway, she can't play as well as my senior sister, and she's not as good-looking as my senior sister."

My friend had a toothache when he heard these words. He always felt that Mr. Shao usually spoke quite normally, but when he talked about his senior sister, he became five years old. He tried to flatter his senior sister in every possible way, as if he was showing off to others. Just like the top-notch toys in the display window, it’s an envy.

"Okay, drink less. Don't vomit. Come up and join in the fun." The friend shook his head and pulled Mr. Shao, who rolled his eyes, to go upstairs. There were many guests beside them who noticed the interesting things upstairs. The scene began to follow the stairs on both sides to the second floor of the villa.

ps: If you catch a cold, take some cold medicine and go to bed early. Let’s end it with 10,000 words for the time being.

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