Rachmaninov's Third Piano Concerto is considered one of Rach's most famous works. It is the Third Piano Concerto that is resounding in the villa now. The tune is full of the unyielding soul of dark Russia, melancholy and sad, but However, you can hear abundant optimism in the melancholy tune, making the listener think, sink, and have endless aftertaste while listening.

Steinway's ebony grand piano is placed on a low platform in a corner of the second floor of the villa. Going up three steps is a girl in a white dress sitting in front of the piano playing. The dazzling white dress and the dancing The strong, crisp arms that rise and fall blend together.

A real piano player always plays the music with all her enthusiasm and strength. When she puts all her emotions into it, she maintains her own skills and habits so perfectly. Her fingers cross the octave at high speed and land on the piano. On the black and white keys, while the strength of the whole body is flowing away, the muscles of the forearm are relaxed and loose. From the entire rise and fall of the arm, the delicate snow-white flesh can be seen undulating like ripples in a lake.

Pull three is not suitable for women to play.

This is the personal opinion of some musicians. The whole piece takes about forty minutes from beginning to end. If only the third movement is taken, it only takes about thirty minutes. Because each pianist’s rhythm and emotional understanding are different, this may not be the case. The time will also be relatively extended or shortened.

In any case, it is a particularly physically demanding task to dedicate all the emotion and energy from beginning to end to play this half-hour piece of music. Dedicate yourself to the performance, even if it is harder than Rachmaninoff. For Liszt, many emotionally charged and extremely difficult pieces of music can exhaust many male performers. Cyril Smith, a professor at the Royal Academy of Music, once described the physical impact of playing "three pulls" once. Paying off is equivalent to “shoveling ten tons of coal.” This is why some people call La San a piece of music that is not suitable for ladies to play.

Absolute playing emotion, absolute playing power, absolute technical control!

In a concert with countless musical instruments resonating, the piano is definitely the leader of the entire band. Players without sufficient experience and physical strength are simply not qualified for this arduous task. It is said that the most transparent and perfect female pianist in the world at the moment , is Valentina Urasova with the wind and color of Siberia - this outstanding woman is not only a top pianist but also a professional volleyball player with strong physical strength.

However, at the moment, during the wine tasting, a girl around 21 or 2 years old was exuding her amazing talent to the men and women in the entire villa. Every keystroke was so accurate, and she was full of emotions as she rose and fell in front of the piano. The black hair was scattered behind the snowy shoulders. The frantic smashing of the piano that had lasted for dozens of minutes did not even have a wrong note - but even if there were wrong notes, no one would be able to hear it. This kind of stormy performance only It can make people feel like they are in the turbulent sea and feel the sadness coming from the sky.

All the listeners who came to the wine tasting party to hear the sound of the piano were impressed by this gorgeous piano skills, and most of the men also fell in love with the brilliance flowing from the side eyes of the girl in the white dress while waving her arms and raising her arms. They also noticed that the music score in front of the piano had not been turned for a long time. Many men who regarded themselves as gentlemen holding red wine glasses couldn't help but want to go up and turn the pages of the music score for her, but they often walked to the steps of the low platform. When they came forward, the black-clothed 'bodyguards' stationed on both sides of the girl in the white dress would step forward to stop them. After carefully examining the faces of the men who volunteered, they would politely ask them to go back to the crowd. .

But just because the bodyguards will conduct a process of 'examining' the men who come forward before blocking them, this can't help but give many people an illusion. That is, the girl playing the piano is not just a simple piano addict. His hands were itchy, but he was specifically using his piano playing to attract anyone. The music score without turning pages was just an elaborate trick, and the men who were stopped by the 'bodyguards' were simply because they were not the ones the girl wanted to wait for.

Things suddenly became interesting.

So this interesting event changed from watching the performance of a talented piano girl to a question of who is qualified to impress the hard-hearted of these two 'bodyguards'. It actually attracted many young men from prominent families or talented people. Being competitive and competitive, the entire second floor was overcrowded for a while.

Someone in the crowd took another step and walked out. It was a man in a white suit. He put the red wine glass he was holding on the waiter's tray, straightened the buttons of his suit, and inadvertently shook off his clothes. He checked the tasteful watch under his sleeve, put on a gentle and gentlemanly smile, and walked straight to the low platform.

People who recognized this man were about to exclaim about his prominent background. Then they found that before the man even approached the piano, he was blocked back in disgrace by two door-god-like 'bodyguards'. Unfortunately, his suit had not been buttoned yet. Button it up.

The man in the white suit originally wanted to whisper a few words to the 'bodyguard', but when he met the pale golden eyes of one of the young bodyguards, all his words were caught by that gaze. He stuffed it back into his throat and stabbed it into his stomach. A huge fear enveloped him, and he walked back to the crowd dejectedly without saying any harsh or good words.

"It's quite interesting. What do you think Mr. Shao said?"

Among the crowd of onlookers near the stairs, Shao Yifeng and his friends were also standing at the front. They knew many people at this wine tasting party, and they took the initiative to say hello to them when they saw them coming up. Make room for a front-row audience.

"What should I say? I'm standing and drinking." Shao Yifeng rolled his eyes and took another sip of red wine.

"What, you want to have sex? Are you drinking to build up your courage? Why is Mr. Shao doing this?" his friend joked.

"Holy shit, can you speak? Do you need to be brave to catch girls?" Shao Yifeng hummed and took another sip of wine. Before he walked out, many people around him thought that after saying this, he would have to put on a spunky look. Step out proudly.

While he was talking, another man who was not afraid of embarrassment tried to go up, but this man still left Maicheng. He was so confident when he left, but he was so humble when he came back. But no one laughed at him. On the contrary, he became more curious about the wine tasting party. Who is qualified to step onto the low stage and turn the page of the piano score of the girl in the white dress?

"You really don't dare to go? How can you chase after your senior sister if you have such guts." The friend was listening to piano music while quarreling with each other. He and Shao Yifeng had a very close relationship. They usually just watched the fun and didn't take it too seriously. Shao Yifeng used to Many disasters in the country were caused by his instigation, but afterwards they were brothers enough to shoulder the responsibility together.

"Courage? What I have learned the most over the years is how to be rejected." Shao Yifeng was obviously a little drunk after drinking too much, and he began to speak more forcefully.

La San gradually entered an exciting episode, and the ups and downs of emotions became more and more exciting. At this time, Shao Yifeng had almost finished drinking the red wine. The waiter on the side cleverly thought of pouring the wine, but he stopped him and put the empty cup aside. On the tray, I straightened my belly that was a little bit open due to too much wine, coughed a few words and cleared my throat. Then I walked to the low stage of the grand piano with great pride!

Many people recognized Shao Yifeng immediately. They couldn't help but recognize him. The young master of the Black Prince Group had a very iconic figure. His silver suit was bulging like colorful balls hanging on a Christmas tree. , but no one dared to say it out loud. They were all interested in seeing whether this young man who had returned from studying in the UK had learned how to manage his manners after being rejected by a beautiful woman.

Shao Yifeng walked to the piano platform and glanced at the two dark door gods with a leering look! An aura of calmness and dignity rose up from the little fat man.

He finally learned something from his business tycoon father. According to his father's boastful words, momentum can be inherited. No matter how awesome I am, my son will definitely be mine. Even after he was polished off by that mysterious senior sister in England, Shao Yifeng, who had been domineering since childhood, still did not forget how to write 'dandy' engraved on the forehead of the rich second generation.

A miracle happened. This time, the two goalkeepers who were supposed to stand up and stop him coldly did not stand up after examining Shao Yifeng. Instead, they took a step back and turned sideways to make way for the stage. This shocked many people, but in their eyes Then he still showed a look of relief. If it was Mr. Shao, he was indeed qualified to turn the page. Although he was a little fatter and shorter, his aura and family were still much higher than those of the men just now. They could only So comfort yourself.

Shao Yifeng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw that his face was so impressive. However, thanks to the drunkenness, he straightened his back and walked to the girl in the white dress in a very 'gentlemanly' manner. He stretched out his hand to give the piano However, at this time, something embarrassing happened.

How many pages should he turn to?

Shao Yifeng fell into silence.

The score has not been turned over since ten minutes ago. Although he knows a little about piano, all that knowledge was learned from foreign piano masters who paid thousands of pounds for a lesson. He has never taken a few lessons at all. You have to understand that the reason why he played the third part was just because his senior sister happened to have played it before, but he could clearly tell where it was and that was the reason!

It seemed that even the girl in the white dress who was playing the piano was aware of Shao Yifeng's embarrassing situation. At the moment when La San reached its peak, she suddenly stopped, and the wind and rain of notes suddenly stopped, like a thunderstorm breaking, The heavy rain was cut off by the sword light that tore the sky, and the sudden silence made everyone stunned.

The girl in the white dress suddenly stood up. Only then did Shao Yifeng realize how tall the girl was. Wearing high heels would weigh her head down on him. Before he could say hello, the other party just reached out and grabbed his wrist and stepped on the high heels. He walked off the piano platform.

Everyone clapped, not knowing whether it was for the talent of the girl in the white dress, or for Mr. Shao's cold-faced feat of beheading the beauty. At least a top-notch piano show was performed just for a silver colored ball. Mr. Silver interrupted. It can already be regarded as an amazing show.

The crowd made a way for the girl in the white dress and Mr. Shao, and the two bodyguards followed them expressionlessly. The three of them led a ball up to the third floor and disappeared from everyone's sight. , no one stopped him, he could only look at the silver colored ball with admiration, praising the girl in the white dress for her courage to love and be cruel, and envious of the good things that would happen to Mr. Shao later.

ps: Donkey has a cold, but there are still three updates today, just later.

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