She has always stood behind Lin Nian, helping him grow. In the moment, violent blood, time zero, the composite realm and even today's floating life, there is her shadow behind every force. It is as if Lin Nian's true spirit is not the so-called The moment, the zero time, the floating life, but herself.

If it weren't for the blonde girl, Lin Nian might have died in the rainy night in Nibelungen.

A girl who gives you strength, how can you bear to put all the blame on her and give her the ugly label of being unkind?

The room in the basement was very quiet. It was so quiet that you could hear the subtle creaking sounds of every part in the air conditioner compressor. The dust in the corner fell and fell to the ground, leaving tiny traces of invisible traces.

But who would have thought that without the blonde girl, Lin Nian might not even have entered the Nibelungs.

"I know what you are thinking." The blond girl looked at Lin Nian, "You seem to be getting more and more uneasy recently. Is it because you met an old classmate? That girl named Su Xiaoqiang?"

"What does it have to do with her?" Lin Nian asked.

"Even the promise is so cowardly because I finally realized that I am not as 'free' as I thought, right?" The blonde girl said lightly, "In the face of a relationship that is so beautiful that it can make people fly, it's too much Many chains have tied your hands and feet. The fate of the mixed race, the resurrection of the four monarchs, the surveillance of the school board and even the secret parties in Europe, and me, the ghost that hangs in your eyes all the time, these chains finally make you feel breathless. , I don’t even have the courage to reach out and hold onto that relationship.”

"You're scared, Lin Nian," she said.

"." Lin Nian turned his head and looked at the blond girl, his eyes had been replaced by blazing gold. Although his expression was so dull, people who were familiar with him knew that under such dullness, the boy would often look out of his sleeves. He pulled out a knife and chopped off the head of the person in front of him cleanly.

"Odin came to Chu Tianjiao for something, and Odin came to you for something. Your interest in Chu Tianjiao is not because you are sentimental and want to dig out the bitterness of an old man's past, but Being smart and witty, you are keenly aware that once you find out the relationship between the attack on Chu Tianjiao and what happened to you yesterday, you can finally dig out a little bit of my true identity as a 'parasite', even if it is The tip of the iceberg rising from the water is enough to glimpse the towering darkness beneath it," the blonde girl said.

Parasite, she called herself.

No, no one would belittle oneself like that, and besides, she was such a beautiful blonde girl. The first thing that came to mind with this word was not her, but Lin Nian.

"oops." said the blonde girl, "did I speak too bluntly?"

"I have never been a person who trusts others easily," Lin Nian said.

"Because someone has taught you a lesson, and you have made her pay the corresponding price. The price of death." The blonde girl said, "You have always been a lonely person, and you have never trusted anyone except you. sister."

Lin Nian didn't say anything, so he acquiesced.

No one would be kind to another person inexplicably. The appearance of the blond girl was too sudden and her origin was unknown. It was difficult for Lin Nian to truly believe in such an unknown 'thing'.

"It's very frustrating, but it's the truth. You've never really tried to 'trust' even me." The blonde girl said with a faint smile, "I'm also very curious, if one day the only one you trust What would your expression be like if someone betrayed you?"

"Are you trying to alienate me?" Lin Nian was not annoyed and said in a calm tone, "If you simply want to disgust me, then congratulations, you succeeded."

"I actually didn't mean to make the relationship between the two of us very bad." The blonde girl sighed, "I just want to use this incident to say that please try to trust me more, Lin Nian. ?”

The boy didn't answer him.

".The thing you are looking for is under this bed, but I have to tell you, it is very likely that you will come up with nothing this time."

The blonde girl sighed softly, jumped off the bed and walked to the end of the bed. With her right hand, she gently pulled the edge of the bed and pulled the entire bed open with ease, revealing the dusty secret door on the ground. The iron sheet and iron frame formed a square The security door was welded to the ground, and a heavy padlock hung on it, which showed how terrible something was hidden underneath.

Chu Tianjiao's real safe house.

"Is this a sign of goodwill?"

"You can take it as a gesture of goodwill, or you can take it as a compromise after I can't do anything about your investigation. Whatever you think." The blonde girl once again had a familiar smile on her face, standing aside and watching quietly. he.

Lin Nian's purpose from the beginning was to use Odin to find him. Combining Chu Tianjiao's similar experience, he tried to piece together clues about the blond girl based on Odin's purpose.

Although the blond girl can share Lin Nian's memories and even read some of his thoughts, if he hadn't voluntarily given up control of his body, it would have been difficult for the blond girl to have a substantial impact on him. At least the rules of the game so far are like this, It’s hard to say what kind of changes will happen to the rules in the future.

The blond girl is like a dream. From being difficult to remember, to being able to recall the details of the dream, to the dream slowly being projected into reality, until now she can even interfere with the material world. She was like a character who came out of a false fairy tale. As Lin Nian's control became stronger and stronger, she became more and more full and real.

When she comes to help you, she is always so calm and calm, wearing a white dress as thin as a gauze curtain, spinning in the rain as if dancing, laughing and giving you the strength to overcome obstacles, and making you not feel that you have been favored by her. .

But often this kind of help inadvertently pays some unknown and unbearable price.

Lin Nian even suspected that Yan Ling Fusheng did not have the so-called 'backtracking', an annoying sequelae. The blonde girl could play with his memory like plasticine to a certain extent. Does this mean that the other party could play with his memory in his own mind? How about using some tricks on his memory to allow him to immerse himself in those past memories in reality?

This is just two chains broken. There are five chains on his body in the endless corridor in the dream. If all five chains are broken, does it mean that he has finally escaped from being bound, or has he finally been released? The indescribable terrifying existence deep in the corridor.

"Don't think of me too sinisterly." The blonde girl looked at Lin Nian helplessly, as if she had read his current thoughts again.

Lin Nian withdrew his gaze, his golden eyes extinguished quietly, walked to the blond girl, squatted down, held the padlock, and said calmly: "Then don't make fun of my sister next time."

"Just talking." The blonde girl shrugged, "Actually, I quite like your sister, just like your sister likes you."

The tense atmosphere of confrontation in the room suddenly disappeared, as if the suspicion and speculation just now had never happened.

Lin Nian seemed too lazy to say anything else to her. Right now, the blonde girl's influence on him was not restricting his actions, but if he wanted to really figure out some things, he had to do it as soon as possible. No one knew what he would do next. Avoiding any kind of crisis, and being able to cut off a few more chains by the blonde girl. At that time, what the blonde girl could do was definitely even more exaggerated than now.

He wanted to get to the base of the chessboard before things got out of his control so that if necessary, he could simply throw the chess pieces into the face of the mastermind and completely overturn the table.

But the first priority now is to find out Chu Tianjiao's mission and what Odin wants from him.

The black dagger slipped from the scabbard in the cuff of his windbreaker and fell into his hand. Lin Nian raised his arm and whipped out a slight explosion in the air. With one strike, the padlock flew away and hit the bedside table with a short sound. It swirled and slid down to the corner of the wall, where it stopped.

Lin Nian placed the intact dagger on the ground. The quality of the titanium-tungsten alloy dagger made by the Equipment Department was impeccable. Even when he slashed it with 70% of the force, the blade did not break, but the padlock was completely damaged. It was cut in half, and the cut was as smooth as if it had been polished by a cutting machine.

The door to the security door opened in response. What appeared below was not a ladder but a steel pillar similar to a fire slide. Lin Nian took off his windbreaker and crumpled it into a ball. He slowly pulled out the Colt revolver behind his back with his right hand and gently pressed the hammer with his thumb. , and then threw the windbreaker into the security door.

In less than a second, the windbreaker fell to the ground, and there was no movement below.

"I'm very cautious, but I still want to remind you that there is no one below." The blonde girl looked at Lin Nian's standard agent behavior and coughed. "You can still have this basic trust in me."

Lin Nian glanced at her, picked up the dagger on the ground and jumped into the security door. His vision was immediately filled with darkness, but in the darkness he smelled an aroma submerged in the smell of kerosene. Before he could taste it carefully, Lin Nian glanced at her. When the aroma came from, someone snapped his fingers in the dark, and the entire room was suddenly enveloped in a blush. Chaotic red light illuminated the entire space, filling the space with a feeling of intoxication and dizziness.

In the dark red, Lin Nian subconsciously lifted the Colt revolver and pointed it at the place where the snap of his fingers was heard. Only then did he see through the red light and found that it was the blond girl who snapped her fingers. She saved the process of jumping into the security door. As Lin Nian came down, he entered this space together.

"Don't look at me, look at other things." The blonde girl smiled and tilted her head, motioning for Lin Nian to turn around.

Lin Nian followed her reminder and was stunned. The Colt in his hand also slowly dropped, as if he was surprised by everything in front of him.

In front of the entire wall of the safe house are a dazzling array of bookshelves, and those bookshelves are not filled with exquisite books, but almost filled with expensive vinyl records! Each record packaging case has a different year and the name of the singer written on it. The packaging case of each record represents a classic of a period, Bobby Darin, Harry Belafonte · Belafonte), and the most familiar Elvis Presley (Elvis Presley) who is always seen in street window TV shows. The records of countless superstars are neatly packed on the bookshelf, and the colorful records The shell is almost dazzling, and any jazz or record lover from the last century who walked into this room will scream and faint!

At this moment, Lin Nian almost entered not the safe house of a super hybrid, but the vault of a certain record collector.

It was at this time that Lin Nian heard the sound of wine glasses clinking in his ears. Before he could turn around, the Colt in his hand was taken away and inserted into his lower back. A glass of island whiskey with such a strong aroma that the smell alone is enough to make you intoxicating. Under the red light, the unique luster of the whiskey sways in the hard square cup and is extremely charming.

The person who poured the wine was naturally the blonde girl. After giving Lin Nian a glass, she didn't forget to clink the glasses. In the crisp sound of the glass, the two sections of red light illuminated her well-proportioned and dazzling legs, dancing in circles and separated from him. Twisting the cigar placed on the shelf with his fingers, he gently passed it under Qiong's nose and inhaled its rich aroma.

She was as familiar with this place as if it was her first time. She casually pulled out the strongest island whiskey from the wine cabinet, poured two glasses of spirits, took the man's favorite Cuban cigar, and started dancing with jazz steps When I came to the old-fashioned hard-core vinyl record player, I put a vinyl record that I had grabbed early on on it, connected it to the power supply, and pressed the stylus.

The distorted sound effects climbed up to the ceiling in an arc, and then suddenly stopped.

Classic jazz that has spanned centuries was played in this room, the guitar was plucked quickly, and the sexy male voice sang the first line in a loose and seductive voice. It was actually Elvis Presley's "Heart_Break_Hotel".

The match ignited with a crackling sound. The blonde girl sat down on the big bed covered with Australian sheepskin. The wine glass was placed firmly on the folded legs and knees. She flicked out the match with her left hand and held a cigar in her right hand and exhaled. After smelling the sweet smoke, Lin Nian realized that the fragrance in the air turned out to be the smell of the purest Cuban tobacco.

She wandered around this room, and everything she did was so natural, as if this house had never belonged to anyone else a few years ago and had always belonged to her.

Lin Nian is no stranger to this phenomenon. This is 'profiling', a psychological state that can fully restore a person's psychological state, personality, characteristics, and growth background by feeling all the details in the environment and digging out all the tiny or even tiny traces. Learn skills. The profile displayed by the blonde girl is undoubtedly the top level. When she entered the simple cabin upstairs, she had probably profiled the existence of this hidden safe house. ! And now she has perfectly restored all the things that man once did in this room.

Lin Nian had always known the technique of profiling and had never understood it further, but the blond girl could use it perfectly, which added to the mystery about her.

"Can you still profile?" Lin Nian slowly looked at everything in the room, walked past every bookshelf and examined these expensive records. Everywhere in this place caused a sense of tearing, which suddenly appeared in his heart. There are two Chu Tianjiao with completely different images, one is a tired and poor divorced middle-aged man, and the other is a gorgeous, unruly super hybrid.

"I know a lot of things." The blonde girl hummed while biting her cigar.

The thick cigar didn't match her little face. After exiting the profile, she seemed to feel that it was quite stupid. She spit out the cigar in her mouth, put it out on the ground, and curled up to the white He hugged whiskey on his woolen bed and drank sip after sip, "Everything about Chu Tianjiao is here, but I said, don't have high expectations for him. He is just a poor person."

"A fool trapped by love, trapped by fate, and split in two."

ps: Report, the donkey applied to go to Christmas, and Santa Claus asked me to help him tow the truck!

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