Red threads, countless red threads intertwined to form a large network, they gathered in mid-air under the ceiling, you can only notice them by looking up, black and white photos, clippings cut from newspapers, handwritten pieces of paper were The red lines are passed through one by one. At first glance, you would think that this is some inferior handmade curtain work. But after reading the information hanging on the red lines one by one, a chill will creep up your spine and cheeks inch by inch, and finally it will be severe. He shuddered violently, his teeth collided and bruised his tongue, which he forgot to retract.

A man, even a super hybrid, no longer has to go out of his way to hide himself as long as he hides in his own safe house. When he goes down to this small space on the third underground floor, he takes off that ridiculous layer of clothing, except for himself. The middle-aged driver, who couldn't even feed a cat, once again became a fierce and terrifying 'S'-class hybrid.

On the ground in the corner were dumbbells and barbells that were twice as big as a human head. Lin Nian could imagine the man wandering around the room holding the fitness equipment with one hand while sipping island whiskey. Maybe even wearing a tight T-shirt to outline those beautiful muscles that are usually well hidden. The red light in the darkroom shining on his body was like plating ancient Greek statues with a layer of red gold powder. However, his eyes stayed on these high red lines in mid-air from beginning to end, and he drank the strong wine in the cup with a serious expression.

Lin Nian reached out and took down a black and white photo, which was taken in a snowy field. A burning monster dragged its long tail across the sky, and the strong wind picked up the snowflakes and birch tree chips.

On June 30, 1908, the Tunguska explosion caused the night sky in Asia and Europe to turn dark red. Mushroom clouds rose thousands of meters into the sky. 2,000 square kilometers of virgin forest were knocked down by the shock wave, and the permafrost melted into swamps. , three explosion craters similar to volcanic craters appeared at the explosion site, but no signs of the existence of meteorites were found.

Lin Nian was not unfamiliar with this incident. Many people in the outside world interpreted it as a meteorite falling. However, in the world of hybrids, this was the only time the release of 'Word Spirit Rhine' was observed. At that time, a dragon-slaying team entered In Tunguska, there was an unknown reason that interfered with the ionosphere and affected wireless communications, making it impossible for the rear to communicate with the team, and then the Tunguska explosion occurred.

The speech spirits of everyone in the dragon-slaying team are recorded. The only explanation is that they came into contact with the pure-blood dragon clan, and when they forced the other party into a desperate situation, they released an absolutely high-risk speech spirit, and this speech spirit afterwards Also known as 'Rhine'.

Lin Nian explored along this red line and found the information recorded on the note taken from the next line that converged with it. December 25, 1991, Christmas, was also the day when the great Soviet regime disintegrated. , a mysterious explosion occurred at a port in Northern Siberia, and a group of fighter jets crashed into the ice field. Only the strange voice "Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!" was left in the black box. Later generations suspected that this was just an action code, similar to the one used during the attack on Pearl Harbor. "Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!".

Both mysterious explosions appeared here. Lin Nian went back to the previous red line and found the explosion earlier in history - the Apocalypse Explosion, also known as the Wang Gongchang Explosion in later generations, which occurred in the sixth year of Apocalypse. (1626) A mysterious explosion occurred in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, leaving many mysterious and mysterious records in historical records. Lin Nian even read relevant notes in the library of Kassel Academy:

One month before the disaster, the ghost chariot bird stopped at the observatory in the capital and screamed day and night.

Fifteen days before the disaster, the emperor summoned 12 soldiers to train outside the city. Three of them went out to fight the disaster, and General Babaili recalled them urgently.

Eight days before the disaster, in the afternoon, there were clouds in the northeast corner of the sky that looked like flags and swords. They were white at first, then turned red and purple.

Three days before the disaster, a red pavilion was built and dedicated to the famous coffin hall passed down from generation to generation in the capital. The night ban was advanced from the first watch to You hour, and those who traveled in the middle of the night were punished with death.

The day before the catastrophe, all the generals from outside Beijing returned. They presented eighteen kinds of weapons and a piece of blood coral as a reward. They also gave the immortal wine to relieve their fatigue. The general drank it generously. His energy and blood surged like gods and ghosts. The Ming Dynasty was so powerful that it lasted for hundreds of years. Not falling.

Five hours before the disaster, the imperial court issued a ban, sealing the city gates and prohibiting entry and exit. Anyone who trespassed on the capital would be executed, and anyone who trespassed on the city gates would be executed.

Three hours before the disaster, 26 guards came out to blockade the entire capital. Yuan Chonghuan prepared his troops and led his troops to enter the Fire Temple. Three generals who accompanied him wore black veils, locked a bronze chain and bound the mahogany blood coffin into Wang Gong Factory.

Two hours before the disaster, a red ball rolled out of Wang Gong's factory and soared into the sky. There was a roar of something strange in the capital, like an ox, a tiger, a horse, or a deer, and there was a roar of wind and cranes.

One hour before the disaster, the chamberlain guarding the Di'an Gate suddenly started playing music. After some rough music, there was another soft music. This happened three times. Everyone was surprised to find that the sound came from the deep winding path of Coffin Alley.

Moments before the disaster: Hadamen Fire God Temple Zhu was shocked to see the God of Fire moving around, as if he was about to go down to the temple. Some people were busy holding incense and kneeling to complain, and a sudden earthquake sounded in the east city.

A disaster occurred, Wang Gong Factory exploded, the world shook, fire shot into the sky, and a 500-kilogram stone lion on Shifuma Street broke through the city gate and disappeared.

Immediately after the disaster, corpses rained down in the Wuxuanmen area. Human body parts fell from the air. Ears, hands, legs, and heads smashed into the streets. Corpses were scattered all over the streets. Donkeys, horses, and chickens were all killed at the same time, and all life was devastated.

"Tianfu Guangji" written by Sun Chengze records: "On the sixth day of May in the sixth year of Tianqi, a mine cracked the ground for more than ten feet, and thousands of people were involved, killing more than 3,000 people."

Further ahead, at the starting point of the red line, Lin Nian found the red line of the 'Dead Hill Incident', which together with the previous mysterious explosions is known as one of the three major unsolved mysteries in the world. The incident occurred at the "Mohenjo Daro" site in Indian history. After discovering the site, investigators found traces of a big explosion. All objects within a radius of one kilometer from the center of the explosion were turned into powder.

In farther places, investigators found countless skeletons kneeling in pilgrimage postures to worship the center of the explosion. Traces of radiation could also be detected at the time of the discovery. It is said that the bones of mutated animals were also found in the forest further away.

Following the red line further, in 1900, during the Summer of Mourning, a mysterious explosion occurred at the Cassel Manor and burned down. All members of the secret party Lionheart were wiped out. The only survivor was Hilbert Jean Angers, who hid in the cellar and survived. Yu Difficulty.

In 2002, in the Greenland Sea, the executive department of Kassel College went to the Greenland Sea to investigate an unknown heartbeat on the seabed. Unknown vibrations occurred underwater. Suspected dragons resurrected and attacked the submersible team. The entire army was nearly wiped out, with only one and a half people surviving.

The red line stopped abruptly here, but in Lin Nian's heart, another red line was quietly pulled up. There was a note hanging on it. In 2004, Typhoon Dandelion entered the country, and on a rainy night, the 'S'-class hybrid Chu Tianjiao accidentally entered the Nibelungen and met with the Dragon King, who was suspected to be one of the four great monarchs. The only survivor was his son Chu Zihang.

Lin Nian followed the red line, taking down a photo and piece of paper with each step, until finally he stopped in front of the cement wall, and wrote a name on it with ink pen, which no one at Kassel College knew. Strange name.


The Dragon King, who represents despair and blackness, and the snakes are entrenched at the roots of the World Tree, eating the roots, and want to bring floods and sky fire to this world, setting off a grand and terrifying revenge.

Even the four great monarchs worshiped Him as a god, but were enemies of Him. He said that on the day He comes again, all the rebellious ministers will die. Pure-blood dragons all believed in it and thought of it as a hanging sword, piercing their hearts with every word.

"Does he think all this is a sign of the Black King's resurrection?" Lin Nian whispered as he stared at the black name on the cement wall.

"The speed of dragon resurrection is getting faster and faster, and every resurrection is accompanied by a roar and a rain of blood from falling corpses." The blonde girl said lightly, "He believes that the resurrection of dragons is not accidental, but someone is behind the scenes. The inevitability of manipulation.”

"Is someone helping these dragons to awaken?" Lin Nian suddenly looked back at the dense red lines. Each red line represented a dragon-slaying battle. This should have been a glorious historical achievement for mankind. However, in Chu Tianjiao's eyes, But it is the fuse that burns step by step towards the final explosive depot, but this time the fuse ignites not the explosives, but the fate of all mankind.

"He believes that all the actions of hybrids from ancient times to the present are driven by one hand. We are not fighting dragons. Instead, we are being manipulated by certain people to clear out dissidents for the resurrection of the Black King. All dragons under the throne are He is the enemy of that noble being, and the hybrid is nothing more than a butcher knife stained red with ritual blood for the ceremony of His awakening." The blonde girl said lightly.

"Chu Tianjiao thinks that the mastermind behind the scenes is in this city?" Lin Nian's voice was a little unbelievable. But the next moment, he suddenly thought of the god wielding Kungunir on the elevated road.

".Is it Him?"

"Maybe." The blonde girl said, "It's just possible."

"Odin has a crucial connection with the Black King's recovery." Lin Nian's eyes gradually became colder.

"So he has been trying to pull up these red threads, as if tying fate one by one to materialize them. When the red threads of fate converge to the end, it will be the return of that adult, and everything will be submerged In the flames and floods, the earth cracked, the wind roared, and the human era came to an end." The blonde girl lay on the bed and looked at the red line in the sky and took a sip of whiskey, "He is a driver who drives for others, but he is also rare. "S" level, I just occasionally think about the fate of mankind while eating braised intestines and grilled chicken wings after driving off work, and act as a watchman for the fate of mankind."

"If the hypothesis is true, Odin may be the driving force behind all this. His Nibelung roots are in this city, so why did Chu Tianjiao live here for decades?" Lin Nian said.

"Why do you have to think so? He is an 'S' class, which is good, but he will never be bold enough to challenge the pure-blood dragon king." The blonde girl said, "Why can't it be Odin who wants to revive the world? Dragon, it just so happens that this city has what he wants. Chu Tianjiao and he are looking for such a thing almost simultaneously? This way he doesn't need to face the Dragon King directly and can destroy the other party's plan. "

"This time it happened that Chu Tianjiao found it first. It was like he was racing against fate, trying to intercept Odin's progress in reviving the dragons and cutting off the red thread that was about to be connected in advance. As long as he was one step ahead of Odin every time. , intercepting what He wants, the red thread will never reach the end. As long as he is fast enough, as fast as his time zero, he can completely cut off the messy thread of human destiny." Lin. Nian followed the blonde girl's thoughts and understood everything the man might be doing.

But at this time, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "You said that Odin came to Chu Tianjiao not because of himself, but because he took something he shouldn't have, right?"

"It might be the Dragon King's cocoon, or it might be the necessary medium to resurrect the Dragon King, or it might even be a dragon bone cross." The blonde girl said, "But he was not fast enough, far from fast enough, to escape Kungunir's lock. Being left behind in the Nibelungs, Odin got what he wanted."

The blonde girl's words reached this point, and she suddenly pulled Lin Nian out of the torrent of human destiny, reminding him of his original intention of investigating Chu Tianjiao.

"Then why did Odin come to you?" Lin Nian turned to look at her, his voice became colder, as if he was biting pig iron, and there was huge anger and fear in his eyes.

The blond girl on the cashmere bed paused, took a sip of wine, looked at Lin Nian with a cold smile: "What do you think?"

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