Just like a person who has been asleep but opens his eyes and finally wakes up, he feels that a veil has been lifted before his eyes, and a gap seems to be opened in his forehead. A clear spring pours into it from the outside, and then splits into thin tributaries for washing. The haze in every part of the brain.

Light, transparent, and joyful, all kinds of feelings are filled in the limbs and bones. The blood in the blood vessels flows freely as if it has lost some obscure shackles, and it surges as if it is about to sing, which makes people's blood rush.

Lin Nian stopped the pencil in his hand, the tip of the pen stopped at the end of the white paper, and the sharp strokes of the pen also stopped at this time.

The classroom was as quiet as death. He raised his head and saw no one.

He was the only one in the classroom.

There were no people and no songs. The chairs in front of each seat were empty, and the table was clean without leaving any scraps of paper or trash. This highlighted that even among the freshmen in Cassel College, one or two of them were all high school students. Good children who are good-natured and civilized will never cause any trouble to the school.

This is the second floor of the Kassel College Library, and the annual 3E exam is also taking place here.

After Lin Nian stopped writing, he sat there for about a minute. During this minute, he did not move or say anything. He just lowered his head and looked quietly at the white paper in front of him, on which he drew a gorgeous picture. Beautiful pencil sketch.

The black explosion-proof steel plate outside the classroom window suddenly began to rise. The sound of mechanical friction and the sudden penetration of sunlight broke Lin Nian's silence. He slightly raised his hand to cover the sunlight outside the window, as if he had not seen light for months. He squinted his eyes and felt a little uncomfortable on his face like a human being.

The door of the classroom opened with a bang, and several people wearing explosion-proof clothing and carrying mechanical equipment rushed in. Without saying a word, they pounced on Lin Nian, who was sitting in the back seat by the window!

Lin Nian suddenly turned his head and stared at them. These sturdy guys also froze for an instant, stopping three meters away from Lin Nian as if they were facing a powerful enemy, standing in the aisle of the classroom tables, chairs and benches, staring at him.

"Kassel College's Class of 2009 Dragon Genealogy, Lin Nian?" One of the guys reported Lin Nian's information angrily.

"Yes." Lin Nian nodded and looked at these guys. These guys didn't carry weapons, but they were dressed like deminers from the riot control force, as if they were about to engage in some high-risk work.

"There are two waves of victims tied to two railway tracks. One wave has only one person, and the other wave has ten people. The tram comes and runs over the ten people on the railway track. You stand in front of the lane change pole. Do you pull or not? "The leading man suddenly asked.



"Pull the lane change lever to change lanes, killing one person and saving ten people, is the same as pushing a person directly onto the railway track, causing the tram to run over him, derailing and overturning, thereby saving ten other people. They are both intentional. murder."

After Lin Nian answered this question, he wanted to ask more questions. These guys in explosion-proof suits rushed up and took off his clothes in one go, revealing his muscles with obvious signs of exercise. ! Then, before he could react, many electrode patches immediately stuck to his body, a thermometer was inserted into his mouth, the index finger of his right hand was clamped by the blood collection device, causing a stinging sensation, and his eyes were pulled. Kai was illuminated by a flashlight.

"Temperature, normal"

"Blood pressure, normal."

"Heart rate, normal."

"The pressure inside and outside the body is normal."

"Pupillary reaction, normal."

The people around Lin Nian reported the newly detected values ​​efficiently and quickly, and everyone looked as serious as if they were rescuing a critically ill patient. Outside the classroom door, Guderian, Masashi Toyama and others, headed by Professor Manstein, also walked in quickly and walked straight towards Lin Nian.

Lin Nian raised his hand and pulled away the flashlight that was still trying to shine on his throat. He frowned and looked at the mess of people and medical equipment around him and said, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you remember?" Professor Manstein hurriedly walked up to Lin Nian and asked.

The medical staff wearing explosion-proof suits also made way for him. At least for now, it seemed that Lin Nian had nothing serious. He could talk and walk well, and he should not suddenly die suddenly in the next moment.

"Remember what? Isn't it the 3E exam now? Where are the other candidates?" Lin Nian also realized that something was not right and asked.

"Look out the window," Manstein said.

Lin Nian turned his head and looked over. The sun was shining high, and there was no more moon or sun. Wait, the sun was shining high?

But when he saw the rising sun in the east, he suddenly realized something, and his face changed slightly.

The 3E exam is in the morning and lasts for two hours. However, after the exam is over, the sun outside the window is still hanging in the east sky, slowly climbing up.

On the clock directly above the blackboard, the time seemed to have not moved. He took the exam at nine o'clock, and now it is still nine o'clock after the exam.

But that's obviously not the case.

In the wordless silence, Lin Nian clearly noticed that Guderian and Toyama Masashi had obviously changed their clothes, but Lin Xian, standing between them, still had the same clothes as yesterday, but they were combed better than usual. His beautiful hair looked a little shaggy now, and his overall mental state was not that good. There was some worry in Lin Nian's eyes.

"How long have I been sitting there?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"It's exactly 24 hours." Manstein glanced at his watch and then looked at Lin Nian and whispered, "The 3E exam day is on the 3rd, it happened yesterday, and today is the 4th. 24 Hours have passed, and no one can wake you up, and no one can wake you up. We have been waiting for you for a whole day, and you have been taking exams for a whole day!"

"Have I been sitting here all day?" Lin Nian asked.

"Yes." Manstein said, with a serious expression on his face, "a whole day."

"What did I do in the meantime?"

"Answer the questions. You have been answering the questions, but no one knows what you are writing." Manstein looked at Lin Nian's answer sheet, but for some reason, Lin Nian turned the white paper of the answer sheet upside down on the table. , as if you don’t want people to see what’s painted on it.

"Isn't it convenient?" Manstein said.

Lin Nian paused for a moment, then shook his head, "Can't you see it on the surveillance camera?"

"It's a matter of angle. When you entered the state of spiritual vision, your body just blocked the entire test paper, and there was no change in posture for 24 hours." Masashi Toyama said, with surprise and worry in his eyes.

"No one tried to wake me?"

"We can't do it." Professor Guderian shook his head. He looked at Lin Nian as if he were looking at some strange animal, with enthusiasm and excitement that shouldn't be shown at this moment. "We can't even get close to you, let alone I can’t read your test papers.”

"What do you mean?" Lin Nian's heart sank, "What do you mean no one can get close to me? Did I hurt anyone in the process?"

"It's not because the situation when you had the vision was special. Very special." Guderian paused and looked at Manstein, as if this "special" situation was not easy to explain.

"Our original plan was to contact the principal and the school board if your vision status exceeds 24 hours, but just now, the monitoring team in the central control room reported that you have done something you have never done in 24 hours. We also took this as a signal that your vision has ended." Manstein glanced coldly outside the classroom, not knowing what he was looking at, and his eyes were not very friendly.

"Is there anyone outside?" Lin Nian said.

"Many members of the execution department's 'Owlbird' team were originally on assignment, but they were urgently transferred back to the headquarters in the past 24 hours to prepare for emergencies. If the medical team just now was attacked, come in It’s them, not us.”

"It looks like my situation is serious?" Lin Nian nodded slightly.

"No, it's not serious, but special." Guderian said, "Do you still remember what you did during the exam?"

"If you remembered, I wouldn't have asked." Lin Nian shook his head slowly, but asked again, "No one was hurt because of me, right?"

"No." Manstein replied affirmatively.

He had to be so sure, because this matter was big or small at the moment.

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