File number: S090709

Date: ██\\██\\████

File level: S (archived). The review must be approved by two or more school directors.

Description: A small-scale mental, memory, and logical disorder occurred during the 3E exam at Kassel Academy Headquarters, ███, ██, ██. After research and investigation by a specialist from the Execution Department, the situation is controllable and it is recommended that the file level be lowered to ‘A’ (rejected).

The possibility of re-enactment cannot be ruled out.

The possibility of being a spirit cannot be ruled out.

Rule out the possibility of malicious behavior.

The possibility of psychic vision cannot be ruled out.

Appendix 1:

Testing time: ██\\██\\████

Test subject: S090709-1 (Professor von Manstein, current Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee)

Test location: where the phenomenon occurs

Test phenomenon: Professor Manstein opened the classroom door under everyone's supervision and walked in. After taking three steps forward, he stopped. (At this time, S090709-2, Professor Guderian spoke out. Called, but received no response), after standing for three seconds, he turned around and walked out of the classroom in three steps, walking towards the stairs, while whispering in his mouth: "I still have work to do, why is the damn student union president still here?" Not fired."

Test Record:

"I was wearing an explosion-proof vest, but the people sitting inside were my students, so if anyone had to take the lead in going in, it would be me. This is my responsibility. When I brought him to school, I had the obligation to ensure that he Graduation without incident," Professor Manstein told the file recorder.

"But you walked out within three seconds of entering. If your friend hadn't stopped you and asked you loudly what was going on, you would have left the scene all the way."

"Yes, I have to admit that this is a fact, but the situation is very special, very special. It is difficult to describe the feeling in words." Professor Manstein had some hesitation and weirdness on his face, as if Aftertaste, "In Guderian's words, it's like when you go to the supermarket to buy something, and you keep emphasizing your memory and saying, 'Buy lemons and oil, buy lemons and oil,' and when you walk in, there is suddenly someone there. You keep chanting the wrong things in your ears, and when you walk out of the classroom you start saying, 'Buy your mother, buy your mother' and you are completely unaware of your mistakes!"

"This example is very interesting. What were you thinking about when you entered the door?"

“All I was thinking about was getting my students out.”

"Then what?"

"After entering the door, I completely forgot about this matter, and my mind was filled with some details of work."

"I heard that you were chanting the name of the student union president when you walked out of the classroom? That Caesar Gattuso? Do you have any conflicts with him?"

"Contradiction? He was playing gunfight on Freedom Day! He blew up the lawn and the rockery in the artificial lake! We still have to spend a lot of money to hire people to salvage the remains of the rockery, and the Bermuda lawn. If ██ hadn't stopped them in time, maybe even the church wouldn't have been saved. I just want to fire this guy!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, people outside reminded me to ask you to pay attention to your blood pressure."

"Damn it. Aren't we talking about ██ now?" Manstein looked annoyed. "He has no problem. No one was injured at all."

"We will discuss this point and the Enforcement Department will give a fair ruling."

"I hope you will do this." Manstein's tone was a little cold, and he looked at the SLR glass from time to time.

Appendix 2:

Testing time: ██\\██\\████

Test object: S090709-2 (Professor Guderian)

Test location: where the phenomenon occurs

Test phenomenon: No different from Professor Manstein. After taking three steps through the door, he turned around and left. The monitor in the corridor said that Professor Guderian was anxious and anxious before entering the door, but became energetic and high-spirited after leaving the door. , even Professor Manstein almost couldn't hold him back as he was about to leave.

Test Record:

"You are a friend of Professor Manstein, right?"

"Yes, we came from the same mental hospital." Professor Guderian looked in high spirits and was quite proud of his friendship with the mental hospital.

"Okay. Do you have any mental problems?"

"No, if I have it, then Manstein also has it, and it must be more serious than me. After all, I don't have high blood pressure." Professor Guderian said firmly.

"Let's talk about business. Your friend Professor Manstein mentioned in his previous records that after entering the door, you will be disturbed mentally, memory, and logically. Have you ever encountered this phenomenon? Or we can be more simple. Ask, what were you thinking about when you walked in, and what were you thinking about after you walked in?"

"Before I walked in, I was thinking whether my tenure as a professor would be ruined. After all, I rushed in with the mentality of sacrificing my life in the line of duty. Wait, this conversation is going to be recorded in Norma's file, right?"


"I mean, I wasn't afraid, but I went in with the mentality of dying heroically for the school, so it's normal for my legs to shake a little, which proves that I have made up my mind!"

"Please tell me the truth."

"Okay, okay, at that time I was thinking about tenure and being scared, but after I got in, I didn't know why I suddenly wanted to get some pasta."


"You've never eaten spaghetti? The one with tomato sauce and macaroni?"

"No I've had spaghetti, I mean why would you think of spaghetti?"

"I don't know, but at that time I just wanted to get some pasta to eat. It seemed that I had been thinking about eating pasta from the beginning. At that time, Manstein grabbed me and I subconsciously invited him to join me. Go eat spaghetti.”

".Why spaghetti?"

".Why can't it be pasta?"

Appendix 4:

Testing time: ██\\██\\████

Test object: S090709-4 (Chen Motong, a freshman in the current 3E exam)

Test location: where the phenomenon occurs

Test phenomenon: The same as the previous two, three steps after entering the door, three steps after turning around and leaving the classroom, but within two seconds after stepping out of the classroom, the person regains consciousness, enters the door again, exits again, and goes back and forth three times.

Test Record:

"You were the first batch of people to be disturbed. When the phenomenon occurred, you were sitting in the first row of the classroom for the 3E exam."


"The phenomenon first appeared when the interference was the strongest. Did you feel any discomfort? After all, the spiritual vision caused by the 3E exam was forcibly interrupted, and there must be some negative feedback."

"No, you may have made a mistake. If by spiritual vision you mean that I watched a silent thriller movie, then the 'phenomenon' you mentioned only appeared after the credits of that movie were played. ." Chen Motong played with a bunch of red hair on her shoulders under the gaze of the recorder, looking a little careless, as if she was reminiscing about something.

"Did your vision last just for a short time and ended just before the phenomenon occurred?"

"I only knew that the papers were ready to be collected at that time, and the security measures in the examination room were also cancelled. The steel plate outside the window was raised. But when it was halfway up, I suddenly remembered that my express delivery should go to the guard room. I had to get it quickly, so I ran out."

"The statements of other students were almost the same as yours. They all said that they suddenly remembered something, and they said that they completely forgot about the exam at that time, and they did it without hesitation. It seemed that they had been thinking about it from the beginning. While doing this, there was no sense of confusion at all.”

"Yes, at least at that time all I could think about was the new earrings I bought from the purchasing agent."

At this time, the recorder's pen suddenly stopped on the notebook, "Have you told anyone else about the earrings you bought?"

"No, I bought this before enrolling. The address was filled in with the house number of the college in advance. I didn't take the initiative to mention it to anyone after enrolling."

"Okay. What about entering the classroom for the second time? I heard that you took the initiative to apply to enter the classroom. What was your motivation?"

"Motive? I just think it's interesting. After all, it's the first time I've seen such an interesting thing."

"You made three trips to and from class."

"I went to the amusement park and rode the roller coaster three times."

"Okay. So based on the circumstances of the phenomenon, you thought of other things on the spur of the moment three times?"


"Are these three things consistent with the earring thing?"

"It's not consistent. The first thing is that the air conditioner in my dormitory is not turned off. The second thing is that I have to help my roommate Susie bring a glass of juice to the cafeteria. The third thing is that I want to go to the school doctor for a follow-up visit. the teeth of."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

"By the way, may I know what the last boy who came here thought about when he entered the classroom?"

"Why is there such a request?" The recorder raised his eyebrows and raised his head.

"Because he entered the classroom after me, and unlike everyone else, he stood in the classroom for a full minute before finally walking out."

".I'm sorry, this is confidential. The record of your conversation will also be sealed in the archives. You will also be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement afterwards to keep all the above information confidential in Norma's information database."

"Oh well."

Chen Motong left the interrogation room in the execution department, played with her nails and walked out of the door. In the interrogation room, the recorder in front of the iron table turned to look at the single-sided glass reflecting herself, and nodded slightly to the person standing behind the glass.

Behind the single-pane glass, Schneider, the head of the execution department who monitors everything in the interrogation room, stood in front of the main control desk. He looked at the back of the red-haired girl leaving the interrogation room without saying a word. He waved to his subordinates to continue taking people in for interrogation. Today's work is far from over. Everyone involved will undergo such an interrogation, whether professors or students.

When Lancelot was brought into the interrogation room, Schneider's eyes did not stay on him for a moment, but lowered his head and looked at the previous videos on the screen.

That was the confession record of the previous student before Chen Motong, and this student was also the most special one.

His name is Chu Zihang.

ps: There is also

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