"What were you thinking about when you walked into the classroom?"


"Friend, No_Gay_ we don't engage in danbei, people will call the police and scold us for deliberately selling corruption."

"I didn't mean that."

"Fingel, please don't interrupt me when I ask a question."

"Okay, okay. My, my, but is it really appropriate for you to talk about this kind of secret in the dormitory now that has been sealed at the bottom of the Norma information database and will probably be filed as a level A or above? I, an irrelevant person, are under pressure. It’s very big.”

"Then put your hand down on the notebook. If I see relevant posts on the Night Watch Forum tonight, then you will have to go to the Executive Department for tea tomorrow morning. I will do what I say .”

"Junior brother, you have changed. You used to call me Senior Brother Fingel."

"Do I have to kiss your ring?"

"You don't have to be scared, little one."

It was late at night, and the breast of the white phoenix hung on the tips of the branches. The moon had climbed into the night sky, and its light shone in the silent castle buildings, like silver phoenix feathers covering the earth.

Kassel College, Dormitory 303, District 1.

Three people were occupying the four beds, either sitting or lying on them. There was only a desk lamp on the table for illumination in the dormitory. The darkness still did not prevent the inevitable night conversations in college dormitories.

"You said you saw me when you entered the classroom? How could you see me? Everyone else's confessions were all thinking of other things, but why did you think of me?" Lin Nian, wearing dinosaur pajamas, lay with his left arm as his pillow Playing with a bouncy ball on the bed. The bouncy ball was thrown against the wall. The bouncy ball bounced off the walls and ceiling of the dormitory three times, making a continuous and intensive banging sound, before falling accurately into his hands.

"Actually, what I thought of at first was not you, but other people." On the lower bunk on the other side of the aisle, Chu Zihang, who was wearing a decent blue pajamas, was sitting at a table lit by a lamp, operating a laptop, as if he was I was typing on the keyboard while writing emails.

"Wow, the plot suddenly became bitter." Fingel complained as he was browsing the forum with his notebook in the upper bunk. Then the next moment, the elastic ball hit his forehead, causing him to stagger and a red mark appeared on his forehead. mark.

"Who are you thinking of?" The bouncy ball hit the ceiling and fell to the ground. Lin Nian reached out and grabbed it back into his hand, and continued to bounce against the wall.

"My dad." Chu Zihang said after a pause. In the darkness, he quietly glanced at Fingel on the upper bunk.

A glimmer of understanding appeared in Lin Nian's eyes. Chu Zihang's biological father, the man named Chu Tianjiao, was lost in the Nibelungs. Chu Zihang's search for many years without success has almost become an obsession in his heart. If there is anything If something can interrupt his train of thought, then it must be this.

Recently, Lin Nian helped Chu Zihang find Chu Tianjiao's fortress of solitude, revealing the unknown side of his biological father. Lin Nian was almost hooked up with Chu Tianjiao, and he could find Lin Nian. It was further found that Chu Tianjiao’s equation was established.

"Is that so you think of me?"


"It's no wonder that other people walked out three seconds after entering, but you stood in the classroom for a full minute. Your situation at that time was like a bug in the computer command. That phenomenon made you look for your father, and If you want to find your father, you have to find me first, and then jump back to find your father." Lin Nian understood somewhat.

"No. I'm talking about friends. I don't mean to say bad things, but isn't this topic a little weird for you?" Fingel couldn't help but speak again, "Why do you have to think of Junior Brother No. 2 when you think of dad? Junior brother No. 1, you?"

"Junior Brother No. 2?" Chu Zihang said.

"It's you I'm talking about." Lin Nian sighed, but he didn't hit Fingel on the head with a bouncy ball. After getting along with him for half a year, he also knew that the other person's mouth couldn't be shut. Many times, he really just said a lot of bad words. There's no harm in it.

"You can call me by my name." Chu Zihang said, "I don't like code names."

"Or when he becomes the chairman of the Lion Heart Club and takes over as president, you can change your name to call him President Chu." Lin Nian said with a smile. When he found Chu Zihang behind the laptop looking up at him, he couldn't help but He continued to smile and shook his head, "Just kidding."

"Now and then, let's take advantage of Junior Brother No. 2 to indulge in his mouth a little more before he takes office. By then, the successor Lionheart Club will probably take over the Norton Hall as well. He will gain both fame and fortune. Such a big hall room. So much that I can sleep in one room every day of the week, with different decoration styles for different moods." Fingel clicked his tongue.

"I won't move away." Chu Zihang said.

"But Norton Hall will be the home of the Lionheart Club for the whole semester. You will probably have to travel there often, and staying away from home all night will be the norm. After all, the position of leader of the Lionheart Club is not that easy to fill." Lin Nian said.

"I will try my best." Chu Zihang nodded lightly.

"The topic has gone astray. Aren't we talking about S-class confidential files?" Fingel said lazily, "How did the execution department determine the final status of this matter? Junior brother, you have always been very messy in the execution department. This time Did they all tell you to shut up?"

"That's not true." Lin Nian said, "Minister Schneider asked me not to be too stressed out and asked me to relax and live my life as I should."

"Cliché," Fingel complained.

"Many people regard this phenomenon as the revelation of the 'Word Spirit'." Lin Nian said suddenly.

"What the hell? Isn't your word spirit 'Settlement'?" Fingel said, "Why did you suddenly jump to mind control? Does your 'S' have one more skill slot than us?"

"Who knows, as soon as this conjecture came out, Master Manstein scoffed at it as nonsense, and according to his intention, he wanted to summarize this incident as a 'blood disorder' phenomenon caused by spiritual vision." Lin Nian said. said expressionlessly.

"Should it be summed up as a phenomenon of 'blood disorder'? That's great." Fingel raised his eyebrows, "Thanks to him being a member of the Disciplinary Committee, he is very good at handling things."

"What's wrong?" Chu Zihang didn't understand this professional term.

"I asked my sister to find out. She has been in the library to learn about hybrids and dragon civilization-related literature, and she knows a lot of professional terms. She said that 'blood disorder' is an abnormality that occurs when hybrids boil due to their own blood. Phenomenon, one of the most representative abnormal phenomena is the golden pupil." Lin Nian closed his eyes for half a second, and when he opened them, both Chu Zihang and Fingel felt as if electromagnetism swept through their bodies. A faint feeling of numbness, as if a "film" passed through them and enveloped the entire dormitory.

"The second is the spirit of speech." Lin Nian added.

Fingel, who was on the upper bunk, reached for the Oreo bucket next to him with his right hand, only to find that his hand was greasy. He didn't know when all the Oreos inside had been replaced by braised chicken wings on the table. He didn't pay much attention. Shrugging, he grabbed it and ate it.

"These external phenomena are all manifestations of bloodline disorders. When bloodline disorders affect the golden pupil, the hybrid species itself will be unable to control the free expansion and expansion of the golden pupil. It may never be able to ignite the golden pupil, or it may never be able to turn off the gene. The explanation of scientists is that this is a problem with the gene chain itself, such as a break in the gene chain or a reorganization of the gene chain. This situation may lead to bad results, such as cancer, or good results, such as second I woke up this morning and found that my pants were shorter, and I had grown a few centimeters taller.”

"The difference between good and bad results seems a bit big." Fingel complained while chewing on chicken wings.

"Genes are difficult to control. For example, during World War II, the German Nazis attempted to use gene editing to create super babies. They were condemned by all walks of life, but due to insufficient scientific research and technology, they ultimately failed. In their expectations, that gene Successfully edited babies are perfect creatures comparable to gods, possessing all adaptive abilities and combining the advantages of all beasts and birds of prey, provided they can combine human genes with other genes across species."

"It's a fantasy, reproductive isolation, brother," Fingel said.

"What about mixed-races?" Lin Nian said coldly.

"This is different. After all, the Dragon King has appeared in human form in the classic records, and there are also records in the literature that there was some kind of myth that was passed down in the past, saying that human beings were not created by God or Nuwa, but by the Dragon Clan based on themselves. The inferior things created in the human form only have human postures and no dragon bodies. The purpose of creating humans is to need slaves and soldiers. According to that theory, humans did not rely on their own resistance to defeat the pure-blood dragons and give birth to hybrids, but It’s the Dragon Kings who need soldiers, but humans are too weak, so they combined with humans to give birth to children to serve as cannon fodder on each other’s battlefields, which can be regarded as an involution between the Dragon Kings’ war.”

"Will dragon kings also become involved in each other?"

"How is it impossible? Human beings are going to fight over territory and beauties. Why can't dragon kings fight over a certain beautiful female dragon? If you want to fight, you have to station troops, right? The number of dragons is limited, so you can only think for yourself. The solution is to attack. Therefore, the theory of that school of thought is that humans and dragons are actually of the same origin. The ancestors of humans are not apes but dragons. This is why humans can break reproductive isolation and mate with dragons to produce hybrid offspring. In their view, human beings were born for the war of the dragons. Ironically, the dragons were suppressed by the human war and relegated to the corner of history." Fingel will always be particularly knowledgeable in some inexplicable places, seemingly useless. Cai always has some amazing ideas to say.

"Interesting theory, but what we are talking about is gene editing, not the production of offspring through copulation. The two theories are different." Lin Nian insisted on his own opinion.

"Lin Nian is right. It is possible to produce special offspring through gene editing." Chu Zihang suddenly said. He put his hands on the keyboard and stared at the screen. "I have Wikipedia. Scientists have successfully transformed fish antifreeze protein genes." After entering tomatoes, the cold tolerance of the offspring tomatoes born after gene editing has been greatly improved and can grow in a relatively cold environment. Species such as fluorescent tobacco, fluorescent zebrafish, and fluorescent mice are all passed through the Victoria Fluorescent Jellyfish The genes are embedded and edited."

"So outrageous?" Fingel found that his thinking was still lagging behind.

"Genes are called God's code. If humans can decipher genes, they can gain eternal life." Lin Nian said, "The secret of hybrid bloodline is also hidden in genes. Why do birds grow wings?" , why do swimming fish grow gills? Is it really Darwin’s theory of natural selection? Or is it really genes that control everything and determine that humans are born with two hands instead of three.”

"I really want three hands, because two hands are not enough for playing games often." Fingel sighed quietly, but suddenly found that the dormitory became inexplicably quiet, and Lin Nian didn't even lose the elastic ball in his hand. Realizing the ambiguity in his words, he immediately explained loudly, "I mean PS games! PS games! Serious games!"

"Bringing the topic back to blood disorders." Lin Nian rolled his eyes and continued to throw the bouncy ball. Chu Zihang also continued to type on the keyboard and write.

"The idea of ​​bloodline disorder is that when the bloodline is extremely stimulated, it will lead to the collapse of the gene chain. My sister said that this phenomenon has appeared in hybrids with thin bloodlines who looked directly at the next generation. According to the records, the second generation is the sky. The noble existence related to the King of Wind was resurrected in Timur's tomb. The curse of this monarch was spread in Eastern Europe and Russia: Those who are good at harming the king will have thousands of soldiers passing through, and they will die without a trace. Facts have proved that this curse It came true, the next generation species woke up from the real tomb under the nine stone tombs, and the tomb collapsed immediately. All the bones of the tomb visitors were crushed, and there were also... It depicts the thousands of troops led by the former monarch."

"That unlucky guy actually survived in that situation?" Fingel asked curiously.

"Yes. The second generation broke out of the ground, so there was a large-scale earthquake in the mausoleum, so he fell into the second generation's coffin. The second generation didn't notice him at all, because the coffin was a big coffin within a small coffin. He just happened to land in the corner of the big coffin."

"Wow." Fingel didn't know what expression to use to express his feelings about the 'lucky man''s experience.

"Perhaps because he just woke up, the second-generation species was exhausted after turning over the nest once, so he didn't notice him. After annihilating the intruder, he immediately returned to the coffin to hibernate and replenish his physical strength. It wasn't until the secret party from the ocean gathered to slay the dragon. The team arrived across the country within twelve hours and conducted a twenty-minute annihilation battle before the unlucky guy was saved."

"Um, that means this guy slept with the next generation for a long time? It would be weird not to collapse under that kind of pressure, right?"

"When the medical team found him afterwards, he was almost the same as Deadpool. His whole body was covered with scales, and even his back had broken flesh and sprouted half-finished bone wings. He was confused and lying in the coffin and kept twitching. The medical team They carried him back and prepared to study what happened to him. Under the scan in the laboratory, the researchers bluntly said that this guy was as if he had been exposed to nuclear radiation all over his body. High-energy electromagnetic waves and particle flows disrupted his genes. A pot of porridge, it was God's blessing that he didn't die on the spot." Lin Nian said, "The most outrageous thing is that this guy actually came back to life later and regained a little consciousness. But after regaining consciousness, he immediately chose to commit suicide and broke his own body. arm and pierced his heart with bones."

"Junior brother, the last 'S' level committed suicide and you can't do the same."

The bouncy ball hit Fingel on the head, interrupting him.

"This is just one of the most serious cases of blood disorder." Lin Nian caught the elastic ball, "Slighter ones will only show partial dragon transformation, such as Beowulf from the dragon-blood-thirsty family. Every time a boy is born in their crazy family, The baby will be fed a highly poisonous dragon's blood crystal. If the baby boy's bloodline is strong enough to survive, he will become a warrior of the next generation. If he cannot survive, he will be buried in the family cemetery, where his other brothers will be. Accompany him. But even if he survives this test, his bloodline will be extremely alienated. His genetic sequence will be eroded by dragon blood, scales will grow on his face, and his nails and teeth will be sharpened, making him even more vulnerable in battle. It is threatening. So even people in the Beowulf family can openly benefit from blood disorders. I just had an abnormality, and of course it is within the acceptance range of the academy."

"Do you know the Beowulf family? Have you ever met any of their people?" Fingel was a little surprised that Lin Nian knew so much.

"No, the only people I've seen with scales are Deadpool and the Dragon Clan, and I killed them all. My sister told me about the Dragon Bloodthirsty Clan." Lin Nian explained.

"Didn't your sister help Masashi Toyama in the psychology department? How do you know so much?"

“She loved going to the library and learning.”

"Damn, these things can't be found in the library."

"The ice cellar cannot be entered by Caesar Gattuso and Erwin Rhine." Lin Nian said, "If you want to enter those places where highly confidential things are hidden, you need corresponding permissions. Guess where they came from? Did you get this permission?"

"Cough cough cough cough." Fingel coughed violently.

Lin Nian didn't bother to follow Fingel and saw that this guy stole his student ID card and borrowed network permissions for more than a day or two, but he didn't cause any big trouble. Instead, he often helped him grab classes and used Nuo. Ma has super privileges to order limited edition donuts and such.

"The excuse of blood disorder is very good, so Mentor Manstein insists on reporting this excuse. I am an 'S' level, and do you know what an 'S' level means?" Lin Nian said lightly.

"The one super hybrid?" Chu Zihang, who had been the audience, spoke.

"What is a super hybrid?" Lin Nian continued to ask.

"The bloodline is different from ordinary people, and it is stronger than everyone else." Fingel continued.

"But there is something called a critical blood limit among mixed-race species." Lin Nian said, "If the critical blood limit is exceeded too much, the scales will tip over, and the bloodline will collapse and get out of control, and you will become a deadpool, and you will be killed by your former companions. Be purged.”

"Your bloodline." Chu Zihang suddenly looked at Lin Nian.

"It's exceeded." Lin Nian said frankly, without any expression on his face, "It should have been exceeded a long time ago, right? Maybe it is more exceeded now? I feel more comfortable after the 3E exam. Originally I could only climb the first floor. Shackles, I can easily climb to the second floor now. Dragon blood is said to be extremely poisonous, maybe even some deep Deadpool bloodlines are not as poisonous as me, right? Maybe I won’t need to prepare poison in the equipment department for poisoning someday. The premise is That day I got angry and had a nosebleed.”

There was silence in the dormitory for a few seconds, because except for Lin Nian, the other two people realized that their topic was actually quite sensitive. Even if Lin Nian's tone now contained some casual joking, if only half a sentence came out from this room, it would be enough. Caused an uproar.

Is every ‘S’ rank a danger in walking down Deadpool’s path? This joke is not funny. Under the auspices of the Secret Party, the 'S' class is the leader and soul of the mixed race, and has nothing to do with high-risk things like Deadpool.

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, you can understand the contradiction of the 'S' class." He continued, without much emotion in his voice, "The so-called 'S' class is something that is 'special' in the first place. , super hybrids are naturally monsters that have crossed that line. Do you think there are very few hybrids that have crossed the critical blood limit? No, there are actually more than you think. Are they weak? No, they Pretty powerful. But why aren't they called 'S' class, or super hybrids?"

"Because they have all become deadpools." In the cold light of the desk lamp, Chu Zihang couldn't see clearly Lin Nian's eyes that were gradually lowered in the shadows. He could only see the elastic ball that was constantly being tossed and stretched out on the ground. "The most important thing about the so-called 'S' class is not their bloodline ratio, but their stability. Their most powerful thing is not their bloodline, but their talent and skills in controlling their bloodline! So, It was only yesterday’s 3E exam that caused such a big fuss.”

"It was the day before yesterday." Fingel corrected, "You took the exam for 24 hours."

"This matter will not continue to spread. Although the cause of the abnormal phenomenon is unknown, at least it can be summarized as a blood disorder." Lin Nian said, "As long as I don't appear in the next few days, Abnormal, then this matter is over and no one will come to trouble me."

"So...you don't even know the truth of the matter?" Fingel suddenly asked.

".I said I actually know it, but I don't want to tell you. Do you believe it?" Lin Nian said leisurely.

"Hey, junior brother, who among us is following whom?" Fingel immediately smiled playfully.

"Yes, who among us is following whom?" Lin Nian nodded, but did not continue to expand on the topic.

"You drew something for a long time during the 3E exam. Can I know what you drew?" Chu Zihang said, he closed the notebook and clicked send. Tonight, his homework is completed. In a few seconds, in the coastal city on the other side of the ocean, his mother will receive this email. After reading it, she will drink a glass of milk with peace of mind and fall asleep simultaneously with him.

"Why are you curious about this?" Lin Nian turned his head and looked at Chu Zihang in front of the lamp.

"I'm just curious." Chu Zihang said, "If you find it inconvenient, just pretend that I never mentioned it."

"No, you don't seem to be someone who is suddenly curious. There must be some reason that aroused your curiosity." Lin Nian understood Chu Zihang's personality and said bluntly.

After Chu Zihang was silent for a moment, he said: "I stood for a minute when I entered the classroom, so unlike others who didn't notice what was going on in the classroom at all, I did see you sitting in the corner."

"You have good eyesight. You saw my test paper from such a distance." Lin Nian said casually.

"No, I didn't see your test paper, I only saw you." Chu Zihang explained, and then added, "Your expression."

"My expression?" Lin Nian grabbed the elastic ball in his hand.

"Your eyes were golden, but you were crying." Chu Zihang said, "It seems that just looking at you, I can feel your sadness."

There was silence for tens of seconds, far longer than the silence caused by Lin Nian before. Then the upper bunk faintly remembered Fingel's voice: "Junior Brother No. 2, your ability to empathize is amazing."

"Maybe." Chu Zihang said.

"I'm sorry that I can't tell you what I drew. I just don't think it's appropriate to say it." Lin Nian was silent for a while and then shook his head gently.

"It's okay, it's my problem." Chu Zihang said, "I shouldn't ask."

"But no matter what, the test papers have to be handed over to Norma, right?" Fingel said, "I can't think of any questions that require twenty-four hours to answer. The things you drew should be other than the test questions. I don’t know how Norma will judge you. In short, it cannot be defined as scribbling. Maybe junior brother, you will have a chance to discover new dragon texts. If this happens, the school board will have to stay up all night. I will give you a banner with 'Dragon Language Little Pioneer' embroidered on it."

"Stop talking nonsense." Lin Nian rubbed his eyes, threw it away, and the bouncy ball flew into the pen holder on the table. "Go to bed. Classes will officially start tomorrow, and the results will be released in the afternoon, so go to bed early."

Fingel, who was on the upper bunk, also set his laptop to night mode, lowered his typing on the keyboard and said, "Good night."

Chu Zihang looked at Lin Nian who was completely lying on the bed. He reached out and turned off the desk lamp, completely plunging the bedroom into darkness. The moonlight fell through the gaps in the curtains. He took off his slippers and sat on his bed, looking back. Lin Nian, who was lying sideways on the bed facing the wall, pulled up the quilt and said, "Good night."

"Good night." Lin Nian also said.

Then the dormitory fell into a long silence.

A night of silence.

ps①: Two in one, with an additional chapter contributed by the book club.

ps②: In fact, the boys in the university dormitory talk about their relationship experiences and games at night, but now it is obvious that Lin Nian and the three of them will not talk about these things. Maybe after a long time, there will be four girls in dormitory 303 talking about sex. ?

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