"I seem to have never mentioned my name to you before. As far as you can see, I also have a name. At least here, my name is 'Yelena'."

"Where's your full name?"

"Romanov Yelena Alexina Nikolayevna."

"My mother's name is Anastasia Nikolayevna. And I am the last princess of the Russian Tsar!"

That happened the day before yesterday, but to Lin Nian, when he fell asleep every night, it felt like it had just happened.

After falling asleep in dormitory 303, the blond girl's voice still echoed in his ears like a nightmare, and the details of the dream during the 3E exam came to his eyes again, replaying like a movie.

In the dream, Lin Nian was standing in the corridor with dark red lighting. In front of the iron door in the distance stood a blond girl who announced her real name. The two looked at each other through the shadows and red light, with some expressions on each other's faces. It was indescribably black, and the depths of his eyes were full of unfamiliarity.

Anastasia Nikolayevna.

If Lin Nian remembers correctly, this is a very legendary figure and the youngest daughter of Nicholas II, the last tsar of the Russian Empire, and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna.

"You said you were from the Tsarist Russia era?" Lin Nian frowned and said, "The last Tsar was deposed in 1917, and the entire Tsar's family, including the queen, prince, and princess, were executed. Do you mean you are from The people who survived the great purge?”

The blond girl nodded and did not deny Lin Nian's conjecture, "The Great Purge is such a familiar word. I still remember that it was the first winter of 1917, when the Tsar's family tasted the coldness of Russia for the first time. The emperor symbolized honor and power. The imperial epaulettes were no longer allowed to be worn by the tsar, and the tsarist era began to enter its final chapter of destruction.”

In 1917, during the February Revolution, the "Bloody Tsar" was swallowed up by the anger of the people, and class struggle and the roulette wheel of the world began to spin.

"It was the day in the dead of winter, before spring arrived, when the great Romanov dynasty came to an end." The blonde girl recounted softly, "The gates of the castle of feudalism were smashed open by the excited people, and the dresses that had been so beautiful in the past were hung up. Lighted on bamboo poles, the delicate porcelain fell from the heights of the castle and shattered into beautiful white flowers. The people, wielding hammers and shovels, drove the Tsar's family out of their castle, spitting on them with their own wrath. If there was no restraint Under the protection of the Lensky Provisional Government, their flesh will be eaten alive by the angry people, the king will be tortured to death, and the princesses will be reduced to tools for venting."

As she spoke, the blonde girl pushed her hands back against the iron door gently, and the door opened with a sound, revealing a dazzling white light. She turned around and walked into the magnificent room at the back, holding the door open to signal Lin Nian to follow.

Lin Nian just paused for a moment before walking through the corridor and following the blond girl into the iron door. Behind the door, the villa decoration that should not have appeared in Black Swan Harbor appeared in front of him.

Behind the black iron door is not a dark freezer, but a luxurious official residence. Under the white gauze curtains, heavy snow is flying outside the window with the window grilles, but the interior of the official residence is as warm as spring. Charcoal wood is burning quietly in the fireplace, handmade pillows are placed on the huge sofa, coffee and a variety of delicacies are warm on the table, and the Tsarist Empire-style decoration in the official residence reveals an atmosphere of luxury and power.

"In the first half year of the fall of the dynasty, we were protected by the provisional government and were not torn apart by angry civilians. At that time, we were still the royal family in the empire, enjoying the service of servants, and our lives were no different from those in the Tsarist Russia era. ." The blonde girl stood in the center of the house and looked at everything warm.

"The provisional government needs our authority. Even though Tsarist Russia has fallen, its former rulers still have power, so they think we are the key to the next era, and the key naturally needs to be hidden in a safe place and carefully maintained. It’s a pity that this comfortable life only lasted until the end of 1917.”

"The late October Revolution of 1917?"

Lin Nian is a good student of history and can always accurately point out major events that happened that year based on the year. The October Revolution in 1917 was obviously the most significant event in human history. The provisional government was overthrown and the Soviet regime was formally established, laying the initial foundation stone for the future huge red regime.

"Who could have known that a country would carry out two class revolutions in the same year, and that both revolutions would be successful? In just one year, the world would go from the feudal era to the bourgeois era, and finally to the proletariat as the master of the country. ." The blonde girl waved her hand, and the luxurious mansion disappeared, replaced by a monotonously decorated and empty villa. There was no fireplace and only the cold floor reflected the extinguished and dusty crystal chandelier.

"In just one year, the Tsar's family went from being remnants of the previous dynasty to remnants of an even earlier feudal state. Even Puyi was not as miserable as them. Their loyal slaves were secretly executed, and their living environment was moved from a comfortable official residence to Ipache. It is said to be a villa, but it is actually a tomb, with half-dead people buried inside." The blonde girl said, "At that time, the biggest wish of the Tsarist family every day was a cup of coffee and buttered bread, but even this wish It was still rejected because it was too extravagant.”

"You probably weren't born yet at that time," Lin Nian said.

"But what I'm describing now is what my mother went through."

At the end of July 1918, the Bolsheviks announced that the Tsar's family had been secretly shot.

There is no public trial, no process, only bloody results.

"They are afraid that the Tsar's family will become the hope of royalist restoration. As long as the Tsar's family is alive and supported by other European royal families as a government-in-exile, they will have the opportunity to threaten the newly established red regime." The blonde girl said lightly, " The execution took place at the Ipachev Villa. That day, the Tsar's family and children were taken to the basement by the soldiers. The leader moved three chairs for the Tsar and his wife to sit down. Nicholas II held the newborn prince in his arms. , placed him among the chairs, and told them: In view of the constant interference and attacks on the Soviet revolution by your royal relatives, it has been decided to execute you.”

"Then a gunshot rang out, and the pistol passed through the throat at close range, sending the Tsar himself down in a pool of blood. Behind him, the soldiers fired repeatedly at all the servants and attendants, and the infant Crown Prince was still in his head. Two shots were fired, and the queen wanted to pray but lost her hands in the first round and fell on the body of her husband."

"In half an hour, eleven corpses, a river of blood." said the blonde girl.

Gunshots really rang out in the basement of the villa, as violent as firecrackers. Lin Nian lowered his head and looked at the floor. Although he knew that all this was constructed by the blond girl using her memory, he still couldn't help but go. Imagine that human tragedy.

When the gunfire stopped, Lin Nian slowly raised his head and said, "But they still missed one person."

"Anastasia, my mother. Her name means "breaker of shackles" or "opener of prisons," but I prefer her other meaning." The blond girl looked at Lin Nian and said, " resurrection."

"Lucky Anastasia, the youngest daughter of the Tsar, survived a secret execution and was living in a country under the red regime. This was the most famous rumor at the time." Lin Nian said lightly. "You said she was your mother? How could she survive the intensive shooting in the basement and escape to give birth to you?"

"Jewelry of real gold and diamonds is the last treasure of the Tsar's royal family. Nicholas II expected to exchange his daughter and wife's personal jewelry for a huge sum of money in exchange for a luxurious life in the future, but unfortunately, these jewelry did not bring them coffee and butter. Bread, but it actually saved the life of a princess." The blonde girl said, "Anastasia was discovered by the owner of the villa. They came to clean up the corpse and found the youngest princess in the pile of corpses. Staring at them, she still had a breath left - even though she was shot through the abdomen by three bullets and stabbed through the chest with a bayonet. But she was still alive and tenaciously alive."

"She is a mixed race?" Such a powerful vitality can only be explained by her magical bloodline.

"Maybe from the moment I can remember after I was born, my mother asked me to run away. We hid in the barn and endured the Soviet wind and snow, listening to the heavy footsteps outside. People all over the world were looking for me. I am the last spark of the Tsarist era, the last princess and emperor."

Hearing the word "emperor", Lin Nian was stunned for a moment, and his face gradually darkened. He gently placed his right hand on the handle of Kikuichi Monji Norimune's knife behind his back, and gently pried the blade with his fingers.

The atmosphere in the corridor began to feel like a pebble thrown into an abyss, going lower and lower in the arc, until the glimmer of light cast by the golden eyes was as sticky as a quagmire, making it difficult to breathe.

"Don't get me wrong." The blonde girl smiled lightly, "I'm not saying that I am the 'Emperor'. What I call the Emperor is just the only person qualified to inherit the position of Tsar and restore the empire. He is not as good as the one outside. exist."

"Do you know the details of the 'Emperor'?" Lin Nian said expressionlessly.

"Of course I know," the blonde girl said. "Maybe I know her best in the world."

"I actually always thought the 'emperor' was you." Lin Nian said lightly.

"Is it because of Kikuichi Monmonori Sect? This sword?" The blonde girl looked at the tilted scabbard behind Lin Nian, "Don't worry, I did give you this sword, but not the leech. That leech has a very good intention." It's sinister. Fortunately, you didn't accept it, but that can be regarded as a declaration. The 'Emperor' is not worried about whether you accept this thing at all, he just wants to announce his existence to you through this."

"Tell me His intelligence."

"I can not."


"If I say it, He will hear it." The blond girl looked directly at Lin Nian.

"He is by my side." Lin Nian asked.


"You were warning me in this dream." He asked again.


"The 'Emperor' knows you exist."


"Your relationship with the 'Emperor' is antagonistic."


"You're on my side."

"Yes and no."

"The 'Emperor' has done something to me."


"Can you help me clean these hands and feet?"


"As usual. Can you give me strength?" Lin Nian said, "Then there are three chains left."

"The unblocking of 'Fu Sheng' is actually a bit too fast, but I have to do it because the 'Emperor' has begun to surface, and you must have the ability to protect yourself." The blonde girl said.

"Can't I protect myself with my current strength?"

"In front of ordinary hybrids, yes, you are no different from the Dragon King to them. But in front of the 'Emperor', you are still too weak. Your chance of winning against the 'Emperor' is zero, not one." It's not zero point one, it's zero, completely zero." The blonde girl's voice was as hard as stone, with a chill in it.

"Okay then, cut off the other three chains and give me the power to defeat Him." Lin Nian said, "You and the 'Emperor' are in a hostile relationship, so I can understand that you are hiding in my mind and treating me as If you don't have a safe haven, you will be in danger if I am controlled by others. Then just give me strength! I promise you will find Him and deal with Him completely."

"The last three chains are not so easy to cut off. The two word spirits, Fusheng and Setsuna, are considered the 'original' power for you, but the remaining three word spirits need to be able to truly exert their power. Some medium.”


"The four kings." The blonde girl said slowly, "Go find the four kings and kill them."

Bronze and fire, sky and wind, ocean and water, earth and mountains, four terrifying monarchs who cannot be shaken on the throne.

"That's the Dragon King! It's not some second-generation or third-generation species." Lin Nian frowned, "Who knows where those beings are hiding and sleeping in the world, I can't even find a place to kill them even if I want to kill them!"

"The King of Earth and Mountains and the King of Bronze and Fire have already walked in the world. The King of Sky and Wind and the King of Ocean and Water are still unknown." The blond girl said calmly, "If there is no accident, he will be the first to wake up. The two monarchs will be earth and mountains and bronze and fire.”

After hearing this earth-shattering news, Lin Nian's pupils tightened like needles, and he looked at the blonde girl more deeply, "Go on."

"The resurrection of the Dragon King is in someone's plan. If there are no accidents, within three years, a Dragon King will be revived. Your goal is also that king. Kill him and then take his dragon blood crystal with you. Give it to me." The blonde girl said, "When the time comes, I will give you the corresponding power and cut off one of your chains."

"Can you do this?"

"I can," said the blonde girl, "or rather, you can."

"It seems that the 'Emperor' has indeed pushed you into a hurry. You should have a story." Lin Nian said.

"We all have a story with the 'Emperor', but you have forgotten it." The blond girl said softly, "Sometimes it's not that I don't want to tell it. It's that I really can't tell it, Lin Nian."

"Then don't say it." Lin Nian nodded.

"Starting from today, the second bloodshed will be unblocked for you." The blonde girl also nodded, "You should have noticed that after the high frequency of bloodshed, your bloodline has exceeded the critical blood limit too much. But don't worry, Your usual feeling is right. You are special. Even if you exceed the critical blood limit, you can still control it perfectly. Remember to hide yourself. You are like the god-killing human in Greek mythology, the god sitting on Mount Olympus. They will all be in awe of your existence and will try their best to get rid of you."

".You said you are a descendant of the Tsar, so why are you related to the 'Emperor', who was also a person from the Tsar's era?" Lin Nian did not care about his bloodline. Instead, he once again traced what he really cared about. things.

"I can tell you this, it hasn't crossed the red line yet." The blond girl said, "The 'Emperor' claims to have existed even longer than the Black King, and is a remnant of that lost era."

Forgotten era?

"." Lin Nian was silent, "What do you think is the credibility?"

"I don't know," the blond girl said, "but He is above the four kings in a sense."

"This is really not good news."

"So you need to become stronger." The blonde girl sighed, "You are still too weak now."

"Can the Dragon King's recovery time be more certain?"

"No. But if you really want to start working on this aspect, I suggest you pay attention to one person." The blonde girl said, "He is the key to the recovery of the Dragon King, and he may also be a good helper for you in the future."


The blond girl looked at Lin Nian and read out a name.

Lin Nian was stunned and subconsciously repeated the name:

"Lu Mingfei?"

"I'm not kidding, he is special, but few people can discover this. He will play an important role in the future." The blonde girl said.

"You said he is also a mixed race?" Lin Nian's originally frighteningly serious expression suddenly became a little strange, as if everyone was talking about the destruction of the world, and suddenly a funny character appeared, and this funny character had to act as The key person who saves the world.

"He is not a mixed race. His origin is very complicated, just as complicated as you." The blond girl shrugged.

"Then what am I?"

"You?" The blonde girl smiled, "You are a monster. If I really have to use one word to describe you, I think words like 'S' level, super hybrid are not very good at describing you. I prefer another one. That's what the 'Emperor' called you when he first met you."

"He calls you..." The blond girl paused, looked at Lin Nian and said four words, "Mixed-blood monarch!"

ps①: It connects the past and the next. Today I will have about 5,000 words, and I will start sorting out the next copy.

ps②: There will be several chapters about college life, so we can’t keep writing the main story tightly.

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