"The murderer's target is the transfer student, because the transfer student is investigating him with great fanfare, but what about us? We are also tracking the murderer, won't he turn his finger on the two of us?"

As the afternoon approached evening, the setting sun dyed the horizon blood red.

Lin Nian and Mandy stood at the window of Building A of the teaching building, looking at the three transfer students strolling in the playground.

"What are you afraid of? The transfer student named Lancelot died because his anti-reconnaissance awareness was not strong enough. But I am with you. Even if the murderer is really the agent of God, I will beat him down." Lin Nian played with a coin and rolled it quickly between his fingers. Mandy, who was standing beside her, held a telescope and carefully monitored the situation of the three transfer students on campus.

"The murderer left a bloody note saying that three people would die next time. How dare they leave alone like this?" Mandy asked.

"If they really want to track down the murderer, this is a clear choice." Lin Nian squinted his eyes and glanced at the three transfer students, two boys and one girl, who seemed to be taking a walk in the playground. The handsome women are particularly eye-catching. It seems that none of these transfer students are not eye-catching. It makes people feel that these people are like transfers from a modeling academy.

"Are you saying they are deliberately designing bait to lure the murderer into taking the bait?"

"Obviously, this group of transfer students is quite interesting. If ordinary people's companions die mysteriously and are threatened like this, they will either fall apart due to fear in an instant, or they will stay together desperately. In this case, there will only be two situations. Being defeated by the murderer one by one, or when the group is so nervous that something goes wrong, a few people just die while going to the toilet. A classic horror movie scene." Lin Nian analyzed:

"But this group of transfer students went in the opposite direction and directly moved people into groups. Now we can see three people in the playground, and there are actually five more in the woods 300 meters away from the playground. The recent teaching There are four of them in Building B, and there are two hiding under Building A of our teaching building here. Once something happens, they can all rush to the scene of the incident in less than half a minute to surround the murderer."

"We have two transfer students downstairs?" Mandy subconsciously looked down at the floor and was surprised.

"Didn't you notice? There were two tails hanging from behind after we left the scene of the crime. One has red hair and one has black hair. They are both girls. Their tracking skills are very good, but they are not good enough. If I find out all this No, I don’t know how many times I was beaten with a sack on my back before." Lin Nian said with a smile.

Mandy was stunned for a while before saying, "What if something goes wrong with the dragnet? This is a matter of life and death."

"Then don't fail." Lin Nian said, "Daring to create opportunities for the murderer means that they have the courage to make a desperate move. One thing I don't know if I feel right is that I have always felt that they are quite impatient. It feels like Just like fighting for time, every time you take action, you have a sense of realization that if you don't succeed, you will succeed. Most people who have this feeling are not afraid of death."

"With such an obvious plot, do you think the murderer would fall for it?" Mandy lowered her head and glanced at the police car at the school gate in the distance. After the incident at noon, the whole school was in a state of panic. "Two crimes were committed on the same day. Still in the same place, only a madman would do this, right?”

"People who believe in religion are probably a little bit crazy, and don't look at things from God's perspective. The reason why we can see so clearly is because the transfer students didn't do much to guard against us, except for the two surveillance guards downstairs. Our people deliberately hid, and the rest of the layout was shown to us." Lin Nian said with a faint smile, "It seems that they are also expecting us to do something, and they don't think that the two of us are killing them. The murderer of someone else, right?"

"I don't look like a murderer, but you do." Mandy glanced sideways at this junior brother she had only known for a day, her handsome face stained red by the setting sun.

"You are not the first one to feel this way, so I have filed a case with more than one police station." Lin Nian shrugged and did not care about the indifferent slander, "Then I will help you from the perspective of a murderer. Analyzing the problem, no matter whether this group of transfer students give up their decoy operation before twelve o'clock today, the murderer will definitely strike again! If we remain on the sidelines, three more people will definitely die!"

"That's really too courageous."

"It should be confidence." Lin Nian said with a low smile, "I am a confident person, so I can understand the murderer's arrogance. That is something that can only be done by people who do not take the rules of this society and the world seriously. It's hard for a person like this to resist taking action when provoked by a transfer student, and taking action is our best chance to catch him."

"Catch the murderer and everything will be over, and Amara can be rescued." Mandy whispered.

She glanced at the watch under her sleeve. The time was now seven o'clock in the afternoon. The school had basically suspended classes due to the incident at noon. Most of the students except the students who lived on campus had gone home early. The entire campus was silent, and one could only hear the quiet sound of the setting sun caressing the teaching buildings. Occasionally, black birds flew past twice, their wings fluttering feebly as if they would fall into the red sky at any time.

Upstairs in the teaching building, Mandy and Lin Nian waited patiently. Neither of them complained a word. They quietly leaned against the left and right walls of the window and played with themselves. Occasionally they looked up and looked at each other without speaking. At that time Lin Nian always had a vague smile on his face. Mandy asked him what he was smiling about, but he refused to say. He just looked at the setting sun outside the window, and the smile on his face slowly melted. Gradually falling into the residual red in the west.

Time just transitioned to night.

It may be that the sky does not work as one wishes. In stories and movies, it is said that the moon is dark and the wind is high, but the moon is better than any other day. It is a high full moon, cloudless, and the dark sky seems to be hanging. The new blue white sun and the moon halo were like blue flames, boiling the whole school to a boil. There were constant chirping of insects and birds, but there was no sound of anyone.

"It's half past eleven." Mandy didn't know how many times she looked at her watch.

"I thought the murderer would strike at seven o'clock, but it seems I was wrong." Lin Nian walked to the window without showing his face, but gently turned his head to observe the night view of the campus.

The three transfer students were sitting and chatting on a bench by the artificial lake. There were green belts, groves and a group of rockeries nearby, which were perfect hiding places. If the murderer wanted to take action, he would definitely do it from any of these three places. One strike. But is it too much to ask for three prepared adults to be killed in one go? Could it be that the murderer did not intend to follow the rules in the Bible this time, but instead directly used firearms?

It doesn’t feel impossible. After all, these days, even the beautiful nuns have a revolver hidden under their sleeves. If you sincerely pray to God, she will pull out the Bible and pray for you. If you have evil thoughts, she will pull out the revolver and send you to see God. As the spokesperson of God, it seems reasonable for my murderer to punish you with the M1917 Smith \u0026 Wesson, doesn't it?

Anyway, Mandy couldn't guess which method the murderer would use to kill the three transfer students. Anyway, the identity of the other party would be revealed the moment he took action. Whether he was a human, a ghost or a monster, he would be exposed the moment he showed up.

"It should start at twelve o'clock. The number twelve in the Bible represents the harmony of divinity and humanity, for the complete and complete implementation of God's administration." Lin Nian said, "The transfer students should interpret it just like us. The meaning of the tent pegs, the posture of the three people sitting on the chairs, turning their heads and looking from time to time, and the hands hidden in their sleeves and arms mean that they are ready for battle."

"I didn't expect the murderer to say so. The person who killed you with tent nails revealed to you that he did it on behalf of God. The time he continued to inflict punishment was forced to perfectly fit the sacred number in line with the deal." Lin Nian clicked his tongue, " I am almost moved by him, and if I have a chance to chat with him, I will definitely have a good chat with him."

"Can you please stop playing so much! We are on the third floor now. If something happens, can we rush there immediately?" Mandy asked, "Do you want to go down to the second floor first? There is a lawn below. I have learned parkour and Dancing, if something happens, we can just jump down and run without getting hurt."

"Didn't I tell you that there are two transfer students downstairs watching us? It's almost twelve o'clock now. Wouldn't we increase our suspicion by choosing this time to go downstairs? Those transfer students were the first ones to rush in when they saw us. When we arrived at the scene, we felt that we had a problem." Lin Nian rolled his eyes at her.

"Then let's wait. We'll see what we do then." Mandy was dumbfounded by Lin Nianchu. She always felt that her status began to gradually decline after this junior brother appeared. Originally, she was still a figure in the academy. Why? Do you look like a follower now?

The second hand on the watch ticks in circles, and every move of the minute hand is like the clarion call of the Doomsday Judgment.

It was obvious that the transfer students knew more about what they were about to face than Lin Nian and Mandy. Sitting on the bench, they all clenched their weapons in their arms and chatted as if nothing had happened. The blood was swelling uncontrollably, and the sweat flowed down the spine to the waist, which was uncomfortable.

The shadow of the moon is reflected in the lake. The white light seems to have frozen the entire lake, and the reflected full moon is an ice pit on the frozen surface. There is a dark shadow flowing inside, as if there is something hidden underneath. The devouring beast.

The user of the giant domain that covers half of the town, the real murderer whose identity has never been revealed, is suspected to be a terrifying existence at the Dragon King level. This is their enemy, and their enemy is coming to kill them. the moonlight and the mourning bells.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Then the time came to twelve o'clock.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and waited with bated breath for the judgment to come.

Then the really huge bell rang! Rumbling and grand, simple and heavy.

Almost everyone in the school looked up at the source of the loud sound at the same time. It was the bell tower of the college. The full moon hung on the spire. The second hand, minute hand, and hour hand on the bronze clock dial completely overlapped. People think of Jesus hanging on the cross.

In the sound of the bell, everyone's spirit was tense to the extreme. On the bright side, on the dark side, in front of the stage, and behind the scenes, the drama was finally about to reach its climax. Everyone was eagerly looking forward to what would happen. The giant fell like a frenzy!

The three 'A'-level students on the bench sat stiffly together, holding their breath and watching every environment around them. There was a slight hint of gold dancing in the depths of their eyes, and they seemed to be filled with uncontrollable anger and horror. It was a ball of hot air that was swollen in their chests, and it needed to be completely released through the ensuing battle that looked like death!

But nothing happened next.

Twelve bells tolled for a long time, and then the college fell into silence. The second hand continued to move, the moon continued to be round, and the heart kept beating.

The minute hand continued to move. It was just like an ordinary late night at twelve o'clock day after day, with nothing worth getting excited about.

"Did I guess wrong?" Lin Nian, who was almost lying on the window in the teaching building of Building A, stared at the transfer student who was looking around on the bench with doubts on his face, "It's not twelve o'clock, but one o'clock, right? Twelve disciples plus Jesus’ own ‘thirteen’?”

This question was also appearing in the minds of the fourteen transfer students, but at this moment an accident happened.

In the darkness of Carmel College, a gentle light shone.

Wei Lewa, who was sitting on the bench by the artificial lake, stood up suddenly and looked at the teaching building standing in the dark night in the distance. The other two students beside her also stood upright and stared at the same thing with their eyes wide open. Everywhere their faces were illuminated by the gentle light of the sunrise.

[1:3 God said, Let there be light, and there was light]

The light rises from the two teaching buildings A and B. Each window emits gentle sunlight. The teaching building is like a giant with a huge mouth spitting out light. The light illuminates almost half of the college.

Even the moon was eclipsed at this moment, as if the sun that had set in the west was not hidden behind the horizon, but hidden in these two teaching buildings. After twelve o'clock, it rose again, shining on the earth. .

In the fir forest, Caesar and Chu Zihang also rushed out. It was night, but behind everyone was a clear shadow dragged by the sunlight from the two suns. Everyone seemed to be Coated with a sense of holiness, the gentle light illuminates them in the darkness, as if the gods from above are teasing the despicable mice in the darkness.

As stated in Creation, God created the earth on the first day, the moon on the second day, and the sun on the third day.

On the third day after entering the small town of Carmel, two round suns suddenly appeared.

ps: There may be typos. The error correction software is not omnipotent and will be corrected slowly in the future (2/5)

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