Lin Nian and Mandy discovered the abnormality only after belatedly. Because they were in Lushan Mountain, they did not immediately notice when they observed the light that lit up the entire Carmel University. A miracle happened in their own teaching building.

All they knew at that moment was that something had happened, and in an instant this matter had gone beyond the controllable range of normal homicides, creating a sky-wide light that could illuminate the entire university at night. This is something that cannot be explained by normal logic at all. .

What really reminded the two of them that something happened right under their feet was a burst of singing. A burst of women's singing. In the warm and sacred light, there was a woman singing, and the singing was right under their feet. On the second floor of teaching building A, the two A place to spy on their transfer students!

"I'm beginning to believe in the 'monster' you said, and I'm ready to meet him." This is what Lin Nian said to Mandy just before climbing out of the third-floor window.

The next moment, Mandy was grabbed by him and jumped out of the third floor. Before she could scream, she quickly fell less than five meters. Lin Nian grabbed the edge of the second-floor window and stopped abruptly. Falling momentum.

Using one arm, Lin Nian showed strength that Mandy could not understand at all, and threw her into the window. Lin Nian turned over and jumped into the corridor on the second floor. After landing and standing firm, he found that he had thrown her into the window. Mandy came in and was sitting on the ground blankly looking into the depths of the corridor. He also looked up at the next moment. Then he saw a breathtaking and incredible scene.

That was the center of the corridor, close to the corridor. There were two girls standing there, one with black hair and one with red hair. Mandy remembered their names, Su Qian and Chen Motong, two transfer students from China. But now they have died.

Those who meet the gods will eventually pay a price.

And the price they pay is their own lives.

In front of the two people stood a slender human figure shrouded in blazing light, wearing a white cloak. The body under the cloak was wrapped in bandages, revealing only a pair of eyes that reminded people of the blazing sun, the sunshine behind him. It was like a wave constantly washing through the corridor. There was no heat in the air, only warmth and holiness.

The singing resounded throughout the sky, and the source was the god-like existence in the white cloak. Beside him, the two girls also turned into white angels. Their entire bodies turned into white wax, maintaining their human shapes, and they all sat They were preparing to attack, but they never had the chance to pull out the guns at their waists.

The white god stood between the two goddesses, leaning over his head as if to whisper something to them. After listening to the words of the god, they disappeared into this town forever, without even a chance to resist or ask for help.

One of the punishments for turning your back on God is to be burned to a crisp by fire.

The death method of the two transfer students really matched Lin Nian and Mandy's conjectures, and coincided with the shocking cases in the Bible.

"Is this the white monster you are talking about?" Lin Nian glanced down at Mandy, then looked at the god shrouded in light. "White is indeed quite white. It does look like a monster."

"I don't think I'm talking about this kind of white."

Mandy didn't even know what to say. Facing the warm light, she felt that her breathing was so tight. Every breath she took seemed to be disrespectful to the god deep in the corridor. She wished she could suffocate until she lay on the ground. Only then can you seek forgiveness from the other party.

In any case, this unseen thing, which met the standards of a ‘god’ both in terms of religious meaning and appearance, completely manipulated the group of transfer students.

The meaning of '3' is now easily understood. It is not 3 people but 3 groups of people. If Lin Nian remembers correctly, the personnel distribution of the transfer students is 3, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3 baits, 5 After an ambush, the remaining six people worked in pairs. Two groups were stationed in teaching building B, and the other group was monitoring Lin Nian and Mandy.

According to that, the four people in the teaching building on the other side are also experiencing the same scene?

If those four people are not on the same floor, does that mean this god appears in three places at the same time?

"But no one has ever said that the murderer would appear in this form." Looking at this scene, Lin Nian actually laughed.

He was looking at the god, and the god stared at him without any emotion, as if Lin Nian was not worth his attention. Instead, his eyes slowly fell on Mandy, who was sitting on the ground next to Lin Nian. body.

"Don't look at her." Lin Nian moved and stood in front of Mandy and said with a smile, "Now is not the time to touch her. You have to get through me first."

Mandy's brain was a little confused, and she looked at Lin Nian with a puzzled expression. Is this boy really a big kid? Although she was touched by being so protective of her. But even if you can fight again and encounter such a surreal situation, you still have to be afraid, right? What does direct provocation look like?

Immediately afterwards, Lin Nian made an action that raised her blood pressure. This guy actually pulled a knife out of his sleeve! Fully half a meter long, the black handle has a silver trough. There is no handle but when you pull it out from the cuff, you can see the blade. It looks extremely sharp under the warm light in the corridor.

"Iga Tachi, a thousand-layer steel burning blade." Lin Nian said, "It's a pity that it is a fake. The original one is stored in a museum and cannot be obtained."

"What do you want to do?" Mandy glanced at Ji and then at Lin Nian, feeling a little numb.

"Didn't I say it before?" Lin Nian bent his right arm and gently wiped the clean dagger, "I belong to a monster. When I meet another monster, I naturally want to communicate."

"Why are you communicating with Him? Why don't you run away before He is ready to kill us? There is a window behind you. This is the second floor. I will jump first and then you will jump?" Mandy said with a stiff face.

"Maybe it's not very good. You can't tell others." Lin Nian pursed his lips and motioned for Mandy to look over.

Mandy also glanced at the god and then stopped. He was shaking his head. Was he shaking his head? He could hear the whispers between the two.

"We'll wait until we hit it with something." Lin Nian shook the arm holding the dagger and closed his eyes.

"How to fight?" Mandy collapsed.

Lin Nian told her with practical actions. Almost instantly, the boy opened his eyes, and a spontaneous majesty rose from his seemingly thin body.

Carmel University lights up the Suns in the third round.

Mandy was speechless. In her eyes, a blazing light rose from the eyes of the boy next to her. Those were such blazing eyes. Just one look at them made her whole body feel like she was about to burn. And the god opposite She actually has the same eyes as him!

A wave of light and heat that was definitely not inferior to that of the god surged out of the boy's body and pushed back with overwhelming force. It was like there were two forces of light competing with each other in the entire corridor, regardless of superiority or inferiority!

——Lin Nian was right. There was no need for him to be afraid of this monster, because he himself was the biggest monster.

He raised the short knife in his hand, jumped over his head, and then gathered it to his waist. He lowered his body in the light and heat like a sea wave, flattened the tiger's mouth with his left hand and locked the 'god' at the end of the corridor at a right angle, like magma. Under the cracked golden pupils, his mouth opened and closed slightly and breathed out hot breath.

"Come on, gods, let's see which is faster, the holy judgment from God, or my knife that cuts off your head!" He said with a low smile.

The god only responded by raising his right hand. His arm was slender and weak, tied with countless white bandages like a mummy.

The light and heat that the boy burst out and occupied half of the corridor instantly closed in. The end point was the short knife hanging horizontally on his waist. One of the two opposing waves disappeared instantly, and the light erupted from the gods deep in the corridor instantly surged and swallowed up. To him and Mandy in front of the window!

But this time, these rays of light brought substantial high temperature, completely burning the corridors along the way. The door panels of the classroom were burned to black ash, and the windows melted into liquid. These rays of light were thousands of degrees Celsius. Once enveloped, the outcome would inevitably be... The same white wax figures as those two transfer school girls!

At this moment, Lin Nian drew the sword. The moment he drew the sword, the blade pushed out with unparalleled power several times as if it was against the invisible sheath mouth!

Mandy beside her heard a deafening explosion, and then felt an uncontrollable sharp pain in her eyes and couldn't help but close her eyes.

It was the light of the knife that bruised her eyes. The light of the knife almost covered the sky and cut off the wave of fire and light. The entire corridor burst into cracks the moment he started, and the unmelted glass shattered and scattered. !

In the chaos, he shuttled through the sea of ​​fire with the short knife, cut the surging sun with one knife, and jumped straight to the neck of the god!

ps: 3/5

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