When Caesar, Chu Zihang, and three or four transfer students arrived at the second floor of teaching building A, they almost didn't dare to step from the stairs to the corridor on the second floor.

The ground on the entire second floor was pitch black, and there was a burning smell in the air. The closer they got to the corridor on the second floor, the more cracks there were on the ground. When they actually stepped on it, looking around the entire corridor, it was as if they were looking at the path leading to the corridor. Picture scroll of the passage to hell.

There was still a frightening lingering power in the air. Cracks covered the entire corridor like spider webs. The entire building was crumbling. The windows and doors of the classrooms along the way were completely wiped out. Tables, chairs and benches were piled up in disorder in the classrooms behind. The other side of the wall seemed to be blown away by a strong wind.

The entire corridor was cut in half. There was a ferocious knife edge running parallel to the dark walls on both sides. It was pulled from one end of the corridor to the other end. Even seeing this knife mark can make people feel... There was a sharp scratch, and the person who made the cut was standing quietly in the middle of the corridor.

Caesar and Chu Zihang walked over slowly and stood behind Lin Nian, who was playing with the handle of an empty knife. Their eyes jumped over his shoulders and looked at the two bottles of white wax statues. From their expressions, they recognized that these were Chen Motong and Su Qian who were sent to monitor Lin Nian and Mandy. They encountered the two suns that lit up at night, and finally turned into the white angels in the Bible.

Mandy stood in the corner and looked around at this fire-swept corridor. Every detail of the devastated mess revealed the violence and terror that had happened here a few minutes ago. The long and shocking knife marks even more revealed the... Playing with the hilt of the knife, the boy had done something great before.

Jumping and swinging a knife at the god, which everyone thought was a ridiculous joke, the other party actually completed it, and just missed the god's head.

"Almost means a lot worse." As if he heard what Mandy was thinking, Lin Nian looked at the girl who was looking at him and shook his head and said, "That knife couldn't hit him, or in that moment he couldn't hit him at all. It’s not there anymore, all I hit was a shadow.”

"You saw the murderer." Chu Zihang spoke from behind Lin Nian.

"If it's a question, please use a question tone. Don't use declarative sentences instead of questions." Lin Nian looked back at the black-haired boy.

"You saw the murderer." Caesar repeated Chu Zihang's words, still in a statement tone. The scene in the corridor almost made it clear that Lin Nian had seen the initiator of all this, and also launched an attack on him.

It is not difficult to understand this terrifying knife mark. Both Caesar and Chu Zihang knew that Lin Nian's speech spirit was instantaneous. When the speed-type speech spirit user reaches a certain level, a wave of his hand can cause unimaginable things to ordinary people. The effect is violent, not to mention giving the opponent a knife.

And the knife in Lin Nian's hand only had a handle left. The Iga tachi with its thousand-layer steel burning blade could not withstand the cutting sharpness and shattered into hundreds of pieces before it touched the murderer's neck. The fragments were thrown out and shattered the wall at the end of the corridor. But the murderer who looked like a god disappeared at the last moment, along with the divine fire that swept through the corridor.

"White cloak, body wrapped with white cloth, unable to tell the difference between male and female, slim figure, about 1.65 meters tall." Lin Nian casually put the handle of the knife into Chu Zihang's hand, and walked towards the place where the god stood before. , "There were no signs of it. His purpose had already been achieved when I found him. I'm sorry that your people are dead. I can't help."

"Didn't you see the face?" Caesar walked to Chen Motong's pewter statue and looked at her quietly, with no joy or sorrow on his face. "What is his speech spirit?"

"What Yanling?" Lin Nian looked at Caesar and found that he was pressing his temples with his hands and looking like he had a headache.

"I mean what is his super power?" Caesar saw Lin Nian had no reaction at all and could only change one word.

"Super power?" Lin Nian understood now. "Extreme light and high temperature are not conceptual powers. Otherwise, I would die if I were struck by the divine fire. I tend to explain that light and heat have substantial temperatures. And flame pressure, so it can be blown away by the wind pressure from my slash."

"Hey, hey, why did the style of painting suddenly become weird? What is a super power?" Mandy on the side was shocked. How come everyone was chatting well, and suddenly they had super powers? Could it be that what is being staged now is not a horror thriller, but a super urban film?

"It's just a little trick, don't worry about it." Lin Nian waved his hand.

"Looking at the miserable situation in this corridor, you tell me again that this is a little trick?" Mandy looked ugly and glanced at the two bottles of still warm white wax statues, "This corpse is still warm."

"The deceased is gone, there is no need to be sad." Lin Nian glanced at the two corpses, "Senior sister, don't forget, one of the people inside proposed to kidnap you? Shouldn't you open a bottle of champagne to celebrate her death? "

"So cold-blooded." Mandy did not say these words, because she suddenly remembered Lin Nian's plain expression that he was a monster. Of course, monsters are cold-blooded. How could a monster care about the life and death of other people?

So I only dared to think about this sentence in my heart without saying it out loud.

But now she understands why Lin Nian said that he might steal her limelight after entering the school. If the other person really shines, she can only crawl under his slim jeans. What kind of prom queen will this college be in the future? My surname is Lin.

Mandy looked at Caesar and Chu Zihang again, trying to find some sadness and sorrow on their faces but could not find it. There was only solemnity and contemplation in their eyes. They looked at the statue in front of them and tried to see some clues from it. Come, look around the environment from time to time to find more clues.

Is she the only normal person among this group of people? We are all cold-blooded and ruthless crime-solving machines, just locked in with the murderer, no matter that the other person's background may be terrifying, and his expressiveness is as strong as a real agent of the gods?

"You came a little slow. Judging from the strength of your feet when you rushed to the bathroom before, the speed should be shortened by more than half. Did you go to another teaching building before coming?" Lin Nian asked.

"The situation over there is almost the same as here." Chu Zihang said.

At this time, footsteps were also heard downstairs, and several other surviving students rushed here. The first one to rush up was one of the decoy trio, a girl with platinum hair. Mandy also Do you remember her name? It seems to be Wei Lewa?

The first time she arrived, she was shocked by this dark corridor full of traces of power. After a moment, her eyes fell on Lin Nian and she couldn't help but rush towards him.

"What are you doing?" Lin Nian turned aside to avoid the girl's hug.

Chu Zihang grabbed Wei Lewa to stop her from rushing forward. He whispered something in Fu'er's ear before she froze and looked at Lin Nian with a trace of sadness on his expression?

"Do you know her?" Mandy also whispered to Lin Nian.

"I don't know her." Lin Nian said, "I don't like her hair, whether it's white or white, whether it's golden or not."

When Wei Lewa heard these words, she was struck by lightning. She looked at Lin Nian in disbelief, touched the ends of her braided hair, and walked back to the crowd depressedly under the pull of Chu Zihang. She looked up at Lin Nian from time to time. Nian glanced at Mandy again, focusing on Mandy's hair.

"There are eight people left?" Lin Nian glanced at the remaining transfer students. Including Caesar and Chu Zihang, almost half of the original eighteen transfer students had gone in less than three days. "I'm afraid you guys won't be able to withstand the next few rounds of attacks. The murderer will take another two or three rounds at most and you'll all be wiped out."

"Do you know the clues for the next round of attacks?" Chu Zihang instantly understood the hidden meaning in Lin Nian's words.

Lin Niangao glanced at Chu Zihang and nodded, "If the blood letter left in the bathroom says '3', then the message left by the murderer this time is '6'."

"Whence can this conclusion be drawn?" asked Caesar.

"The previous song was a minor tune from Chapter 6 of the Gospel." Lin Nian said, "It's easy to tell if you listen carefully, but I won't easily conclude that the murderer is a woman. After all, there is no male version of hymns. What follows? What should you do? If there are no accidents, six of you will face the murderer again in the next twenty-four hours. Based on my evaluation of you, you will probably not be able to confront him head-on. Even if you obtained firearms from illegal channels. "

Mandy shivered when she heard the word "gun" and looked at the two white wax statues. When the two girls were attacked, the actions they were doing were not running away with their heads in their hands or hiding their faces and crying. Instead, they reached out and touched their waists. .A very typical trained action to draw a gun, but unfortunately it was baked into a wax figure before it was even halfway done.

So these transfer students are serious about fighting the murderer to the death? After so many people died, not only did he not feel timid at all, but he became more courageous as he fought, and now he even has access to thermal weapons.

Mandy couldn't help but shuddered. Fortunately, she didn't go too far that night. Who knows if these transfer students had weapons at that time. If they were to take a chance and shoot her, she would probably be on the street.

Caesar looked at the frightening devastation in this corridor and thought in silence for a long time. After looking at Chu Zihang for a moment, a common light flashed in each other's eyes, and then he looked at Lin Nian calmly, "We need Help. Help from those who can help us.”

"Looking for the police? The police are unreliable. Even if you hide in the police station, you will be roasted into charcoal fire." Lin Nian said with a smile.

"Don't you also want to catch the murderer?" Chu Zihang spoke, looking directly at Lin Nian, "The fact that you are here means that you are interested in this matter. Especially interested! If you want to catch the murderer, we The remaining eight people are living baits. As long as you hide with us, you will have a chance to fight the murderer."

The other transfer students felt invigorated by these words, and at the same time, the eyes that looked at Lin Nian were filled with light of enlightenment, as if they were enlightened.

Yes, this group of people smuggled into the town of Carmel using the 'snake' as an intermediary. In this area, they cannot use the spirit of speech, so they are completely at a loss when facing an enemy like this tonight who can cause such a strange phenomenon. There was no resistance, which was what they had been worried about before.

That's why they tried so hard to win over their former companions as fighting force, because the companions who were trapped in the field were obviously of blood, but everyone seemed unable to do so as if they had not experienced the 3E exam. Awaken the power that lies deep within.

And now, the 'S' class has appeared as a native. Although he seems to have lost his memory, he has completely retained his bloodline and speech spirit. Only his extraneous existence can be compared with the unfathomable. The murderer confronted him head-on!

No, this is not a coincidence at all.

The 'S' class should have already considered the situation here before they were willing to put themselves in danger to join them. He believed in his own strength and potential in any situation, and also believed that they, a group of people who maintained their true self, could survive when he lost his memory. When the time comes, bring him to the same front!

Caesar and Chu Zihang now basically figured out Lin Nian's layout and ideas, and they extended an olive branch to this powerful foreign aid without hesitation!

"It's interesting. Are you willing to use yourselves as bait? What if I sell you all to lure the enemy deeper?" Lin Nian looked at Chu Zihang's outstretched right hand and asked with an eyebrow raised.

"As long as you can kill the murderer, it doesn't matter whether we live or die." Chu Zihang looked into Lin Nian's eyes, "I can bet my life on your hands, because I bet on you to win."

Behind him, almost all the transfer students looked affirmatively, placing their own lives and deaths on Chu Zihang's words. They all bet that Lin Nian could win.

"I feel like I have no reason to refuse, senior sister." Lin Nian turned to look at Mandy.

"Ah?" Mandy was stunned for a moment. From now on, she had no sense of presence. It seemed that as soon as Lin Nian came on the stage, her original protagonist became a supporting role.

"My senior sister doesn't seem to have any objections. Anyway, I got involved in this murder case by playing with my senior sister's car." Lin Nian patted Chu Zihang's hand conveniently.

"That's it, the remaining eight of you will be used as bait. If you trick the murderer into coming out twice, I will be responsible for killing him!"

ps: 4/5

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