After getting off the roller coaster, Eryi still felt the lingering lingering feeling of doing such an exciting ride for the first time, so she dragged Lin Nian to ride with her again. When she wanted to ride for the third time, Lin Nian was stopped by her. He declined, on the grounds that it would not be good to keep Lin Xian waiting.

Lin Xian also said that he had no objection at all, and shared the cold drinks he had prepared with them. After drinking, Hui Liyi's attention was immediately attracted by Snow White and the dwarfs who were handing out apples outside the roller coaster, and finally gave up riding. Thinking of the third roller coaster ride, I trotted over with a cold drink in hand to show off my princess dress to Snow White.

"You have blond hair and a roller coaster. What do you want to do?" Lin Nian sat on a bench in the shade and looked at Lin Xian next to him with a cold drink in his hand.

"What bad intentions can your sister have? I just find it interesting." Lin Xian bit his cold drink straw and looked up at the blue sunny sky where the branches were divided, "Or do you think the blonde limited edition Eriyi is not good-looking?"

"Good-looking is good-looking." Lin Nian reluctantly admitted that this girl had indeed become the type to step into his strike zone after Lin Xian's careful transformation. He was also a human being, especially a boy, with his own views on mate selection and WindosXP system, and Blonde hair is one of the few people who know this little hobby. Lin Xian happens to be the first person to know this little secret, which is why he is so good at dressing up Eri.

"Is it enough to be pretty?" Lin Xian snorted, "I knew you liked blond hair before. I always thought you liked European and American-style foreigners, but it wasn't until later that I realized that you were not a fan of foreigners, but just simply liked blond hair. As long as a girl has blond hair, you will subconsciously give her a three-point bonus!"

"Tsk." Lin Nian clicked his tongue in displeasure. Because the darkest little secret in his heart was exposed in broad daylight, he always felt a little ashamed. The side of his face was a little red when he lowered his head. He didn't know it was because of the sun. It still has a natural color.

"But there's nothing wrong with liking blond hair. Chinese people are very white-haired per capita. I'm just curious why you particularly like blond hair color. Is it because you got the first DVD from Lu Mingfei? It’s a golden hair day”

"Shut up." Lin Nian picked up an apple given to him by the dwarf and put it in Lin Xian's mouth.

Lin Xian took a bite before continuing to speak, "Okay, okay, I won't talk about adult things in such a fairy tale atmosphere, but can you explain to me why you like blond hair? As a sister, I’m really curious.”

"Reason?" Lin Nian looked at the distance in the distance, sitting in front of the flower bed with Princess Snow White, watching the dwarf holding hands and dancing tap dance, and fell into silence. Why did he like blond hair? He really hadn't seriously thought about it. Pass.

"This is like why Chinese people are born with white hair is an unanswerable question." Lin Nian paused and said.

"No, we like white hair because in Chinese culture white hair means longevity and wisdom, purity and calmness. White hair can also remind people of white snow, and women who look like snow represent coldness and aloofness. No one dislikes the untouchable flower of the high mountain." Lin Xian said, "And the biggest part of the reason is that influenced by Japanese ACG culture, in animation production, hair color is used to distinguish each female character and their different personalities. are given different hair colors, and those popular Sanmu characters, such as Kanna in the comics "Angle Beats" and "Inuyasha", are given white hair color, and the audience will naturally develop Aiya Jiwu. I’ve gotten into the habit of having gray hair.”

"How come I didn't know you were an ACG culture enthusiast!" Lin Nian was a little surprised.

"I have to know what my brother was obsessed with when he was in the second year of middle school. At that time, you took a bamboo knife to the rooftop and shouted "Ukrainian Blue Dragon Break" and "Underworld Zangyue Break" with a cold face quite a lot of times."

"Stop reading." Lin Nian raised his head and leaned on the chair, feeling that he was gradually being stripped naked.

"It's okay. Sesshomaru is much more handsome than InuYasha. Your sister is also a fan of Sesshomaru after watching "InuYasha"." Lin Xian said comfortingly, "And your temperament is also more like Sesshomaru than InuYasha. Take the time to dye it." It’s more like a white-haired one.”

".I don't like white hair." Lin Nian sighed.

"Does that mean you want to dye your hair yellow? It's also golden." Lin Xian tilted his head and stared at Lin Nian, as if thinking about what the child would look like if he dyed his hair blond.

"I don't like blond hair that much. Just because I like pornographic pictures doesn't mean I want to become a pornographic picture!" Lin Nian defended.

"So why do you like blond hair so much? Is it because blond hair looks more sexy? After all, many big sisters in the blond hair paradise have great figures."

"No." Lin Nian wanted to refute but couldn't find a point to refute, because he really didn't know why he liked blond hair. It seemed that he had been obsessed with blond hair since a long time, when he was in the orphanage. The DVD player given by the little goddess and the blond paradise from Lu Mingfei's hand. Why did I fall in love with blond hair at that time? It was clear that no one in the orphanage had blond hair.

"Maybe blond hair represents sunshine? Warmth, beautiful things." After thinking for a long time, Lin Nian finally gave an explanation like this, "I was in the orphanage at the time. I was in need of love."

"Because of the lack of love, do you yearn for a girl like the sun to bring you warmth?" Lin Xian nodded and looked at Eriyi in the sun, "That's quite reasonable."

"Yeah." Lin Nian nodded and said nothing. He seemed to really think about this topic carefully, tracing back to the origin of his love for blond hair, but in the end he still couldn't figure out the reason.

He always felt that his obsession with blond hair seemed to have started at a certain moment a long time ago. It was like a seed stuck in his mind. Until today, many years later, the branches and leaves are all over the ground.

After thinking quietly for a while, Lin Xian on the side woke him up, "Eri Yi seems to be letting us pass."

Lin Nian looked up and saw that Eriki, who was standing with Snow White, was waving to him and seemed to be holding something red in her hand. They stood up from the bench and walked closer, only to find that they were lottery tickets given out by the staff when they entered the park. Lin Nian gave Eri one one and kept one for himself but found no use for the time being.

"Is this lottery ticket yours?" Next to Snow White and Eriki, there was a manager in a black suit. He was Japanese, about forty years old, wearing round glasses and folding his hands on his body. He politely asked Lin Nian, who was walking towards him.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Lin Nian took out the red lottery ticket in his arms and asked doubtfully.

"We have been looking for you two for a long time. Are you ready to redeem this coupon today? If we need to choose another day, we will have to further discuss with the park." The manager said.

"Exchange for what?" Lin Nian was stunned.

Afterwards, the manager spent five minutes explaining to Lin Nian what this lottery ticket meant. This thing was actually the grand prize for Disney’s founding anniversary event!

According to the manager, Disney held an online lottery a month ago. The address is on the official website of Tokyo Disney. Only annual pass users who have purchased it for more than three years can participate in the lottery. The third prize is a Disney-limited life-size Mickey Mouse statue. The second prize is a free annual pass for three years, but the first prize is even more impressive. The first prize is not a substantial item reward, but an opportunity to give loyal Disney consumers a chance to realize their dreams. Consumers personally take on the fictional princess and prince identities designed for them by Disney.

Generally, you need to go through various rigorous trainings to be qualified for this job, but as long as you have these two lottery tickets, you can experience the daily life of princes and princesses at will. All the dolls and princesses walking in Disney will come to play with the princess and prince. Interact with consumers and help them improve their characters and experience the feeling of becoming a Disney character.

Lin Nian felt like something was wrong while listening to the manager's talk. Is this Tokyo Disney's super grand prize? Let consumers do a day's work for you for free? The rate of utilization of emotions by capitalists is simply unimaginable! To make consumers smile and help them make money, I have to sincerely thank them for giving them this opportunity. But I still couldn't bear it. The eyes of Eriyi on the side became brighter and brighter as he listened. From time to time, he turned to look at Lin Nian, almost giving him the temperament of a princess. On the face.

"Today is the day when the lottery tickets are first scheduled to be redeemed. The settings of the two first princesses and princes have been memorized by all the staff. In the Disney universe, these two princesses and princes are known to everyone. My friends, you have a distinguished status and rule one of the best legendary kingdoms on the continent. It is a foreign trade and multi-cultural world civilization. Even the Poison Queen will be kind to you. Everyone respects you two and I guarantee that you will be able to survive the whole experience. Give you two the most exclusive experience!" the manager said with a smile.

"." Lin Nian felt a little numb after hearing this. He came to see the princess and the prince, not because he wanted to become the princess and the prince!

He then immediately and tactfully explained that this raffle ticket was given to us by one of your staff members and was not obtained by us through a lottery. You may have found the wrong person. But the manager shook his head and said, we only recognize the lottery tickets. Whoever owns the lottery tickets owns the super grand prize, unless someone reports you for stealing their things. But so far, Disney officials have not received any complaints about lost lottery tickets, so the super grand prize only It could be two, and I think the lady next to you is also fully prepared to be the most beautiful princess in Disney today?

Now that the words have come to this, Eri Yi almost holds up the small book and says, "I can be a princess." Lin Nian can only cash in on these two shady words under the watchful eyes of Lin Xian, who is laughing. With the lottery ticket in hand, I followed the manager to the employee changing room in the distance with Eriyi.

During this period, he squinted his eyes and looked around, trying to find the staff member who had given him these two lottery tickets. There must be some fraud in this matter. Someone dug one out and put it in front of him with a bad attitude. He jumped or not. No, it’s a big pit!

After walking all the way to a corner of the park and entering the employee changing room, they also found that there was already a group of professional teams in the small changing room, eagerly looking forward to their arrival. Everyone's eyes were so kind. Like a wolf and a tiger, when he saw Lin Nian and Hui Liyi appearing, they suddenly pounced on them with as much enthusiasm as a vicious dog pounces on their food.

If Lin Nian's Kiku Ichimonji Norimune and his suitcase hadn't been stored at the property storage office of Disneyland, he would have been so frightened that he pulled out the knife, but now he could only be forced to be stripped and powdered by this group of professionals. He took the time to glance at Eri Yi, who was walking towards the other side of the women's room. The joy on the girl's face never stopped, and he could only sigh deeply, and lay down resignedly to let the group of tigers and wolves pick.

At this time, the manager who was smiling and watching suddenly started to vibrate in his pocket. He was startled and took out the mobile phone in his arms. He glanced at the call and put it to his ear. The words on the phone were all on his face. His smile disappeared in an instant, replaced by something weird and solemn. He turned around and walked out of the changing room and closed the door.

"Say it again. What did you just say?" The manager asked after leaving the changing room and walking under the shade of a tree on the stone road.

The other end of the phone paused for a few seconds before repeating what he said before, "A group of Mercedes-Benz convoys came outside the park, and a lot of people who didn't feel like they had a good identity got down. They seem to want to enter the park!"

"What does it mean that the identity is not good enough? Why do the people who come down from the Mercedes-Benz fleet have a bad identity?" The manager could not understand the meaning of the other end of the phone because he was not at the scene, but the next sentence on the other side instantly made him break out in a cold sweat. .

"The ticket inspection staff said that many of those people saw tattoos on their bodies."

ps: 4/5, there is one more chapter to be updated after I go out for a meal and come back.

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