A strange scene appeared at the entrance of Tokyo Disneyland. A group of men wearing black suits and fierce men were lining up neatly outside the ticket gate. There were two long queues around them. All the ordinary tourists were attracted by the invisible wave. The pressure forced me to the corner and the roadside to pay attention from a distance.

The staff at the ticket gate stood there with a look of embarrassment, looking at the young man in a black suit and tie in front of him. He didn't say anything or didn't speak. The other person just ignored him and looked at the man behind the ticket gate from a distance. Inside the paradise, the eyes were so sharp that they seemed to be looking for something.

The tourists on the roadside were all discussing in low voices the whereabouts of this group of people. From time to time, they looked back at the Mercedes-Benz fleet in the distance, which was just left majestically on the road. A few men who looked scary and fierce were holding their arms. Standing there, even if the traffic police passed by and wanted to issue a ticket, he would have to gulp down and consider whether it was easy to offend these gangsters.

After a while, an amusement park car inside Disney came wandering over. After hearing that it was near the ticket gate, a manager jumped out and wiped his sweat. He straightened the opening of his suit and walked quickly towards the gate. The moment he saw the manager, the staff at the ticket gate finally breathed a sigh of relief and immediately turned around to greet him.

"Manager. They said they want to enter the park." The staff immediately approached the manager and whispered, "The guests are scared away and dare not line up. If this continues, it will seriously affect the normal business of the park."

"Did you call the police?"

"We reported it and the Metropolitan Police asked us what happened."

"What did you say?" The manager quietly looked at the darkness outside the ticket gate. Every man's face was full of unprovoking and coldness, and it felt as if his eyeballs had been scratched with a knife.

"I said a group of people came to Disneyland, and they asked who they were. I said they were people in black suits. They asked, can't black suits enter Disneyland? I was speechless and didn't know what to say." The staff said naa naa.

The manager was also speechless, because Disney really did not have any rules prohibiting people wearing suits from entering the park. After all, there are no princesses or princes in Disney animations who appear in black suits.

"They really didn't do anything extraordinary?" the manager asked reluctantly.

"I didn't do anything. I came over to queue as soon as I got off the car. As soon as I came over, the tourists who were originally waiting in the queue got out of the way automatically. They even said they didn't have to give up and let those tourists queue up on their own, but it didn't work. In the end, there were only They were queuing up there, and other tourists didn’t dare to come and line up to enter the park until they left.”

"Tell the Metropolitan Police that he is hindering our normal business. We have driven a large part of the economy in Tokyo. The Metropolitan Police dare not ignore us!" The manager said firmly after thinking about it.

Tokyo Disney can be regarded as a big local industry. It is developed and operated by a third-party company. The company has a black and white background and has really never been afraid of anything.

"But here's the problem. They said they bought tickets!" the staff member said dumbfounded.

"What?" The manager was stunned.

"They showed their ticket purchase records. All of them were regular tickets booked on the official website and valid vouchers could be produced. We were dumbfounded for a moment. Xiangzi and the others said they saw tattoos on several people and guessed they were gangsters, so we If you don’t dare to make the decision to let them in, I can only find you to solve the problem.”

After hearing this, the manager felt a little numb, thinking that if you can't solve the problem, I might not be able to solve it if you push it to me. Who among the experienced people on duty has ever seen such a scene? A group of gangsters driving a fleet of Mercedes Benz to visit Disneyland? Could it be that there is a big shot there who is a long-time Disney fan and is too embarrassed to come alone so he spends a huge sum of money to escort his little friends to enjoy the cherry blossom celebration in Dongdi?

"They started urging me ten minutes ago, and they seem a little impatient. All the documents and documents are complete, and they can show them their social security cards. Everything is complete. We have no reason not to let people enter the park." The staff whispered, "The main reason is that if we call the Metropolitan Police Department, it will not have a good impact on our park. If they are accused of discriminating against certain groups of people at Disneyland, they will probably be attacked by online public opinion and blackmailed for a large sum of money." money!"

After hearing this, the manager's scalp became even more numb. He looked at the employee sideways and thought to himself, "You are one of those people in black suits. How can you be so skilled? You have already thought out the follow-up results and pressure methods!" In his opinion, the staff just looked at him innocently with their eyes wide open, acting like a good employee who was honest and considerate of his employer.

"I'll try to negotiate and if it doesn't work, I can only continue to report it to the park." The manager's scalp was numb and hard, and he walked to the ticket gate with his head lowered. He took a deep breath and looked up at the first person in the long queue. A young man who was so handsome that he was a little surprised!

"Hello, hello, I am the manager of Disneyland today, Masao Kosaka." With a smile on his face, the manager gently bent down to test, opened the ticket gate door, walked in front of the young man and extended his hand.

"Representative of Genji Heavy Industries, Genji Sheng." The young man reached out and shook the manager lightly, "Have you finished communicating with the park? Today is just a team building for our company, and the location happens to be in your park. I want to enjoy it. I have lost the fun of childhood and don’t want to be the focus of others.”

"Genji Heavy Industries. I seem to have heard of this club. Did your club choose a place like this? Isn't it a bit inappropriate?" The manager wiped his sweat with a smile and looked up at the fierce-looking men in the long queue behind him. Among them There was a guy who was basking in the sun because it was too hot and he opened his collar to reveal the colorful tattoos of a tiger descending from a mountain and swallowing evil spirits. As flamboyant as you want, as cool as you want, you can expose them all. It can probably scare a class of kindergarten children to tears in an instant.

Damn it, such a ruthless person should have spent his childhood with bloody knives and empty-loaded pistols, right? Where is your lost childhood in our Disneyland? Shouldn't your team building go to the kind of place where you can hold a barmaid with her breasts half exposed while soaking in a hot spring and drinking a lot of sake?

"Your company's employees gathering here have a bad influence on our side." The manager, who was worried and did not dare to complain, could only smile bitterly and said tactfully that the gangster crowd seemed a bit inconsistent in Disneyland and would scare the children. of.

"Then let us go in. Once we get in, we will disperse and won't cause any trouble to your garden." Yuan Zhisheng said calmly.

The manager thought to himself that it was okay for you to go in. If you spread out, wouldn't the entire park be filled with vicious gangsters? We at Disneyland can't handle it anymore. You comfort the children who are scared and cry, and you solve the complaints about food? Do you know how much wages will be deducted for me as a manager if one more complaint every day cannot be resolved?

But when it comes to his words, his attitude is more tactful, "Well, maybe we need to communicate with the superiors. Your situation is indeed a bit special. I hope you can understand and wait patiently for us elsewhere."

"We bought tickets from regular channels and did not violate any rules of the park. We did not bring our own food or any dangerous items, but you want to drive your guests away?" Yuan Zhisheng raised his head and looked directly into the manager's eyes, with a knife-like gaze. Holding the opponent's heart made the body under the suit tense up, the blood felt unnaturally flowing, and his breathing became tense.

"I'm so sorry! But this is not the case with this guest. We really have our own difficulties here." The manager immediately bowed and apologized, but he felt that the eyes on him did not leave, but increased in number. All the people in black were cold. He looked at him as if he needed a reasonable explanation, otherwise someone would immediately take a knife from the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz and chop him up and feed it to the Mickey Mouse in the garden.

Damn it, even a nice company name like "Genji Heavy Industries" can't change the reality that you are just a group of gangsters!

But what the manager is afraid of now is not the gangsters, but the gangsters who will take advantage of legal loopholes for you! These guys obviously didn't come here with good intentions. They probably put the knives, guns and bags containing the bodies in the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz. But he found that he couldn't find any reason to refuse them entry!

"I don't want to hear about any difficulties. If you can't solve this matter, let your superiors solve it." Yuan Zhisheng said, "Or you can solve this matter by giving your superiors a call now."

"Okay, okay! This matter is indeed beyond my authority. Please wait here for a moment." Upon hearing Yuan Zhisheng's initiative to blame him, the originally distressed manager immediately took out his hand as if he had been granted amnesty. He turned around and left the ticket gate to make a call on his cell phone, much like the staff who didn’t dare to make up his mind before.

Yuan Zhisheng looked at the manager's leaving figure with an expressionless face without doing anything extraordinary. All the executive bureau commissioners behind him put all dangerous items in the car in accordance with previous instructions.

Disneyland is a very special place. It can be regarded as one of the most transparent places in Tokyo. Many eyes are staring at it all the time. YouTube video producers, overseas bloggers, and even the local Japanese TV interview team cannot compare here. Haneda Airport can also be closed and quickly blocked by them. Here, everything can only follow the normal process. Even the Sheki Hachi family, the king of Japanese mixed breeds, can only wait for the park to let people into the park.

Sakura, who was behind Yuan Zhisheng at the ticket gate, suddenly received a call. After answering a few words, she hung up the phone. She slightly leaned over to Yuan Zhisheng in front of her and whispered in a low voice, "We are already contacting Disney-related management. Well, the third-party operating company behind Disney once had a cooperative relationship with the Tachibana family. Maruyama Construction was involved in the construction of a large number of buildings with advanced design styles during the construction of Disneyland. The lines built inside should still be usable. Entering the park should be just a matter of time. It’s a matter of time.”

"Let Maruyama Construction Works set up the line as soon as possible. What we are fighting for now is time." Minamoto Chisheng said.

"If Miss Eri is not inside"

"She must be there." Minamoto shook her head and interrupted Sakura. "Kaguya found her photo on the website of a Chinese beauty shop on the Internet through the facial matching system. It was obviously the hair color they thought Eri had. It was too bright and she needed to dye her hair to disguise it. However, she didn’t expect that the owner of the beauty shop would secretly put a photo of Eriko and him on the official website as a publicity, which was detected by Kaguya. And it was most conspicuous near the beauty shop. The only place is here. If Eriki ran away from home for fun, then she would definitely not miss Disneyland. After all, she has asked me to take her here many times before."


Sakura didn't ask you if you had ever brought Miss Eri to such a shameful place, because if Minamoto had been able to fulfill Eri's wishes every time, that girl wouldn't have run away from home this time.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Zhisheng, who was standing in front of Sakura, suddenly spoke again, "I actually promised her."

Sakura looked up at the man's back, and after a long time she came to the next sentence, "But I don't have time every time, so I don't do it. So if anything happens to her, I will feel that it is all my responsibility."

"Miss Eriri will be fine." Sakura said softly. Minamoto in front of her just nodded slightly. After she finished speaking, she stopped talking. She took a step back and stood up straight. She looked up and answered the question not far away. After making the call, I looked back at the manager at the ticket gate who looked stunned and in disbelief.


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