"She's awake."

Su Xiaoqiang just opened her eyes when she heard someone making noise in her ear. If she followed her habit of getting up, she would probably feel uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart. Her disgust would be like water filling the cup to the rim. Any noise would break the limit. tension.

But now she is extremely calm, as if the cup of water that was about to overflow in the past has been frozen, and there is an unusual tranquility and peace in her heart - this kind of situation has not happened before, but at least she does it every time This happens only after having an incredible dream that is worth lingering on.

The cool cowhide felt under her body. When she woke up, she found herself lying on a makeshift bed made of cowhide chairs and stools, with a thin blanket draped over her body. At first, she thought she was still on the CC1000 Express. But when she looked around and saw the crystal chandelier and the bookcases filled with exquisite Latin original books, she realized that she seemed to be in another environment without knowing it.

The first person who noticed that Su Xiaoqiang was awake was a man, a familiar yet unfamiliar man. He was wearing a white doctor's gown and a suit and trousers. He looked a bit like an outpatient doctor in a community or town. When Su Xiaoqiang saw his face, It took no effort to recall this guy's name.

Masashi Toyama is a Japanese, and his identity seems to be a speech therapist?

On the table in the distance, Professor Guderian was lying down and taking a nap. Masashi Toyama came over immediately after seeing Su Xiaoqiang sitting up holding a blanket, "Is there anything uncomfortable? Are you hungry? Is it cold or hot? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you feel nausea or other discomfort?"

After a series of questions, Su Xiaoqiang on the chair did not answer him immediately, but looked at his face in a daze for a while. Masashi Toyama also noticed this, lowered his head slightly and said, "Are you thinking Other things? For example, the dream you had just now?"

"What?" Su Xiaoqiang was attracted by the other party's words, and he didn't know if he hit the mark.

"I have been studying human dreams for a while. Dreaming is just a fragmented movie composed of trivial memory fragments collected by the subconscious mind and connected for no reason. If it is a bad movie, it has no value worth remembering, but if it happens accidentally If they are pieced together into a wonderful blockbuster, such as a creepy horror movie or a tear-jerking love movie, then the brain will retain it as a real memory." Masashi Toyama looked up and down on the cowhide chair. The girl curled up with the blanket on her back, covering half of her face, "The expression on your face just now was obviously that you were seriously recalling the dream. A dream that can make you remember it so clearly must be wonderful, right?"

"Wonderful and unprecedented things." Su Xiaoqiang opened her mouth as if she wanted to retell the dream, but after a while she shook her head again, "An inexplicable dream. It feels meaningless."

After a moment of silence, she raised her head and glanced at Masashi Toyama, who was looking at her patiently. After a moment of hesitation, she noticed that there was no one else in the room, and then asked in a low voice, "Mr. Masashi Toyama, do you think that when people dream, they dream that they have never been there before?" A stranger that I haven’t seen before? It’s the kind of person you dream of seeing a new face in your dreams.”

"Did you dream about a stranger you've never met?"

"I'm just a metaphor"

"Then the answer is yes. Human memory is like handwriting written on the beach, and time is the tide that smoothes the traces. But they once existed in our minds. Occasionally, there may be shallow traces such as those in sleep. When you remember, the stranger you said you saw might actually be just a passerby you passed by on the street. Your retina reflected her appearance, and she suddenly reappeared in today's dream. The projection came out, but you don't remember that you saw her." Masashi Toyama gave Su Xiaoqiang the most scientific explanation.

Finally, he glanced at Su Xiaoqiang and added, "Of course, there are exceptions among mixed-race species. In the past, many mixed-race species also had dreams of strange people and places. Originally, we wanted to use this explanation. To explain, but later it was discovered that there was indeed a person and it was true, and another set of explanations was gradually derived, involving the study of whether blood can inherit memories. This will be discussed separately in the future when I have the opportunity."

"Excuse me, how long have I been asleep?" Su Xiaoqiang asked.

Seeing that the girl selectively skipped the topic, Toyama Masashi naturally followed the girl's question and answered, "We are now at Kassel College, and the journey has been smooth. It was Professor Guderian and classmate Lin Nian who took care of us. You picked it up."

"Have we arrived at Cassel College?" Su Xiaoqiang paused. Although it was expected, she still felt a little surprised and sighed. After all, she had dreamed of this college countless times, but she never expected to actually step into it. When I entered this place, I felt like I was already there as soon as I woke up. It felt a little incomplete, lacking the sense of ceremony when I stood at the entrance of the college and looked up at the plaque.

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon, it's already past lunch time, but considering how hungry you are after you wake up, classmate Lin Nian has called the cafeteria in advance to reserve lunch. It will be delivered to you in about half an hour. He has also brought your luggage to your reserved dormitory, and he has already taken care of all the chores for you." Masashi Toyama said with a smile.

"I've caused trouble for them again." Su Xiaoqiang raised his hand and tugged at his frizzy hair, feeling a little regretful. He always felt that when he came to Kassel College to attend school, Lin Nian and Lin Xian were just like the parents accompanying them, just shy of following them. She went to the dormitory to help her make the bed.

"You did sleep for a long time, but the circumstances behind it were a bit special. You didn't fall asleep naturally but passed away in a 'coma'. Do you still remember why you fell into a coma?" Masashi Toyama stood next to the cowhide chair and paid careful attention. ask.

"I remember we were talking about course selection on the train, and then Professor Guderian brought a painting. He opened the painting and I saw it." Su Xiaoqiang suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

"Do you still remember the content of the painting?" Masashi Toyama looked at her who fell into silence and noticed that the girl seemed to be covering up something, but he did not ask further questions and continued the development of the topic as usual.

"Remember some of the fragmented sky, black giant beasts, many human heads and skulls and so on." Su Xiaoqiang rubbed his eyebrows and turned his head left and right, "By the way, where is Lin Nian? Why didn't I see Lin Nian?"

"He was resting with his sister in the next room. Lu Mingfei was also there. He woke up before you. In fact, you were not the only one who fainted at that time. He only woke up ten minutes ago. You are very afraid of 'Long' 'Is this kind of thing? That caused you to receive a huge impact when viewing that painting?" Masashi Toyama seemed to want to figure out the cause of Su Xiaoqiang's coma, "I am a psychology teacher at Kassel College, if If students have any unavoidable psychological problems, I will actively try to help you solve them."

"I know you've said this two or three times." This was the third time Su Xiaoqiang heard this man introduce himself.

"Two or three times? I remember we met no more than twice." Toyama Masashi raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Once in China and once now. Are there other times we met by chance and I forgot?"

"No, we have only met twice. I was just talking casually." Su Xiaoqiang immediately changed his words as if he had realized something.

"Well" Masashi Toyama fell silent and took another look at the girl, "Professor Guderian said you had already slept for several hours on the train when you came here, and now we have been together for almost ten hours. It's time to sleep. Do you need me to prescribe you some sleep aids to prevent insomnia tonight? There are less than four or five hours left before dark. Tomorrow is still a free day. I don't think you want to be in such a special place. I slept through the day because of the jet lag.”

"Sleeping pills? If possible, please prescribe some. In China, no doctor is willing to prescribe it to me when I go to the hospital." Su Xiaoqiang nodded, "But you said tomorrow is a free day? A special day? What is that?"

"You can compare the Carnival in Brazil and the Buddha Bathing Festival in Thailand. They can be regarded as carnival days for students. No student will be criticized for anything they do in school tomorrow, as long as they do not violate those special rules. School rules." Masashi Toyama said with a smile, "This happens every time the school starts. As a psychology teacher, I think this is a particularly good opportunity for freshmen to integrate into the Kassel College environment. In the past, they were still artificially trained. There was a barbecue party on the lake, and the yachts were air-dropped onto it. Many girls took advantage of the weather to put on swimsuits and swim while having a barbecue on the edge of the yacht, which attracted many people to participate, and even the vice-principal was alarmed."

"Are you the vice-principal of Cassel College?" Su Xiaoqiang felt for some reason that what alarmed the vice-principal was not necessarily a barbecue, but more likely a girl's swimsuit. At least in her memory, all the female students of Cassel College she had seen were like this. A perfect person with an online appearance and figure. When partying in such a big environment, you probably have to have your eyes dazzled by handsome men and beautiful women, right?

"Looks more awake?" Masashi Toyama saw that the sleepiness in Su Xiaoqiang's eyes had completely disappeared, "Would you like to follow me to the next room? We have prepared some things for you two freshmen. It is the last link in the entrance counseling. If not If you have any questions, you can hand-sign the "Abraham Bloodline Contract" to complete the final entrance ceremony."

Su Xiaoqiang nodded and took off the blanket and stood up. Masashi Toyama woke up Guderian who was napping not far away. The latter turned his head blankly and saw the awakened Su Xiaoqiang, and his eyes lit up with concern.

Su Xiaoqiang could only nod in response to this caring enthusiasm. At this time, Toyama Masashi next to him also smiled and said, "In the case of Professor Guderian, if you ask him what he dreamed about, he may not answer. When you come up, it’s obviously different from what you were in just now.”

"I can't tell if I'm dreaming." Su Xiaoqiang followed Toyama Masashi towards the door leading to the main hall, seeming to remember something again and whispered, "If it was a dream, it would be too real. "

"What did you dream about? If you are willing to tell me, I will be happy to help you analyze it."

But at this point, Masashi Toyama discovered that the girl behind him had become mute and kept silent. He smiled bitterly and didn't ask any further questions. He opened the door in front of him and walked in. Su Xiaoqiang followed. After walking into the living room, she immediately saw Lin Nian and Lin Xian by the window, and Lu Mingfei, who looked attentive. They seemed to be preparing to do something.

"Hey what are you doing?" Su Xiaoqiang greeted Lin Nian immediately when he saw him.

Lin Nian, who was rolling up his sleeves and spitting on his hands, turned to look at Su Xiaoqiang and put down his raised arm. After seeing the girl's face, which showed no signs of fatigue or discomfort, Lin Nian felt a little relieved, "Are you awake? Is there anything wrong with your body? Are you okay? Feeling uncomfortable?"

"No. What is that?" Su Xiaoqiang noticed Lin Nian's action of rolling up his sleeves and a huge black shield-shaped object leaning on the window sill in front of him. He didn't know what the boy was doing. It was so bright that he could be considered a Is the black shield of the mirror a bodybuilding poss?

"Do you still remember some of the dragon knowledge I told you on the train?" Lin Nian looked at Su Xiaoqiang who was walking beside him, and turned to look at the big black shield in front of him, "This is it."

"In order to give the freshmen more powerful evidence of the existence of dragons, I asked Teacher Masashi Toyama to take out two high-level cultural relics from the ice cellar. This is one of them, the scales of a black dragon. Of course, it is not as good as the scales of a black dragon. The black emperor you talked about is, after all, the product of the next generation." Professor Guderian also followed in the living room and stood behind Lu Mingfei with his right hand gently resting on his shoulder, reflecting in his glasses. Light, "Dragon scales are not rare. What is really rare are the complete scales removed from the dragon form. The patterns on them are the most valuable. Most dragons are in human form when they are hunted. Or fight in other weird forms, there are very few objects that are massacred and captured in the dragon posture."

"Dragon scales?" Su Xiaoqiang couldn't help but took a few steps forward and pinched it before walking to the smooth scales that could be used as mirrors. The slightly convex scales reflected her figure in the dark green school uniform. The dark lines without any protrusions are winding like the twisted skin of a tree, giving it a coquettish beauty.

"It is extremely hard, fireproof, waterproof and shockproof. Even if it is soaked in aqua regia, it will not leave any obvious traces. The most important thing is that it absorbs sound." Guderian walked to the scales and stretched out his hand to knock on the shield-shaped scales. No sound was made, as if all the vibrations were absorbed.

"Try?" Toyama Masashi handed Su Xiaoqiang a rolling pin.

Why a rolling pin? Su Xiaoqiang looked at the rolling pin in his hand in a daze, and Toyama Masashi immediately explained, "It's for making dumplings."

"." Su Xiaoqiang said to herself, "I also know this is for making dumplings, but why do you, a Japanese, have this thing?"

Masashi Toyama scratched his head and explained, "Lin Nian's sister is my assistant. Sometimes we often stay up all night in the psychology department to meet students who come for consultation. Most of them come because of nightmares at night, so we will work It was very late. She always felt that the take-out service charges in the canteen were unreasonable, so she often cooked and ate in the department. We also had a complete set of hot pot kitchen utensils and barbecue grills. Students from the psychology department who came to the psychology department in the evening could accompany us to barbecue and solve the problem. Psychological issues.”

"It turns out that this kind of treatment is more effective, right?" Lin Xian couldn't help but smile.

"It is indeed effective. But every time after the hot pot barbecue, there is a strong smell in the consulting room. The next batch of students often complain that they get hungry during the consultation and ask whether we are responsible for the food here." Toyama Masashi smiled bitterly, "In short, Su Xiaoqiang Classmate, you can knock this scale with this thing and you will know what I mean."

Su Xiaoqiang was a little hesitant when she picked up the rolling pin in her hand, but when she saw that Lin Nian also made room for her and looked like he was asking for permission, she couldn't help but raise her voice and took out the video game city boxing machine with a 77-point punch. I picked up the rolling pin and smashed it down!

The touch was dull and soft, like a punch punched into the mud.

There was no sound in the room. Su Xiaoqiang stared blankly at the rolling pin that he hit on the scales without even bouncing. This stick was enough to knock out the brains of an adult, but it fell on this black The scales seem to be filled with cotton. This kind of earthquake-resistant and sound-absorbing material cannot be explained by science at all.

"Isn't it awesome?" Guderian raised his eyebrows, "Does Lu Ming insist on giving it a try?"

"I've tried it before. Lin Nian even tricked me into biting it with his teeth." Lu Mingfei touched his cheek and seemed a little regretful for falling into the trap of his harmful friend.

"I didn't expect you to actually bite." Lin Nian said.

"Can bullets penetrate this thing?" Su Xiaoqiang put down the rolling pin and couldn't help but ask. If a dragon's scale is so scary, facing a real dragon, does a hybrid really have a chance to defeat them head-on?

"You can try." Masashi Toyama put the rolling pin into Su Xiaoqiang's hand.

Su Xiaoqiang picked it up and almost let go after taking a look. It was a heavy pistol with a metallic feel. Walter PPK, 7.65 mm caliber. How could even a psychiatrist from Cassel College easily pull out a murder weapon?

Before Su Xiaoqiang could refuse, Lin Nian took the gun and fiddled with it before asking, "Something from the equipment department?"

"The equipment department has debugged it and said it was given to us teachers for self-defense or something. After all, we have to go around the world to solve some 'trouble'." Masashi Toyama nodded.

"The first lesson after entering Kassel Academy, stay away from anything with the Equipment Department label in the future. Don't ask why, just treat it as the experience of predecessors." Lin Nian put the PPK on the table and looked at Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang warned.

He smoothly pulled out a larger-caliber revolver from his waist. The classic M500 revolver. Lu Mingfei stared at the back of Lin Nian's butt several times with his eyes wide open. He couldn't believe how this guy was carrying it. These weapons are everywhere.

"Everyone has something. You can also apply to get one, but please note that the regular model does not have to be maintained by the equipment department. The maintenance of those guys can replace the movement of the weapon." Lin Nian looked at it. Lu Mingfei said with a glance.

Has Kassel College’s academic style been so strong? Not only the faculty and staff, but also the students must be despised if they can't pull out a ruthless thing that can break people's heads at any time?

Before Lu Mingfei could say anything, he saw Lin Nian raise his hand and shoot at the black scales. The deafening loud noise made everyone's heads buzz.

Lu Mingfei screamed and was frightened, squatting down and almost sitting on the ground. Guderian and Toyama Masashi on the side saw Lin Nian taking out the big dick from his crotch and covered their ears in anticipation. Su Xiaoqiang did not react, but Lin Xian stood behind her and helped her. He covered his ears and opened his mouth slightly to balance the sound pressure.

The gunshot echoed in the house for a long time, causing ripples in the water in the cup. After his head was dizzy for a while, Lu Mingfei paid attention to the scale. Then he froze.

A flat bullet cake stuck to the surface of the black scales. Apart from that, there were no cracks as expected. Lin Nian put away the gun and walked over, took off the remains of the bullet stuck to the scales and threw it to Lu Mingfei. , after Lu Mingfei caught it, he threw it several times because of the temperature before holding it in his hand.

There's just the sound of a gun going off, no sound of any hits, and no real feedback of any kind.

Lu Mingfei looked at the wilted warhead in his hand, and then at the undamaged scales. He felt that his shattered outlook had been stepped on a few more times, and for the first time he had an intuitive feeling for the so-called power of dragons. He looked at Lin Nian again with some horror. Gu had mentioned in their previous chat that this boy had really killed a pure-blood dragon. This kind of thing could really be killed with human power. ?

"Do you remember what we said before?" Lin Nian looked at Lu Mingfei and asked.

"What did you say before?" Su Xiaoqiang was shocked for a while before realizing that when he entered, Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei seemed to be preparing to do something strange.

"The two of them just made a bet. Lu Mingfei's broken tooth failed to leave a mark on it. Lin Nian said that he could punch it through with one punch. Lu Mingfei didn't believe it." Lin Xian gently put his hands around Su Xiaoqiang's neck and pressed against it. Ask her to explain.

No wonder Su Xiaoqiang saw Lin Nian rolling up his sleeves as soon as he came in. Wait, penetrate the scales? Su Xiaoqiang saw Lin Nian starting to roll up his sleeves again, revealing his well-proportioned yet hard ivory-like muscles. Lu Mingfei's face twitched as he held the bullet, "Brother, are you serious?"

"You said I can pierce this thing, so you agree to strip naked and stand on your head and crawl around the Norton Hall. If I can't pierce it, I will." Lin Nian said.

"Why do you strip naked and do a handstand and climb around? What is Norton Hall? Is it the landmark building of Cassel College?"

"Don't worry, someone has to climb a circle, and it won't be me anyway." Lin Nian narrowed his eyes, "It can be regarded as an advance test."

Masashi Toyama and Professor Guderian looked at each other and felt that the action prepared for Lin Nian was a bit strange. They wanted to stop it, but they felt that their worries were stupid. The 'S' level was indeed an 'S' level, but if it penetrated The next-generation seed scales are too unrealistic. The M500 failed to leave a mark on them. Can a human punch be stronger than a bullet? What does early testing mean? Is there any big news coming to the ‘S’ class recently?

ps: I did some PY with the author of the boutique group and recommended a new book "I just want to pay off my debt but I am in love with a non-human". The old Tokyo is flowing out, the old cao is a demon, and the tiger's teeth hurt the penis, so I guess the girl with the crack should be more Come on...

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