In the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, at three o'clock in the morning, dark clouds half-hidden the moonlight. Jiang Peijiu stood on the side of the ship and looked at the half-moon hanging on the top of Baidi Mountain.

The moon tonight is not bright. It hangs in the sky like a red and yellow wet halo the size of a copper coin. It shines with light brown moonlight flowing from the top of Baidi Mountain to the Yangtze River hitting the cliff at the corner of the mountain. The turbulent water dispersed the moonlight and spread it flat on the water. The refracted dim light illuminated the side of Jiang Peijiu's face beside the boat. She was biting a spark in her mouth, and the white smoke blew towards the river surface and slowly fainted into hazy patches. .

Sinan lay flat on the side of the ship, and the magnetic spoon rotated slowly and constantly, which meant that the Monyach was in a magnetic field. The radio was partially interfered with, but it generally did not affect the communication with the headquarters. This was not a deep mountain forest. , but the magnetic field chaos has not been able to hinder their action this time.

It is already late at night, and there are only a few or two lights left on the Monyach hanging outside the deck. From the shore, they look like fireflies. Only when you get closer can you find that this ship is hidden quietly under the dim moonlight. The big sleeping guy. Everyone on the boat seemed to be asleep. The propellers under the water stopped. The mountains were quiet, the moonlight was still, and the boat was quiet. Everything was as quiet as death. All you could hear was the steady flow of the river.

"I haven't seen you smoking during the day."

Someone walked out on the dark deck, his steps were very light, as if he was afraid of waking something up, but it was clear that he and Jiang Peijiu were the only ones on the deck.

"Ye Sheng? Haven't you slept yet?" Jiang Peijiu didn't turn around when she heard the voice behind her. She reached out and took the cigarette out of her mouth, then lowered her head and flicked the ashes against the river outside the ship's side.

"Ya Ji is very worried about your physical condition. After locating the address of Baidi City, he rarely sees you resting on time."

"Rest is reserved for the living. It's not too late to sleep peacefully after you can ensure that you can survive." Jiang Peijiu said, "The location of Baidi City has been found, but the way to open the city's gate has not yet been found. Just locating Baidi City is not enough, we have to find the right entrance to make the next plan."

"In Yaji's words, Baidi City won't be able to run long. Worrying too much is just a waste of time and sorrow." Ye Sheng walked behind Jiang Peijiu and said while looking at the white smoke slowly rising in front of her.

"Baidicheng won't grow legs, but the things inside will. Not only will it grow legs, but it will also grow wings. We don't know for the time being how far the 'cocoon' inside has hatched. It may still be sleeping or it may have hatched long ago. .”

"If it had hatched, he should have boiled the entire Yangtze River into a pot of boiling water, right? Maybe we are the ingredients in the pot?" Ye Sheng said humorously.

"No, the enemy we face this time is the Dragon King, not the second-generation and third-generation species who were bewitched by the 'Yan Ling Emperor'. The Dragon King is an independent creature, and their relationship with the Black Emperor is not that of a simple minister and king. , their behavioral logic after recovery cannot be judged by ordinary next-generation ethnic groups." Jiang Peijiu said in a low voice.

"Dragon King?" Ye Sheng was slightly startled and then fell silent.

Ye Sheng smelled the smoke blown by the river wind. It was not the smell of ordinary tar nicotine smoke, but a smell similar to burning dry yellow straw. After finishing the last puff of cigarette, Jiang Peijiu put out the cigarette butt on the side of the boat, wrapped it in a tissue and put it in her pocket. She turned around and saw Ye Sheng's eyes raising her eyebrows slightly, "Do you want it?"

"No. Professor, you don't seem to like smoking this kind of cigarette too much."

"Tea cigarettes," Jiang Peijiu said, "do not contain nicotine and only have a small amount of tar. They use tea instead of tobacco, but the price is that they feel that they are lighting up not a cigarette but a straw every time. It is difficult to smoke. After each smoke, It would make me want to vomit.”

"Then why are you still smoking?"

"Refresh yourself." Jiang Peijiu said, "It's a good thing that you can still sleep at night. If I were assigned to a dive mission to blow up the Dragon King's 'cocoon', I would probably have insomnia all night long. This is why I graduated. The reason why I didn’t enter the execution department later.”

"I just have a big heart." Ye Sheng smiled softly.

"This is a good thing. I'm worried that the underground world below has formed a perfect self-sufficient ecosystem. It is simply a perfect breeding pool for the newly hatched Dragon King. The later we find the door into Baidi City, the more likely we will be Maybe I'll meet the King of Bronze and Fire in his heyday." Jiang Peijiu looked at the ripples on the river and lit another cigarette and took a puff. The smoke was gently exhaled from Qiong's nose and then she coughed violently.

With the help of Jiang Peijiu, the Moniyah has found the location of Baidi City. At this moment, the Moniyah is parked above the great ancient bronze city, but the biggest problem now is that it cannot find the entrance. According to Ye Sheng's Yanling Snake's exploration revealed that Baidi City was buried forty meters underground. These forty meters were all thick rock formations, and there was no place that looked like an entrance. This kind of It felt like I had come all the way but was turned away by the owner of the house.

"There must be an entrance, but we just didn't find it." Ye Sheng said, "The bronze artifacts found downstream must have flowed out of Baidi City. Since they flowed out, there must be a passage."

"About this, the college already has a plan." Jiang Peijiu took two deep breaths after coughing and said calmly, "We are very well prepared this time. You and Yaji don't have to worry too much about meeting the Dragon King. Do you know why this is the case?" Will I show up here for the next mission?”

"It concerns the four monarchs. Any outstanding resources should be transferred to this task, right?" Ye Sheng said.

"You are very good at talking. Did you also use this mouth to trick Yaji into thinking?" Jiang Peijiu glanced at the shyly smiling big boy and shook her head with a smile, "Actually, I shouldn't be here. A month ago I We are still locating the underwater pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle. Things there are no less important than here. If there is a discovery, it will definitely be the first discovery of traces of the most mysterious of the four monarchs, the King of Ocean and Water. But I still He was transferred here by Principal Angers."

Seeing Ye Sheng's speechless expression, Jiang Peijiu flicked the ashes of her cigarette and said, "The principal wants to pinpoint the excavation and opening time of Baidi City to within a stone's throw." She paused and continued, "It's like sharpening a sharp knife. I didn’t want to swing the knife too early or too late when opening the door, so I called several times to persuade me to put down my work there and come all the way to the Yangtze River for positioning and surveying.”

"Will the 'S' level really be present for this mission?" Ye Sheng whispered, knowing what Jiang Peijiu was implying.

"The people over there have been waiting for us to find a way to open the gate of Baidi City. Compared to the Dragon King's annihilation battle, this is more like a debut show. In order for the unveiling moment to come, all preparation procedures need to be perfect. "Jiang Peijiu said, "When the time comes to draw the sword, it cannot fail. You have to drag something from the throne to dye the ground red to satisfy the people above."

"I will convey these words to Yaji. At least this will probably make her less stressed." Ye Sheng nodded, "She always felt that the responsibility of preventing the Dragon King from resurrecting was entirely on her and me. But now it seems If the sky falls, there will be tall people who can hold it up."

"You can also try to compete for this glorious honor. If you can do it, after all, everyone wants to be the hero who slays the Dragon King. Even if you blow up the Dragon King's cocoon, it will be enough for you to be recorded in the history of the secret party. , your name will be in the history books from now on, and you will probably be hated to death by many students like Tu Youyou." Jiang Peijiu smiled.

"I will try my best to do it if I have the chance." Ye Sheng said with a bitter smile.

"Just because you can look for coins with Aki in Jiakobu Spring, you may not be able to find a 'cocoon' in Baidi City. I think you should be worried about Aki. After all, you have never found coins in training. Beat her."

Ye Sheng shook his head helplessly and watched as Jiang Peijiu put away another cigarette butt and prepared to take out a third cigarette to light. He was about to say something when his eyes suddenly lifted up and looked in the direction of Baidi Mountain in the distance. A white light flashed on the top of the mountain, dazzling more than the morning star, and came from afar with the sound of wind and howling.

It was a giant helicopter. It jumped over the mountain and looked like the 'Kunpeng' in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The black shadow was huge and thick. The long iron rope hung the huge black shadow. The white searchlight fell on Moniya parked on the river. On board He.

The huge propeller sound woke up the entire warship, and the lights were turned on. The captain, wearing a captain's hat and flowery pants, ran to the deck and quickly organized the manpower to clear the debris on the deck.

"What is that?" Ye Sheng squinted at the huge black shadow hanging on the helicopter. It was not difficult to tell that it was a cargo helicopter. The hanging black shadow was so big that it was a bit surprising. It looked like a triangle. Tower, is it because the magnetic field interference signal is not good, so they just built a signal tower?

"Do you still remember that I told you before that Principal Ange is very concerned about the progress of our mission?" Jiang Peijiu lit a third cigarette and took a puff of smoke and exhaled, "This is the key to the gate of Baidi City. ”

The huge black tower slowly fell on the deck of the Monyach. An ordinary tugboat really couldn't bear the weight, but even this warship disguised as a tugboat couldn't help but feel heavier when the black tower fell. Less waterline, only when the helicopter was illuminated by white light did Ye Sheng suddenly see clearly what it was.

Where is the black iron tower? It is simply a giant diving engineering drilling rig. The whole thing is painted black. The drill bit is an integrated structure made of a drill steel body and a diamond matrix that are hot-pressed. The hydraulic drive of this thing is originally It was supposed to be used to collect rock specimens during seafloor survey, but now it was airlifted to the Monyach by the academy.

"This is the stepping stone for me to apply to the academy." Jiang Peijiu looked at this giant machine and said, "His original job should be to drill coral layers and find oil or something, but he just punched through the 40-meter rock formation to create a link to Baidi City. The access is more than adequate.”

What was lowered from the cargo helicopter was not only the drilling rig, but also a ladder. An elderly man was lowered from the top. He was wearing a captain's uniform and holding a cigar in his mouth. He was more of a man than a man, but generally A real man would hold a heavy machine gun in his arms, but this man was holding a baby, which inexplicably added a weird househusband style to his iron blood.

The man descended rapidly and landed on the Monyach. Many lights were shining on him. He immediately frowned and waved his hand to move the lights away, and looked at his swaddled baby who was turning uncomfortably. At this time, Ye Sheng and Jiang Peijiu also came forward. The former was slightly startled after seeing the other person's face clearly and shouted, "Professor Manns Rundstedt."

Mans Rundstedt, a first-level lecturer in Magic Mechanical Design, has the title of tenured professor. The students in the college are worried about ghosts. Every class must take roll call, and after roll call, there must be an exam. When Ye Sheng is studying, Magic Move Mechanical design was also taught by the other party, and I was very lucky to get an 'A' when I graduated.

"I heard from the principal that the ship is missing a captain," Mans Rundstedt said.

"Not only are we missing a captain, we are also missing an executive officer for the Dragon King's annihilation mission." Jiang Peijiu looked at Professor Mansi and nodded gently. Although both of them were tenured professors, the latter could probably be the grandfather of the former in terms of age. There will still be the necessary respect in front of the Dragon Slaying Secret Party.

"I've been wondering when Professor Mansi will take over the rudder. Yaji and I have done everything we should do while you were away, and we are just waiting for you to give orders." Ye Sheng also told Mansi Professor Si nodded slightly. He and Jiude Aki were directly responsible for this dive mission, and the executive officer of the entire Kuimen Project was this old man chewing a cigar.

"The principal attaches great importance to this task, and spent some time convincing some people who want to make a profit but are unwilling to invest and take risks to pull out a hair or two." Professor Mans said lightly, "In order to dispatch the 'Baby', the principal... It took a lot of effort.”

"Baby?" Ye Sheng's eyes fell on the swaddling clothes in Professor Mansi's arms. Inside, a baby with skin as smooth as gelatin was sleeping, as warm and moist as a piece of flawless jade. He was sleeping soundly in the warm swaddling clothes, but there was no trace of the helicopter. Distressed by the noise and loud voices.

"Professor Mance, you are finally here, what is this?" Jiude Aji, who was not asleep on the deck, came out of the cabin and rushed to Ye Sheng and Jiang Peijiu. At a glance, he saw a baby boy holding a baby in his arms. Manns.

"The 'property' of the Chen family?" While Ye Sheng and Ya Ji were still confused, Jiang Peijiu had already guessed the baby's identity and looked a little surprised, "The principal was able to persuade those people to willingly give up the 'key' It’s a good decision to bring it out. The opening of Bronze City will definitely require some media, and now the media aspect is also satisfied.”

"The process is difficult, and they are required to be accompanied by their parents, and even if the mission fails, their babies must be returned intact." Mansi looked up at the slowly descending cargo helicopter, and after reaching a certain height, he returned from above. Two figures came down. The first one hugged the second one and made a less dangerous rapid descent. After landing on the deck, Mance immediately waved to the two figures and shouted, "Selma, come here!"

Running over was a Latin girl in her twenties or thirties, with black hair and wearing a combat uniform specially customized by Cassel College. She waved excitedly after seeing Ye Sheng and Aki, and she seemed to be familiar with them.

"Long time no see, Ye Shengyaji." Thelma ran over, and Mance took off the swaddling clothes and handed it to her carefully. She took a breath while looking at the still sleeping key, and glanced at Mance with a complaining look, which seemed a little unhappy. I am so happy that the instructor rappelled with the baby before.

"Internship?" Ye Sheng looked at Thelma's combat uniform and guessed something. Thelma was Mance's student, and she happened to be in the internship stage, and was arranged by her mentor to gain seniority among people of this level. It's an excusable thing, and Thelma is also an excellent 'A'-level hybrid, so it's appropriate for her to take on such a mission.

"Internship. I'm lucky. I relied on my mentor to apply for approval and we will work together this time. Please give me your advice, two seniors." Thelma looked at Ye Sheng and Yaji and stuck out her tongue with a smile. She seemed a bit immature, and compared to Ye Shengyaji and the two who had launched twenty-six missions, she could be considered a complete novice in the execution department.

"That's that?" Yaji looked at the woman who came down with Thelma in the distance. She was about thirty or forty years old. She was charming and could see the elegance that was difficult to conceal from the ring on her finger.

"My dear guardian," said Professor Mance, "and my student's mother."

Ye Sheng and Aji looked at Selma at the same time, and Selma was stunned for a moment and waved her hands repeatedly.

"Chen Motong's mother, 'Key' is technically Nono's brother." Mance said, "Selma, take Mrs. Chen and the baby to the cabin to rest."

"Good professor."

"You have to call me captain now that you have boarded this ship." Mance glanced sideways at his student and said.

"ay_ay_captain!" said Thelma.

"We are doing business, not pirates. The college has applied to seal off this area of ​​water for archaeological investigation." Mance was a little dissatisfied with Selma's pirate tone.

"No, strictly speaking we are pirates. After all, what we have to do is the same, even rougher than pirates." Jiang Peijiu looked at the huge underwater drill behind Mansi who was commanded to untie the iron rope and said.

Seeing Thelma walk away and taking the woman into the cabin, Mans paused for a moment, turned and walked to the side of the ship, looked at the Yangtze River under the moon and whispered, "Are you sure this is where it is?"

"Right under our feet, 40 meters deeper on the riverbed, Ye Sheng's words were touched by a large amount of metal." Jiang Peijiu said.

Mance looked at Ye Sheng, who nodded in agreement, "Snakes swim very fast deep underground. Snakes are fundamentally electromagnetic signals. Only metals have such good conductivity. We have reason to believe that we have now Standing above Baidi City."

"Norton's palace? A city made of bronze. If what you see after drilling through it is true, then you have done a great job this time Ye Sheng." Mance walked to the side of the ship and looked at the black river surface and said intently.

"If it weren't for Professor Jiang Peijiu, it would have taken us a long time to find this place. Professor Jiang deserves more credit," said Ye Sheng.

"Feng Shui is indeed an interesting theory. Can Feng Shui continue to be effective after entering the Bronze City?" Mance asked.

"The specific judgment depends on the real-time images transmitted back after the dive. The most important goal now is to 'open the door'."

"There's no rush. First we have to gather the right people." Mance took a deep breath from his cigar and exhaled, "Who knows what's in the Bronze City."

"Professor means"

"White Emperor City is the residence of the Dragon King, and the residence will inevitably have ferocious guards." Mance whispered, "I'm talking about Deadpool, and even worse Dragon Guards and Corpse Guards. I haven't met them before. In this case, the second-generation tombs we found in the Amazon jungle were almost wiped out by a group of Titanoboa hybrid corpse guards. It was just a second-generation species. Who knows what kind of things are in the palace of the Dragon King? Dangerous bodyguard?”

"Is the drilling operation going to be considered in the long term?" Ye Sheng asked.

"No, the underwater drilling operation will start as normal tomorrow morning. After forty meters down, we will of course reach Baidi City, but at that time we can barely reach the city gate. The war begins when the city gate is really pushed open. time." Mance said, "At that time we will need some foreign aid."

Hearing the word "foreign aid", Ye Sheng and Ya Ji looked at each other, and naturally knew who Professor Mance was referring to.

"The news about Norma has arrived at the academy this afternoon, US time. I guess you will receive the mission notification soon, right?" Professor Mance said, "We just need to make sure that the bronze door can be opened at any time before he comes. Just open the door. I think he should be ready by then."

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