Chu Zihang pulled Murasame out of the throat of a corpse guard who was trying to bite his neck from behind. The blade was withdrawn from the nose bone and withdrawn from the throat. The corpse guard collapsed on the ground like a snake with its bones removed, leaving only the thin threads. The long body was sliding on the deck under the control of the remaining nerve reflexes.

He splashed the corrosive black blood from the imperial sword onto the deck. The heavy rain washed the black blade clean, revealing the electric light-shaped creases underneath. The discernible blade reflected the strange scene on the deck. .

The corpse guards stopped attacking.

Silence fell on the deck, and the gunfire stopped. The crew members in the cabin, sweating profusely and with swollen blood vessels, put their fingers on the triggers tremblingly, not knowing whether to pull or release them, but their eyes were neatly focused on the center of the deck. On the back in the heavy rain.

At the top of the signal tower, Susie looked away from the sniper scope and looked at the area illuminated by the deck lights. She didn't know why the scene in front of her reminded her of a Chinese witchcraft called 'Snake Fixing'. Magical magic, not for anything else, just because the current scene is too similar to the result of that witchcraft.

(Snake stabbing technique involves pressing the head of a live snake, coiling the snake's body counterclockwise, and then pointing at the snake's head with your right hand to draw a charm, so that the snake is frozen and unable to move. If the time exceeds two hours, it will be A frozen snake will die.)

Each corpse guard was entrenched in a group and motionless on the deck. The heavy rain sprinkled on their scales, reflecting the cold light of the deck lamp. Their dark golden pupils were as dense as a group of fireflies in the darkness, staring neatly. Looking at the empty-handed figure standing in the center of the deck.

"What's going on now?" Chen Motong, who was holding a sniper rifle on the signal tower, stared at the strange scene in the sniper scope and asked in a low voice while pressing the headset.

"I also want someone to tell me what is going on." Manstein whispered on the wireless channel. "What are these corpse guards doing?"

"No, it's not what these corpse guards are going to do, but what Lin Nian has already done." Captain Indoor Caesar said to the communicator, "The Beichuan has detected the spread of a strong biomagnetic field. The intensity of the signal is probably that of Ye Sheng's release." More than a hundred times that of a snake. Lin Nian released his spirit of speech."

"Isn't his speech spirit 'moment'?" Ye Sheng asked subconsciously. Lin Nian's performance in the "Kuimen Project" when he was in a no-man's land under water still left a deep impression on him to this day.

"At least it was before today." Jiude Aki whispered and then looked back at Lu Mingfei, who looked at Lu Mingfei with his eyes, nose and heart.

"What can be inferred now is that this biomagnetic field with unknown effects exerted considerable pressure on the corpse guards, so much so that they gave up all activities and collectively faced the source of the threat." Caesar said.

"Then their next attack target will only be Lin Nian?" Manstein asked.

"It's hard not to think that Lin Nian has made some moves." Caesar said.

Now every pair of eyes on the Beichuan ship is watching the movements on the deck. Lin Nian in the center of the deck grabs everyone's attention as soon as he moves. Everyone's palms are a little sweaty. No one knows what will happen if the stalemate is broken. What earth-shattering thing happened - all the zombie guards gathered together to attack? Extreme light and heat destroy everything? An unknown word spirit destroys all enemies instantly?

Nothing happened.

On the deck, Lin Nian walked towards Chu Zihang, stood in front of him and stretched out his hand to him. For a moment, Chu Zihang knew what was happening with his eternal golden eyes and those doomsday lava eyes. Silently, he handed over Murasame, whose hands had been washed clean by the heavy rain.

Lin Nian held the handle of the knife, which was still warm. Before the temperature cooled down, he turned and walked towards the nearest corpse guard. When the distance was close enough, everyone thought that the corpse guard was about to explode. When Lin Nian was hit at a speed that broke the sound barrier, that scene never happened after all.

So everyone watched helplessly as Lin Nian raised the tip of the Murasame knife in his hand, pointed it at the expressionless human head curled up in the body of the snake, and slowly stabbed it into the forehead and heart.

Facts have proved that Murasame is a good knife. It was a relic left to him by Chu Zihang's father. It was made of alchemical metal and made of butcher's iron. The steel was soft and tough. When piercing this knife, it was no less threatening than an 'A' grade knife. The half-breed corpse was not hindered in the slightest when it touched its forehead. The tip of the knife penetrated the forehead bone like a table knife inserted into delicious pudding. When it came out from the back of the head, it was red with strawberry core.

Pierced and then pulled out, it was unclear whether it was the dew condensed by the village rain or the heavy rain from the sky that quickly washed away the dirty blood. Lin Nian walked past the corpse guard without stopping, heading towards the next target.

There wasn't too much speed or even intense movements. Everyone could clearly see the trajectory of Lin Nian's knife. The details of the muscle movement in the black diving suit were just like killing a fish. No, compared to Killing fish is even simpler. At least the fish will struggle before being knocked unconscious. These corpse guards who died under Murasame's knife did not even move much until they died, as if they were afraid of being frightened.

"What are they afraid of?"

Manstein, who had witnessed everything in the tactical war room, did not ask this question because he already got the answer to this question when he saw the back of the silent figure walking on the deck.

Of course the corpse guards were afraid of the sword holder.

The reason why they don't move is not because of the characteristics of the spirit, but also because of the most essential fear. Just like patients with animal phobia who are paralyzed and unable to move when they are sick. They seem to have forgotten that they are the most important people in Kuimen. Fearful animals - in front of real walking predators, they are even afraid that they will disturb the predator and make it reveal its truly terrifying side. For this reason, they would rather pay for their lives than taste that kind of fear.

Chu Zihang understood this truth the first time he and Lin Nian looked at each other. The purpose of borrowing Murasame was not to fight better, but to more conveniently solve the endgame on the deck - but the war has just begun. Where is the endgame? ?

When the field of 'Baqi' opens, the war has already entered its endgame, and all the users of the word spirit should do is to finish it off.

In Lin Nian's golden eyes, Chu Zihang felt a very familiar pressure, like a raging fire igniting the grassland, and the fire swept in all directions under the raging wind; it was also like a torrential rain covering the sky from all directions. Come on, the darkness of the violent current makes people feel suffocating. He has only felt this kind of pressure from one guy. It stands like a fortress on the beach of memory and can never be wiped away by the tide.

Now this is the aura belonging to the 'Baqi', selectively spreading out among the corpse guards, like an invisible hand gently pressing on their heads and coiling their snake bodies. , pushing their heads back to the ground.

They were imprisoned, and bloodline suppression in an absolute sense, just like the bloodline shackles between the Dragon King and the hybrids, now appeared on the corpse guards made by Lin Nian and these Dragon Kings.

Zhou Zhen, who came to the deck from deep inside the cabin and witnessed everything, shuddered slightly because he thought of a possibility, a possibility that would never happen but was enough to scare people - if this invisible biomagnetic field was not hostile to corpses. Shou was all of them, so could Lin Nian be able to carry that divine sword and stab it into everyone's throat or heart while strolling in the courtyard?

And this is only the external expression of 'Baqi'. The fear that this word spirit makes dragon creatures is enough to turn a fierce battle into a silent slaughter, but its real role and effect are far from it. Coming to the surface, this not only made everyone have a deeper fear of the 'S'-class hybrid in charge of this word spirit, but also made them have a glimmer of hope in their hearts. Because only a real monster can be dealt with. The great horror beneath the water.

Murasame pulled out from the throat of the last zombie visible on the deck, and a black line of blood shot out from the forehead of the corpse and mixed with the rainwater into the gap in the deck. Thunder flashed, and Lin Nian looked out the side of the ship with the imperial sword. The corpse guards in the water did not choose to follow anymore, and allowed the Beichuan ship to rush deeper into Kuimen, staying in place and leaning out half of the body. Water watched from a distance as the ship disappeared into the darkness.


Lin Nian walked back to the deck and handed Murasame back to Chu Zihang. Without saying anything else, he just patted him on the shoulder and returned to the combat conference room.

As he walked into the cabin, every crew member made way for him, also staring silently at the boy, their last hope of slaying the dragon.

If some people thought that this was a kamikaze-like suicide squad with no return, then after seeing the silent slaughter in the heavy rain on the deck just now, no one would doubt that there was anything in the captain's room and the war room. The determination of those wearing black raincoats.

They were really preparing to kill the Dragon King with this dive, and what they really relied on was this inexplicably terrifying young hybrid.

"I think this time your friend will be completely famous in the mixed race circle here, if there are still people alive on the Beichuan to leave this 'little world'." The first mate looked at Caesar beside him and stretched out his hand to touch He seemed to be looking for a cigarette in his pocket.

"He's already famous enough, he doesn't need to be famous anymore." Caesar took out his cigar box, cut a cigar and handed it over to the first mate's surprised gaze, then lit it with a long match. In the middle of a vague thank you, he asked, "'Little World'? You mean 'Nibelungen'?"

"According to your words, it should be called 'Nibelung'." The first mate exhaled the smoke from his cigar and said, "The abnormal space twisted by pure-blood dragons often appears around dragons of three generations or above. There are also cases of lower fourth generation planting, but most of them are unstable and prone to collapse. However, this time the 'Nibelungen' has the worst environment I have ever seen, and the largest area. If we determine 'Nibelungen' based on the scope of the storm's influence, The scope of Dragon Root's coverage, then the area of ​​this abnormal space is about tens of kilometers starting!"

"Look." The first mate pointed to the stormy river view outside the captain's cabin window, "Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't even take us five minutes to pass through the entire Kuimen at our current speed, but now we are even in the original canyon. 'Driving inside. The whole space was stretched by some kind of force. According to the old Chinese saying, this is called 'ghost hitting the wall'."

"Then how are we sure we have reached our destination?" Caesar frowned.

"It's very simple." The first mate also lit the cigar for Caesar, and then pointed to the far distance outside the window with the cigar between his hands, "We left a landmark at the dive location."

"Landmark?" Caesar looked out the window and was stunned at just one glance. He even forgot to bite the fresh cigar in his hand.

In the direction in which the Beichuan ship was approaching, a large area of ​​extremely eye-catching blood-red was pushed along with the waves of the river. It was a thrilling red color that left no doubt about the purity of the scarlet red. It hit the canyon wall that had not been completely submerged, leaving a patch of blood. Irregular dark red marks.

"Do you still remember your last secret operation in Kuimen?" The first mate took a deep breath of his cigar, even to the point where it passed through his lungs, just to let the excitement weaken some of the horror caused by the blood-red waves, "Two second-generation species died here, The dragon's blood flowing from their corpses has brought a lot of trouble to the Yangtze River Basin. Orthodox people can only use Feng Shui to 'stabilize' the polluted water in this basin. They will not dare to restore the water until the dragon's blood pollution is completely resolved. Towards."

"...They fixed a flowing river? How is this possible?" For the first time, Caesar felt an inexplicable awe for such a mysterious and mysterious thing as 'Feng Shui'.

"Use some strange reagents to degrade the dragon's blood, making it temporarily less dense than the water body, and then use Feng Shui to isolate the 'upper' and 'lower' river water to form an independent flow environment. Feng Shui masters' stuff is always very complicated. ." The first mate said, "In short, the waters polluted by dragon's blood have been preserved for the time being. The external explanation is that the red algae aquatic plants invaded by invasive organisms are caused by the invasion of biological organisms. In order to clean up these dragon's blood orthodox spent huge sums of money and spent a lot of money. We also have to constantly be on guard against the appearance of fish creatures contaminated by dragon’s blood in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.”

"In short, this polluted water has temporarily become our directional anchor." Caesar shook his head and said, he didn't care how the Orthodox should deal with the dragon's blood pollution situation, just like the Executive Department never cared about how the cleanup department solved their mess. The same thing - they are always on the way to making the next mess, and they never tire of it.

"Since we have seen red now, it means we have arrived and it is time to stop the ship. I hope nothing more will interfere with your dive." The first mate reduced the forward four gear to normal navigation, and the Beichuan ship The waves around the ship's side slowed down slightly, but the violent storm was still the same. However, the river water splashing on the deck from time to time turned a shocking dark red, and even the water splashing on the observation window of the captain's cabin also turned red.

"The non-dive team should stay away from the deck, take isolation measures, and beware of dragon blood contamination in the river. Anyway, if you don't want to find young men with a few extra hands or scales when you go back, stay away from the side of the ship." The first mate used the communicator to call the entire team. The Beichuan ship announced, "Dive team, please take your positions. We are already at the location."

"Also, just think of it as giving me a thorough explanation and letting me know whether I should write a suicide note to my wife in advance." After putting down the communicator, the first mate looked at Caesar standing aside and clamped the cigar from his mouth, " How sure do you think this friend of yours can handle the big guy underwater?"

"What do you think?" Caesar looked at the first mate and asked after thinking.

"Before what happened just now, I wouldn't have thought of asking you this question. Instead, I would only ask if you brought a pen and paper." The first mate shrugged, "But now I think I can still ask."

Caesar stared at the first mate for a while, then reached out and patted the old man's shoulder vigorously, and smiled, "I believe everyone will ask this question like you when they first meet him."

"The same to you?"

"Me too."

"What now?" asked the first mate.

"Now I've learned not to ask questions like this again." Caesar took a puff of his cigar and spat it out towards the bloody observation window and said calmly, "You just need to prepare the storm torpedo in the bottom cabin and shoot it into the belly of the Dragon King. Just go. This is what we should do and what we must do."

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