Chapter 730 Dive (13)

Take a deep breath, then another deep breath, sucking all the air into your abdominal cavity.

This is an abdominal breathing method that is different from normal people. It can often be seen in professionals who practice vocal music and yoga. It is different from chest breathing. Abdominal breathing is assisted by the respiratory muscles below the diaphragm. When the diaphragm is downward, Can effectively expand lung capacity to store more oxygen.

Walking from the cabin to the deck, heavy rain fell on Lin Nian's body. Beside him, Lu Mingfei kept taking deep breaths, trying to regulate his heartbeat according to the guidance of the diving instructor and psychiatrist.

But when he finally walked into the heavy rain and saw the red river water outside the ship's side, Lu Mingfei's breathing couldn't help but become confused. What he heard was a faint cough, which was extremely harsh and loud on the empty deck.

"Don't rely too much on deep breathing. You haven't developed the habit of abdominal breathing. If you take a few deep breaths, you will be out of breath before you dive. Deep breathing is also very energy-consuming." Lin Nian stretched out his hand to hold his hand. He touched Lu Mingfei's back, allowing the coughing Lu Mingfei to calm down his breathing a little. Manstein, who followed the two of them, also walked out of the cabin and nodded silently when he saw this scene.

In fact, Lin Nian's actions did not have much practical effect. Few people knew that this was a small habit developed between the two people a long time ago. In high school, Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian always walked together. The latter Often reaching out to support his back out of habit.

Lu Mingfei was also puzzled as to why this happened at first, and Lin Nian just explained that if you don't walk with your back straight, your life will probably not be smooth. Lu Mingfei seemed to understand and didn't care much about this, so every time he subconsciously lowered his head and hunched his back, there would always be a hand beside him to hold him up and help him stand up straight.

This time too.

The Beichuan has been anchored. All the anchors on the left and right sides of the ship were dropped at the same time, anchoring the steel giant on the flowing blood-red river. After the power system was turned off, the only thing that could be heard on the Beichuan was the roar of wind and rain like dragons. Whistling sound.

Fortunately, the Category 12 storm weakened dozens of times when it arrived at the center of Kuimen. Although the wind was still strong now, compared with the violent storm, it was now more like they had sailed into the eye of the storm and got a short break. Calm, everyone knows that the person who caused this storm is also waiting for their arrival under the water directly below them.

Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei walked to the designated diving position on the side of the ship. Their diving suits were fully dressed. Lin Nian carried the Seven Deadly Sins on his back, and Lu Mingfei carried an alchemical bomb containing the blood of the Holy Infant. The two There is a clear division of labor among the people, one person lays bombs and the other guards.

"You all know the precautions, right? You must have been tired of hearing them during the dive training, so I won't repeat them again." Manstein stood between Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei, who were sitting on the side of the ship, holding his hands He placed a heavy hand on both of their shoulders.

Precautions? What precautions should be taken to ensure that the referee is absolutely fair and fair? Lu Mingfei felt that his mind was a little confused, and bad jokes were pouring out of his memory one after another, but fortunately he still controlled his mouth.

"Look more, listen more, think more, weigh the pros and cons before taking action." Lin Nian looked at Manstein and nodded, "Lu Mingfei and I both remember it."

"This rule is mainly aimed at you this time." Manstein was silent for a moment and looked at Lin Nian on the left and said, "Lu Mingfei always thinks more than he takes action, so I am not worried about what he will do. Something amazing happens, but you are different. Sometimes you are easily controlled by your emotions and do irrational things. There are many examples of this, although the results are good every time."

"But if it goes bad once, the price I pay is beyond my ability to bear." Lin Nian told Manstein's final words.

Manstein was silent for a moment and then shook his head. It could be seen that as Lin Nian's mentor, he wanted to deliberately avoid some unlucky and depressing words before the mission.

"I know that propriety cannot be forced." Lin Nian looked directly into his mentor's eyes.

"I'm just a little worried." Manstein turned his head and took a deep breath. "Constantine did die in your hands. This is an honor, but sometimes the honor is too great, which will lead to some actions later. Bad judgment.”

"Professor," Lin Nian said, "I want to go back alive."

Manstein paused and looked up at Lin Nian.

Lin Nian nodded slightly, "I still want to go back alive."

"Yeah." After hearing this, Manstein stopped saying anything and patted Lin Nian on the shoulder.

Lu Mingfei stared at the strange conversation between teacher and student, blinked, then looked at Manstein and said sincerely, "Professor, I also want to go back alive."

"I can see that." Manstein nodded and patted Lu Mingfei's shoulder, "I've never worried about you on this."


"I wish you good luck." Manstein put his hands on the shoulders of the two men and pushed them gently. The two people sitting on the side of the ship facing the deck fell backwards and disappeared without even the obvious sound of water. He disappeared in the half-meter-high blood that hit the side of the ship.

What caught the eye was blood red. Even with a nano diving suit to isolate the polluted river water, this depressing blood red still made people feel extremely uneasy. The search range of the spotlight was almost zero. After losing their sense of direction, they were simply in the water. Let it fall in a sea of ​​scarlet.

"Don't panic, think about the mental training during dive training." Lin Nian's voice sounded in Lu Mingfei's ears, which was so calm and reassuring.

The three-month special diving training included treatment for psychological problems that divers may encounter at depth. Some people in society have the condition of "deep sea phobia". In the final analysis, it is the fear of the unknown. A sense of "claustrophobia" is at play, after all, in the darkness of deep water, no one can be sure whether a giant "monkfish" will come out and eat you in one bite.

The execution department pays special attention to this kind of potential disease. Any loss of psychological control during dragon-related dive missions will bring huge hidden dangers to the entire team. Therefore, Lin Nian, Lu Mingfei and others have all done related special operations. trained.

The content of each person's special training is different. Caesar is alone in the deepest trenches where sharks exist; Zero is sitting alone in a dark confinement room for three days; and Lu Mingfei is locked in an absolutely silent room. In a dark room, he was told that there was a giant python in the room that he was most afraid of. The python had been fed in advance and the room temperature was very low. As long as Lu Mingfei did not anger the python, there would be no danger, but he The task is to find a key to open the iron door of the room in this environment.

That special training effectively solved Lu Mingfei's possible claustrophobia and deep-sea phobia, but it also deepened his snake phobia. Because the unscrupulous Manstein put the key to the door. Next to the giant python, when Lu Mingfei touched every place and found nothing, he finally realized the possible location of the key and froze in place for half an hour before making up his mind to give it a try.

(Actually, he was warned that if he continued to train passively, the temperature in the room would heat up to the point where the python would move. The longer the delay, the higher the chance that the python would completely digest the food and become hungry.)

"In a sense, there is no difference between pythons and dragons." Lin Nian said, "And this time you have someone with you."

"The difference between a giant python and a dragon is that they can swallow me in one mouthful, right?" Lu Mingfei relied on the safety rope tied to Lin Nian to avoid being photographed 800 meters away by the river. I felt like I was like a Corgi on a leash during the entire dive. If it hadn't been for Lin Nian, he would have been swept away by the current.

"Norton won't leave Baidi City. It will be safe until we enter Bronze City. The dragon servant here was basically dead when I came last time. He is now isolated and helpless."

Lin Nian couldn't see Lu Mingfei, but he could feel his presence by the touch of the safety rope. The entire progress of the dive was completely under his control. Water with this kind of flow rate is completely incomparable to the swimming pool in the equipment department. The deeper you dive, the slower the flow rate will be.

"You mean those two second-generation species? Do you think the Dragon King hates you? Do you think you killed his whole family?" Lu Mingfei asked on the other side of the safety rope.

"I don't think the Dragon King will treat his attendants as family members. Have you ever regarded the guard grandpa of Shilan Middle School as a family member? When he passed away, you even played "StarCraft" in the Internet cafe." Lin Nian gave an example.

"Wait a minute. The janitor of our high school passed away? The old man who drained the thermos cup?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

"Well, I attended his funeral, and his son who came back from Shanghai paid homage to him. It means that his successors will have no regrets."

".Wait why did you go to the funeral of our school janitor?"

"The old janitor used to be an auxiliary policeman. After working as an auxiliary policeman for more than ten years, he changed his job and became the janitor of our high school. Maybe it's because I have a natural affinity for the police profession." Lin Nian gave a strange question. The explanation was not explained in detail.

"Everyone's idol when they were young was the police uncle, but it still seems like you are too single-minded in high school. And the auxiliary police officers are also considered police officers?" Lu Mingfei reluctantly accepted this statement and followed the safety rope in a sea of ​​scarlet. Diving hard in the direction.

"The auxiliary police officers are also police officers." Lin Nian said, "At least that's what my sister said. She made me respect the police since I was a child."

"Your sister and you are both good people." Lu Mingfei said dryly, "But our topic is wrong."

"Oh, yes, you led me astray." Lin Nian, a classic villain, complained first, "What were we talking about in the first place?"

"I'm talking about the Dragon King who killed his whole family by you." A third voice suddenly sounded on the communication channel, "This is the Beichuan. I am Captain Manstein. Can you hear me?"

"I can hear it, the communication signal is normal." Lin Nian replied.

"It seems that the connection of the 'Snake' is very stable." Manstein in the captain's cabin on the Beichuan nodded and looked sideways at Ye Sheng, who was guarded by Chu Zihang on the deck and had his hands on the side of the ship. At this time Ye Sheng's golden eyes were bright and he stared quietly at the blood-red surging river.

"We have learned the lesson from the last time the communication line was cut off. We no longer rely on physical communication methods and instead use the biological current generated by the spirit of speech for communication. Both rivers and Bronze City are excellent conductors. This time our communication Ye Sheng will be responsible for maintaining the entire process." Manstein held the communicator and watched the two intertwined heartbeats on the sonar. "According to the locator on your body, it will soon be necessary to continue to maintain your dive speed. Leaving the 'Red Sea'."

Under the water, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that the blood redness in front of his eyes faded like an ebbing tide, and all that came up was light green water, washing the protective goggles of the diving suit clean over and over again. This feeling was like breaking free from a quagmire and not even breathing. The compressed air seems much fresher.

Lin Nian's figure also appeared beside him. He also found that Lin Nian stopped and did not continue diving. Instead, he floated on the spot and turned around to look up. So he also looked up and was shocked by the scene in front of him. arrive.

ps: There is also

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