Gold and blue wallpaper covered the corridor. Lin Nian left the main hall and walked to the table lamp with a square copper-plated base near the stairs. He stopped. His hearing ruled out the possibility that there was anyone waiting within 20 meters, and then he picked up his mobile phone. Pressed the connect button on the call from the head of the execution department.

"Although it's a little rude, it's better to have something important." Lin Nian said in a calm tone. Even without any emotion, it can be seen from the words that he was approached by the executive department several times on an important day. Imbalance in door-to-door patience.

He had indeed complained about the executive department keeping him in cold storage for half a year, but was it necessary to pile all the chores on his head today? What's this? It's the retribution for being a child, right?

But no matter what, you still have to answer the phone and listen to the matter. This is a matter of self-cultivation of the commissioner. Schneider has never minded Lin Nian's somewhat unreliable and stubborn temper, because no matter which time he complained, Regardless of complaints, he will do everything to perfection as long as it is a task.

Lin Nian asked patiently to hear what troublesome information the head of the executive department on the other end of the phone could give. Is it the second generation species that has resurrected and is running rampant in the downtown area, or has traces of a certain first generation species been found again.

Under normal circumstances, tasks related to dangerous hybrids would be delegated to other commissioners unless they were particularly difficult. Lin Nian didn't think Schneider would come to him for such a thing.

"Lin Nian? I'm Manstein." But to Lin Nian's surprise, the voice on the other end of the phone was not the expected frightening sound of a knife cutting wood. It was him who spoke. mentor Professor Manstein.

To be honest, if Manstein hadn't announced his name when he came up, Lin Nian might not have been able to recognize who the other party was immediately, because in his impression, his mentor's voice was usually high-pitched and sharp, and he often shouted at him. He was yelling at those students who ignored school discipline and school spirit, but today a steady sound like a bell came from the other side.

"I'm here." Lin Nian frowned slightly and his tone became calmer. Along with his mood, if Manstein could find him through Schneider's phone call, could something really troublesome have happened?

"We're in trouble." Manstein got straight to the point, his tone not as relaxed and caring as he usually did when dealing with Lin Nian.

"Since you chose to call me at this time, you must have encountered a difficult matter, but why didn't the minister come to me personally? Has the discipline committee merged with the execution department?"

"If the Discipline Committee really merges with the Executive Department, then that day will be the day I resign. As for why I came to you, because according to your personality, if he explains the situation to you, you will probably refuse directly or say that you I have already rejected him once. What happened at noon today is actually a test of his attitude toward you. You know that, don’t you?"

"It was a lot of twists and turns, and it wasted a lot of my time, but the impact wasn't too big. I wasn't angry." Lin Nian knew how to put away unnecessary personal emotions when it came to business.

But he also carried out the analysis clearly and calmly, "If it was an emergency mission involving human life or the leakage of dragon intelligence, he would not test me but directly give orders, so I can understand him Is there any 'troubling' problem in the task itself when you mobilize me?"

"You should have guessed something, right?" Manstein's voice paused for a long time and then said.

"Yeah, but I need you to be sure, otherwise the guess is just a guess."

"Okay." In a separate office on the other side of the central control room, Manstein, who was holding the phone, turned to glance at Schneider, who was not far away. Schneider was standing in front of his desk, with a figure like a gun barrel inserted into his back, listening. While watching the conversation between the tutor and the student, there was no emotion in the iron-gray eyes beneath the burnt red scars on the iron surface.

Manstein said, "Let me put it bluntly, this emergency task is related to the school board, or the task is directly issued by the school board."

Lin Nian on the other side of the phone was obviously quiet for a while, and Manstein didn't speak either. After ten seconds, he confirmed that the communication had not been hung up, and then continued to wait for Lin Nian's reaction.

Lin Nian on the other end of the phone spoke and asked in a general tone, "Actually, I'm curious about how the minister persuaded the professor to come into this muddy water."

"Are you with Su Xiaoqiang's family now?" Manstein did not answer the question directly.

"Yes." Lin Nian didn't mind if his instructor changed the subject.

"I heard that you are meeting your father-in-law now?"

"." The silence on the other end of the phone lasted longer.

"Did I say something wrong?" Manstein hesitated a little. He looked at Schneider with a strange expression on his face, and suspected that the other man's two knives had tricked him in Chinese.

"No." Lin Nian sighed, "It seems that the professor is still very aware of my situation."

"Was the process successful?" There was a hint of excitement in Manstein's voice, probably because he was extremely confident in the performance of his outstanding students in front of his parents-in-law. In a sense, every mentor regards his beloved disciple as having nothing. Children who are related by blood have always been closely concerned about life-long events.

"It's not bad. But I think if we can exclude the factors of being half an hour late for dinner, being called out by a phone call for more than five minutes in the middle, and the duration continuing without end, tonight can actually be more successful."

"It's normal for your personal life to be disturbed and to be a little emotional. When I was on vacation, a student secretly stole alchemy items from the ice cellar. I was forced to work overtime and became very manic. I was even forced to be hospitalized due to blood pressure problems." Manstein expressed understanding and added He glared at Schneider, probably because he was resentful that the other party would disturb the important ceremony of his students meeting their parents along with him. No matter which country you come from, meeting your parents is a top priority. The commissioners of the executive department are also human beings, and the 'S' level commissioners are also human beings. Naturally, they are not immune to this custom.

"Let's get down to business. If Su Xiaoqiang doesn't go back for more than ten minutes, it's time to come out and look for me." Lin Nian glanced at the time at the top of his phone.

"Are you willing to listen?" Manstein immediately became more energetic. Lin Nian's tone sounded like there was still room for negotiation.

"Tell me, I have about three minutes." Lin Nian looked at the time again and looked back at the empty corridor.

"Wait a minute," Manstein said, then put down his phone and turned to look at Schneider. Schneider nodded slightly and turned his head to motion to the camera in the corner of the office. After the remote facial and iris scan verification was passed, the mechanical lock of the room automatically locked in the next moment, the metal plate of the vent automatically closed tightly, the camera was lowered and closed, and the entire room entered a completely independent isolation status.

"Okay." Manstein picked up the phone and asked in a low voice, "Can you guarantee that the call will not be leaked on your end?"

"Okay." Lin Nian said.

"Then I'll make a long story short. We are transporting a document, starting from Emilia Romagna, Italy, to Cuba. The places and route we pass through are unfortunately not allowed to tell you. Neither you nor I have enough authority. But. What we can know is that this document will definitely pass through China, and I need you to take over this document when it arrives in China to complete the next transportation task."

"A document?" Lin Nian's eyes flashed with a strange look, and he keenly caught the strange point from Manstein's words, "Professor, if I remember correctly, because of the bloodline issue, my authority is with Ang. With an 'S' level like Principal Re, this permission can even directly access Norma's core terminal. Even I can't get into the details of this document?"

"The 'S' level authority is indeed not enough to interfere with the details of this mission." Schneider's voice rang on the phone, a little far away, but at least it was clear.

Lin Nian was a little speechless. People in the school usually boasted on the forum about how awesome the 'S' level permissions were. They could activate the school's automatic defense measures through Norma (such as the high-energy particle cannon on Lonely Mountain), and they could also order Norma to invade. The fire control system of the Seventh Fleet stationed in the Sea of ​​Japan can even mobilize some things in the deepest ice cellar of the Well of Annihilation that are enough to destroy the world.

But in the end, it was Fingel who used Lin Nian's 'S' level permissions the most. The last time Lin Nian's 'S' level permission appeared in Norma's core, he actually stole the sophomore's "Magic Mechanical Design" "The exam questions were sold privately. Many people knew about this and thought that the 'S' class was crazy for lack of money. Afterwards, Lin Nian forced Fingel to clarify the matter and finally settled the matter.

When things like 'S' level permissions are not needed, I only use the canteen's roasted tender goose with lemon juice at a 20% discount late at night with 'S' level permissions. But when it comes to serious business, It's really depressing to be handed an 'S'-level lack of authority backhand.

"A mission with higher authority than 'S' level can't be 'EX' level, right?" he asked subconsciously.

"The Execution Department has never had an 'EX' task priority. This document is a task personally issued by the school board of directors. It is sorted according to the task priority of the Execution Department, so the task authority this time is 'SS' level." Man Stein said in a deep voice.

‘.SS’ level? Lin Nian was surprised.

Whether it was the 'Kuimen Project' or the 'Bronze Project' or the 'Battle of Constantine', these three were marked 'S' when they were sealed and archived by Norma afterwards, because these are secrets about the first generation of species that are rare for a century. An unexpected incident, but now, on a summer vacation night at Kassel College, an 'SS'-level task that far exceeded the priority of the first-generation species' recovery unexpectedly fell on his head?

"A document? Are you sure? That document cannot contain the exact information about 'Nidhogg'." Lin Young frowned.

The title of 'SS' did not make him feel any pressure. Instead, he felt a sense of emptiness without any weight. It was like someone suddenly telling you that tomorrow is the end of the world. The whole thing didn't sound right. How reliable. But to be on the safe side, he quietly expanded the detection range of his hearing to prevent the call from being leaked.

"You should know that the priority of a task does not mean the difficulty of the task. The 'SS' level does not necessarily mean that it must be related to the resurrection of the Dragon King." Manstein pinched the bridge of his nose and seemed very troubled, and whispered, "In short, we must Make sure that the document can be sent all the way to the school board of directors. I heard that the content of the document is as important as the secrets of the first generation species. Once leaked, the entire secret party will be plunged into a crisis of collapse."

"This mission will not be known to more than one person without incident. It will be handled seriously within the execution department. The transportation method we chose is low-key. It does not require a Gulfstream jetliner, nor does it require an encrypted safe and a mask." The handcuffed document package was delivered to the destination by an experienced specialist from the Intelligence Section, who was transported by train after train." Schneider finally spoke again, his tone low and hoarse.

"Then I guess even the intelligence officer who took the document may not realize how important the document he brought is." Lin Nian took a deep breath to understand the thoughts and practices of the execution department, "This document is too important. What is the content of the transport document that is so important that you don’t even dare to protect it in a big way? Is it the scandal of the school board over the years? Or is it a report on human experiments on mixed race species like in the movie?”

"We don't know, and we won't rush to learn the contents of the document, but what is certain is that if the process of the mission itself is leaked, the risk of losing the document will increase exponentially." Schneider approached Manstein As the wheels of the metal car behind him trembled and bumped on the floor beside him, "Now we have evidence that even if our confidentiality work is to the extreme, this document is still being targeted."

"Are the secret party's political opponents targeting the documents?" Lin Nian could only think of this possibility. The secret party is only active in Europe and North America. There are mixed-race forces of different sizes in China, Russia and even India, such as The influence and skills of an organization like 'Orthodoxy' are not inferior to those of the Secret Party.

It’s hard not to think about a document that can overthrow the secret party and redistribute resources in Europe and North America. It’s hard not to make some people excited.

"The person who is eyeing the file is a civil mixed-race organization in your city." Schneider said, "They call themselves the Alliance. Because of Blood Mourning, they came together to form a structure similar to a brotherhood. In human society, they rely on blood superiority. They are frantically grabbing profits and power, trying to control the local tycoons and officials who hold power and money to form a 'new regime'."

"So Chu Zihang risked his life to find that organization. You don't have much time." Lin Nian quickly contacted the emergency mission in the abandoned hospital at noon today.

"Chu Zihang has found clues, but time is running out. Just clues are no longer enough. We must add an insurance to this mission." Schneider said, "You are that good, solid lock. I need you to get it." The documents are then sent to the execution department.”

"Send it to the execution department? Isn't it sent to Cuba, where it was originally planned?" Lin Nian suddenly asked.

"Since the document escort route has been leaked, they will inevitably prepare for more attempts after one failure. Escorting according to the originally planned route will only lead to more attacks and casualties." Schneider said.

Lin Nian did not refute this explanation. Even if he is now the ace in the hands of the secret party, it does not mean that he wants to have accidents such as plane crashes, car chases, and assassinations happen inexplicably along the way. If he can take a safe route, he must choose a safe route. Rather than the so-called recklessness, it is not confidence in one's own strength but arrogant stupidity.

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