Lu Mingfei looked up at the sky. He had never thought that the sky with heavy rain looked like this before. Every drop of rain had its own shape, falling from the sky into his clear golden eyes.

This unreasonably reminded him of the time when he was a child at his aunt's house, when he broke a vase and was treated coldly by her. At that time, he turned blankly and blankly to look at the two green cypress trees outside the window. When he looked carefully, he would feel suddenly. I came to a realization: It turns out that these two trees look like this. The mottled lines on the bark and the green branches and leaves are so vivid.

I will always belatedly discover the beauty of such details in bad times, just like when a condemned prisoner takes his last look at the sky, he can tell that the blue of the sky is actually very different from the blue in his memory, and then It's nostalgia, nostalgia for the plainness and triviality of the past, until a slight chill comes over my neck, and a dark shadow rushes towards my face.

The bright sparks flashed in front of Lu Mingfei's eyes. They were caused by the violent collision and friction between the sharp claws and the dragon scales, which generated static electricity. The static electricity broke through the air and ejected into bright white broken stars, which splashed into the empty rainwater, causing an instantaneous explosion. of flash!

Through the vision of fiery trees and silver flowers, Lu Mingfei saw the pair of frightened and furious dragon eyes very close at hand. Shao Nanyin had already rushed in front of him at the moment when he lost consciousness. When the claws and scales were intertwined, behind her Because of the high-speed skidding, a clear path carved in the water on the ground has not disappeared.

Lu Mingfei was so shocked that he took a few steps back, and then there was a buzzing sound on the back of his head. It was because he hit the container behind him, and the iron sheet of the container dented and made a roar!

"Wait." Lu Mingfei said.

Shao Nanyin didn't wait. He took a step forward with his right foot and retracted his right hand to his back. Lu Mingfei subconsciously raised his right hand to block the incoming punch from the left, but Shao Nanyin took a step forward with his back foot and moved his left hand forward. While holding his head to block, he turned around and fired a swift back elbow that hit Lu Mingfei's forehead.

The heavy container was shaken and lifted up, and Lu Mingfei's figure disappeared in an instant. He did not avoid it, but was hit so hard that it broke through the container and rolled to the back!

After delivering a heavy elbow, Shao Nanyin jumped up and flipped onto the top of the container. He saw Lu Mingfei at the end of the ravine created on the ground dozens of meters away. He was not dead, not even injured, and was struggling slowly. He got up and gently pressed his right hand on the hit forehead.

The severe pain was like the pain of a hand churning in his mind. Lu Mingfei's expression was a bit ferocious. He grabbed the ground with his left hand, and the hard cement ground squeezed out of his fingers like powder.

If it were an ordinary person or even a mixed race, if he was hit in the head by this turning elbow, the result of intracranial bleeding and skull fracture would be considered a blow to his head. It would be reasonable to see the juice overflowing when a hammer hits a watermelon.

But it was obvious that Lu Mingfei was no longer an ordinary person, not even a mixed race. A crack appeared on his forehead, and then it was shattered as the crack spread, but the next moment a new one appeared. The bone material grows from under the skin like buds and branches, plasticizes, hardens, and returns to its original state, even harder.

This process was numb and painful. Lu Mingfei almost tried his best not to scream, but a low roar came from his throat.

It wasn't until finally white mist rose up from his breathing and blurred his eyes that the pain gradually disappeared as the rain fell and the white mist subsided. He touched the hard object on his forehead and saw something like this on his arm again. The green and black dragon scales are breathing like life, and there are indescribable emotions in their hearts.

If it weren't for all these terrible changes, he might have died at that moment, right?

"Yes, brother, if you still hold on to the ridiculous thoughts you had before, you will really die next."

Lu Mingze, who was wearing a black suit, stood behind Lu Mingfei, holding an umbrella, looking at him lying on his back in the ravine, and said: "No one will come to save you this time, because the person who protects you no longer protects you. .because he's already trying to believe you, just like everyone else."

Lu Mingfei slowly raised his head and looked at the black shadow on the container in the distance falling silently into the rain. Lu Mingze said softly, "So, have you decided to respond to their expectations?"

Lu Mingfei was silent. The rain wet his forehead, making everything in front of his vision blurry.

"Lu Mingfei, what do you think would have happened if I had never enrolled in school?"

"Then it's over, isn't it?" Lu Mingfei replied subconsciously.

In the kendo club in the early morning, Lin Nian leaned against the window and looked at the shadow of the red squirrel perched on the cedar tree. The moonlight cut into pieces by the branches shone into the room. Behind him, Lu Mingfei was lying on the floor like a dead dog. on the cheek.

"It's over?" Lin Nian looked back at him.

"If you don't enroll in school, who will take care of the Dragon King? If no one can take care of them, then everyone is doomed." Lu Mingfei looked at the ceiling, his mouth wide open like a radiator, and panted.

"The principal is still here."

"That night when the school exploded, the principal didn't even know where the cat was. After you fucked the Dragon King to the ground, he came out and announced that the crisis was over. Looking at the excited people at that time, those who didn't know thought he was the one who killed him. Where is the Dragon King!" Lu Mingfei seemed to be complaining about Lin Nian.

"If the principal can't do it, there's always someone else who can."

"Are you kidding? Who else is good except you? Who is the best at Kassel Academy? Of course Lin Nian, but me?" Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes at Lin Nian's back.

"Why can't it be you?" Lin Nian suddenly said, "Actually, I have always felt that if I were not here, the spotlight of the 'S'-level rising star in the academy should belong to you. You are the destined dragon slayer."

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment and said, "Don't make trouble, my friend. I can kill a pig with a soft hand, and I even killed the Dragon King."

"Is it really impossible?" Lin Nian turned to look at Lu Mingfei with clear eyes, "In that battle under Baidi City, everyone thought you made a lot of contributions."

"That's all what I wrote in the report. It's not like you don't know, or you asked me to make it up." Lu Mingfei shook his eyebrows and whispered.

"No, that's not what I meant." Lin Nian said, "Lu Mingfei, you did do some very important things, which are enough to tilt the entire battle situation, but only you know what you did, and what you paid for Only you know."

"." Lu Mingfei was silent, lying on the ground slightly sideways, really like a dead dog that didn't want to move on a hot day.

"If you were the only person who entered Baidi City that day instead of me, I bet you were the last person to walk out of Baidi City, not the Dragon King." Lin Nian looked sideways at Lu Mingfei on the floor and said with a smile.

"So confident in your buddy?" Lu Mingfei turned his head helplessly and looked at Lin Nian.

"Yes, I have always had confidence in you, ever since I first met you." Lin Nian leaned against the window and looked down at him and said, "Others always think that I am protecting you, but in fact you and I both know it. Yes, you never need anyone to protect you, you just need someone to buy you time."

"What time do I need? To suppress the flying dragon or to build a nuclear bomb?"

"You said." Lin Nian walked to Lu Mingfei and knelt down to look at him and asked, "If that day in Baidi City, no one could solve the alchemy matrix of the Seven Deadly Sins, and only you and me would be left. But in the end only If you can go out and save the world alone, who do you think will go out in the end?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned, looking at Lin Nian not knowing what to say.

Lin Nian looked at his appearance and nodded lightly: "It seems that you finally understand what you need time for."

"What do I understand?"

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, but Lin Nian didn't say anything. He stood up, kicked him and left the kendo club, leaving only an empty room. Lu Mingfei was sitting alone on the ground, staring blankly at the window. A glimpse of the moon shadow.

Shao Nanyin fell from the container as lightly as a cat. After landing, she raised her head and met the golden eyes in the ravine that also looked up at her. At that moment, the blood all over her body suddenly rushed like a river, and her scales tightened. stretch.

The figure in the distance was lying in the ravine on the ground, and the rain fell from the sky and washed away the dark limbs. He looked up at the sky, and the overflowing things in his eyes disappeared bit by bit with the cold rain falling on his cheeks, leaving only There's only a hint of gold.

For a moment, I felt that the thing slowly climbing up from the ravine in the distance was no longer a boy, nor a hybrid. It was a monster possessed by an evil spirit. No weakness or hesitation can be seen, only the fierce eyes of a lonely and tired lone lion are left.

He has awakened.

Shao Nanyin thought so for no reason. If from the beginning, the boy named Lu Mingfei still imagined that someone would come to save him or drag him out of this cold and tangled situation, then from now on he has abandoned all ridiculous thoughts and faced the facts. Just like a crying child who no longer cries, but holds the knife for cutting fruit, staring at you sharply and crazily, thinking about where to stab it to release more blood.

No one would save him, and no one would answer his call. In the face of danger, he always used to pray to the gods, but this time the gods threw him into a desperate situation. He was used to waiting again, but what he waited for was only behind him. A devil holding an umbrella, and an armor woven with dragon blood and dragon scales all over his body.

Lu Mingfei crawled out of the ravine, leaving only ridiculous fantasies behind him. He raised his right hand and moved his arms. The collision of his scales made a sweet and light sound. He raised his head and took a deep breath. During the process of inhaling, Feeling the strange and terrifying power all over his body, he lowered his head and spit out a white arrow!

A huge domain erupted from Lu Mingfei's body, breaking through the heavy rain in a spherical shape and spreading out, encompassing the dragons in the distance and most of the Nibelung roots. The laws of space and physics began to be tampered with, and then violently shrank after completion. , collapsed into that person’s body and was filled! Fulfillment!

Bloodline Origin: King of Sky and Wind.

Word spirit moment.

The voice of Lu Mingfei's most familiar friend was temporarily held in his hands at this moment. At the moment of release, he started climbing from level 7. The moment he raised his head, pale high-temperature gas spurted out from the gaps in each scale. The huge water flow was instantly stirred up by the attack. He turned into a shadow and killed the enemy in the distance!

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