If I don't have money to go to college, I can only go to slay the dragon.

Chapter 977 Bloodline Origin: King of Sky and Wind

'Word Spirit·Lunar Eclipse' is really a very strange Word Spirit. Compared to Word Spirit, after gaining the ability to "construct", Lu Mingfei prefers to call it 'Power' rather than 'Word Spirit'. .

That is the power that can shake the cornerstone of the world's rules. It does not require chanting, nor does it require the flashing of the golden eyes as a warning light before launching the ultimate move. When he was given to him by Lu Mingze, it was like his There is an extra door in the body, and each person corresponds to a key. Different powers come out from behind the opened door.

Lu Mingfei got the 'Word Spirit Valkyrie' from the SEAL team captain and fighting teacher of the school engineering department in a short period of time. From the orthodox 'Yue', he stole the 'Word Spirit Sword Control' for a while. ’, without consent or recognition, he seized it arbitrarily and arbitrarily, and now the power he stole has reached a new level.

A pure-blooded dragon, fourth generation. Lu Mingfei's golden eyes reflected the reminder of the completion of the construction of 'All full'. Naturally, the ancient knowledge and mysterious spiritual words also filled his memory. Although it was a short-term possession, at least it was Now, there was no difference between him and Shao Nanyin who was grinding his teeth and sucking blood in front of him.

After the construction was completed, the first difference Lu Mingfei felt was his perception of airflow. He seemed to have a new organ. This organ did not have any entity that could be observed with the naked eye, but it was spread throughout every part of his body. With an inch of skin, they can give Lu Mingfei some 'information' that he has never been able to discover with an indescribable new way of perception.

element. To be more precise, it is the element of wind. Buddhism believes that earth, water, fire, and wind are the four elements that make up matter. The basis of alchemy recorded on the stone tablets of the Jade Record also reveals that the essence of the world is composed of these four elements. .

Different from the earth, fire, air flow, and living water that humans usually create and use, alchemists believe that the real four elements are hidden in the microscopic world at the molecular and atomic levels. It is temporarily impossible to effectively observe them with the current level of human science and technology. However, If it is discovered, then the human world will usher in a discovery no less than Joseph John Thomson's first discovery of electrons, which unveiled the microscopic world.

Hybrids never question the existence of wind, fire, earth, and water, because humans cannot observe it with any existing means, but another species can. It is a natural darling, a mysterious element for humans, In their eyes, it almost filled the whole world like light and fire. In the ancient times, they also relied on these powers to build a world pyramid as tall as the Tower of Babel.

All of the above can be found in the preface of Kassel College's "Theology of Language and Spirits I". When Lu Mingfei, who had just enrolled in the school, opened this book, his first impression was that it was nonsense. He wanted to use his wits. The professor just learned Occam's razor, but when he looked up and saw every student with their backs straight and taking notes seriously, he couldn't help but shrink his head back, remembering these things in his mind. It seems to be as nonsense as the DND rule book.

Looking at it now, Lu Mingfei was very lucky that he had managed to pass the exam in order to pass the exam, and had memorized the essential lecture notes of "Ling Ling Xue I" that Fingel sold to him over a late-night snack, which included how to use elements and dragons. The elements were explained in an extraordinarily detailed manner, which also helped him gain the ability that all alchemists dream of today, so he would not be blinded and unable to do anything.

First, mark the elements within the perception as highlighted in the sea of ​​consciousness, just like the pupils constricting to stare at the light spot. In this way, in Lu Mingfei's perception, the elements representing 'wind' became clear one by one.

Then arrange them in a language, like mathematical formulas. The more complex it is, the greater the amount of information it represents, and the greater the impact it will have on the real world reflected from the micro level. This is what all The essence of 'Word Spirit'.

After the construction of Shao Nanyin was completed, countless "formulas" appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind. He immediately chose the one with the most outrageous length. The formula was woven like the dense branches of the world tree, and then... He found that he could not successfully arrange it.

Of course he couldn't arrange it. If he was allowed to arrange it, then the Nibelung roots built by Shao Nanyin would collapse in an instant, because the first word spirit he valued was the world-destroying level word spirit belonging to the Dragon King. If you want to release, you always need a very stable big world as the "cornerstone" of your feet to exert force. Moreover, with his current state of control over the elements, he is completely unable to weave such a complex and complex calculation, just like a primary school student even if he takes Linear algebra and calculus cannot be done using formulas.

Looking for the next best thing, Lu Mingfei focused his attention on the lower-level formulas. Very simply, he discovered a familiar formula, which was the 'moment' that he had seen and felt countless times. .

The phrase "I've never eaten pork but I've seen pigs run" is a perfect way to describe the current situation. Lu Mingfei quickly understood that what he really needed among these complicated words and spirits was something he could skillfully use and control. , instead of forcing the pursuit of high-level speech spirits and complex formulas.

So in a matter of seconds, he commanded the ubiquitous elements to write the formula into a formula and engraved it on his body. The power of the wind from all directions was sucked into his mouth and nose, and countless turbine-like airflows Running through his body, some rules have been tampered with to be more suitable for high-speed action!

In Lu Mingfei's eyes, when the 'moment' was released, everything slowed down, and the sound of the pouring rain was extended dozens of times. He could see every drop of rain falling in front of his eyes, and Shao Nanyin's scales were like water in the distance. It looks like a water droplet that is crushed between the gaps when flowing.

Lu Mingfei burst into laughter with some joy. It was an expression of joy that he could not restrain from the expanding power. The completion of the construction of 'Moment' reached the seventh level. This was not Lu Mingfei's limit, but Shao Nanyin's. A full seventh level of Setsuna, a terrifying height that countless users of Setsuna could not reach, now this power was easily held in his hands.

Lu Mingfei didn't forget what he should do. The moment he clenched his fist, he sprinted forward. Even the wind around him couldn't catch up with him. Everything was so slow! so slow! As he accelerated and ran, everything in front of him seemed to have entered a tunnel of light and collapsed towards the edge of his sight!

He approached Shao Nanyin at an incredible speed. Shao Nanyin still stood there and stared at his previous position without moving.

Lu Mingfei raised his foot and kicked sideways towards the waist of the slender monster covered in scales and armor. The next moment, Shao Nanyin's eyes suddenly trembled. A field identical to that of Lu Mingfei exploded and collapsed. She was like The stone statue suddenly came to life. In the slow-motion world, it quickly raised its left leg to block Mingfei's kick.

But Shao Nanyin was still a step slower. Lu Mingfei's right foot that originally kicked towards her waist suddenly retracted and hit her temple at a faster speed and a higher height. The huge force was like the impact of a truck. She flew out, crashed through three cargo boxes in a row, and rolled dozens of times on the ground at high speed before coming to a stop.


Lu Mingfei felt no pride after this kick, only fear, because he guessed correctly that all his power now was stolen Shao Nanyin, so if he could release the word spirit of 'Snap and Moment', the other party would also do the same. Yes, his successful kick was only because Shao Nanyin started slowly and was misled by his change of direction.

A large pool of black and red blood spilled onto the ground, like highly corrosive sulfuric acid constantly eroding holes on the ground. Shao Nanyin's temples were bleeding like a fountain as she rolled to the ground. When she held her forehead and raised her head, the blood-soaked gold Tongli finally revealed the violence and ferocity of the alien species!

The new spirit of speech spread from Lu Mingfei's body, and countless transparent sickles moved in the heavy rain. Their bird-like and snake-like figures could only be vaguely detected from the occasional disturbance of the rain.

Yan Ling·Kamaitatsu.

Bloodline Origin: Lord of Sky and Wind

Lu Mingfei is also familiar with the Word Spirit, which belongs to the same lineage as the King of Sky and Wind. Caesar Gattuso is a hybrid around him who is proficient in using Kamaita. Curiosity, his understanding of this Yanling is also extremely deep.

Countless wind monsters screamed and flew in the dense container factory area, flying in all directions and bringing back mixed information to Lu Mingfei. Those huge amounts of information were quickly woven into three-dimensional images in Lu Mingfei's mind. The red shadow representing the enemy in the image is rising from the ground.

"Can you release two word spirits at the same time?" After Shao Nanyin waited for the powerful self-healing power to stop the bleeding, he noticed that the malicious wind demon lingering around him had a scary expression.

"You can't?" Lu Mingfei was a little hesitant. He released Kamitachi just because he thought it would happen - no one stipulates that geometric formulas and functional formulas cannot be used in a question at the same time, right? Of course, the more words and spirits the better when fighting. He often wondered if Lin Nian could still release Setsuna when the release time was zero and not be directly invincible (he didn't know that Lin Nian could really do this)?

Shao Nanyin looked at Lu Mingfei in the distance with a sullen face and kept silent. She didn't know if the other party was hiding something, but her intuition told her that what she met today might not be a little white rabbit, but a pure white rabbit. A real monster with a good appearance.

Lu Mingfei realized his chance of winning, and then saw the sharp claws of Shao Nanyin's right hand inserted into the iron sheet of the container next to him like broken tofu. The heavy container was suddenly pulled up from the ground with a whistling sound as his waist twisted. The strong wind hurled at him.

The container was thrown with huge kinetic energy by Shao Nanyin who accelerated in an instant. Even if Lu Mingfei was now wearing scale armor, he didn't dare to take it head-on. He raised his head and stared at the parabola of the container. He made a plan in his mind and moved forward quickly. After running a few steps, he lowered his head and bent down. The container passed over his head, but when he looked up and looked ahead, he found that Shao Nanyin who had thrown the container had disappeared!

On the container where he was completing the leap, Shao Nanyin clung to the iron sheet of the container like a spider. Her heartbeat was suppressed to the point where even a sickle and a weasel could not catch it. The sound of wind and rain were her cover. Color, she is a pure-blooded dragon of the Wind King type, and of course she knows how to counter most of the speech spirits whose origins are the King of Sky and Wind!

The moment the container flew over Lu Mingfei's head, exposing the boy's unsuspecting back, Shao Nanyin no longer hid, she kicked the iron sheet violently, a tsunami of murderous intent fell from the sky, her sharp claws roared through the air at a speed that was blurry to the naked eye. Go straight to Lu Mingfei’s heart!

There was a muffled sound.

At the moment when this fatal sneak attack was about to succeed, Shao Nanyin's sharp blade suddenly hit a layer of ripples in the air half a meter away from Lu Mingfei's body. Following the impact with a stab that could penetrate steel, the ripples spread rapidly. A sphere surrounded Lu Mingfei's body.

Lu Mingfei suddenly turned around, his bright golden eyes locked on Shao Nanyin.

Yanling·dustless land.

Bloodline Origin: Lord of Sky and Wind

"Release three word spirits at the same time?" Shao Nanyin stared at the boy's face, as if he wanted to see through what kind of terrifying thing was under the boy's skin.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Lu Mingfei raise his right hand and spread his fingers. Then she immediately felt that the airflow around her was rapidly collapsing and compressing. The energy was so high-pressure that it could even be seen directly with the naked eye, appearing on the rainy night. In the center are countless chaotically rotating spherical vortices, and the pouring rain is blown away at high speed before it comes into contact!

Lu Mingfei squeezed his five fingers and made a fist. Shao Nanyin's pupils dilated, and he raised his arms to protect his vital parts. The vortex of airflow around her suddenly stopped. The next moment, three anti-tank attacks occurred simultaneously outside the 'Pure Land'. A mine-level explosion! A large amount of rain was swept away by the shock wave, forming an instant vacuum and dry zone!

Yan Ling·Yin Lei.

Bloodline Origin: Lord of Sky and Wind

Release four speech spirits at the same time!

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