The two of them were in love, and the two of them were in love.

While Jiang Shu and Yang Ruowei were flirting in the villa.

On the other side.

In a small meeting room of the artist company signed by Feng Tianqi.

Several senior executives of the company were discussing emergency public relations with Feng Tianqi.


The public opinion on the Internet is getting bigger and bigger.

If they don't do something.

I'm afraid that netizens will completely expose the sky.

In the meeting room.

Feng Tianqi sat down on the chair with a gray look.

He never thought that.

A slip of the tongue after being drunk last night.

It actually led to such serious consequences.

It's just that I don't know what CNKI is.

Are you netizens so persistent?

"Tianqi, is there any problem with the origin of your doctoral degree?" A senior executive of the company asked.

Feng Tianqi's face flashed with guilt, but as a professional actor, he quickly covered it up, "Of course there is no problem, I got my doctoral degree!"

"Then why can't people find your doctoral dissertation on CNKI?"

"Maybe it's the school that hasn't uploaded it to CNKI yet."

"Then what about you saying last night that you didn't know what CNKI is?"

"I was just joking with my fans, but I didn't expect them to take it seriously."

"In that case, things will be easy."

After hearing Feng Tianqi's explanation, the company executive breathed a sigh of relief and arranged a public relations plan.

"First of all, we would like to make a public statement here. The reason why you said that in the live broadcast room last night was that you wanted to play a joke on your fans after getting drunk."

"Secondly, didn't some netizens say that it was not much different from your doctoral dissertation? Then make your dissertation public. Is this okay, Tianqi?"

Feng Tianqi was stunned, then nodded, "No problem."

The company executives nodded, "Okay, since it's okay, let's do it, everyone take action!"

"Tianqi, every failure makes you wiser. Remember in the future, try not to do a live broadcast after getting drunk."

The agency where Feng Tianqi works is in operation.

Emergency public relations are being carried out on the Internet.

Just as planned.

First of all, it is clear that Feng Tianqi was joking last night, responding to netizens' questions about why Feng Tianqi didn't know CNKI.

Secondly, Feng Tianqi publicly released his doctoral dissertation on his personal Weibo.

In response to many netizens' questions about his doctoral degree not coming from a legitimate source.


After the emergency public relations.

Public opinion does have a tendency to reverse.

Many people believed the explanation given by Feng Tianqi.

And he posted his doctoral dissertation.

It seems that there is no shameful deal behind this doctoral degree as many people guessed.



Another shocking news was exposed.

It completely put Feng Tianqi in an irreversible situation.

One hour after Feng Tianqi published his doctoral dissertation online.

A blogger who is well-known on the Internet.

Graduated from the Chinese Department of Shuimu University.

posted a picture.

And accompanied it with a paragraph of text.

[Hahahaha, I laughed to death, brothers. I just saw that Dr. Feng published his doctoral dissertation, so I was bored and asked for money to put Dr. Feng's masterpiece on CNKI for plagiarism. ]

[The result, guess what the plagiarism rate is? ]

[98%! Brothers, I can't hold back after seeing this plagiarism rate! ]

[Brothers who have written graduation papers should know what this plagiarism rate means. This Dr. Feng should have stitched together other people's papers and changed his name and that's it! ]

[A paper with such an outrageous plagiarism rate, and a doctoral graduation thesis, actually passed the graduation defense. It's really incredible! ]

[If you can graduate with a doctorate like this, then my cousin who only studied until the sixth grade of elementary school and dropped out, who didn't even get ten points in Chinese, math, and English, and who calculated his father's age in math problems to be minus 200 years old, can also get a doctorate. ]

[Of course, as the saying goes, there is no picture to show the coolness, I have posted a screenshot of the plagiarism rate on CNKI above. If you don't know the details, you can go to CNKI and try it yourself. ]

[I can only say that compared with Dr. Feng, I, a doctoral student at Shuimu University, really seem too immature

Too young. 】

As soon as this Weibo came out.

The whole network exploded again.


When seeing this duplication rate.

Many netizens were stunned.

Damn, it really is just a name change!

I really don’t even want to pretend.

Even if you slightly adjust the word order, the duplication rate can’t be so high!

Others are music tailors.

You are a paper tailor.

The key is to tailor.

You cut other people’s clothes and don’t know how to fix them, but just wear them on your body.

Do you still have any shame!


As soon as this Weibo came out.

Netizens fell into a state of turmoil again.

"96% duplication rate. To be honest, when I was in elementary school, I copied my classmates' summer homework and even made some mistakes on purpose. But Feng Tianqi doesn't even pretend."

"I just went to CNKI to try it myself. It's really 96% duplication rate. It's so far off!"

"If my paper had such a high duplication rate, my supervisor would have slapped me in the face and expelled me from the school!"

"I dare to say now that there is no shady dealings or backroom dealings in Feng Tianqi's doctoral degree. I will eat the computer screen in front of me!"

"I thought Feng Tianqi was going to turn around, but it was even worse!"

"This wave can be said to be a complete hammer. Feng Tianqi is definitely a fake academic qualification!"

All of a sudden.

Feng Tianqi was criticized by thousands of people on the Internet.

It can be said that if you pass by a dog, you have to spit before you leave.

It is estimated that even Feng Tianqi himself did not expect it.

He published his doctoral dissertation to prove his innocence.


Instead, he beat himself to death!

The kind that can never turn over.

96% of doctoral dissertations are found to be plagiarized.

Any normal person.

would think that Feng Tianqi's doctoral degree was not obtained legitimately.


In Feng Tianqi's company.

Seeing the wind direction on the Internet change again.

He was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Just as many netizens on the Internet speculated.

His doctoral degree was indeed obtained through some shameful means.

Not only the doctoral degree, but also the undergraduate and master's degrees.

As for the graduation thesis.

He spent 250 yuan to find someone to write it on Taobao.


The seller on Taobao turned out to be a black-hearted merchant.

He gave him a paper with such a high plagiarism rate.

"The black-hearted merchant is so hateful!!!"

Feng Tianqi was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

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