The truth is that the truth is not true.

While Feng Tianqi was wailing in his office.

Yenching University finally stopped pretending to be dead.

It announced the establishment of an investigation team to investigate Feng Tianqi's academic fraud.

And the investigation results will be announced to all sectors of society as soon as possible.

The surging emotions of the public on the Internet were slightly relieved.

No one wants a public figure who has academic misconduct to continue to live freely in the entertainment industry.

At least.

Let Feng Tianqi get the punishment he deserves.

In fact, there is nothing to check about Feng Tianqi's academic fraud.

Everyone can see that there is a problem.

And the tutor who is responsible for Feng Tianqi is also to blame.

So, on the evening of that day.

Yenching University announced the results of the investigation through its official blog.

[After investigation and verification, our doctoral graduate Feng Tianqi had academic misconduct during his undergraduate, master's and doctoral studies, and had money transactions with his tutor and the staff of our school's teaching and research department. ]

[He used money to open the door and made it easy for Feng Tianqi to obtain a bachelor's degree in the process of writing and defending his graduation thesis. ]

[In response to this academic misconduct, the school party committee decided after research to give Feng Tianqi's tutor and the staff of the teaching and research department a serious warning. ]

[At the same time, the undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees issued by our school to Feng Tianqi were taken back and he was expelled. ]

[Our school deeply apologizes for the adverse effects caused by this incident. In the next step, our school will strengthen the review and control of graduation students' papers, eliminate the style of graduation defense in the school, strictly require the rate of duplicate checking of graduation papers, and improve the quality of students' graduation papers! ]

As soon as this statement from Yenching University came out.

This is the final conclusion of this matter.

Feng Tianqi's doctoral degree was not obtained through his own strength.

Instead, he used money to pave the way.

He got it through improper bribery.

With this statement from Yenching University.


Feng Tianqi's reputation has completely collapsed.

The kind that even gods can't save.

Feng Tianqi is most famous for his academic bully personality.

Now his personality has collapsed.

It is almost impossible for him to continue in the entertainment industry.

Soon, major TV stations and online platforms announced a full network ban on Feng Tianqi.

All TV series he participated in and programs he served as a guest on were removed from the entire network.

As for the director of the TV series that Feng Tianqi just played the leading role in and finished filming, he even cried and fainted in the toilet.

Moreover, the punishment Feng Tianqi received is far more than that.

Academic fraud!

And it involves bribery.

This is not only against basic morality.

It even violated relevant laws.

The local police went directly to Feng Tianqi's company and gave Feng Tianqi a pair of free silver bracelets.

It is estimated that Feng Tianqi will have to use a sewing machine in prison for a while.


Feng Tianqi's academic fraud was confirmed.

The house collapsed completely.

He himself was banned from the entire network and went to jail to use a sewing machine.

Everyone thought that this matter.

was over.

But in fact, this was just the beginning.

Feng Tianqi's academic fraud incident became a fuse.

A fuse that set off a nationwide academic atmosphere rectification.

And the object of rectification.

is those students who are busy writing graduation theses.

The day after Feng Tianqi went in.

The Ministry of Education of China announced five typical cases of academic misconduct.

Among the five typical cases, the first one.

is Feng Tianqi's academic fraud incident!

After the typical cases were announced.

The Ministry of Education issued a red-headed document, announcing that a long-term academic style rectification campaign would be carried out in the national education system.

The focus of the rectification includes the following three contents.

First, those who engage in money transactions during the graduation process.

Second, those who engage in fraud in the graduation defense.

Third, those who engage in shoddy writing in the graduation thesis and have a high rate of plagiarism!

At the same time, the red-headed document also said.

Starting this year, a thesis sampling mechanism will be implemented.

That is, every year, the Ministry of Education will select a certain number of papers from the graduation thesis database of major universities across the country for re-examination and review.

Once it is found that the selected papers have fraud, shoddy writing, plagiarism, and high rate of plagiarism.

It will cancel its already

degree certificate obtained.

It can be said to be extremely cruel.

What is even more cruel is.

Graduation theses of a school in the past thirty years will be in the large pool for random inspection.

In other words.

A graduate in his fifties, nearly half a century old, is more likely to be selected as unqualified for inspection and have his degree certificate revoked.


After the release of the red-headed document of the Ministry of Education.

Major universities across the country followed up.

Carry out relevant work according to the focus of rectification.

And the first thing many universities did unanimously.

That is.

Raise the requirements for the rate of checking for plagiarism in graduation theses.


Before this.

As long as the rate of plagiarism in the graduation thesis of an undergraduate graduate is not too high, it is around 50 to 60 percent.

The tutors turned a blind eye.

If you muddle through, you can successfully pass the graduation defense and get a degree certificate.

Because the tutors don't expect how well an undergraduate's graduation thesis will be written.

Ordinary graduation thesis and excellent graduation thesis.

In their eyes.

It is just the difference between an ordinary piece of shit and an exquisite piece of shit.

It is just producing academic garbage.

For this reason.

Most schools are not very strict about the index of thesis duplication rate.

Just don't be too outrageous.

But now, because of Feng Tianqi's academic fraud, the whole network is boiling.

The Ministry of Education directly issued a red-headed document and launched a special rectification campaign.

The beautiful days of the vast number of college students are gone forever.

Especially for those students who are about to graduate.

It has fallen from the clouds to the eighteenth level of hell.

Many graduates.

Have been notified by their supervisors.

This year, the standard for the rate of graduation thesis duplication rate has been raised.

Before, it was less than 50% or 60%.


It has been directly reduced to less than 10%.

It has become a single digit!

The difficulty of writing papers is not the same level as the one with a single-digit duplication rate and a 50-60% duplication rate.

You have to know.

An academic paper must have other references more or less.

These references alone can account for a lot of duplication in the paper.

Add some other content.

Even if it is a purely original academic paper, the duplication rate will be more than 10 or 20.


For college students, especially undergraduates, it is impossible to write an original academic paper with their abilities.

They all refer to seniors or other teachers in the same field.

Single-digit duplication rate.

Kill them!


That night.

In colleges and universities across the country, countless graduates were wailing in pain.

By the way, Feng Tianqi's ancestors were cursed.

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