It was late at night.

It was a little after three in the morning.

Below the comment section of Feng Tianqi's Weibo.

There were many more comments.

They were all college students who stayed up late to revise their papers and couldn't help but come over to scold Feng Tianqi.

"It's three in the morning, Feng Tianqi, are you asleep? I can't sleep anyway!!"

"I just received a notice from my supervisor saying that the rate of plagiarism in graduation thesis must be reduced to below 8% this year, otherwise the graduation certificate and degree certificate will not be issued! 8%, I am so worried that I can't sleep at all!"

"The person I hated the most before was the good friend who didn't take me to the foot massage parlor. Now, there is another person I hate the most, that is Feng Tianqi who made me get up at three in the morning to revise my thesis!"

"I was also notified by my supervisor that the rate of plagiarism in graduation thesis has been reduced to single digits. I am now looking at my graduation thesis with a plagiarism rate of more than 50% and tears are streaming down my face."

"Brothers, This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that on CNKI, each time you check the plagiarism of a graduation thesis, you need to pay a fee. To reduce the plagiarism rate to single digits, it means that you have to check it at least four or five times, and spend thousands of dollars. "

"Woo, this makes my already poor life even worse. It can be expected that I will have to live a hard life of eating bran and vegetables for a while! ! "

"Do you know how round the moon is at midnight? How cold is the rooftop at three in the morning? How big is the sun at five in the morning? You don't know anything! You don't even know CNKI!"

"The hatred of the thesis is irreconcilable, you better sleep with both eyes open at night!"

In the comment area.

It can be said that there is a wailing.

In just one night.

The number of comments reached 100,000+!

All of them are scolding Feng Tianqi.

Because of Feng Tianqi.

Almost all colleges and universities in the country have raised the requirements for the plagiarism rate of graduation thesis.

It hurts the students who are about to graduate.

Staying up late to revise the thesis.

While revising, he cursed Feng Tianqi, the culprit, in his heart.

You are fine after going in, and you even have a government job.

And what about us?

We can only shed tears and cry while staying up late to revise the graduation thesis word by word.

You are academically dishonest.

And we are just academically incompetent!



A male dormitory of a university.

As a die-hard fan of Jiang Shu, Zhang Yang, who is about to graduate from university, is also cursing while revising the thesis.

"Damn, it's so hard to reduce the rate of plagiarism. I worked all night and only reduced it by 10%. It needs to be reduced by at least 20% to pass." Zhang Yang half leaned back in the chair, with a look of despair.

Then he looked around at everyone in the dormitory, "Brothers, do you have any good ideas? Let me learn from you."

One of Zhang Yang's roommates rolled his eyes and said, "I do have an idea, but it's a bit unethical."

Zhang Yang is now desperate and trying all kinds of methods. "I don't care if it's unethical or not. I just want to reduce the rate of plagiarism in the paper and get my diploma smoothly."

"Okay." The roommate sighed, "After a night of research, I summarized two more effective ways to reduce the rate of plagiarism in the paper. One is called synonym replacement, and the other is nonsense literature."

Zhang Yang: "For example?"

Roommate: "Give me an example. For example, synonym replacement."

"Tomato scrambled eggs can be replaced with tomato stewed chicken eggs."

"Semi-colonial and semi-feudal, replaced with zero The colonies 0.5 feudal. "" One yuan secondary equation, replaced with two pentagrams and two equations. The old saying "" Where is the fall? "" When the avalanche, every snowflake was collapsed. Zhang Yang: "..." At this time, another roommate pulled his chair and sat over.

The method of reducing the weight of nonsense. "

"For example?" Zhang Yang asked subconsciously, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

The roommate's mouth corners slightly raised, and he began his performance.

"I think that pasta should be mixed with No. 42 concrete. Because the length of the screw can easily directly affect the torque of the excavator!"

"When you smash it in, a large amount of high-energy protein, commonly known as UFO, will be produced, which will seriously affect the development of the economy, and even cause certain nuclear pollution to the Pacific Ocean and the charger."

"According to the Pythagorean theorem, it can be easily inferred that artificially raised Tojo English chickens can capture wild trigonometric functions."

"There are such high-speed machines entering China. Remember the principle I gave when I was young."

"Why is it that the descendants of the five generations of the same family are in charge of this kind of underground production? All the Huanglongjiang faction wear Bluetooth!"

"Huanglongjiang, I tell you, in the underworld, it is that pseudonym, the pseudonym of my uncle! ”

This roommate’s words.

Directly controlled Zhang Yang and the others for more than two minutes.

Couldn’t say a word.

“If you want to talk about being awesome, you’re awesome!” Zhang Yang couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

These roommates of his.

They are really talented!

They are worthy of being contemporary college students!


On the Internet.

The wailing of a group of college students.

Attracted many other netizens who were watching the fun.

“Hahaha, fortunately I graduated last year and didn’t have to be affected by Feng Tianqi’s academic misconduct.”

“My greatest pleasure today is to watch a group of younger students staying up late to revise their papers in the forum of my alma mater.”

Among them, there are many students who have already graduated, gloating heartlessly.


An unlucky guy appeared again.

“Woo woo woo, everyone, don’t think that everything will be fine after graduation! The Ministry of Education has begun to implement a random inspection system for graduation theses. Unfortunately, I was selected. "

"Just now, my university tutor informed me that I should hurry up to revise my graduation thesis, otherwise, my degree certificate I have already obtained will be directly cancelled."

"But I have graduated for five years, and I don't know where the manuscript of my graduation thesis was thrown away!"

"Oh, I won't say it anymore. I will go to my grandfather and grandmother to find my thesis manuscript back!"

Just as this netizen said.

The day after the document was issued.

The Ministry of Education launched the random inspection of thesis of past graduates.

Major universities across the country.

There are more than a dozen unlucky graduates who were selected.

Those who failed the random inspection were directly sent back for rewriting.

If the rewriting is still unqualified.

The degree certificate will be directly cancelled.

The former graduates who were originally gloating over the misfortune, after hearing this news, they directly ate the melon on themselves.

Became panic-stricken.

Fearing that they would be selected , because the thesis was not qualified, the degree certificate was revoked.

No one wants to graduate from college for several years and return to high school!

The most direct result is.

There are more curses under Feng Tianqi's Weibo.

This time.

It's not just the graduates of the current year who are cursing.

Graduates of previous years are also cursing because of the emergence of the thesis sampling system.

College students who have not yet reached the graduation year are also cursing.

Because according to the current situation.

In a few years, it is only a matter of time before they enjoy the "blessings" brought by Feng Tianqi's collapse.

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