Cold Harbor.

It is close to the northern land and is an ice-free port with natural advantages.

It has a prosperous and dense population and faces the Arctic Ocean.

The cold current from the land of Ego swept in, making the winter in this city very unbearable, with extremely low temperatures and so cold that it was speechless.

Especially the whistling cold wind. The port residents believed that the thieves in Cold Harbor dared not commit crimes easily because the cold wind would cut off the thieves' fingers.

But that was just a rumor.

Those guys lived comfortably in this port city.

The cold winter could not resist the pursuit of wealth and trade by humans, and countless ships anchored here in winter. There were many docks, and a steady stream of materials were shipped here, supporting tens of thousands of professionals from all walks of life.

The air here is filled with a strange salty smell mixed with fish, ocean and feces; the streets of the port are narrow and winding, and the houses on both sides are low and dilapidated; the magnificent dome cathedral is spectacular, and the five towering towers are like Arctic watchers; and there are surprisingly many taverns and hotels, some of which are opened in the downtown area, and some are hidden in narrow alleys.

There are many people active here, including noble noble knights, skilled craftsmen, Arctic people who have traveled from afar, busy businessmen, low-level laborers and even rats in the sewer.

Some people's identities are known at a glance and they disdain to hide.

But some people hide their heads and show their tails and are unwilling to expose themselves.

They have different origins and are crowded and noisy like a hodgepodge, composing a unique cold port style.

After Morey arrived at the cold port and unloaded the last batch of salt, he hurriedly asked the crew to set sail.

The last batch of salt had about 10,000 kilograms left, which ordinary towns could not eat at all.

This time, he brought a full 100,000 kilograms of salt from Sige Town. He thought that this kind of essential product should be able to dissolve in the market as quickly as maltose.

But he was a little optimistic.

The salt trade in Sige Town affected the upper and lower reaches of the Bro River, and the market was close to saturation.

He had to transport the salt to a farther place.

Since this year, a large amount of salt has poured into the market, making it more difficult to sell salt. The price in some places has even fluctuated. The nobles behind the other salt-producing areas may have realized that there is a strong and brutal force stirring the market in the dark.

At the latest in the spring of next year, the nobles who are late to the party will find Sige Town.

Either negotiate or go to war.

The salt production in a certain place is too high, and it cannot be sold without a price reduction.

The salt production in Sige Town must be suppressed, otherwise, in the long run, it will only make everyone lose money.

Morey is not worried about the safety of the young lord.

Salt mines were discovered in the territory of low-level nobles. Either be kicked out or become one of the controllers.

The former is easy to understand. With a shallow background, weak foundation, and unwillingness to find partners, they will naturally be kicked out.

The latter only needs to share profits and form alliances to protect the salt mine from being taken away.

This is what Roman needs to worry about.

Morey doesn't believe that the ambitious lord will fall on this matter.

Besides, although the signboard of the cracked armor is shaky, it can still kill people if it falls.

He has dozens of brothers and sisters. Some of them are married to nobles or knights, and some are nobles and knights themselves. The descendants of big families should not lack partners.

In order to clear the inventory quickly, Morey chose to lower the price.

For other businessmen, this approach will make much less money, or even work in vain.

But his advantage is that the purchase price is low. Roman gave him a huge discount, 50% off the purchase price, so he can make a lot of money even if the price is lowered.

Even so, he still delayed a lot of time.

The slaves have not been purchased yet.

If you want to buy slaves on a large scale, it is best to contact slave traders to trade in the wild.

In this way, there is no price difference and no tax.

Otherwise, the price of a barely healthy slave is about 1 silver coin - the price standard of slaves comes from the slave house.

When you drink in a tavern, the price of beer cannot be calculated according to the wholesale price.

Morey bought wine in the tavern and then sold it to Roman Chun out of helplessness.

The lord was thirsty for slaves, and Morey could not contact slave traders in the wild in the short term, so he had to buy ready-made ones.

He currently has sufficient financial resources and is not in any financial difficulties.

The largest number of residents in Cold Harbor are Arctic people, and most of them come from the land of Ego, and the land of Ego is rich in pirates.

But through layers of relationships, Arctic people are not equal to pirates.

They are also natural navigators, adventurers and shrewd businessmen, and often act as a buffer between the sea and the land.

Pirates find them to sell stolen goods, and land people find them to trade goods.

Most slave houses in Cold Harbor are also opened by Arctic people.

On the way to the slave house, Morey was thinking about how many slaves he would buy this time. If he couldn't make money, he wouldn't make money. He would just treat it as an investment in the future shelter.

But when he saw four or five cloaked figures on the narrow streets of Cold Harbor.

Morey's face changed drastically and he turned around and left.

How did he meet this group of plague gods?

His heart was pounding and his steps became more and more chaotic.

Morey returned to the port and never mentioned the purchase of slaves. He immediately ordered all sailors to set sail.

But when he returned to the cabin, before he had time to breathe a sigh of relief, his heart suddenly rose to his throat.

I saw a cloaked figure in the empty cabin.

Morey pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty: "Madam, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Don't panic, it's me." Shasta lifted his hood, his bright red eyes were tired, and his delicate face was like a pearl covered in dust.

Morey wanted to cry but had no tears. I knew it was you, so I panicked.

He asked. "How did you escape from the siege in the northern land?"

That siege lasted for nearly half a year. The main force of the Church could not cross the Black Iron Kingdom, and could only send small groups of demon hunters to fight with the legendary Frost Tribe.

It is said that 300 demon hunters died, enough to flatten the territory of any earl. Why didn't you die there?

"My sister picked me up..." Shasta sat on the cargo box to rest, like a seabird that had been flying for several days and found a place to stay.

She was very weak. She had been running around for months and fleeing in a panic. In the end, she escaped from the northern land like a stray dog.

As soon as the voice fell, Morey felt the ship sway slightly.

He turned his head and saw an unusually tall cloaked man on board.

He looked up at the man, who bent down, entered the cabin, and lifted his hood.

Morey thought it was the warrior guarding the witch, but he found it was another witch.

Her skin was as pale as marble, her eyes were icy blue, and her body was unusually tall, more than two meters tall, beautiful and tall. The only flaw was the narrow and hideous scar on her right cheek, which destroyed her deep but soft face.

Morey's face turned green!

He remembered the legends that the merchants from the north had heard during this period of time - the Nightmare Witch had an incarnation of wind and snow beside her, who killed at least three-digit demon hunters by herself.

"Shasta, is this the ship we are going to take next?" Morey heard the tall white-haired witch speak in human language, with a somewhat awkward accent.

Without waiting for Shasta's response, he immediately argued, "No, no, no, I have something important to do, I can't take you!"

Then, Morey saw the three witches in cloaks ignore his words and get into the cabin. They all breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had found a safe haven.

The sailors and crew members were a little at a loss, not knowing whether to stop them.

"This ship is for you, you can go anywhere." Morey said angrily, turning around and leaving.

He swore that he would never let witches board the ship.

This group of scourges will only bring greater scourges.

Lord Roman is still waiting for him to transport slaves. Now more than forty days have passed. If he doesn't fulfill his promise, how can he live in a safe house in the future?

Will he be displaced with these witches in the future? Make the world his home?

That's not funny at all!

Shasta leaned on the bulkhead, with black hair falling on the side of his face.

She looked up at the cabin ceiling, a little weak, and said, "Son of Serin, send us to see Serin. You must abide by the contract, otherwise you will be removed from the Perea family!"

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