"Morey hasn't been here for a long time." Roman said to Seth.

To be precise, more than a hundred days have passed.

Since the merchant left in the autumn, he has never appeared in the town of Sage.

Seth replied: "Maybe something delayed him."

For a businessman, a delay of one or two months is not a big deal.

However, winter is almost over and he is still missing.

Most likely he has encountered a bigger trouble and has no way to get out.

The mountains are high and the roads are long, and the transportation is blocked. He has no idea whether Morey is alive or dead.

Roman can only wait for news.

Now his hand cannot reach the land thousands of miles away, and can only barely touch the Kant Territory a hundred miles away.

During this period of time.

Roman has built more than 500 empty brick houses waiting for slaves to move in.

The roads of the salt road, railway and coal road have been paved.

By the way, the blacksmith shed and the woodworking factory were renovated.

The infrastructure of Sige Town has been greatly improved, plugging the loopholes caused by Roman's rapid development.


On the 360th day since Roman came to Sige Town.

At the end of this winter, Roman called for all the forces of Sige Town.

"Dakken, have you done what I asked you to do?"

Dakken stepped forward and said respectfully: "Master, I contacted all the merchants I could find and rented more than 40 merchant ships in total."

As for whether the transportation capacity is sufficient, Roman has no idea.

Just prepare as much as possible, it's better to be prepared.

Winter is the off-season for trade, the environment is harsh, the roads are inconvenient, some rivers will freeze, and the overall demand for goods in society is extremely small, so those merchant ships are either repaired or shelved.

In this season of lean season, it is very easy to rent a ship.

They established a credit relationship with Sige Town in summer and autumn, and they definitely did not refuse this kind of leasing behavior.

They are idle anyway, so why not make some extra money.

Small ships can carry seven or eight people, while larger merchant ships can carry more than a dozen or dozens of people.

The former only costs a few silver coins to rent, while the largest merchant ships have to pay in gold coins.

And the longer they are used, the more rent they pay.

"Jet, are my warriors ready?"

Jet's face was indifferent, and he bowed slightly: "I will follow your orders."

Behind him stood six hundred soldiers in full uniform, all of whom were in a solemn military posture, like a forest of steel.

Their full set of equipment was linen lining, soft armor coat, and leather breastplate.

Coarse linen gloves, arm guards, and leg guards.

Leather walking boots.

They were dressed in uniform and looked like a whole.

They all wore dome-shaped steel helmets on their heads, scimitars and short swords on their waists, and their main weapons were spears, longbows, and long-handled axes.

The most eye-catching were the heavy armored troops, two hundred warriors, with only a short knife on their waists, wearing half-body plate armor, carrying large shields, and as solid as a mountain.


The old deacon nodded and said, "Four hundred military servants are also ready."

This is a team recruited from civilians. They don't need to fight in battle. They are only responsible for assisting in transporting supplies and providing logistical support.

Even so, these servants were selected from more than 3,000 people.

Most of them are blacksmith apprentices in the iron shed and laborers in the livestock shed. They are strong and agile enough to not drag their feet.

The entire town of Sger stopped all work that could be stopped, and everyone had to cooperate with Roman's plundering plan.

"Good! Very good!"

This winter, he either taught in the classroom, went to the military camp to ask about the well-being, or selected qualified military servants, so he naturally knew that everything was ready.

He repeatedly determined the marching route with Daken, and let the soldiers continue to train and simulate in similar environments to ensure that there was nothing wrong.

In order to improve the combat capability of the apostles.

Roman smelted dozens of gold coins, hundreds of silver coins, and thousands of kilograms of enchanted steel, greatly improving the combat capabilities of some individual soldiers.

Directly squandered all the metal currency and extraordinary resources.

This trip was well prepared, and there was no possibility of failure.


Roman's definition of the "Spring Plan" was very flexible.

It was basically based on the development of Sige Town.

It could start before the arrival of spring to provide nutrients for the next spring.

It could also start in the next spring, which was worthy of the name.

It could also be carried out after the end of the next spring.

And now, it is undoubtedly the first one, plundering a large number of people before the end of winter to contribute to the construction work next year.

The Pirate Conference, the destruction of the Guardian Family...

When Roman learned of these two pieces of news, he knew that he had to seize the time to develop.

So he had to launch the Spring Plan in advance.

Throughout the past winter, he was actively preparing for this plundering war.

All soldiers, the shortest of them, had undergone three months of high-intensity military training.

They had a poor foundation, but they had been eating fish and meat for a long time, and the training intensity was extremely high.

Although they were not iron-clad soldiers, they had also undergone a preliminary transformation and became qualified soldiers.

He rode a white horse and gave a pre-war speech.

"You know what you are going to do on this trip!"

"Accept the will of heaven and save the suffering people. Listen to my orders and don't waver! This is a just act and an honorable act!"

Roman raised his right fist high, like a semicircle.


All the soldiers also raised their right fists, and their strong arms formed a semicircle, complementing Roman's right arm.

The military salute designed by Roman forms a circle when saluting each other, like a divine ring.

"Set off!"

Roman shouted.

"Set off!!"

The responses were deafening.

Everyone got into action quickly.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

Hundreds of rafts were pushed into the water by carpenters, and each raft carried twelve warriors as they sailed down the Buro River and out of the basin.

This is the first battle in Sig Town, and Roman is among them.

Because there were so many apostles participating, it inspired the war mode of "Noah's Ark".

[Main mission starts]

[In order to obtain a large number of laborers, you planned this rescue plan. The ultimate goal is to liberate the people from the dire oppression.]

[Mode: Integrated Combat]

[Current level: 0-1]

[Level name: Destiny, starting from today]

[Level Introduction: Manifest Destiny, No Limits]

[Recommendation level:——]

[Battlefield record:——]

The raft docked and the warrior set foot on land.

These rafts are not disposable and are extremely expensive to manufacture.

Even so, the transportation capacity was still insufficient, so the baggage and livestock were transported in advance, and this process took a day.

The people over at Sige Town have to take the raft back again. These are treasures and cannot be thrown away casually.

Roman came to the lower reaches. From here to the Kangde Territory, he needed to cross mountains and ridges, a total of 70 kilometers, and the mountain road was undulating.

Even well-trained warriors cannot arrive in one day.

Roman knew this well and was mentally prepared for this arduous journey.

When marching in a hurry, you cannot be fully armed.

Everyone has to put their armor and weapons on heavy vehicles pulled by draft horses, especially heavy troops.

Roman rode a white horse, leading the way, leading the convoy and military formation through the mountains.

There was a constant chirping like a chickadee ahead.

In winter, birds and animals hibernate, so those movements are extremely eye-catching.

Roman knew that it was the whistle that came from the scout team led by Duota who was exploring the road ahead.

If a problem is detected, another bird-like whistle is emitted.

There are also different sayings based on the rhythm of the whistle, such as long and short long, long and short, short and long, and it can convey as many as ten kinds of messages.

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