If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 14 Do you want to disobey my orders?

Sige Town has an agricultural officer, 16 stewards, and 30 guards.

Those stewards can only understand and convey superficial laws. They have received no education and only have basic management abilities.

The guards are semi-off-the-job people and the source of order and stability in Sige Town.

Roman felt that Maul would not let him down.

So he rode his horse with confidence and drove the group of lamb-like ignorant and ignorant children back to the manor.

Roman's manor was named Origin Manor by him.

It takes nearly 20 minutes to walk from Sige Town to Origin Manor, and only a few minutes to ride a horse.

Before Roman left in the morning, he told Bob that he would make 300 more rations for noon, and gave Bob the command of all the maids and male slaves in the manor. This was the case on the first day, and from then on. Relaxed.

Apart from studying, these three hundred children can also afford most of the labor services at Origin Manor.

If you don't understand, you can learn it. Once you learn it, you will understand it. If you don't obey, you can beat it until you obey.

Roman asked himself not being harsh on them.

Now is the land reclamation stage. Due to spring plowing, he has basically filled up all available manpower.

He called over the two clerks from the manor. One is called Germann and the other is called Hans.

They come from the city school of the Grand Duke of Cracked Armor.

This world has basic educational institutions.

Not to mention the church’s seminaries and monasteries.

Children of princes and nobles acquired knowledge through court schools.

The knight class also has a corresponding education system. However, most knights do not pay attention to cultural knowledge. These warriors only need to be literate and understand orders. Green and Aaron have been following Roman since they were young, and both of them are qualified to work as civil servants. , but it is a special case.

Finally, there are the middle class such as merchants and gentry, who obtain knowledge through urban schools, mainly involving reading, writing, arithmetic and business knowledge.

It’s barely considered half a vocational school.

The two clerks recruited by Roman came from such a school. Although they were civilians, they came from wealthy backgrounds.

They are the second sons or illegitimate sons of a certain merchant or gentry class. They will have to support themselves in the future without any assistance from their families.

Roman also paid a considerable price to find these two clerks.

Opening up the wilderness is an arduous task.

Roman offered a fee of 1.2 gold coins per year and paid three years' salary in advance, so he signed a ten-year contract.

This employment price is not cheap, it is one-half higher than the same period.

And salary is only the main part of their income, in addition to which they can also receive in-kind compensation.

A warrior knight who owns more than a thousand acres of land, including fighting and robbery, can only earn an average of 10 to 20 gold coins per year, but this does not include daily consumption.

Living a good life is considered a good life if you can save 1 gold coin every year. Most knights without territories have difficulty even supporting themselves, and they cannot repair their equipment if it breaks.

Roman said to the two. "Listen, Germann, Hans, I need you to teach those children every day, the same way your teacher treats you, be patient with them, start with math, then literacy and writing..."

Geman suddenly said: "Sir, I followed you to this land not to become a teacher."

Germann hoped to become the same position as the agricultural officer, such as judicial officer, internal affairs officer, and then manage the estate.

Instead of leading those dirty farmer kids to play charades.

"Do you think so too?" Roman noticed that the two of them were standing side by side, and he turned his attention to Hans.

This somewhat thin young man nodded slightly. His grandfather was a judicial officer for a certain great lord, helping the nobles to formulate laws, impose legal sanctions on any peasants who triggered the laws, and improve the power of rule.

But on Roman's side, they have only conducted a census during this period.

It was just a boring arithmetic game with no chance to show off its skills.

They come from the middle class, so they hope to make progress and get positions that will benefit future generations. They agreed to Roman's invitation and came to this place far away from society.

Before coming, Roman promised that they would work on the land flowing with milk and honey, and said that their social status would be greatly improved in the future - this almost designated them as the future managers of the manor.

On the other hand, they feel that they are employed by the nobility, the elite in the city, and they are completely different from the children of farmers.

As a result, now he was kicked into the dirt by Roman, living among the poor, with no hope of improving his class.

"So you are going to disobey my order?" Roman's words turned cold.

Hans swallowed, took a deep breath, and he didn't know where the courage came from. He puffed up his chest and said: "We have the right not to execute unreasonable orders. If Lord Roman insists, I will file a lawsuit with the royal court. The king's jurisdiction is superior to yours as lord..."

Under Roman's increasingly terrifying sight, his voice became smaller and smaller, so that after all the protests disappeared, Roman's eyes were more intense than ever, like a burning flame. It was a terrifying edge. The sharp feeling, every time Roman stared at one of them, that person would feel like a light on his back.

Roman said, "I hire you at a price higher than the market price. Don't talk about any of your rights in front of me. Your commission is enough for me to order you to do these things."

In these calm words, the two people deeply felt a kind of quiet power, like the sea before the storm, and on the surface it was calm, but this omen was enough to make them tremble.

Even if they died in this ghost place, their families would not get any news in three to five years.

"You have to work for me after signing the contract. You have to obey your master? Isn't it?"

Seeing the two people nodding tremblingly, Roman's expression eased a little.

"Don't think too highly of yourself, don't overestimate my patience with you, and don't try to question my decision, otherwise I will execute you directly!"

Roman walked through the two people, and the last sentence he said when he passed by them seemed to be sticky with blood between his teeth. This was not an empty talk.


Roman came to the town of Sger.

He saw the farmers who picked up dung came back at this time and began to line up to serve rice.

Roman glanced at the pile of manure.

In one morning, more than ten tons of manure should have been collected, and more has not been transported yet.

Not only human manure, but also cow, horse, sheep, pig manure, etc. are all included. A strong working ox can produce 20 to 30 kilograms of manure every day.

And these decomposed manure has a strong effect on improving soil.

But this is far from enough. Roman needs at least 100 tons of fertilizer to meet the most basic needs.

However, the manure before humus only stinks.

Roman is very satisfied with Moore's efficiency.

Some details that he did not arrange, Moore can also do well.

On the public land, tableware, tables, chairs and benches looted from the farmhouses in Sige Town are placed. They are used uniformly, otherwise it is impossible to meet so many people eating at the same time. Behind is a simple fire pit made of stones, on which are placed pottery pots and pots that are still cooking.

After Roman got off his horse, he walked over directly. As soon as he approached, he smelled a strong stench - the farmers who had been collecting manure for the whole morning were also covered with stench, so that this open-air canteen was like a public toilet.

But Roman's face was normal.

This was nothing, he would have to deal with the pile of manure himself later.

Wherever he passed along the way, farmers kept making way for a wide road, looking at him with fear in their eyes.

The new lord did not redistribute the land to them, nor did he say that he would increase taxes, let alone when they would start farming.

This made them feel uneasy and very anxious, because now was a good time to farm the land and they could not delay.

But Roman's attitude was very tough, and they had no choice for the time being, so they could only wait and see.

But the quality of the food provided at noon also shocked them.

Could this be the legendary last meal after execution?

If it were normal times, these things would be enough for their whole family to eat for a day with other supplementary foods.

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