If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 15 It shouldn't appear on this land

Roman came closer and took a look at the food, and found it was pretty good.

The dry food was beans and grains.

The black bread was bran bread.

The viscosity of the oatmeal porridge was also very high.

There was still water boiling in the pottery pot behind.

Deacon Seth had prepared food for him, just as Roman had said before.

This lunch today was also what he wanted to eat.

Roman ate very quickly, and the black bread tasted very bad, but he swallowed it directly into his stomach as if he had not chewed it.

While other farmers were still enjoying the food, Roman took More to the dung hill and started to ferment the fertilizer.

More's face was pale, because the strong stench was floating here, and the dung water was flowing everywhere, which made him almost cry.

And Roman also frowned, his stomach was constantly twitching, and he almost vomited the lunch he had just eaten.

Relying on his strong control over his body, he suppressed his instinctive disgust and aversion, picked up the tools and walked towards the pile of manure. Then, after nearly two hours, he finally made a standard flat compost pile, and finally sealed it with wet mud to ferment it at high temperature inside.

If everything goes well, it will be successfully decomposed in half a month, and there will be no odor at that time, only a lighter ammonia smell, and it will become fertilizer completely.

But it won’t work now. When Roman left there, the manure splashed on his body and trouser legs. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was a little purple.

He took a shower as soon as possible, washed himself clean, and then changed into clean clothes.

When Roman sniffed his arms and palms, his brows frowned slightly.

He felt that he was in the taste.

This smell might not dissipate for a while.

Then, Roman called Moore and told him that all the manure should be made according to his standard steps.

Any farmer who does this work can get an extra reward of two kilograms of wheat.

This step is not complicated, but it is too disgusting. It is a blow to both the body and the mind.

Roman felt that his mentality was as tough as a rock and his spirit was as strong as steel, but in the end, he still couldn't do it and was disgusted.

More thought that the group of farmers could do this even without rewards.

He felt that Master Roman had never been exposed to this kind of thing since he was a child, just like the worst state when he got carsick for the first time, and the group of low-level farmers were not unacceptable to this kind of work. They had long been accustomed to this stench. Who doesn't have a few piles of feces at home?

But More looked at Roman, whose face turned from purple to blue, and he couldn't say this.

Roman attached great importance to this matter and asked More to execute it as soon as possible.

What else can be said? The lord has made such a sacrifice. If he can't do it well, then More can only imagine his future life in the pigsty.

So he quickly arranged it.

Roman went to do something else.

He first went to the livestock shed, observed the situation of the oxen and farming tools, and then called the blacksmith in Sger Town.

The blacksmith was called Lux. He appeared in front of Roman soon after hearing the summons.

He was a middle-aged man with thick curly hair, a beard, and a lot of chest hair. He wore an open-front sweatshirt. He was quite strong, especially his arms, which were like iron hoops.

These craftsmen who mastered specialized crafts had a high social status and a very good living environment.

"You are Lux."

"Yes, sir." Lux put his hands together on his abdomen and answered respectfully.

Roman treated Lux ​​very well. He attached great importance to the meaning of these professions.

Roman asked again: "Did you make the farming tools in Sig Town?"

"Some were brought by merchants, and some were made by me, but I am usually only responsible for maintenance, sir."

Roman frowned and narrowed his eyes.

He looked at the iron plows again, bit his fingers subconsciously, and then turned his head to spit with an unpleasant look.

"How is your business in Sig Town?"

"Not very good, sir." Lux said.

The blacksmith shop's demand for iron is self-evident, but it does not have the ability to smelt it independently. It can only purchase primary raw materials such as iron ingots and iron blocks from the outside world, and then Lax will forge and forge them according to the needs of Seg Town.

However, the economic situation of Seg Town is very bad. Simply put, it is too poor to consume iron products. Only a small number of farmers have iron farm tools at home.

This phenomenon is very normal.

In this era, steel is a scarce commodity.

Most of the iron produced is used to make various military equipment, followed by the daily life of the nobles and the royal family, and then the merchants and gentry class are also in urgent need of iron, and finally there is very little left for the peasant class.

The agricultural official has a very high status in Seg Town. He controls most of the oxen and most of the iron farm tools. His worth alone is stronger than everyone in Seg Town.

Roman asked Lax: "How many iron ingots do you have?"

"Only 200 kilograms." Lax was embarrassed. He felt that Roman might confiscate his property.

This is all his property, the property of the only high-level profession in Sige Town, more valuable than eight oxen.

Roman thought for a moment.

Then he squatted down and drew a schematic diagram of an iron plow on the ground.

"Can this type of plow be made?"

Lax was very surprised and looked at it carefully, feeling a little uncertain and curious.

Roman described the specific data of this iron plow to him.

Lax estimated in his heart based on his experience and was surprised: "This big guy may consume more than 30 kilograms of iron. Moreover, it not only needs iron, but also wheels, so we need to find a carpenter."

There are many carpenters in the town of Sger, but only carpenter Vic can make wheels.

Roman reduced the materials required for this heavy plow as much as possible. He frowned when he heard this.

"I know, you come to forge this kind of thing, and I will pay you the corresponding fee."

Lax hurriedly declined, saying that Roman only needed to pay the cost.

He looked at Roman's face and said hesitantly: "But, Lord, the masters of the church said that everything is given by God and should be kept as it is. If you can't move, hell is ahead."

The church has a far-reaching influence in this land. Even in a remote place like Sger Town, it still has a huge influence.

This sentence means: For any artifacts and technologies, they are given by God, and the human race must maintain the status quo, otherwise they will fall into hell.

It's okay to let farmers pick up manure, after all, no one knows what Roman is doing.

But Lux could tell at a glance that what Roman asked him to build was a new type of plow, which violated the church's doctrine.

Roman heard this, so he stood up and said calmly: "Then let their gods say this to me in person."

Lux was a little overwhelmed when he heard this arrogant blasphemy and the arrogant attitude that hinted at disrespect for the gods.

Roman turned a blind eye. He wanted to shatter all the ideas of the residents of Sger Town and make them obey him.

What is the church! Bang Bang will give you two punches and you will be honest.

Roman continued: "This thing is very important. It must be made as soon as possible. Take me to your shop and call the carpenter."

Under Roman's urging, Lux had to lead the way.

Roman followed, frowning, and looked back at the iron plow next to the ox for the last time.

It was very strange, really strange.

The strange thing was the style of the plow.

Roman had seen the land of the Split Armor Family and the land of Sger Town.

The two are located in different places, but the soil structure is roughly the same, that is, this piece of land is basically in the same ecological environment.

This piece of land has a high water content, is too moist, and is full of clay.

When the [Planting] skill was upgraded to level 2, Roman's understanding of soil became more profound.

As the name suggests, turning the soil up means turning up the surface soil to make the soil loose.

Compared with hard beds, most crop seeds prefer to sleep on soft beds.

Although they can also turn the soil with iron plows, the plows are very light and can only scratch a shallow layer of the ground, and cannot plow deeply.

In other words, it is actually useless to use it to plow the land. At most, it can only increase the yield by 50%, which is also the main reason why the per-acre yield in this era is so tragic.

The first item of intensive farming is deep plowing of the soil.

Then the question comes.

Roman is very curious.

If the natural climate does not change drastically, the soil conditions do not become very extreme in a short period of time, and there is no sudden cooling phenomenon like the Little Ice Age.

Then why did this kind of light plow appear on this land?

This thing is more like an alien object, and it does not conform to the objective law of development.

It should not appear on this land.

The natural conditions for its birth are not available here.

Even if there is no farm tool like the iron plow, Roman can understand it.

But since he has the ability to create, why didn't the person who invented this light plow directly invent the heavy plow?

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