Roman followed Lux ​​to the blacksmith shop.

The town of Sger has a relatively comprehensive range of basic professions and can barely be self-sufficient.

But many things still rely on imports.

For example, iron ingots and iron blocks, Sger Town does not have independent metallurgical capabilities, which requires technical support and sufficient manpower, as well as the most important iron ore.

According to Roman, the Grand Duke of the Split Armor can only smelt more than 300 tons of iron ingots a year.

Iron is very scarce, and its value is naturally very high.

The currency conversion in this era is very simple.

1 gold coin for 10 silver coins, 1 silver coin for 10 copper coins.

1 gold coin contains 2 grams or 3 grams of gold, and can only buy 30 to 50 kilograms of iron ingots.

Its price fluctuations are mainly affected by the quality of the iron ingots, and sometimes you can't buy it even if you have money.

Sufficiently high-quality iron ingots can even be sold at the price of 1 gold coin 20 kilograms, and those iron ingots with too many impurities are difficult to sell.

Roman knows nothing about forging.

But it doesn't matter.

Isn't it just blacksmithing? You will learn it as you go along.

Roman looked at the iron ingots that Lux had hoarded. The blacksmith uncle admitted that he bought low-quality iron ingots, the kind that could buy 51 kilograms for one gold coin.

But it was enough to meet the basic requirements of the farmers in Sige Town for farm tools, and he couldn't be picky.

Not long after, the carpenter from Sige Town also came.

Roman said to the carpenter and blacksmith: "The heavy plow is of great importance. You must make it as soon as possible. I will ask Mor to send someone to assist you in forging. After the work is done, I will pay you an extra 2 silver coins - that is, half a plowing ox as a reward."

There is no technical content in making plows.

In simple terms, the plow is just a thick piece of iron, and it does not need to be finely processed. It only needs to be made into a general shape.

Roman did not treat Lux as rudely and harshly as he treated the farmers.

With only these two professionals, Roman could not find anyone to replace them.

And the spring plowing is imminent, and the heavy plowing cannot be delayed.

This means that they have to work overtime, and they have to get up and work after sleeping for a few hours at most. The work intensity is very high, so it is normal to give them some money.

The two people had no resistance to this matter and were very obedient, but Lux said: "Master, we don't have enough iron ingots."

Roman waved his hand: "Then I need at least 40 heavy plows to reforge the original plows in Sige Town."

Those light plows are useless.

The deep plowing of heavy plows has a great impact on grain production.

More importantly, the land that originally needed to be plowed back and forth two or three times with light plows can only be plowed once with heavy plows. It is a bit slow, but the overall efficiency of plowing is improved.

"Master, even this is not enough. Each light plow only has 9 or 10 kilograms of iron." Lux has basic arithmetic skills.

There are more than 80 light plows in Sige Town. Counting the seven damaged light plows, the total weight is only 900 kilograms at most.

Moreover, the light plows will also have a lot of loss during the reforging process, and may even be scrapped. The utilization rate will definitely not exceed 60%, and the gap is too big.

Even if only 40 heavy plows were cast, it would require more than 1,200 kilograms of iron.

Roman was a little confused, not knowing whether to melt Green's steel sword and full body armor.

The main function of the heavy plow is deep plowing. Although wood with only a layer of iron on the top can achieve a similar effect, its disadvantage is high wear rate. It will break when it hits a stone. Only pure iron plows with sufficient hardness and strength can turn the entire land.

At this time, Lax said respectfully: "Master, there should be iron blocks on the merchant ship at the dock of Sig Town. You can buy them from him."

He chatted with the merchant named Morey and knew that the latter had iron on his ship.

The mainstream of trade in this era was the business of salt, iron and cloth, but only merchants with status could do this kind of business.

When Roman heard this, he immediately set off to the outside of Sig Town.

At the dock of the Bro River, he saw several merchant ships of Morey docked there from a distance.

Morey also found that Roman came with a group of people and was immediately shocked.

Could it be that the bad-tempered witch was caught by Roman and then sold out?

At the critical moment, Morey's mind raced and he came up with three strategies. The best strategy was to kneel down and beg for mercy, saying that the witch had coerced him; the middle strategy was to buy his life and use the money to atone for his sins; the worst strategy was to act as if nothing had happened and never admit it.

Morey sadly discovered that although the middle and upper strategies were the best in the local area, they were not necessarily the best in the global area.

So he approached him nervously, pretending to be puzzled.

After learning about Roman's intention, Morey's hanging heart was immediately put down and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This action looked familiar to Roman.

He quickly remembered the agricultural officer More.

Because of his guilty conscience and kidney deficiency, that guy would sweat uncontrollably every time he saw him, as if he was afraid that he would put him in the pigpen.

It was normal for More to have this problem, but why would this Morey feel guilty?

However, Roman came to discuss business, not to ask questions. After asking, he learned that the last batch of goods on Morey's ship was exactly 450 kilograms of iron ingots.

But these iron ingots were of high quality. One gold coin could only buy 30 kilograms of iron ingots, and it would take 15 gold coins to buy all of them.

Roman frowned.

He only had about 20 gold coins in cash now.

He thought for two seconds and took out a bright red gem from his arms, which flashed a gorgeous and moving brilliance.

"What is this?" Morey's pupils shrank.

"Ruby, you should know its effect, it can make thin people strong, this quality of ruby ​​should be worth 15 gold coins." Roman threw the ruby ​​to Morey.

This was the birth gift given to him by the Grand Duke of Split Armor when he was born.

If it was given to an ordinary merchant, Roman would think that the other party could not keep such a treasure, but Morey, the son of a big merchant, would definitely be able to make use of its value.

And Morey was shocked by Roman's decision.

For those humans who are not extraordinary, such gems are really extremely precious, which can nourish the body of the wearer, strengthen the physique, and help them become extraordinary as soon as possible.

It's just that the process is long and the price is not expensive. Even a ruby ​​with a higher purity is only worth 15 gold coins, and inferior goods are only worth a few gold coins.

Generally speaking, not many people trade with gems.

Because it's better to pass it on to future generations.

Some small nobles or impoverished knights would sell their fiefdoms to keep this kind of ancestral treasure, because maybe there will be another knight in the future.

But Roman threw it out so easily.

Morey was shocked, and then said solemnly: "Dear lord, you are short of funds now, but I have no doubt about your ability to govern. This land has huge development potential. Please allow me to contribute a little to the construction of your territory and offer this 450-jin iron ingot in exchange for your friendship, and I will never accept this ruby..."

Morey held the ruby ​​in both hands and handed it to Roman, and at this time he faintly smelled a bad smell.

He originally thought it was the smell from the blacksmith and carpenter behind Roman, but when he got closer, he found that the smell came from Roman himself, as if this distinguished lord had fallen into a manure pit or played with manure for two hours.

So Morey regretted it again, feeling a little unreliable?

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