Roman's expression was cold and hard as he took the third magic steel arrow handed over by Kao.

In this barbaric and dark era, everything is fake, only force is real!

He has received various family training since he was a child, never slacking off, and is extremely hardworking.

How terrible it is for a mother-born time traveler to be self-disciplined since childhood!

At least among his peers, Roman can be said to be outstanding and one of the best.

The poundage of the Split Armor Greatbow is extremely large, and the extraordinary effect contained in it has increased his shooting power by several times.

Breaking armor like breaking paper!

It can be called a human-shaped heavy sniper rifle!

This power is only the result of him barely pulling the Split Armor Greatbow.

Before Roman set off, he specially asked Ruto to make him thirty pure iron magic steel arrows.

The powerful penetration is enough to penetrate steel plate armor. Unless wearing mithril armor or fine gold armor, it will definitely not escape the sniper range of 150 meters.

He even disdained to deal with those ordinary cavalrymen.

These magic steel arrows are very precious, and it is worthwhile to shoot extraordinary people at the level of war knights.

"Everyone disperse! Charge forward!!"

The group of war knights finally stabilized their position under the shout of a war knight and charged again.

The earl gave a death order, and a huge reward was given for catching the cracked armor!

And it must be captured!

Otherwise, it would be a shame for the white bread they ate in the past!

There is only one cracked armor!

There is nothing to be afraid of!

Because of Roman's deterrence, they started to charge at full speed directly, without any time to warm up.

The broad arrow shot from the opposite side cut through the air, enveloping the air flow, and whistling, like the death demanding life.


The third war knight was carried up by the arrow, and then fell heavily to the ground!


The fourth war knight fell to the ground with his abdomen pierced!

In less than ten seconds!

Two more war knights were shot and killed!

They heard that their hearts were bleeding, and they were even more terrified!

This loss is too great!

The more it is at this time, the more they cannot retreat, otherwise those people will die in vain!

With the life protection of his colleagues, they finally got close enough.

Roman had no time to continue shooting.

His muscles were a little sore, he jumped on the horse, took the lance handed by Kao with his left hand, pulled the white horse, and went forward head-on.

Green and Aaron guarded Roman on both sides, and the three of them rode together.

But it was Dick who took the lead in charging.

He wore a steel mask, held a lance, and rushed towards the entire cavalry team alone with a very relaxed posture.

Because of Roman, the cavalry team was not concentrated, but very scattered, hoping to increase the difficulty of Roman's shooting in this way.

Therefore, Dick charged in the direction of only one knight and four or five cavalrymen.

His posture was very relaxed, his palm held the lance firmly, and his arm was very steady. Even on the bumpy horseback, he could still hit the target accurately.



The knight who was fighting with Dick was immediately knocked to the ground by his lance. The tip of the lance pierced lightly through the crack of the throat armor and directly pierced the knight's neck.

Dick was also hit by a lance during the confrontation, but his body shook to relieve the force and did not fall off the horse.

He threw away the broken lance and met the second cavalryman.

He drew out the sharp magic steel long sword with a clang, spread his right arm, and swung it lightly without even using much force.

The cavalryman passed by Dick, and when the horse ran ten meters away, the rider's body was bumpy, and his head and body completed the separate actions, and both fell to the ground at the same time.

The so-called fast horse and light sword means that there is no need to chop, but only to use the impact speed to slash when moving at high speed.

Dick's body was seriously damaged, but under Roman's careful care, he regained some of his former physical strength.

Although it is far from the peak, this change also surprised Dick.

He thought that he was about to enter old age, and his condition would only decline year by year. In another ten years, he would become a useless old man.

Now it seems that this body still has potential for exploitation.

He was not unfamiliar with the battlefield, but now he returned to the scene of cavalry confrontation, but he did not get excited, but just a little nostalgic and sad.

He was already forty years old. Before he fled into the mountains, he was quite famous and participated in many martial arts competitions. Before he was thirty, he followed the army to fight in all directions. He had fought more battles than these country knights who had never seen the world led by Kant.

Now the first battle after leaving the mountains was against this group of crooked melons and cracked dates.

He killed all the way and killed a knight and three ordinary cavalry cleanly.

The fourth cavalry saw him chopping melons and vegetables, and hurriedly bypassed Dick and left the battlefield directly, fearing that he would also be chopped as a vegetable.



Dick, Roman, Aaron, Green. The four knights intercepted one-third of the cavalry team head-on.

The two sides fought on horseback, and people dismounted from time to time.

But this could not stop all the cavalry.

More than 20 war horses regrouped and rushed to the front.

At this moment, all the cavalry were a little collapsed.

It was too difficult.

If it were not for the earl's death order, they would not dare to launch such a charge anyway.

The light troops had no resistance to cavalry.

Not to mention a column of 100 people, even 300 people would be penetrated, mainly because they really couldn't stop the knights.

When more than a dozen cavalrymen rushed out of the siege with the help of horse speed, they kept waving weapons and slashing along the way, passing through, leaving corpses all over the ground, causing at least 30% to 40% of the archers' casualties.

However, what surprised them was that these archers who suffered heavy casualties did not collapse.

This is why the cavalry did not rush out in full force.


What does a hundred archers mean?

When the formation is deployed, the length is more than 20 meters and the width is more than 10 meters, forming an array, otherwise it is impossible to fire a volley.

This means that the cavalry cannot attack all the archers.

Unless the force is dispersed and a full charge is launched - forming a neat row and rolling over like a rolling pin.

But this requires a high quality of cavalry.

Kant County is very poor, and most soldiers are only riding packhorse-level horses, which cannot maintain a row at a uniform speed.

After a full-speed charge of 100 meters, the expedition knights have reached the end, while the ordinary riders riding packhorses are still more than 30 meters away.

Such miscellaneous cavalry have no formation to speak of.

And they are unwilling to charge alone if they can follow the road opened by the cavalry in front.

So, at this time, the enemy needs to take subjective initiative.

Normal conscripted troops would almost all flee when they were charged like this.

The long hit the short, the high hit the low, the heavy hit the light.

This was a war of crushing.

But this group of archers were not conscripted troops.

They were not even professional archers.

They only practiced for two hours a day, shooting in stages each time, shooting a total of 100 arrows.

The rest of the time was still spent on training formations and physical fitness.

Three months could not build a strong army of steel, but it was enough to lay a foundation for them and engrave discipline into their bones through physical pain.

Roman also made a pre-war mobilization.

All deserters were executed!

Those who died on the battlefield, the pension was full, and deserters were executed and got nothing.

Their beloved lord did not have such soldiers!

There was no place for them in the town of Sger!

Roman himself rushed up in front of them! Fighting right in front.

Even if they were dispersed, they would not flee easily.

This is the bottom line of the army!

Fear, panic, desire to survive, sense of honor, discipline, random thoughts, cold hands and feet, blank minds. All kinds of emotions intertwined.

Finally, when the cavalry really rushed over and their teammates were knocked away, they were able to move.

They carried many kinds of weapons, including hooks and sickles.

The archers on both sides endured the fear of facing the cavalry, using hooks and sickles to cut the horses' legs or hook the cavalry's armor.

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